Venmo Deeplinking - swift

I have been looking into how to venmo deeplinking schemes and am trying to open a user's account based on their username. I looked all over the internet for this and closest I came was this blog post. The person in the blog post is so close to achieving what I'm going for but I still can not figure it out. I tried changing up the "venmo://users" multiple times trying to open up a profile with a username but nothing has worked. How can I accomplish this?
Thank you in advance

I found a tricky way to finding out Venmo's deep link to a user's account. On this site you can paste the URL you're trying to get the deep link for and it'll provide iOS and Android information.
Also, by reviewing how it works, it provides an API ( to which you must invoke (POST method) and it'll return the deep link, by sending a JSON input as the following:
Response will include something like:
"android_scheme": "intent://user?user_id=XXXXXXX#Intent;package=com.venmo;scheme=venmo;end",
"ios_scheme": "venmo://users/XXXXXXX"


Getting a SoundCloud API client ID

Encountered a problem accessing my tracks from browser.
Usually i type this link in my browser to access downloadable tracks:
But now i can not access it anymore, probably the client id is changed.
How can i obtain a new client id?
Simple.. Go to any tracks that you can download on soundcloud, press f12 and look at networks tab, click download and it will show you something like
Grab that client_id, replace it and amend the url from download? to stream?.. use streams? if you want a list of urls in json format
As no one else has mentioned it, in a Chrome-based browser under DevTools ctrl+shift+i, you can grab your client_id from the Network tab on reload. Many items listed here reference the SoundCloud API and require your client_id to access it. Simply click any item in the list that isn't an image/base64 item (preferably something that begins with id?...), then check the Request URL for a client_id.
It's the simplest way to grab the ID; now that you know how, don't do anything illegal k thx.
For those thinking this is the same as the other answer mentioning a download link, this method skips that entirely as many songs are no longer available from SoundCloud itself, but from external sources that are linked instead.
Amazing it's been this long, yet there's no "public" Soundcloud API. I'm amazed to find something worse off than the Twitch API.
See this user's solution for a way to do this without a CLIENT ID which you can no longer get from soundcloud:
seems to work and pull all tracks as mp3
no client_id needed, if you needed the client_id to get something
like soundcloud-dl to work
You can apply for a client ID by filling in the SoundCloud Application Registration form.

Is instagrams Rest API "{user-id}" not working / removed?

I am using the Instagram Rest API for a simple application and I've hit a bumb.
The call{tag-name} works fine (I also have the ?accesstoken=XXXXX... appended).
But the call for basic user information is not working. Not in the developer console and not in the browser when modifying my own URL.
Has the method been removed? Is it broken? If no one has an answer for that; How do you contact Instagram to report the broken link?
Thanks to #CnapoB I managed to realise the call wasnt what I was looking for! And also he showed me the Instagram Endpoints doesn't show the easy way!{tag-name}?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
might as well be{tag-name}?client_id=CLIENT_ID
which means you don't have to have the user login to the application etc.
Thank you so much for this!
What I wanted to do was instead this: (example: tyrabanks)

Dailymotion callback url dynamic configuration

I hope I am not duplicating a question. I am banging my head against a wall for several days now. I am adding the Dailymotion PHP SDK to our site, I am using the Dailymotion::GRANT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, I am able to authenticate using a static call back url in my API on Dailymotion.
I want to be able to use this from several different scripts on the site. The first will be to call a link up page, so we can capture that a person has linked to Dailymotion. The second will be to upload video's through our system to Dailymotion, to that users account, not mine. I know I could do this with the authentication type of password, but I want to use the API and not have to have the visitor sign in or enter their credentials every time.
Back to the question, I see that the API can have a dynamic url, but I can not figure out how to make this work. If I someone could send me an example of how to enter this in the API section I would appreciate it. This does not work:[dailymotion_checklogin.php]
nor does something like this:[dailymotion_upload.php][dailymotion_checklogin.php]
I would appreciate any help.
Replace the [dynamic] part with your dynamic part.
If your redirect URI on your API key is[dynamic], then your real redirect URI could be

ColdFusion - OAuthException - This authorization code has expired. [code=100]

I am having a go at trying to get the Facebook API SDK for ColdFusion working.
I have followed all the steps and it seems to work well (using only server-side login).
However, if I leave the page for say, an hour, when I return and refresh the page (which was showing my profile name and friends list) it shows up with an error that I am unable to get rid of, unless I clear the cookies.
Is there something I am missing with this FB login? Am I meant to be checking against something manually in order to persist the session?
Looking at my cookies, I have the following stored:
It's all new to me, so I'm a bit lost. I can't see anything in the docs for the SDK about this and Googling the error brings nothing.
I have attached a screenshot of the error.
I'd appreciate any help you can offer!
I'm not familiar enough with that particular project, but in general, your code should be requesting the various Graph API calls, and requesting the token as necessary. If the token has expired, you request a new one. I'd expect the facebook-cf-sdk product to do this, but again, I'm unfamiliar with it.
Good news is, the Facebook Graph API is just a series of HTTP calls. See my talk at NC DevCon for an example of logging in and making some graph calls: (a bit long; go to about the 1:42:00 mark)
GitHub repo: (note the branches - check out the step4 branch)
These don't answer your question 100%, but they may be a good starting point for you.
Ok, I figured out how to solve this issue using a solution someone provided on Github. I just wanted to post this here in case someone else encountered the issue and wasn't sure how to solve it. In my case however, after I applied the solution from that post was I need to do a page refresh. Link below.

Need help - FB Like button does not post to wall

Hello fellow community members,
I was unable to find a helpful answer, so I will give this a try: I recently developed a website that has a FB "Recommend" (same as "Like") button implemented. I have never dealt with this before, hence my complete lack of knowledge.
Now, I implemented the code the FB developer's Like page (--> creates correctly into the website (both the script and the DIV-tag, yet something that is not automatically generated seems to be missing and needs to be added for the button to work correctly. It currently does not post to the FB wall.
Upon doing a debugging check, I received the following results: [...]
Unfortunately, I have no clue what to do with that data. How and where exactly in the HTML code do I implement those missing TAGS and PROPERTIES? Any help would be highly appreciated...
Kind regards & many thanks in advance, :-)
It looks like you're missing the Open Graph meta tags. Those go into the head of your page.
Facebook has a generator to help you create the tags, but you'll need to add them into your markup.