j2me form how to define gui properties - forms

i'm new to j2me. how to set form elements (text field ,text box) width,font,alignment and other Gui related properties.
i tried to find solution for setting form background but no success. can you guide me

Firstly, J2ME is a very limited framework.
As far as I can remember if you are just using an item from the basic javax.microedition.lcdui package there is very limited styling available. It allows you to give directives on how to lay the item out on the screen and what the item's appearance mode will be.
An Item is not responsible for where it is placed and is down to the Screens layout management algorithm to place your item on the Screen. For example, the way Items are laid out on Forms and Lists differ based upon how the layout management works.
You can create your own customs items by extending CustomItem and implementing and overriding various functions to get the desired visual effect. This however is a lot of work
and the end result is not always very pleasing. You could also do the same by extending the Form class and overriding the paint methods to get your disered visual effect.
The best way to have control over form elements is to use one of the Widget like frameworks that exist and are built upon these basic J2ME classes. For example LWUIT and J2ME Polish allow you to style items in a very similar manner and layout Items using a CSS box inspired manner.
Although I have no used LWUIT so cannot vouch for it.


TreeView instead of WebView?

Once createTreeView() has created a TreeView instance, the reveal() takes your derived implementation of TreeItem. The reveal() does not take a ViewColumn as does the WebView[Panel]. The only way the vscode extension API can specify a ViewColumn is either a ExtHostTestEditor which implements the TextEditor interface, and the WebView. So do all custom editors have to be implemented with WebView? Are TreeView(s) only for activity bar side views?
It seems odd, since there is the admonition to not use WebView(s) since they are so heavy weight. Plus there is additional effort to make the WebView's look-and-feel match the editor. The vscode-json-editor uses a WebView and I haven't found any custom editors that do not use a WebView. Validating the WebView approach would help avoid going down a whole host of rabbit holes. Thank you.
These types of views have different use cases. Here's a quick overview of each VS Code 1.28:
TreeViews can be shown in the side bar, such as in the explorer or source control section. Tree views use a data driver api where VS Code controls the presentation. This means that you get a lot for free but that you cannot fully customize the behavior of a tree view.
Use a tree view if you want to add an additional data view. A good example of a tree view would be a custom file explorer, showing the outline of an editor, or presenting a list of resources.
Webviews can be shown in an editor. They can contain any sort of html content but you are entirely responsible for the user experience of this content.
Use a webview if you need a custom user experience or need to present a completely custom view of data.

Xcode design data

Can I add to my interface builder design data that appears only in design mode?
For example - add text to labels, items to a list view, pictures inside imageviews, etc., all in design mode while using Xcode. However, in runtime, none of it will appear.
If you are coming from the Android world, I'm looking for the equivalent of the "tools" xml attribute.
There is no Hidden during runtime option AFAIK. But you can use Hidden under Attribute inspector->View->Drawing to manually hide each UI elements.

setting tab index for nested forms and canvas in smartgwt

I have a smart gwt application which includes VLayouts, HLayouts, DynamicForms, Canvas, etc in a nested fashion.
One form comes inside of another in many places across the application.
But the tab order (Navigation using Tab and Shift+Tab) is behaving in a random order in many places.
Can anyone provide some suggestions for overall archetecture of the application?
For example
Which method should be used vLaout.addMember(myPanel) or
How to properly nest the components?
should globalTabIndex be used ?
If two forms are added to a VLaoyout, how can I specify the TabIndex to specify which form's components should be focused first ?
I didnt find any proper documentaion in smartgwt website. Please help me. Any kind of suggestions will be helpful.
addMember(Widget widget) shall be used - at least in most cases.
Organize them in logical panels (all components of a form in a form container, all the forms in a layout container and all the layout containers in higher order layout containers)
Depends on your case. You are not very clear on what you want to achieve with it.
DynamicForm is a Canvas. Use focus() at the form you want to be shown firstly focused to the user.
The http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/javadoc if very useful to find out about the objects supported methods and actions.

How to implement a image list control with SWT?

Does anybody have any idea on how to easily implement a image list(like the windows explorer with medium icons) control with swt? it seems like that it could be done easily with CListCtrl in c++ on windows, but does not seem to be easy with swt? any hints are appreciated!
Up to me, you need to create your own widget (check e.g. http://www.snip2code.com/Snippet/11489/Custom-SWT-List-Box) and add composite items to your custom list.
If vertical-only scrolling is enough, I suggest you rely on a single column TableViewer. This is what I did in a project where I needed a gallery-like window allowing the user to pick a graphical component based on displayed thumbnails.
You just need to implement the proper TableLabelProvider.getColumnImage and return the desired thumbnail corresponding to your list entry.
That gives a pretty decent list-like rendering.
In addition, TableViewer API is very well documented.

GWT Layout is puzzling

I'm fighting to understand the weird behavior of GWT Layout Panels. I'm wondering how GWT translate Layout logic into javascript and html. sometimes we don't get the expected Layout . something under the cover is done by GWT compiler.
the GWT documentation is not clear enough on how Layout is performed under the cover.
is there some good books or tutorials that explains well the GWT Layout issues?
I don't know about good books or tutorials but here's a little information that may be helpful.
First, as you may know there's a big difference between the FooPanels and the FooLayoutPanels. These are two different sets of panels that are based on different layout mechanisms. The Layout Panels are the new stuff that seems to be suited better for layouts that have hard-coded sizes, Google Wave style. The older FooPanels (VerticalPanel, etc.) are based on HTML tables mostly.
FlowPanel - this is simply something that outputs your widgets as successive HTML elements in a single DIV. As documented: "A panel that formats its child widgets using the default HTML layout behavior".
DockLayoutPanel - Looking at the code shows that it hard-codes the sizes of the different regions according to what you specify in the children (north, east, etc.)
Finally - my experience has led me to abandon all usage of the Layout Panel system and rely only on HTML and CSS wherever I can. This means using HTMLPanel + UiBinder mostly and sometimes FlowPanel, rarely also some of the other panels.
Trying to understand and battle the Layout Panel system to do things that are not the "default case" was a waste of time. I'm not saying it's the best thing to do, but I just couldn't get the kind of control I wanted without this - especially with regard to elements that should automatically expand vertically. If you haven't already, take note of this from the GWT documentation about Layout Panels:
The panels described above are best used for defining your application's outer structure — that is, the parts that are the least "document-like". You should continue to use basic widgets and HTML structure for those parts for which the HTML/CSS layout algorithm works well. In particular, consider using UiBinder templates to directly use HTML wherever that makes sense.