PayPal recurring payment verification - paypal

After one has created a monthly billing agreement with a customer; how do I verify that the customer has paid (and not cancelled the agreement) at the next bill statement?
Would I use GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails for this information? Basically, I want to automate cancellations/etc.

In your ipn end point a subscr_cancel txn_type is sent when this happens. Then you can update a record in your database to account for this.
Ipn messages when enabled send post requests for all kinds of actions such when a Payment is made or a subscription is cancelled. When you receive a message you need to validate the message, determine what message it is, and then perform an action in your application
Ipn info


Missing PayPal IPN notification

On our website we have option to pay using PayPal. At the time of signup our sytem creates recurring profile in users PayPal account and then till the account continue we receive recurring Payments.
On every successful payment PayPal send us the notifications with transaction details and we updates our system.
Sometimes our system miss the IPN notifications due to outage and as a result our system goes out of sync and does not updates the payments.
I would like to know do we have any PayPal API which we can call to get the transaction details of missing IPN notifications?
How to handle these transactions which are not updated in our system and IPN we ave missed?

PayPal Subscriptions - Tracking Refund

I'm not a developer, but a project manager. So please excuse my lack of proper language.
We are trying to figure out how to handle subscription refunds and then limit account access on the site.
Here's a scenario. Member signs up for an annual subscription to gain certain capabilities in the account. 3 months into it member decides to cancel and requests a refund. Normally, if no refund is issued, subscription is good until the end of the billing period, at which point account is deactivated.
In our case, if a refund is issued, account should be deactivated immediately. Question: is it possible to set this up as part of PayPal Subscriptions? Some type of call from PayPal to our system that will trigger account deactivation.
Thank you.
We recommend using IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) to be asynchronously notified of any events, in this case of those related to existing subscription/recurring payments.
If you enable IPN notifications you will receive a POST of PayPal in the following events (among others):
When a recurring profile is cancelled.
When a refund has been made to a previous completed transaction.
This way, you can set up your IPN script to keep the subscription “open” in your side for the remainder of the month even if the profile has been cancelled, or to deactivate it if the last month has been refunded.
For more information about IPN variables:

PayPal generate invoice and notify application after payment

I would appreciatte if someone helps me to clarify some PayPal concepts. I'm using PayPal to send/receive payments and I want to offer the users the possibility of get an invoice for the payments. So, right now I'm using the Invoicing Service API for the payments I receive, I call the service and get the URL of the invoice for the user and here is muy first question: once the user pays the invoice, how do I get notified of this in my application (without having to login into PayPal and check by myself)? Second: in the Integration Guide it says "PayPal sends IPN messages for invoice payments and for invoices cancelled by the buyer..." is IPN the only option to get notified of a payment in my application? Beyond this, I've start reading about IPN and testing the IPN Simulator, but after select all of the items in the combo "Transaction Type" I couldn't see the transaction type "invoice_payment" mentioned in the Invoicing Service API, so which type of transaction should I configure?
Thanks in advance, regards.
You can try using the Web Accept. Basically, the IPN simulator is used to test your IPN Listener whether it can listen to the message that sent by PayPal. It does not sent any a real message to your listener. For the invoice payment, it will return invoive_payment. You can have a try on your end.

Paypal Recurring api for find next recurring payment occure

i has been implemented paypal recurring subscription plan in php and paypal recurring also charge via paypal as per recurring periods. but my system didnt find out next recurring was charged or not so how could i know next recurring payment has been charged using paypal api.
i want to help for to upgrade next expire date after next recurring payment changed.
As I understood, you want to see if the user paid or not and change expiration date according to that.
The solution is Webhooks. In your PayPal Application section click on add webhook and choose PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED and enter the URL that you want to listen to this event where PayPal will send a post request to this URL when you get a new payment completed.
In the page that corresponds to the URL you entered, you have to do the followings:
Verify that the call is from PayPal, not from another source (in case you are using PHP you can check this: PHP verify Paypal webhook signature)
Parse the data sent from PayPal by reading the body content, not the POST data
Verify that the event is what you need, in this case PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED
Verify the amount you received and the currency
Make sure that you have not processed this transaction before and this is too important
If everything is valid, you can save the transaction and do whatever you want, in your case extending the expiry date.
If I understand you correctly, you need to configure Instant Payment Notification (IPN). PayPal's server will POST transaction data to a listener script you have on your server so you can process things accordingly. It happens in real-time.
When working with recurring payments you'll get an IPN when a profile is created, canceled, or suspended, and you'll also get notifications when payments for profiles are completed, failed, etc. You can update your system or send out email notifications accordingly based on the IPN data you get.

Execute tasks after PayPal chained payment is successful

Current Status
I'm quite new to PayPal and I'm currently integrating chained adaptive payments on our website. Already successfully called the PAY API call via the .NET SDK. Money (sandbox enviroment) will be correctly transferred to each participants of this payment (sender, primary and secondary receiver).
My goal is to execute vital tasks after the payment is successful (update DB, send mail, ...) or has been cancelled (clean up stuff, ...).
Possible solutions
First approach was to create the payment with actionType set to CREATE, redirect the user to (wait for approval), redirect user back to website and execute the payment and then perform the vital tasks. But it seems not to work, the payment will be paid and is COMPLETED before the second redirect.
Another possible solution would be to get the preapproval from the user, redirect back to the website and execute the payment. Haven't tried this solution yet, don't think that this is best practice.
Call PAY with actionType set to "PAY" and wait for IPN. Haven't tried that either, because it is quite difficult to test it locally (even though I've already found this question: Paypal Sandbox Test Tool IPN Simulator in Localhost).
Which solution is best practice? I guess the recommended solution would be to wait for an IPN?
If I'am using IPN how long is the average response time after a payment has been completed? Seconds, minutes, hours? I know it depends on the load of the PayPal webservers and that there are 15 retries over 4 days, but what are some real world numbers?
Can I store additional information (e.g. UserId) about the sender in a payment (besides the memo field) which I then get back in an IPN?
Here is how I do it.
When I'm going to initiate PayPal payment (before I send a request to obtain TOKEN), I create new transaction in my database and set it's status to PENDING. In transaction table I also have userID column, which is foreign key to user table. This way I connect transaction with user.
When transaction is created in my table, I use transactionId value, and save it to PHP $_SESSION variable.
Please note that if you want to support recurring payments, you can provide transactionId to PayPal. This you can do by setting:
This value will be sent when PayPal sends you IPN request after recurring payment happens.
Go back now to the story
User is redirected to PayPal, and when user fills PayPal username and password, and when user confirms payment details, user will be redirected back to your website and you have to call DoExpressCheckoutPayment to make payment itself.
If the result of DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call is success, that means that transaction was successful and you have money. At this point, you can send email, notifications, or any other important action.
$transactionResponse=$paypal->request("DoExpressCheckoutPayment",$requestParams);//Execute transaction
if(is_array($transactionResponse) && $transactionResponse["ACK"]=="Success")//Payment was successfull
//Send email
//Notify user
//Do other important changes in database, for example mark this transaction as successful
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR RECURRING PAYMENTS: PayPal can/will send you several IPN requests for the same recurring transaction which means that you have to add logic which will chekc weather specific IPN request is already processed or not. Usually I do it in a way to check weather status of my transaction with transactionId is 'PENDING' or 'SUCCESSFUL'.