OpenCobolIDE and DB2 - Connection - db2

I'm currently working on a small COBOL project and I'm using OpenCobolIDE.
I also downloaded DB2 Express and I'm able to use it by running the "Commande line processor"
Now my question is the follow one : How can I make a connection between OpenCobolIDE and DB2 ?
I saw that it was possible to use "esqlOC" but I didn't find a lot of documentation and I'm still lost at the moment.
Kind regards

I know that's it's against SO policy, but here is a link; The code isn't that long, but I found no disclaimer, so assumed copyright goes to the blogger, Dick Reitveld. The post is a tutorial on linking DB2 to GnuCOBOL (was OpenCOBOL), and not how to inform the OpenCOBOLIDE how to do the build, but hopefully this fits in with your question.
The build rules are listed in a shell script on the same page.
Basically it comes down to, creating a COBOL source file with EXEC SQL statements, running them through the DB2 preprocessor, then compiling the generated sources with cobc.
db2 connect to sample
db2 prep program.sqb bindfile target ANSI_COBOL
cobc program.cbl -static -Wall -L/path/to/db2libs/sqllib/lib64 -ldb2 -v -x -save-temps -O
db2 bind program.bnd
db2 connect reset
Where "program" is your filename, with .sqb inputs and will generate .cbl and .bnd, and the
is the full path to where your DB2 install has placed the DB2 support libraries.


"Unable to find component name" on myodbc-installer of driver

Trying to follow the directions for installing the MySQL ODBC driver.
When I try to run:
myodbc-installer -a -d -n "MySQL ODBC 8.0 Driver" -t "Driver=/usr/local/lib/"
It says:
[ERROR] SQLInstaller error 6: Unable to find component name
I've found a handful of cases of people reporting this same message, e.g., here and here. Yet there seems to be no resolution.
Noticing the slight variations in the -n name string for the various drivers, I wondered if perhaps the name was something subtly different and the documentation hadn't been updated. But I used a hex editor to look in /usr/local/lib/ and the literal string "MySQL ODBC 8.0 Driver" is in it.
There may be some instances of a name mismatch causing the problem (e.g. in one of the linked-to cases, they use -n "MySQL" instead of the prescribed -n "MySQL ODBC 5.3" from the notes). my case it was a matter of not using sudo. The error message is not very helpful in indicating that the problem could be a matter of privileges! :-/ But at the very top of the linked instruction page it says (emphasis mine):
To install the driver from a tarball distribution (.tar.gz file), download the latest version of the driver for your operating system and follow these steps, substituting the appropriate file and directory names based on the package you download (some of the steps below might require superuser privileges)
What's going on is that unixodbc has system-wide odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini. It is stated that you should not be editing these files directly, but they are edited via an API that unixodbc provides. That API is called by the MySQL helper utility called myodbc-installer:
The error message is delivered by this print_installer_error() routine
...which is called from add_driver() when the routine SQLInstallDriverExW() returns false
(Note: unixodbc on most platforms provides the (W)ide Character version of SQLInstallDriverEx(), but myodbc-installer defines its own SQLInstallDriverExW() if it is not available via a shim.)
This API apparently doesn't have a way of saying it can't get the necessary privileges to the files (in /usr/local/etc or perhaps just in /etc). So myodbc-installer is just parroting what it got. Sigh.

psql client failing to import dump file - the system cannot find the specified file

I'm attempting to import an SQL dump in PgAdmin 4 using the psql client - However the error message returned is - The system cannnot find the file specified.
Here is a screenshot of my psql client -
The file films.sql is currently stored on my desktop, but I suspect the default location that the psql client accesses is not my desktop? Is there anyway to set the location that the client looks in order to resolve this?
The file SQL is viewable here:
I simply want to get the database on my local machine so that I don't need to store queries in an online learning platform. It would be best if this database is available locally to query and practice on.
I've attempted to execute the whole SQL file as a query on the films database but this does not seem to be working either and returns 'Asynchronous query execution/operation underway.
Query returned successfully in 388 msec.' - However it seems to be the case that the Asynchronous query never completes when I refresh the database.
Please can someone help?
Just give the path to your file:
psql -d my_database -f /path/to/the/file.sql
psql -d my_database -f C:/path/to/the/file.sql
Depending on whether you are on a unix/linux machine or Windows.
Oh, and if you aren't familiar with file paths you may want to take a step back and become more familiar with general computer terminology before diving into a RDBMS. Your learning will be much easier if you have a solid foundation to build upon.
I suspect this question might be moot for the asker at this point, but for anyone else stumbling upon it like I did: the interactive connection info prompts are provided by a batch script (in Windows, I'd guess there's an analogous shell script for Unix) called runpsql.bat, which then just passes your inputs as commandline arguments to the psql.exe executable. I was getting this error because I had migrated my Postgres installation and the batch script was calling a nonexistent path for psql.exe, hence The system cannot find the file specified. I edited runpsql.bat to point to the correct location of psql.exe and that resolved the issue. So for OP, I would look into PgAdmin4 and see where it's (presumably) calling runpsql.bat, then make sure that that calls psql.exe with the correct path.

Unable to recover data from DB2 Backup files

I have a couple of DB2 Backup files as shared with us.
I am unable to recover the data using the DB2 recover command which I used as -
db2 restore db <db-name> from . taken at 20151229234633
Got the following error for the above command.
SQL2071N An error occurred while accessing the shared library
Reason code: "2".
I then modified the Recover command and added another parameter by providing compress library option as mentioned in the following command -
db2 restore db <db-name> from <location> taken at 20151229234633 comprlib /resgrp463/db2inst1/sqllib/lib64/libdb2compr.a
It gave the error as mentioned below.
SQL2079N An error was reported by the shared library "libdb2compr.a".
Return code: "104".
Any help on how to resolve it or any concrete proof specifying that the Backup File is corrupt would be appreciated.
OS Version - AIX 7.1 TL4
DB2 Version - DB2 9.7
Fix Packs Tried - GA, 1, 11 (Target side)
At the source side, we don't know the exact Fix Pack used but the version is confirmed as DB2 9.7 using the db2ckbkp header information which provides release code as D00.
Please view the db2diag log at
Upon using the command to check the backup's, I get an error as mentioned below.
Command used -
db2ckbkp *
It gave the error as
Buffers processed: #ERROR: Decompression library not initialized
ERROR: Failed to verify media header. Cannot continue.
All three error messages are related to a db2 library which db2 restore command needs as shown at each error messages. There is a problem at db2 restore command executing machine/box, client side and not server side. And this type of situation can be occurred when:
1) db2 restore related file(s) is corrupted, such as the library file in message
2) db2 restore unexpectedly reads the library file by miss configuration
For 1), it may be fixed by:
install product again or create a new instance. this will place normal file(s).
For 2), it may be fixed by:
find out what was changed at the environment then fix. this will pick up correct library file.
For your information. End of support for V9.7 is September 30, 2017 as show below:
Recommended Fix Packs for DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
Hope this helps.

breakpoints in eclipse using postgresql

I am using helios Eclipse for debugging my code in postgresql.
My aim is to know how postgresql uses join algorithms during the join query, so I started to debug nodenestloop.c which is in the Executor folder.
I gave break points in that file, But whenever I try to debug that file, the control goes to main.c and never comes back,How do I constraint the control only to that particular file(nodenestloop.c)
Below are the following fields which I gave in Debug configurations of Helios Eclipse.
C/C++ Application - src/backend/postgres and
project - pgsql
I followed the steps given in the following link for running the program.
I even uncheked the field "Start on Start up=main" , but When I do that, The step in and Step over buttons are not activated and the following problem has popped up.
Could not save master table to file '/home/ravi/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.safetable/org.eclipse.core.resources'.
/home/ravi/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.safetable/org.eclipse.core.resources (Permission denied)
So I started eclipse using sudo, but this time the following error has come in the console of eclipse.
"root" execution of the PostgreSQL server is not permitted.
The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent
possible system security compromise. See the documentation for
more information on how to properly start the server.
Could any one help me with this.
Thank you
Problem 1: User ID mismatch
Reading between the lines, it sounds like you're trying to debug a PostgreSQL instance that's running as the postgres user, or a different user ID to your own anyway. Hence your attempt to use sudo.
That's painful, especially when using an IDE like Eclipse. With plain gdb you can just sudo the gdb command to the desired uid, e.g. sudo -u postgres -p 12345 to attach to pid 12345 running as user postgres. This will not work with Eclipse. In fact, running it with sudo has probably left your workspace with some messed up file permissions; run:
sudo chown -R ravi /home/ravi/workspace/
to fix file ownership.
If you want to debug processes under other user IDs with Eclipse, you'll need to figure out how to make Eclipse run gdb with sudo. Do not just run all of Eclipse with sudo.
Problem 2: Trying to run PostgreSQL under the control of Eclipse
"root" execution of the PostgreSQL server is not permitted. The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent possible system security compromise. See the documentation for more information on how to properly start the server.
suggests that you're also attempting to let Eclipse start postgres directly. That's very useful if you're trying to debug the postmaster, but since you're talking about the query planner it's clear you want to debug a particular backend. Launching the postmaster under Eclipse is useless for that, you'll be attached to the wrong process.
I think you probably need to read the documentation on PostgreSQL's internals:
Tour of PostgreSQL Internals
PostgreSQL internals through pictures
Documentation chapter - internals
Doing it right
Here's what you need to do - rough outline, since I've only used Eclipse for Java development and do my C development with vim and gdb:
Compile a debug build of PostgreSQL (compiled with ./configure --enable-debug and preferably also CFLAGS="-ggdb -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"). Specify a --prefix within your homedir, like --prefix=$HOME/postgres-debug
Put your debug build's bin directory first on your PATH, e.g. export PATH=$HOME/postgres-debug/bin:$PATH
initdb -U postgres -D $HOME/postgres-debug-data a new instance of PostgreSQL from your debug build
Start the new instance with PGPORT=5599 pg_ctl -D $HOME/postgres-debug-data -l $HOME/postgres-debug-data.log -w start
Connect with PGPORT=5599 psql postgres
Do whatever setup you need to do
Get the backend process ID with SELECT pg_backend_pid() in a psql session. Leave that session open; it's the one you'll be debugging.
Attach Eclipse's debugger to that process ID, using the Eclipse project that contains the PostgreSQL extension source code you're debugging. Make sure Eclipse is configured so it can find the PostgreSQL source code you compiled with too (no idea how to do that, see the manual).
Set any desired breakpoints and resume execution
In the psql session, do whatever you need to do to make your extension run and hit the breakpoint
When execution pauses at the breakpoint in Eclipse, debug as desired.
Basic misunderstandings?
Also, in case you're really confused about how all this works: PostgreSQL is a client/server application. If you are attempting to debug a client program that uses libpq or odbc, and expecting a breakpoint to trigger in some PostgreSQL backend extension code, that is not going to happen. The client application communicates with PostgreSQL over a TCP/IP socket. It's a separate program. gdb cannot set breakpoints in the PostgreSQL server when it's connected to the client, because they are separate programs. If you want to debug the server, you have to attach gdb to the server. PostgreSQL uses one process per connection, so you have to attach gdb to the correct server process. Which is why I said to use SELECT pg_backend_pid() above, and attach to the process ID.
See the internals documentation linked above, and:
PostgreSQL site - coding
PostgreSQL wiki - developer resources
Developer FAQ
Attaching gdb to a backend on linux/bsd/unix
I also faced similar issue and resolved it after some struggle
I misunderstood the following point under Debugging with child processes in the wiki (
5."Start postmaster & one instant of postgresql client (for creating one new postgres)"
The above step should be performed from terminal by starting postgres server and one client.
Hope this helps
Once this is done then debugger in eclipse needs to be started for C/C++ Attach to Application

How recover sybase database (unknown db version)

I have a database file (*.db) that need to be recovered.
The bad is, the end-user have null idea of the version of the database. Not know the password. The original developer is lost. The computer where was installed was formatted. We have not experience in this database software. Yeah, nightmare.
My guess is a old database. I'm trying to open it in Sybase 11, dev edition.
I follow this steps:
I try to use the UNLOAD utility from command line & from the Sybase central utility. From command line I do:
./dbinfo -c "DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB;UID=DBA;PWD=sql"
SQL Anywhere Information Utility Version
Unable to start specified database: '/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB' was created by a different version of the software
Ok, I try to unload:
./dbunload -c "DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" -n /Users/mamcx/Desktop/
SQL Anywhere Unload Utility Version
Connecting and initializing
***** SQL error: Unable to start database server
Ok, from the server admin tool:
dbunload -v -c "UID=dba;PWD=***;DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB" -an "/Users/mamcx/Desktop/baba.db" -ap 4096 -ea None -ii -sa -so _sc866192545
Connecting and initializing
***** SQL error: Unable to start database server
An error occurred while attempting to unload the database '/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB'.
Exist a way to know the version of the database server used to create this? Is possible to recover this file?
I don't know how to get the version out of the Database File if you are not able to start it.
You could get a hint from the hopefully existing Client PC's. Check the ODBC Driver Version they have installed.
I had good success with the support of Sybase. If you or your client has a support contract you can get them involved.
Try to simply start a server with that database and capture the output with -z -o server.out. The server.out file should contain a more specific error telling you why it can't start the database. This error can occur if you are trying to start something that is not a SQL Anywhere database.
You may also want to post this question over at