Is instagrams Rest API "{user-id}" not working / removed? - rest

I am using the Instagram Rest API for a simple application and I've hit a bumb.
The call{tag-name} works fine (I also have the ?accesstoken=XXXXX... appended).
But the call for basic user information is not working. Not in the developer console and not in the browser when modifying my own URL.
Has the method been removed? Is it broken? If no one has an answer for that; How do you contact Instagram to report the broken link?

Thanks to #CnapoB I managed to realise the call wasnt what I was looking for! And also he showed me the Instagram Endpoints doesn't show the easy way!{tag-name}?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
might as well be{tag-name}?client_id=CLIENT_ID
which means you don't have to have the user login to the application etc.
Thank you so much for this!
What I wanted to do was instead this: (example: tyrabanks)


Venmo Deeplinking

I have been looking into how to venmo deeplinking schemes and am trying to open a user's account based on their username. I looked all over the internet for this and closest I came was this blog post. The person in the blog post is so close to achieving what I'm going for but I still can not figure it out. I tried changing up the "venmo://users" multiple times trying to open up a profile with a username but nothing has worked. How can I accomplish this?
Thank you in advance
I found a tricky way to finding out Venmo's deep link to a user's account. On this site you can paste the URL you're trying to get the deep link for and it'll provide iOS and Android information.
Also, by reviewing how it works, it provides an API ( to which you must invoke (POST method) and it'll return the deep link, by sending a JSON input as the following:
Response will include something like:
"android_scheme": "intent://user?user_id=XXXXXXX#Intent;package=com.venmo;scheme=venmo;end",
"ios_scheme": "venmo://users/XXXXXXX"

Embed API demo not working

I tried using this Google Analytics Embed API Demo, of course with my own ClientID (49803909):
Embed API Demo
However, instead of the graphic I should be getting, I only get a blank page. I did follow the instructions quite carefully. Does this work for others? Any ideas of what may be wrong?
PS: Here's the screenshot of where I am getting the id from. #DaImTo was right that just 49803909 wasn't it, but I also tried to full long string and even the service id below (the one with #), all to the same effect (a blank screen). So, is this the wrong screen then?
I think #DalmTo is correct. You're most likely using one of the many other Google Analytics IDs instead of using a valid Client ID (which is not Google Analytics-specific, it's a general ID used for accessing Google APIs), and you're probably getting errors logged to the JavaScript console that say something to that affect.
If you follow the steps in this Embed API Developer Guide, you'll see instructions on how to create a Client ID to use with the Embed API.

ColdFusion - OAuthException - This authorization code has expired. [code=100]

I am having a go at trying to get the Facebook API SDK for ColdFusion working.
I have followed all the steps and it seems to work well (using only server-side login).
However, if I leave the page for say, an hour, when I return and refresh the page (which was showing my profile name and friends list) it shows up with an error that I am unable to get rid of, unless I clear the cookies.
Is there something I am missing with this FB login? Am I meant to be checking against something manually in order to persist the session?
Looking at my cookies, I have the following stored:
It's all new to me, so I'm a bit lost. I can't see anything in the docs for the SDK about this and Googling the error brings nothing.
I have attached a screenshot of the error.
I'd appreciate any help you can offer!
I'm not familiar enough with that particular project, but in general, your code should be requesting the various Graph API calls, and requesting the token as necessary. If the token has expired, you request a new one. I'd expect the facebook-cf-sdk product to do this, but again, I'm unfamiliar with it.
Good news is, the Facebook Graph API is just a series of HTTP calls. See my talk at NC DevCon for an example of logging in and making some graph calls: (a bit long; go to about the 1:42:00 mark)
GitHub repo: (note the branches - check out the step4 branch)
These don't answer your question 100%, but they may be a good starting point for you.
Ok, I figured out how to solve this issue using a solution someone provided on Github. I just wanted to post this here in case someone else encountered the issue and wasn't sure how to solve it. In my case however, after I applied the solution from that post was I need to do a page refresh. Link below.

get facebook page full public photostream

there's only one similar question and it's not been answered. not for me at least.
There are public pages on Facebook, suppose i want to get their photostream ? their album pictures ?
I don't see how the Graph API allows me access since i can't get an access token, if i browse from my browser, NOT LOGGED IN, i can still see this public information, so how do i use the AI to access it.
BTW, i tried scrapping with python+mechanize and it's no go as if u get the regular we photo stream u get only partial, no all of it and the rest you need to scroll or to know how to build the same request the browser is building, but suprise suprise the JS doing the request is obfuscated pretty well...
Any help ?
in short it's not possible to do what i wanted annonymously, moreover at the moment, only some of the API works in the web site by accident only, if u are not logged in FB do not want to let u see any page and anyone, considering the last article about their cooperation with the US gov. it's not surprising.
In any case i just use grease money and FF to get a full page\album and then download the whole thing and i i need scrapping i'll do it on those pages with a script.
basically if i log in i can get a full page using the scripts in script monkey.... though script monkey is easier since he has the browser to parse all the data and works inside the browser...
I gave up after 3 weeks...

How do you remove the "box head" in a Facebook application?

I'm currently developing a Facebook application which will eventually end up on a Facebook Page. The problem is that I don't know how to remove the box header (handle?) with the application name and the close-button.
I've seen other applications on Pages being able to remove the header. Look at Apples Page here:
Is it because they use an IFrame? I've tried that as well but I still need to call setFBML and embed an IFrame inside it.
I think you're right about the IFrame in the Apple page. It looks like the entire left column is a single IFrame. Still, it's not clear how they managed to get rid of the handle bar. Now I'm curious too...
Is is possible that Apple paid facebook to remove the header you are talking about?
Maybe it's a special case and they have a special API/UI for people who are willing to give them cash money?
I wrote a Facebook application a while back and I do not believe it has what you are calling a box header on it: The application is configured to run entirely in an IFrame and I am not using FBML at all.
I've finally found out how to get an IFrame without a header just like Apple does.
You have to sign a special deal with Facebook to get it... however this deal doesn't come cheap so it's out of question for most companies. :(