Convert lisp function to use map - lisp

Hello I am looking forward to convert my existing function:
(defun checkMember (L A)
((NULL L) nil)
( (and (atom (car L)) (equal (car L) A)) T )
(T (checkMember (cdr L) A))))
To use map functions, but i honestly cant understand exactly how map functions work, could you maybe advice me how this func's work?
this is my atempt:
(defun checkMem (L A)
((NULL L) nil)
( (and (atom (car L)) (equal (car L) (car A))) T )
(T (mapcar #'checkMem (cdr L) A))))

A mapping function is not appropriate here because the task involves searching the list to determine whether it contains a matching item. This is not mapping.
Mapping means passing each element through some function (and usually collecting the return values in some way). Sure, we can abuse mapping into solving the problem somehow.
But may I instead suggest that this is a reduce problem rather than a mapping problem? Reducing means processing all the elements of a list in order to produce a single value which summarizes that list.
Warm up: use reduce to add elements together:
(reduce #'+ '(1 2 3)) -> 6
In our case, we want to reduce the list differently: to a single value which is T or NIL based on whether the list contains some item.
(defun is-member (list item)
(reduce (lambda (found next-one) (or found (eql next-one item)))
list :initial-value nil))
;; tests:
(is-member nil nil) -> NIL
(is-member nil 42) -> NIL
(is-member '(1) 1) -> T
(is-member '(1) 2) -> NIL
(is-member '(t t) 1) -> NIL ;; check for accumulator/item mixup
(is-member '(1 2) 2) -> T
(is-member '(1 2) 3) -> NIL
A common pattern in using a (left-associative) reduce function is to treat the left argument in each reduction as an accumulated value that is being "threaded" through the reduce. When we do a simple reduce with + to add numbers, we don't think about this, but the left argument of the function used for the reduction is always the partial sum. The partial sum is initialized to zero because reduce first calls the + function with no arguments, which is possible: (+) is zero in Lisp.
Concretely, what happens in (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3)) is this:
first, reduce calls (+) which returns 0.
then, reduce calls (+ 0 1), which produces the partial sum 1.
next, reduce calls (+ 1 2), using the previous partial sum as the left argument, and the next element as the right argument. This returns 3, of course.
finally, reduce calls (+ 3 3), resulting in 6.
In our case, the accumulated value we are "threading" through the reduction is not a partial sum, but a boolean value. This boolean becomes the left argument which is called found inside the reducing function. We explicitly specify the initial value using :initial-value nil, because our lambda function does not support being called with no arguments. On each call to our lambda, we short-circuit: if found is true, it means that a previous reduction has already decided that the list contains the item, and we just return true. Otherwise, we check the right argument: the next item from the list. If it is equal to item, then we return T, otherwise NIL. And this T or NIL then becomes the found value in the next call. Once we return T, this value will "domino" through the rest of the reduction, resulting in a T return out of reduce.
If you insist on using mapping, you can do something like: map each element to a list which is empty if the element doesn't match the item, otherwise nonempty. Do the mapping in such a way that the lists are catenated together. If the resulting list is nonempty, then the original list must have contained one or more matches for the item:
(defun is-member (list item)
(if (mapcan (lambda (elem)
(if (eq elem item) (list elem))) list)
This approach performs lots of wasteful allocations if the list contains many occurrences of the item.
(The reduce approach is also wasteful because it keeps processing the list after it is obvious that the return value will be T.)

What about this:
(defun checkMember (L a)
(car (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
(and (equal a e) (list T)))
Note: it does not recurse into list elements, but the original function did not either.

(defun memb (item list)
(map nil
(lambda (element)
(when (eql item element)
(return-from memb t)))

Try this,
Recursive version:
(defun checkmember (l a)
(let ((temp nil))
(cond ((null l) nil) ((find a l) (setf temp (or temp t)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cond ((listp x)(setf temp (or temp (checkmember x a))))))
Usage: (checkmember '(1 (2 5) 3) 20) => NIL
(checkmember '(1 (2 5) 3) 2) => T
(checkmember '(1 2 3) 2) => T
(checkmember '((((((((1)))))))) 1) = T


`NIL' is not of the expected type `NUMBER'

When I was trying to check the number is equal to any element in list, I get the following error:
'NIL' is not of the expected type 'NUMBER'
(defun check-num (li n)
((= n (car li)) t)
((not (= n (car li))) (check-num (cdr li) n))
((not (= n (car li))) nil)))
(check-num '(1 2 3 4 5) 6)
I found that the problem occur when it try to excute the function 'check-num' with the empty list with the number entered after perform all checking.
The error come out when the compiler try to perform the following function:
(check-num nil 6)
The immediate problem is that you never check for the end of the list. The car of the empty list is nil again. = compares numbers. Nil is not a number.
Check for the end of the list first. Some minor stylistic issues: when using conses as a list, use first and rest instead of car and cdr, name things as they are (list), use proper formatting.
(defun check-num (list n)
(cond ((endp list) nil) ; <-
((= (first list) n) t)
(t (check-num (rest list) n))))
However, it should be noted that there are several ways already in the standard to achieve this check, e. g.:
(member n list)
(find n list)

Insertion Sort in Common lisp

I want to implement the sorting function in common-lisp with this INSERT function
k means cons cell with number & val, and li means list where I want insert k into.
with this function, I can make a list of cell
(defun INSERT (li k) (IF (eq li nil) (cons (cons(car k)(cdr k)) nil)
(IF (eq (cdr li) nil)
(IF (< (car k)(caar li)) (cons (cons(car k)(cdr k)) li)
(cons (car li) (cons (cons(car k)(cdr k)) (cdr li)) )
( (eq (< (caar li) (car k)) (< (car k) (caadr li)) )
(cons (car k) (cons (cons (car k) (cdr k)) (cdr li)) ) )
(t (cons (car li) (INSERT (cdr li) k)) )))))
and what I want is the code of this function below. it has only one parameter li(non sorted list)
(defun Sort_List (li)(...this part...))
without using assignment, and using the INSERT function
Your insert function is very strange. In fact I find it so hard to read that I cn't work out what it's doing except that there's no need to check for both the list being null and its cdr being null. It also conses a lot of things it doesn't need, unless you are required by some part of the specification of the problem to make copies of the conses you are inserting.
Here is a version of it which is much easier to read and which does not copy when it does not need to. Note that this takes its arguments in the other order to yours:
(defun insert (thing into)
(cond ((null into)
(list thing))
((< (car thing) (car (first into)))
(cons thing into))
(t (cons (first into)
(insert thing (rest into))))))
Now, what is the algorithm for insertion sort? Well, essentially it is:
loop over the list to be sorted:
for each element, insert it into the sorted list;
finally return the sorted list.
And we're not allowed to use assignment to do this.
Well, there is a standard trick to do this sort of thing, which is to use a tail-recursive function with an accumulator argument, which accumulates the results. We can either write this function as an explicit auxiliary function, or we can make it a local function. I'm going to do the latter both because there's no reason for a function which is only ever used locally to be globally visible, and because (as I'm assuming this is homework) it makes it harder to submit directly.
So here is this version of the function:
(defun insertion-sort (l)
(labels ((is-loop (tail sorted)
(if (null tail)
(is-loop (rest tail) (insert (first tail) sorted)))))
(is-loop l '())))
This approach is fairly natural in Scheme, but not very natural in CL. An alternative approach which does not use assignment, at least explicitly, is to use do. Here is a version which uses do:
(defun insertion-sort (l)
(do ((tail l (rest tail))
(sorted '() (insert (first tail) sorted)))
((null tail) sorted)))
There are two notes about this version.
First of all, although it's not explicitly using assignment it pretty clearly implicitly is doing so. I think that's probably cheating.
Secondly it's a bit subtle why it works: what, exactly, is the value of tail in (insert (first tail) sorted), and why?
A version which is clearer, but uses loop which you are probably not meant to know about, is
(defun insertion-sort (l)
(loop for e in l
for sorted = (insert e '()) then (insert e sorted)
finally (return sorted)))
This, however, is also pretty explicitly using assignment.
As Kaz has pointed out below, there is an obvious way (which I should have seen!) of doing this using the CL reduce function. What reduce does, conceptually, is to successively collapse a sequence of elements by calling a function which takes two arguments. So, for instance
(reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4))
is the same as
(+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4)
This is easier to see if you use cons as the function:
> > (reduce #'cons '(1 2 3 4))
(((1 . 2) . 3) . 4)
> (cons (cons (cons 1 2) 3) 4)
(((1 . 2) . 3) . 4)
Well, of course, insert, as defined above, is really suitable for this: it takes an ordered list and inserts a new pair into it, returning a new ordered list. There are two problems:
my insert takes its arguments in the wrong order (this is possibly why the original one took the arguments in the other order!);
there needs to be a way of 'seeding' the initial sorted list, which will be ().
Well we can fix the wrong-argument-order either by rewriting insert, or just by wrapping it in a function which swaps the arguments: I'll do the latter because I don't want to revisit what I wrote above and I don't want two versions of the function.
You can 'seed' the initial null value by either just prepending it to the list of things to sort, or in fact reduce has a special option to provide the initial value, so we'll use that.
So using reduce we get this version of insertion-sort:
(defun insertion-sort (l)
(reduce (lambda (a e)
(insert e a))
l :initial-value '()))
And we can test this:
> (insertion-sort '((1 . a) (-100 . 2) (64.2 . "x") (-2 . y)))
((-100 . 2) (-2 . y) (1 . a) (64.2 . "x"))
and it works fine.
So the final question the is: are we yet again cheating by using some function whose definition obviously must involve assignment? Well, no, we're not, because you can quite easily write a simplified reduce and see that it does not need to use assignment. This version is much simpler than CL's reduce, and in particular it explicitly requires the initial-value argument:
(defun reduce/simple (f list accum)
(if (null list)
(reduce/simple f (rest list) (funcall f accum (first list)))))
(Again, this is not very natural CL code since it relies on tail-call elimination to handle large lists, but it makes the point that you can do this without assignment.)
And so now we can write one final version of insertion-sort:
(defun insertion-sort (l)
(reduce/simple (lambda (a e)
(insert e a))
l '()))
And it's easy to check that this works as well.

Lisp function count recurring a's in list

I am trying to write a function that takes only a list as a parameter and counts the number of times the symbol a appears in the list, without counting any a's in a sublist within the list.
I am very new to Lisp so please use as basic code as possible so I could understand what it is doing, even if it is inefficient.
(defun times (l)
(setf x 'a)
((null l) nil)
((equal x (car l)) (+ 1 (times x (cdr L))))
(t (times x(cdr l)))))
So (times '(a b (a) c)) should return 1. However I am getting the error that with this line times is getting two arguments when it should be getting one.
There are multiple ways to implement this in Common Lisp. The example should be small enough for you to follow (test them).
Recursive implementation
Your approach is fine, except you have small errors (in addition to the other ones reported in comments):
Do not use SETF for undeclarded variables.
Do not return NIL in the base case: your function should return a number.
Also, your code coud be better formatted, and you should use longer names (lowercase l in particular is hard to read)
Here is a modified version:
(defun times (list element)
((null list) 0)
((equal (car list) element) (1+ (times (cdr list) element)))
(t (times (cdr list) element))))
Let's TRACE the function:
CL-USER> (trace times)
Here is the execution trace:
CL-USER> (times '(a b c d a f a) 'a)
0: (TIMES (A B C D A F A) A)
1: (TIMES (B C D A F A) A)
2: (TIMES (C D A F A) A)
3: (TIMES (D A F A) A)
4: (TIMES (A F A) A)
5: (TIMES (F A) A)
6: (TIMES (A) A)
7: TIMES returned 0
6: TIMES returned 1
5: TIMES returned 1
4: TIMES returned 2
3: TIMES returned 2
2: TIMES returned 2
1: TIMES returned 2
0: TIMES returned 3
You can see that the call stack grows for each and every element visited in the list. It is usually a bad practice, especially when the recursive function is basically implementing a loop.
Use a simple LOOP:
(defun times (list element)
(loop for value in list count (equal value element)))
Alternatively, use DOLIST:
(defun times (list element)
(let ((counter 0))
(dolist (value list counter)
(when (equal element value)
(incf counter)))))
Here above, counter is a local variable introduced by LET. It is incremented with INCF inside the loop, only WHEN the comparison holds. Finally, counter is returned from the dolist (the third parameter indicates which form to evaluate to have the result value). The return value of dolist is also the return value of the let and the whole function.
This can be rewritten also with DO:
(defun times (list element)
(do ((counter 0)) ((null list) counter)
(when (equal element (pop list))
(incf counter))))
The first list in do introduces bindings, the second list is a termination test (here we stop when the list is empty) followed by a result form (here, the counter). Inside the body of the loop, we POP elements from the input list and do the comparison, as before.
Tail-recursive implementation
If you want to keep a recursive implementation, add an accumulator and compute all the intermediate results before entering a recursive evaluation. If all results are passed as function arguments, there is no need to keep track of intermediate results at each step of the recursion, which eliminates the need to even allocate stack frames. The ability to perform tail-call elimination is not expressly required by the specification of the language, but it is typically available in most implementations.
(defun times (list element)
(labels ((recurse (list counter)
((null list) counter)
((equal (first list) element)
(recurse (rest list) (1+ counter)))
(t (recurse (rest list) counter)))))
(recurse list 0)))
Here above, recurse is a local recursive function introduced by LABELS, which accepts a counter parameter. The difference with the original recursive function is that when the list is empty, it returns the current value of counter instead of zero. Here, the result of recurse is always the same as the value returned by recursive invocations: the compiler can just rebind inputs and perform a jump instead of allocating intermediate frames.
Higher-order functions
Here are yet two other ways, based on higher-order functions.
First, the usual way to define functions with accumulators is with REDUCE (known as fold in other languages). There is no explicit mutation:
(defun times (list element)
(reduce (lambda (counter value)
(if (equal value element)
(1+ counter)
:initial-value 0))
The anonymous function accepts the current state of the accumulator, the current value being visited in the list, and shall compute the next state of the accumulator (the counter).
Alternatively, call MAP with a nil first argument, so that the iteration is only done for effects. The anonymous function established by the LAMBDA form closes over the local counter variable, and can increment it when comparison holds. It is similar to the previous dolist example w.r.t. incrementing the counter through side-effects, but the iteration is done implicitly with map.
(defun times (list element)
(let ((counter 0))
(map ()
(lambda (value)
(when (equal value element)
(incf counter)))
For your information, there is a built-in COUNT function:
(defun times (list element)
(count element list :test #'equal))
Here is some code which might help. It uses tail recursion and defines a helper function which is called recursively and keeps track of the number of times the symbol 'a appears with the argument count. The helper function takes two arguments, but the functino count-a takes one. Count-a calls the helper with the list l and the total number of times it has counted the symbol 'a at the beginning, which is zero to kick off the recursive calls.
(defun count-a (l)
(labels ((helper (x count)
(if (equalp 'a (car x)) (incf count))
(cond ((null x) count)
(t (helper (cdr x) count)))))
(helper l 0)))
You can also use the loop macro:
(defun count-a-with-a-loop (l)
(loop for i in l count (equalp 'a i))\
Or as Coredump points out:
(defun count-a-with-count (l)
(count 'a l :test #'equal))
Note the '# character before equal lets the Lisp interpreter know that equal is a function, known as a reader macro.
If you use a Lisp compiler (like SBCL) you might see this:
* (defun times (l)
(setf x 'a)
((null l) nil)
((equal x (car l)) (+ 1 (times x (cdr L))))
(t (times x(cdr l)))))
; caught WARNING:
; The function was called with two arguments, but wants exactly one.
; caught WARNING:
; The function was called with two arguments, but wants exactly one.
; caught WARNING:
; undefined variable: X
; compilation unit finished
; Undefined variable:
; X
; caught 3 WARNING conditions
The Lisp compiler tells you that there are three errors in your code.
Let's fix the undefined variable problem first, by introducing a local variable x:
(defun times (l)
(let ((x 'a))
((null l) nil)
((equal x (car l)) (+ 1 (times x (cdr L))))
(t (times x (cdr l))))))
Now, we look at the other two: you call TIMES with two arguments.
We can just remove the x argument, since it is not needed:
(defun times (l)
(let ((x 'a))
((null l) nil)
((equal x (car l)) (+ 1 (times (cdr L))))
(t (times (cdr l))))))
It may be more useful to be able to search for more things, so we add x to the argument list and add it to the call arguments.
(defun times (x l)
((null l) nil)
((equal x (car l)) (+ 1 (times x (cdr L))))
(t (times x (cdr l)))))
Now the function should always return a number, not NIL for an empty list:
(defun times (x l)
((null l) 0)
((equal x (car l)) (+ 1 (times x (cdr L))))
(t (times x (cdr l)))))
Since Lisp has functions like first and rest, we can replace car and cdr:
(defun times (x l)
((null l) 0)
((equal x (first l)) (+ 1 (times x (rest l))))
(t (times x (rest l)))))

Why does this program return a list of atoms?

So I am learning Lisp at school and one of the programs I have to create is one that duplicates the functionality of remove-if-not by using mapcan. I have created the program and it works correctly but I don't understand the output.
Specifically, if I were to run:
(findall 'numberp '(1 a 3))
The output is: (1 3)
The program is the following:
(defun findAll (fct l)
((null l) nil)
((mapcan (lambda(x) (if (funcall fct x) (list x) nil )) l))
My understanding of the solution is the following:
"For each of the elements of the list l call the lambda function. If the result of the function fit and the element x returns true, then return the element surrounded by parentheses, otherwise return nil"
What specifically I am not understanding is how a series of consecutive calls to "list(x)" will in the end return a list of atoms such as (1 2).
Not sure why you have tagged your question SLIME, which is an IDE.
Let's format and indent your code readable.
(defun findAll (fct l)
((null l) nil)
((mapcan (lambda (x)
(if (funcall fct x)
(list x)
It's possible to write it that way, but usually we have a T condition to make clear that the last clause is always called.
(defun findAll (fct l)
((null l) nil)
(t (mapcan (lambda (x)
(if (funcall fct x)
(list x)
Since MAPCAN already deals with empty lists, you can just delete the COND and the first clause. findAll is typically named as find-all.
(defun find-all (fn list)
(mapcan (lambda (item)
(if (funcall fn item)
(list item)
For each of the elements of the list l call the lambda function. If the result of the function fit and the element x returns true, then return the element surrounded by parentheses, otherwise return nil
For each of the elements of the list LIST call the lambda function. If the result of the function FN and the element ITEM returns true, then return a list of just the ITEM, otherwise return the empty list. The end result is the (destructively) appended list of all result lists of the lambda function.

Mutual Recursion in Common Lisp

This is the Common Lisp code:
(defun take (L)
(if (null L) nil
(cons (car L) (skip (cdr L)))))
(defun skip (L)
(if (null L) nil
(cons (car L) (take (cdr L)))))
The idea here is that, "take" will give all the odd sequence elements in the input list and "skip" will give all the even sequence elements in the input list. However, in both cases the entire list is returned.
What is the error in this code? Is this something to do with how CL handles lists, because the similar code in SML gives the desired output.
fun take(lst) =
if lst = nil then nil
else hd(lst)::skip(tl(lst))
skip(lst) =
if lst = nil then nil
else hd(lst)::take(tl(lst));
To expound on what Sylwester has said, your skip is wrong in both Lisp and SML. It should be
(defun take (L) ; even-indexed elements of a list L
(if (not (null L))
(cons (car L) (skip (cdr L)))))
(defun skip (L) ; odd-indexed elements of a list L
(if (not (null L))
(take (cdr L))))
fun take(lst) =
if lst = nil then nil
else hd(lst)::skip(tl(lst))
skip(lst) =
if lst = nil then nil
else take(tl(lst));
The take and skip are identical so that is no mystery. skip should just tail call instead of cons-ing. It's the consing that makes the return here.
It's worth pointing out that indexing in Common Lisp (like many other programming languages) starts with 0, so the even-indexed elements of a list are the first, the third, the fifth, and so on, since those have indices 0, 2, 4, etc. It's also worth noting that in Common Lisp, you can take the rest of the empty list and get back the empty list. (You can't do this in every Lisp, though. E.g., in Scheme it's an error to call cdr on something that's not a pair.) This means that you can implement even-elements and odd-elements rather easily. even-elementsjust returns a list of the first element, and the odd elements of the rest of the list. odd-elements returns the even-elements of the rest of the list:
(defun even-elements (list)
(if (endp list) list
(list* (first list) (odd-elements (rest list)))))
(defun odd-elements (list)
(even-elements (rest list)))
These behave in the expected fashion:
CL-USER> (even-elements '(0 1 2 3 4 5))
(0 2 4)
CL-USER> (odd-elements '(0 1 2 3 4 5))
(1 3 5)
Of course, if you note that the call to (odd-elements x) is just a call to (even-elements (rest x)), we could have implemented even-elements as follows, and had the same result:
(defun even-elements (list)
(if (endp list) list
(list* (first list) (even-elements (rest (rest list))))))