Assignment in Lisp - lisp

I have the following setup in Common Lisp. my-object is a list of 5 binary trees.
(defun make-my-object ()
(loop for i from 0 to 5
for nde = (init-tree)
collect nde))
Each binary tree is a list of size 3 with a node, a left child and a right child
(defstruct node
(min 0)
(max 0)
(ctr 0))
(defun vals (tree)
(car tree))
(defun left-branch (tree)
(cadr tree))
(defun right-branch (tree)
(caddr tree))
(defun make-tree (vals left right)
(list vals left right))
(defun init-tree (&key (min 0) (max 1))
(let ((n (make-node :min min :max max)))
(make-tree n '() '())))
Now, I was trying to add an element to one of the binary trees manually, like this:
(defparameter my-object (make-my-object))
(print (left-branch (car my-object))) ;; returns NIL
(let ((x (left-branch (car my-object))))
(setf x (cons (init-tree) x)))
(print (left-branch (car my-object))) ;; still returns NIL
The second call to print still returns NIL. Why is this? How can I add an element to the binary tree?

The first function is just:
(defun make-my-object ()
(loop repeat 5 collect (init-tree)))
Now you define a structure for node, but you use a list for the tree and my-object? Why aren't they structures?
Instead of car, cadr and caddr one would use first, second, third.
(let ((x (left-branch (car my-object))))
(setf x (cons (init-tree) x)))
You set the local variable x to a new value. Why? After the let the local variable is also gone. Why aren't you setting the left branch instead? You would need to define a way to do so. Remember: Lisp functions return values, not memory locations you can later set. How can you change the contents in a list? Even better: use structures and change the slot value. The structure (or even CLOS classes) has following advantages over plain lists: objects carry a type, slots are named, accessors are created, a make function is created, a type predicate is created, ...
Anyway, I would define structures or CLOS classes for node, tree and object...

Most of the code in this question isn't essential to the real problem here. The real problem comes in with the misunderstanding of this code:
(let ((x (left-branch (car my-object))))
(setf x (cons (init-tree) x)))
We can see the same kind of behavior without user-defined structures of any kind:
(let ((cell (cons 1 2)))
(print cell) ; prints (1 . 2)
(let ((x (car cell)))
(setf x 3)
(print cell))) ; prints (1 . 2)
If you understand why both print statements produce (1 . 2), then you've got enough to understand why your own code isn't doing what you (previously) expected it to do.
There are two variables in play here: cell and x. There are three values that we're concerned with 1, 2, and the cons-cell produced by the call (cons 1 2). Variables in Lisp are often called bindings; the variable, or name, is bound to a value. The variable cell is bound to the the cons cell (1 . 2). When we go into the inner let, we evaluate (car cell) to produce the value 1, which is then bound to the variable x. Then, we assign a new value, 3, to the variable x. That doesn't modify the cons cell that contains the value that x was originally bound to. Indeed, the value that was originally bound to x was produced by (car cell), and once the call to (car cell) returned, the only value that mattered was 1.
If you have some experience in other programming languages, this is directly analogous to something like
int[] array = ...;
int x = array[2]; // read from the array; assign result to x
x = 42; // doesn't modify the array
If you want to modify a structure, you need to setf the appropriate part of the structure. E.g.:
(let ((cell (cons 1 2)))
(print cell) ; prints (1 . 2)
(setf (car cell) 3)
(print cell)) ; prints (3 . 2)


Implementing an infinite list of consecutive integers in Lisp for lazy evaluation

In Raku there's a notion called infinite list AKA lazy list which is defined and used like:
my #inf = (1,2,3 ... Inf);
for #inf { say $_;
exit if $_ == 7 }
I'd like to implement this sort of thing in Common Lisp, specifically an infinite list of consecutive integers like:
(defun inf (n)
("the implementation"))
such that
(inf 5)
=> (5 6 7 8 9 10 .... infinity)
;; hypothetical output just for the demo purposes. It won't be used in reality
Then I'll use it for lazy evaluation like this:
(defun try () ;; catch and dolist
(catch 'foo ;; are just for demo purposes
(dolist (n (inf 1) 'done)
(format t "~A~%" n)
(when (= n 7)
(throw 'foo x)))))
CL-USER> (try)
; Evaluation aborted.
How can I implement such an infinite list in CL in the most practical way?
A good pedagogical approach to this is to define things which are sometimes called 'streams'. The single best introduction to doing this that I know of is in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Streams are introduced in section 3.5, but don't just read that: read the book, seriously: it is a book everyone interested in programming should read.
SICP uses Scheme, and this sort of thing is more natural in Scheme. But it can be done in CL reasonably easily. What I've written below is rather 'Schemy' CL: in particular I just assume tail calls are optimised. That's not a safe assumption in CL, but it's good enough to see how you can build these concepts into a language which does not already have them, if your language is competent.
First of all we need a construct which supports lazy evaluation: we need to be able to 'delay' something to create a 'promise' which will be evaluated only when it needs to be. Well, what functions do is evaluate their body only when they are asked to, so we'll use them:
(defmacro delay (form)
(let ((stashn (make-symbol "STASH"))
(forcedn (make-symbol "FORCED")))
`(let ((,stashn nil)
(,forcedn nil))
(lambda ()
(if ,forcedn
(setf ,forcedn t
,stashn ,form))))))
(defun force (thing)
(funcall thing))
delay is mildly fiddly, it wants to make sure that a promise is forced only once, and it also wants to make sure that the form being delayed doesn't get infected by the state it uses to do that. You can trace the expansion of delay to see what it makes:
(delay (print 1))
-> (let ((#:stash nil) (#:forced nil))
(lambda ()
(if #:forced #:stash (setf #:forced t #:stash (print 1)))))
This is fine.
So now, we'll invent streams: streams are like conses (they are conses!) but their cdrs are delayed:
(defmacro cons-stream (car cdr)
`(cons ,car (delay ,cdr)))
(defun stream-car (s)
(car s))
(defun stream-cdr (s)
(force (cdr s)))
OK, let's write a function to get the nth element of a stream:
(defun stream-nth (n s)
(cond ((null s)
((= n 0) (stream-car s))
(stream-nth (1- n) (stream-cdr s)))))
And we can test this:
> (stream-nth 2
(cons-stream 0 (cons-stream 1 (cons-stream 2 nil))))
And now we can write a function to enumerate an interval in the naturals, which by default will be an half-infinite interval:
(defun stream-enumerate-interval (low &optional (high nil))
(if (and high (> low high))
(stream-enumerate-interval (1+ low) high))))
And now:
> (stream-nth 1000 (stream-enumerate-interval 0))
And so on.
Well, we'd like some kind of macro which lets us traverse a stream: something like dolist, but for streams. Well we can do this by first writing a function which will call a function for each element in the stream (this is not the way I'd do this in production CL code, but it's fine here):
(defun call/stream-elements (f s)
;; Call f on the elements of s, returning NIL
(if (null s)
(funcall f (stream-car s))
(call/stream-elements f (stream-cdr s)))))
And now
(defmacro do-stream ((e s &optional (r 'nil)) &body forms)
(call/stream-elements (lambda (,e)
And now, for instance
(defun look-for (v s)
;; look for an element of S which is EQL to V
(do-stream (e s (values nil nil))
(when (eql e v)
(return-from look-for (values e t)))))
And we can then say
> (look-for 100 (stream-enumerate-interval 0))
Well, there is a lot more mechanism you need to make streams really useful: you need to be able to combine them, append them and so on. SICP has many of these functions, and they're generally easy to turn into CL, but too long here.
For practical purposes it would be wise to use existing libraries, but since the question is about how to implemented lazy lists, we will do it from scratch.
Lazy iteration is a matter of producing an object that can generate the new value of a lazy sequence each time it is asked to do so.
A simple approach for this is to return a closure, i.e. a function that closes over variables, which produces values while updating its state by side-effect.
If you evaluate:
(let ((a 0))
(lambda () (incf a)))
You obtain a function object that has a local state, namely here the variable named a.
This is a lexical binding to a location that is exclusive to this function, if you evaluate a second time the same expression, you'll obtain a different anonymous function that has its own local state.
When you call the closure, the value stored in a in incremented and its value is returned.
Let's bind this closure to a variable named counter, call it multiple times and store the successive results in a list:
(let ((counter (let ((a 0))
(lambda () (incf a)))))
(list (funcall counter)
(funcall counter)
(funcall counter)
(funcall counter)))
The resulting list is:
(1 2 3 4)
Simple iterator
In your case, you want to have an iterator that starts counting from 5 when writing:
(inf 5)
This can implemented as follows:
(defun inf (n)
(lambda ()
(shiftf n (1+ n))))
Here is there is no need to add a let, the lexical binding of an argument to n is done when calling the function.
We assign n to a different value within the body over time.
More precisely, SHIFTF assigns n to (1+ n), but returns the previous value of n.
For example:
(let ((it (inf 5)))
(list (funcall it)
(funcall it)
(funcall it)
(funcall it)))
Which gives:
(5 6 7 8)
Generic iterator
The standard dolist expects a proper list as an input, there is no way you can put another kind of data and expect it to work (or maybe in an implementation-specific way).
We need a similar macro to iterate over all the values in an arbitrary iterator.
We also need to specify when iteration stops.
There are multiple possibilities here, let's define a basic iteration protocol as follows:
we can call make-iterator on any object, along with arbitrary arguments, to obtain an iterator
we can call next on an iterator to obtain the next value.
More precisely, if there is a value, next returns the value and T as a secondary value; otherwise, next returns NIL.
Let's define two generic functions:
(defgeneric make-iterator (object &key)
(:documentation "create an iterator for OBJECT and arguments ARGS"))
(defgeneric next (iterator)
(:documentation "returns the next value and T as a secondary value, or NIL"))
Using generic functions allows the user to define custom iterators, as long as they respect the specified behaviour above.
Instead of using dolist, which only works with eager sequences, we define our own macro: for.
It hides calls to make-iterator and next from the user.
In other words, for takes an object and iterates over it.
We can skip iteration with (return v) since for is implemented with loop.
(defmacro for ((value object &rest args) &body body)
(let ((it (gensym)) (exists (gensym)))
`(let ((,it (make-iterator ,object ,#args)))
(multiple-value-bind (,value ,exists) (next ,it)
(unless ,exists
We assume any function object can act as an iterator, so we specialize next for values f of class function, so that the function f gets called:
(defmethod next ((f function))
"A closure is an interator"
(funcall f))
Also, we can also specialize make-iterator to make closures their own iterators (I see no other good default behaviour to provide for closures):
(defmethod make-iterator ((function function) &key)
Vector iterator
For example, we can built an iterator for vectors as follows. We specialize make-iterator for values (here named vec) of class vector.
The returned iterator is a closure, so we will be able to call next on it.
The method accepts a :start argument defaulting to zero:
(defmethod make-iterator ((vec vector) &key (start 0))
"Vector iterator"
(let ((index start))
(lambda ()
(when (array-in-bounds-p vec index)
(values (aref vec (shiftf index (1+ index))) t)))))
You can now write:
(for (v "abcdefg" :start 2)
(print v))
And this prints the following characters:
List iterator
Likewise, we can build a list iterator.
Here to demonstrate other kind of iterators, let's have a custom cursor type.
(defstruct list-cursor head)
The cursor is an object which keeps a reference to the current cons-cell in the list being visited, or NIL.
(defmethod make-iterator ((list list) &key)
"List iterator"
(make-list-cursor :head list))
And we define next as follows, specializeing on list-cursor:
(defmethod next ((cursor list-cursor))
(when (list-cursor-head cursor)
(values (pop (list-cursor-head cursor)) t)))
Common Lisp also allows methods to be specialized with EQL specializers, which means the object we give to for might be a specific keyword, for example :range.
(defmethod make-iterator ((_ (eql :range)) &key (from 0) (to :infinity) (by 1))
(check-type from number)
(check-type to (or number (eql :infinity)))
(check-type by number)
(let ((counter from))
(case to
(lambda () (values (incf counter by) t)))
(lambda ()
(when (< counter to)
(values (incf counter by) T)))))))
A possible call for make-iterator would be:
(make-iterator :range :from 0 :to 10 :by 2)
This also returns a closure.
Here, for example, you would iterate over a range as follows:
(for (v :range :from 0 :to 10 :by 2)
(print v))
The above expands as:
(let ((#:g1463 (make-iterator :range :from 0 :to 10 :by 2)))
(multiple-value-bind (v #:g1464)
(next #:g1463)
(unless #:g1464 (return))
(print v))))
Finally, if we add small modification to inf (adding secondary value):
(defun inf (n)
(lambda ()
(values (shiftf n (1+ n)) T)))
We can write:
(for (v (inf 5))
(print v)
(when (= v 7)
Which prints:
I'll show it with a library:
How to create and consume an infinite list of integers with the GTWIWTG generators library
This library, called "Generators The Way I Want Them Generated", allows to do three things:
create generators (iterators)
combine them
consume them (once).
It is not unsimilar to the nearly-classic Series.
Install the lib with (ql:quickload "gtwiwtg"). I will work in its package: (in-package :gtwiwtg).
Create a generator for an infinite list of integers, start from 0:
GTWIWTG> (range)
We can also specify its :from, :to, :by and :inclusive parameters.
Combine this generator with others: not needed here.
Iterate over it and stop:
GTWIWTG> (for x *
(print x)
(when (= x 7)
This solution is very practical :)

Checking circularity in lisp - same variable through recursive function

I'm trying to create a function that would test whether the given list is circular with a re-starting point being the beginning of the list.
Expected results:
(setq liste '(a b c))
(rplacd (cddr liste) liste)
(circular liste) => t
(circular '(a b c a b c)) => nil
As I simply want to test if any subsequent item is 'eq' to the first one, I don't want to build the whole tortoise and hare algorithm.
Here is my code :
(defun circular (liste)
(let (beginningliste (car liste)))
(labels ( (circ2 (liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((eq (car liste) beginningliste) t)
(t (circ2 (cdr liste)))
) ) ) ) )
It doesn't give the expected result but I don't understand where my error is
I'm not sure I'm using 'labels' correctly
Is there a way to do that without using 'labels'?
Edit. I guess I have answered my third question as I think I have found a simpler way. Would this work?
(defun circular (liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((eq (car liste) (cadr liste)) t)
(t (circular (rplacd liste (cddr liste))))
First, the behavior is undefined when you mutate constant data: when you quote something (here the list), the Lisp environment has the right to treat it as a constant. See also this question for why defparameter or defvar is preferred over setq. And so...
(setq list '(a b c))
(rplacd (cddr list) list)
... would be better written as:
(defparameter *list* (copy-list '(a b c)))
(setf (cdr (last *list*)) *list*)
Second, your code is badly formatted and has bad naming conventions (please use dashes to separate words); here it is with a conventional layout, with the help of emacs:
(defun circularp (list)
(let (first (car list)))
(labels ((circ2 (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq (car list) first) t)
(t (circ2 (cdr list))))))))
With that formatting, two things should be apparent:
The let contains no body forms: you define local variables and never use them; you could as well delete the let line.
Furthermore, the let is missing one pair of parenthesis: what you wrote defines a variable name first and another one named car, bound to list. I presume you want to define first as (car list).
You define a local circ2 function but never use it. I would expect the circularp function (the -p is for "predicate", like numberp, stringp) to call (circ2 (cdr list)). I prefer renaming circ2 as visit (or recurse), because it means something.
With the above corrections, that would be:
(defun circularp (list)
(let ((first (car list)))
(labels ((visit (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq (car list) first) t)
(t (visit (cdr list))))))
(visit (cdr list)))))
However, if your list is not circular but contains the same element multiple times (like '(a a b)), you will report it as circular, because you inspect the data it holds instead of the structure only. Don't look into the CAR here:
(defun circularp (list)
(let ((first list))
(labels ((visit (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq list first) t)
(t (visit (cdr list))))))
(visit (cdr list)))))
Also, the inner function is tail recursive but there is no guarantee that a Common Lisp implementation automatically eliminates tail calls (you should check with your implementation; most can do it on request). That means you risk allocating as many call stack frames as you have elements in the list, which is bad. Better use a loop directly:
(defun circularp (list)
for cursor on (cdr list)
while (consp cursor)
thereis (eq cursor list)))
Last, but not least: your approach is a very common one but fails when the list is not one big circular chain of cells, but merely contains a loop somewhere. Consider for example:
CL-USER> *list*
#1=(A B C . #1#)
CL-USER> (push 10 *list*)
(10 . #1=(A B C . #1#))
CL-USER> (push 20 *list*)
(20 10 . #1=(A B C . #1#))
(see that answer where I explain what #1= and #1# mean)
The lists with numbers in front exhibit circularity but you can't just use the first cons cell as a marker, because you will be looping forever inside the sublist that is circular. This is the kind or problems the Tortoise and Hare algorithm solves (there might be other techniques, the most common being storing visited elements in a hash table).
After your last edit, here is what I would do if I wanted to check for circularity, in a recursive fashion, without labels:
(defun circularp (list &optional seen)
(and (consp list)
(or (if (member list seen) t nil)
(circularp (cdr list) (cons list seen)))))
We keep track of all the visited cons cells in seen, which is optional and initialized to NIL (you could pass another value, but that can be seen as a feature).
Then, we say that a list is circular with respect to seen if it is a cons cell which either: (i) already exists in seen, or (ii) is such that its CDR is circular with respect to (cons list seen).
The only additional trick here is to ensure the result is a boolean, and not the return value of member (which is the sublist where the element being searched for is the first element): if your environment has *PRINT-CIRCLE* set to NIL and the list is actually circular, you don't want it to try printing the result.
Instead of (if (member list seen) t nil), you could also use:
(when (member list seen))
(position list seen)
and of course (not (not (member list seen)))

Convert lisp function to use map

Hello I am looking forward to convert my existing function:
(defun checkMember (L A)
((NULL L) nil)
( (and (atom (car L)) (equal (car L) A)) T )
(T (checkMember (cdr L) A))))
To use map functions, but i honestly cant understand exactly how map functions work, could you maybe advice me how this func's work?
this is my atempt:
(defun checkMem (L A)
((NULL L) nil)
( (and (atom (car L)) (equal (car L) (car A))) T )
(T (mapcar #'checkMem (cdr L) A))))
A mapping function is not appropriate here because the task involves searching the list to determine whether it contains a matching item. This is not mapping.
Mapping means passing each element through some function (and usually collecting the return values in some way). Sure, we can abuse mapping into solving the problem somehow.
But may I instead suggest that this is a reduce problem rather than a mapping problem? Reducing means processing all the elements of a list in order to produce a single value which summarizes that list.
Warm up: use reduce to add elements together:
(reduce #'+ '(1 2 3)) -> 6
In our case, we want to reduce the list differently: to a single value which is T or NIL based on whether the list contains some item.
(defun is-member (list item)
(reduce (lambda (found next-one) (or found (eql next-one item)))
list :initial-value nil))
;; tests:
(is-member nil nil) -> NIL
(is-member nil 42) -> NIL
(is-member '(1) 1) -> T
(is-member '(1) 2) -> NIL
(is-member '(t t) 1) -> NIL ;; check for accumulator/item mixup
(is-member '(1 2) 2) -> T
(is-member '(1 2) 3) -> NIL
A common pattern in using a (left-associative) reduce function is to treat the left argument in each reduction as an accumulated value that is being "threaded" through the reduce. When we do a simple reduce with + to add numbers, we don't think about this, but the left argument of the function used for the reduction is always the partial sum. The partial sum is initialized to zero because reduce first calls the + function with no arguments, which is possible: (+) is zero in Lisp.
Concretely, what happens in (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3)) is this:
first, reduce calls (+) which returns 0.
then, reduce calls (+ 0 1), which produces the partial sum 1.
next, reduce calls (+ 1 2), using the previous partial sum as the left argument, and the next element as the right argument. This returns 3, of course.
finally, reduce calls (+ 3 3), resulting in 6.
In our case, the accumulated value we are "threading" through the reduction is not a partial sum, but a boolean value. This boolean becomes the left argument which is called found inside the reducing function. We explicitly specify the initial value using :initial-value nil, because our lambda function does not support being called with no arguments. On each call to our lambda, we short-circuit: if found is true, it means that a previous reduction has already decided that the list contains the item, and we just return true. Otherwise, we check the right argument: the next item from the list. If it is equal to item, then we return T, otherwise NIL. And this T or NIL then becomes the found value in the next call. Once we return T, this value will "domino" through the rest of the reduction, resulting in a T return out of reduce.
If you insist on using mapping, you can do something like: map each element to a list which is empty if the element doesn't match the item, otherwise nonempty. Do the mapping in such a way that the lists are catenated together. If the resulting list is nonempty, then the original list must have contained one or more matches for the item:
(defun is-member (list item)
(if (mapcan (lambda (elem)
(if (eq elem item) (list elem))) list)
This approach performs lots of wasteful allocations if the list contains many occurrences of the item.
(The reduce approach is also wasteful because it keeps processing the list after it is obvious that the return value will be T.)
What about this:
(defun checkMember (L a)
(car (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
(and (equal a e) (list T)))
Note: it does not recurse into list elements, but the original function did not either.
(defun memb (item list)
(map nil
(lambda (element)
(when (eql item element)
(return-from memb t)))
Try this,
Recursive version:
(defun checkmember (l a)
(let ((temp nil))
(cond ((null l) nil) ((find a l) (setf temp (or temp t)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cond ((listp x)(setf temp (or temp (checkmember x a))))))
Usage: (checkmember '(1 (2 5) 3) 20) => NIL
(checkmember '(1 (2 5) 3) 2) => T
(checkmember '(1 2 3) 2) => T
(checkmember '((((((((1)))))))) 1) = T

Why does an elisp local variable keep its value in this case?

Could someone explain to me what's going on in this very simple code snippet?
(defun test-a ()
(let ((x '(nil)))
(setcar x (cons 1 (car x)))
Upon a calling (test-a) for the first time, I get the expected result: ((1)).
But to my surprise, calling it once more, I get ((1 1)), ((1 1 1)) and so on.
Why is this happening? Am I wrong to expect (test-a) to always return ((1))?
Also note that after re-evaluating the definition of test-a, the return result resets.
Also consider that this function works as I expect:
(defun test-b ()
(let ((x '(nil)))
(setq x (cons (cons 1 (car x))
(cdr x)))))
(test-b) always returns ((1)).
Why aren't test-a and test-b equivalent?
The Bad
test-a is self-modifying code. This is extremely dangerous. While the variable x disappears at the end of the let form, its initial value persists in the function object, and that is the value you are modifying. Remember that in Lisp a function is a first class object, which can be passed around (just like a number or a list), and, sometimes, modified. This is exactly what you are doing here: the initial value for x is a part of the function object and you are modifying it.
Let us actually see what is happening:
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote (nil)))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1 1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1 1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1 1 1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1 1 1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
The Good
test-b returns a fresh cons cell and thus is safe. The initial value of x is never modified. The difference between (setcar x ...) and (setq x ...) is that the former modifies the object already stored in the variable x while the latter stores a new object in x. The difference is similar to x.setField(42) vs. x = new MyObject(42) in C++.
The Bottom Line
In general, it is best to treat quoted data like '(1) as constants - do not modify them:
quote returns the argument, without evaluating it. (quote x) yields x.
Warning: quote does not construct its return value, but just returns
the value that was pre-constructed by the Lisp reader (see info node
Printed Representation). This means that (a . b) is not
identical to (cons 'a 'b): the former does not cons. Quoting should
be reserved for constants that will never be modified by side-effects,
unless you like self-modifying code. See the common pitfall in info
node Rearrangement for an example of unexpected results when
a quoted object is modified.
If you need to modify a list, create it with list or cons or copy-list instead of quote.
See more examples.
PS1. This has been duplicated on Emacs.
PS2. See also Why does this function return a different value every time? for an identical Common Lisp issue.
I found the culprit is indeed 'quote. Here's its doc-string:
Return the argument, without evaluating it.
Warning: `quote' does not construct its return value, but just returns
the value that was pre-constructed by the Lisp reader
Quoting should be reserved for constants that will
never be modified by side-effects, unless you like self-modifying code.
I also rewrote for convenience
(setq test-a
(lambda () ((lambda (x) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x) (quote (nil)))))
and then used
(funcall test-a)
to see how 'test-a was changing.
It looks like the '(nil) in your (let) is only evaluated once. When you (setcar), each call is modifying the same list in-place. You can make (test-a) work if you replace the '(nil) with (list (list)), although I presume there's a more elegant way to do it.
(test-b) constructs a totally new list from cons cells each time, which is why it works differently.

LISP - count occurences of every value in a list

I apologize for the bad English..
I have a task to write a function called "make-bag" that counts occurences of every value in a list
and returns a list of dotted pairs like this: '((value1 . num-occurences1) (value2 . num-occurences2) ...)
For example:
(make-bag '(d c a b b c a))
((d . 1) (c . 2) (a . 2) (b . 2))
(the list doesn't have to be sorted)
Our lecturer allows us to us functions MAPCAR and also FILTER (suppose it is implemented),
but we are not allowed to use REMOVE-DUPLICATES and COUNT-IF.
He also demands that we will use recursion.
Is there a way to count every value only once without removing duplicates?
And if there is a way, can it be done by recursion?
First of, I agree with Mr. Joswig - Stackoverflow isn't a place to ask for answers to homework. But, I will answer your question in a way that you may not be able to use it directly without some extra digging and being able to understand how hash-tables and lexical closures work. Which in it's turn will be a good exercise for your advancement.
Is there a way to count every value only once without removing duplicates? And if there is a way, can it be done by recursion?
Yes, it's straight forward with hash-tables, here are two examples:
;; no state stored
(defun make-bag (lst)
(let ((hs (make-hash-table)))
(labels ((%make-bag (lst)
(if lst
(multiple-value-bind (val exists)
(gethash (car lst) hs)
(if exists
(setf (gethash (car lst) hs) (1+ val))
(setf (gethash (car lst) hs) 1))
(%make-bag (cdr lst)))
(%make-bag lst))))
Now, if you try evaluate this form twice, you will get the same answer each time:
(gethash 'a (make-bag '(a a a a b b b c c b a 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 5 55)))
> 5
> T
(gethash 'a (make-bag '(a a a a b b b c c b a 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 5 55)))
> 5
> T
And this is a second example:
;; state is stored....
(let ((hs (make-hash-table)))
(defun make-bag (lst)
(if lst
(multiple-value-bind (val exists)
(gethash (car lst) hs)
(if exists
(setf (gethash (car lst) hs) (1+ val))
(setf (gethash (car lst) hs) 1))
(make-bag (cdr lst)))
Now, if you try to evaluate this form twice, you will get answer doubled the second time:
(gethash 'x (make-bag '(x x x y y x z z z z x)))
> 5
> T
(gethash 'x (make-bag '(x x x y y x z z z z x)))
> 10
> T
Why did the answer doubled?
How to convert contents of a hash table to an assoc list?
Also note that recursive functions usually "eat" lists, and sometimes have an accumulator that accumulates the results of each step, which is returned at the end. Without hash-tables and ability of using remove-duplicates/count-if, logic gets a bit convoluted since you are forced to use basic functions.
Well, here's the answer, but to make it a little bit more useful as a learning exercise, I'm going to leave some blanks, you'll have to fill.
Also note that using a hash table for this task would be more advantageous because the access time to an element stored in a hash table is fixed (and usually very small), while the access time to an element stored in a list has linear complexity, so would grow with longer lists.
(defun make-bag (list)
(let (result)
(labels ((%make-bag (list)
(when list
(let ((key (assoc (car <??>) <??>)))
(if key (incf (cdr key))
(setq <??>
(cons (cons (car <??>) 1) <??>)))
(%make-bag (cdr <??>))))))
(%make-bag list))
There may be variations of this function, but they would be roughly based on the same principle.