I want to achieve following UI for tree item in a eclipse RCP e4 application
|> Label [image]
|> Label
|> Label
|> Label
|> Label [image]
Here a row should be capable of having different background color as well as height.I searched for such custom tree item. JFace treeItem seems to have limitations for showing images on right side, so wondering if NatTable fits for such custom tree item. Any suggestion would be helpful.
The question was if NatTable fits for such a custom tree, and the answer is yes. As NatTable is a custom painted control that doesn't build on SWT Tables and Trees, you are mostly free to do whatever you want.
From your question you have 3 requirements:
different row heights -> NatTable supports this, SWT doesn't because of OS limitations
different background colors -> NatTable supports this via conditional styling
images on the right -> NatTable supports this via CellPainterDecorator
From my experience customizing existing third party widgets is long and painful job. I almost always ended up with my own Tree and Table with custom paintListeners. If You want modify fonts, colors, background, alignments or images' placement I recommend creating simple SWT.Tree and add custom drawing.
Link to great tutorial:
Is there a way to add a custom column menu tab with my own favourite icon which on click would render my custom react component?
something like
myColDef.menuTabs: ['generalMenuTab', 'filterMenuTab', 'myCustomMenuTab']
FYI I'm using v12.0.2
What you're after can't be done I'm afraid. The grid supports React components in all sorts of ways (renderers, editors, filters etc), but not via the column menu.
I've updated the docs page to remove the gibberish issue - it'll be fixed properly in the next release, thanks for highlighting this.
This would be helpful to have. In particular for us, we'd like to filter based off row properties, and not row values. Creating our own tab to filter by cell colors that we have assigned with our own set of labels would be useful.
I agree that it would be a nice feature to have. Apparently, there's no quick out-of-the-box solution to do it. The only workaround I see is to implement your own custom Header component which would display any buttons your want.
There you can put a button to open your own custom menu, which you can implement as any regular UI component. It also means you'll need to manually implement all standard menu options that Ag-Grid provides out of the box if you need them.
My question is: I've an Eclipse RCP table in my view. The table has gridlines Visible and everything is fine. But I want all the cells of first row of the table to be merged as a single row in run-time GUI. How can I achieve this functionality ? Please, I don't expect something like adding a text over the first row obstructing it. If any API level functionality or any clues to do this are welcome.
The swt table is a native widget and does not allow you any span, neither in columns nor in rows. Even OwnerDraw (custom cell rendering) does not support this. The only way I see that could allow you to achieve this kind of hack is the swt table editor which allows you to place controls above cells:
The table editor tracks the position of single cells and positions controls above them. It hides controls when a cell is not in edit mode, show's them when the cell is in edit mode. You'd have to deactivate this default behavior and make sure the controls are always shown - this should be fairly easy.
The more challenging part would be that you'd have to find out how to place the controls above 2 or more (and not a single) cells.
The only swt control I know to support span is the nebula grid. Grid is a custom control (no native widget) and therefore offers far more possibilites.
u can use GC api to do the needs in table. u can span between two columns.
i'm new to j2me. how to set form elements (text field ,text box) width,font,alignment and other Gui related properties.
i tried to find solution for setting form background but no success. can you guide me
Firstly, J2ME is a very limited framework.
As far as I can remember if you are just using an item from the basic javax.microedition.lcdui package there is very limited styling available. It allows you to give directives on how to lay the item out on the screen and what the item's appearance mode will be.
An Item is not responsible for where it is placed and is down to the Screens layout management algorithm to place your item on the Screen. For example, the way Items are laid out on Forms and Lists differ based upon how the layout management works.
You can create your own customs items by extending CustomItem and implementing and overriding various functions to get the desired visual effect. This however is a lot of work
and the end result is not always very pleasing. You could also do the same by extending the Form class and overriding the paint methods to get your disered visual effect.
The best way to have control over form elements is to use one of the Widget like frameworks that exist and are built upon these basic J2ME classes. For example LWUIT and J2ME Polish allow you to style items in a very similar manner and layout Items using a CSS box inspired manner.
Although I have no used LWUIT so cannot vouch for it.
It seems swt table does't allow us to operate on multiple cells ?My application need a feature like this "select a range of cells, then copy cell text to excel, or paste text into cells".I think this will be a handy feature.
Any solution on this ?
best regards
Take a look at the nat table component, see http://www.nattable.org/drupal/
This component has many features that are not covered by the basic SWT table widget
For people reaching this, NatTable has been moved to Eclipse Nebula.
It also contains Grid and XViewer as table alternatives.
I need to be able to display some data in Eclipse in a grid/table control... I need things like paging, multiple column sorting, column choosing, etc. There is an SWT Table and the Nebula project has a grid in alpha.
Does what I need exist? 3rd party maybe? Doesn't have to be free, we can pay for the functionality.
I haven't seen those features implemented in a reusable widget that I can think of, they are more application-level features.
If you were to use the JFace-type viewers (SWT Table or Nebula Grid both support this style of MVC architecture, as do some others mentioned in this question), it should be possible to implement paging in the content provider, just by setting some custom offset into your dataset and then refreshing the grid.
Multiple Column Sorting:
You can do this, it just needs an implementation of the correct table sorting interface. You get passed two rows to compare, and you can compare whichever columns you like in the sorting algorithm. Again though, the interface for actually choosing which columns to sort is down to you.
Column Choosing:
This requires a grid control with cell selection. Nebula is one, SWT Table isn't. If cell selection is available, this is just a matter of catching the correct selection event (clicking on a header probably) and iterating over your rows to select the correct cells.
There is also a new "rising star" on the widget sky called "nattable 2.0". It is an opensource project and the development team is very responsive. You should take a look at nattable.org ...
You could use the facilities of table presentation offered by the BIRT plugin, that is if you are really advance table layout needs.
(source: theserverside.com)
(otherwise the classic SWT TableViewer offers already some of the feature you are after
(source: richclient2.eu) )