Your APK's version code needs to be higher than 1051 - unity3d

i have made game in unity and trying to upload android version But
constantly getting this error:
"Your APK's version code needs to be higher than 1051"
i have raised version no. as well bundle version code but ....

Follow the Googles guide to versioning.
There may be some inconsistency between what you have entered in to Unity and what is in the manifest.


Not supported on web devices - Flutter

I have problems with this error, it generates that sometimes the website does not load locally in mode debug.
Error image
Error image
any solution? Thanks.
I have tried different browsers to rule out a version problem.
The new version of flutter has just been released, but I guess it has nothing to do with it. It may be a bug with some library that the web version does not support.

Problems with sdk and ndk in unity?

Can't build the project and use unity remote. What to do? Downloaded the latest 2020 LTS with a development package for android
External Tools
Unity hub
When installing a version from the Unity Hub, make sure you have selected the various android packages as you see in the image.
You have shown a link where you show that you did. If the procedure is the one I showed you above, you are not wrong.
Perhaps the problem may be related to Unity 2020.3.15 which in fact I do not find among the available downloads and which was released a few days ago. Maybe they caught some bugs (like maybe what you are showing), and took it out of the releases. Try downloading the 2020.3.14 version from the site (the one I use too), and see if the problem persists.

Hololens2 Azure Spatial Anchors Tutorial Crash

Trying to follow the Microsoft Azure Spatial Anchors tutorial (even after it was recently updated) but the Release build of the project crashes on launch on the device (just after the Unity splash screen). Interestingly a Debug build of the same project seems to launch ok.
I've been able to build, deploy, test both the basic Hololen2 tutorials and the ASA Samples as well as some custom projects so don't think this is a general development or deployment issue.
Have others been able to follow this tutorial and successfully deploy to a device recently and/or is there any suggestions to diagnose the issue further?
Setup and Unity packages used (as per the tutorial and linked instructions):
Hololens OS (up to date): 19041.1136
Unity 2019.4.19f1
MRTK Foundation - 2.5.3 from the basic tutorial series (MRTK Package Tool)
AR Foundation: 3.1.3
Windows Mixed Reality: 4.2.1 (downgrade from 4.2.3?)
Note: MRTK.HoloLens2.Unity.Tutorials.Assets.AzureSpatialAnchors.2.4.0.unitypackage listed in the tutorial actually links to a new 2.5.3 package ( however the version file in this package still has 2.4.0??
Exception thrown at 0x00000226E0FBCC40 in Workspace Hololens2 MRTK.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00000226E0FBCC40.
Have you tried to upgrade the ASA SDK to version 2.7.2 (
They have recently fixed an error exactly like the one you're reporting:
"The first bug was specific to ARM32 builds running on HoloLens 2 and was manifesting as an access violation crash in SDK during anchor creation or query."
I have the same Problem. Running it without the Debug Window worked for me!

Issue list for old version of barcode scanner

Due to some reason I am still using old barcode scanner version 4 3.2. in my project currently. In current official site (GitHub) I only can find the version 4.5.1 and it says "This is the latest release before the project migrated to Github." Does any one know how to get the issue list for the version 4.3.2 so that I can assess the issues to determine whether it is worth to upgrade to the new version of barcode scanner.
I think the issue list that I am interested should be available in the old official Zxing site but I am not able to the reach it.

iPhone build failed on using Aviary SDK

I am creating an Iphone application wherein I need to process image and display it on application. I went through Aviary SDK which indeed really appeals to me as a developer. I went through its documentation which I understood very clearly.
The problem I am facing is in building the application. I receive a build failed when I try building application. I also went through GitHub repository CSPicker. Build also fails for that. I did every specific change mentioned in Prerequisites in the documentation. Still no success.
Following is the error I am getting:
Command /Xcode4.2/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
I am using XCode 4.2 and iOS 5.0.
It's hard to say what is the problem. Likely you did not add necessary libraries to build with. Or used old compiler in settings (not LLVM)
As of right now Aviary has new version of SDK with decent description what needs to be done at