How can I change post array value to allow insertion as Unique IDs (columns) mysql - mysqli

$result = mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO mytable...
VALUES (NULL, '$friends',
Using cloneya.js to duplicate fields, I get an array value for a set of 3 names. Posting to mysql, I get three names in the in the first field(friends) but only the first,second and third letter of the first name in the subsequent fields (friend1-3). How can I insert each name to the separate fields?

$friends is not an array in your case, its just a string. Which means that $friends[0] will be the first character of that string, $friends[1] will be the second character and so on. You must send the friends with a different variable name so you have $friends which is a string and $otherName as an array which you can use in your sql query.
Keep in mind to use prepared statements when you use sql queries which depends on variables. Also convert your tables to 3NF.


How to efficiently index fields with an identical (and long) prefix in PostgreSQL?

I’m working with identifiers in a rather unusual format: every single ID has the same prefix and the prefix consists of as many as 25 characters. The only thing that is unique is the last part of the ID string and it has a variable length of up to ten characters:
I’m looking for advice on the best strategy around indexing and matching this kind of ID string in PostgreSQL.
One approach I have considered is basically cutting these long prefixes out and only storing the unique suffix in the table column.
Another option that comes to mind is only indexing the suffix:
CREATE INDEX ON books (substring(book_id FROM 26));
I don’t think this is the best idea though as you would need to remember to always strip out the prefix when querying the table. If you forgot to do it and had a WHERE book_id = '<full ID here>' filter, the index would basically be ignored by the planner.
Most times I always create an integer type ID for my tables if even I have one unique string type of field. Recommendation for you is a good idea, I must view all your queries in DB. If you are recently using substring(book_id FROM 26) after the where statement, this is the best way to create expression index (function-based index). Basically, you need to check table joining conditions, which fields are used in the joining processes, and which fields are used after WHERE statements in your queries. After then you can prepare the best plan for creating indexes. If on the process of table joining you are using last part unique characters on the ID field then this is the best way to extract unique last characters and store this in additional fields or create expression index using the function for extracting unique characters.

Convert varchar parameter with CSV into column values postgres

I have a postgres query with one input parameter of type varchar.
value of that parameter is used in where clause.
Till now only single value was sent to query but now we need to send multiple values such that they can be used with IN clause.
where data=value.//current usage
where data in (value)//intended usage
I tried many ways i.e. providing value as
value="abc","def","ghk" etc.
But none is working and query is not returning any result though there are some matching data available. If I provide the values directly in IN clause, I am seeing the data.
I think I should somehow split the parameter which is comma separated string into multiple values, but I am not sure how I can do that.
Please note its Postgres DB.
You can try to split input string into an array. Something like that:
where data = ANY(string_to_array('abc,def,ghk',','))

web2py db query select showing field name

When i have the follow query:
str(db( + "\n"
The output includes the field name:
How do i remove it so that field name will not be included and just the selected imagename.
i tried referencing it like a list [1] gives me an out of range error and [0] i end up with:
<Row {'imageName': 'homegear\\homegear.jpg'}>
The above is not a list, what object is that and how can i reference on it?
db( returns a Rows object, and its __str__ method converts it to CSV output, which is what you are seeing.
A Rows object contains Row objects, and a Row object contains field values. To access an individual field value, you must first index the Rows object to extract the Row, and then get the individual field value as an attribute of the Row. So, in this case, it would be:
The advantage of rows.first() over rows[0] is that the former returns None in case there are no rows, whereas the latter will generate an exception (this doesn't help in the above case, because the subsequent attempt to access the .imageName attribute would raise an exception in either case if there were no rows).
Note, even when the select returns just a single row with a single field, you still have to explicitly extract the row and the field value as above.

simplest example of a query by date range in cassandra 1.x

I want to store an ID and a date and I want to retrieve all entries from dateA up to dateB, what exactly do I need to be able to perform select from my_column_family where date >= dateA and date < dateB; ?
the guys at #cassandra (IRC) helped me find a way, there's many subtle details so I'd like to document that here.
first you need to declare a column family similar to this (examples from cassandra-cli):
create column family users with comparator=UTF8Type and key_validation_class=UTF8Type and column_metadata=[
{column_name: id, validation_class: LongType}
{column_name: name, validation_class: UTF8Type, index_type: KEYS}
{column_name: age, validation_class: LongType}
few important things about this declaration:
the comparator and key_validation_class are there to be able to use strings as key names
the first declared column is special, it's the "row key" which is used to address each row and therefore cannot contain duplicate values (the INSERT is really an UPSERT so when there's duplicates the new values overwrite the old ones)
the second column declares a "secondary index" on its values (more on that below)
the dates are stored as Long datatypes, interpretation is up to the client
now let's add some values:
set users[1][name] = john;
set users[1][age] = 19;
set users[2][name] = jane;
set users[2][age] = 21;
set users[3][name] = john;
set users[3][age] = 32;
according to this: Cassandra does not support the < operators, what it does is to manually exclude the rows that don't match but it does that AFTER there's a resultset and it also refuses to do so unless and actual filtering has taken place.
what that means is that a query like get users where age > 20; will return null but if we add a predicate that includes = it'll magically work.
here's where the secondary index is important, without it you can't use = so on this example I can do get users where name = jane; but I cannot ask for get users where age = 21;
the funny thing is that, after using = the < works so having a secondary index allows you to ask for get users where name = john and age > 20; and it'll filter correctly.
There are a few ways to solve this. The simplest is probably the secondary index solution with the equality limitation mentioned in your own answer. I've used this method, adding an additional column called 'valid', setting the value to 1. Then the queries can become where valid=1 and date>nnnn
The other solutions require additional column families and additional queries.
When loading the data, create and add to a column family which contains the timestamps as keys, and each entry would list all the user ids as column names.
If the partitioning strategy is ordered, then a single RangeSliceQuery can specify the date range as a key range and get all the columns for each key. Then iterate through the result keys, using the column values for each user id and if needed, query the original column family for the data associated with each id. Cassandra always stores the column names sorted, and can be reversed when reading.
But, as documented, the ordered partitioner is not ideal, leading to hot spots and difficulty in load balancing the nodes.
Without the ordered partitioner, still keeping the timestamp column family, you would have to create another column family while loading data where you can store all the timestamps as the columns under one or more known keys (e.g. 'created' or 'updated'). The first query would be a SliceQuery for a known key, and then the column names (as timestamps) would provide the keys for the MultigetSliceQuery to the timestamp column family.
I've used variations on this, usually adding Composite keys or columns for additional flexibility.

Parameterized SQL Columns?

I have some code which utilizes parameterized queries to prevent against injection, but I also need to be able to dynamically construct the query regardless of the structure of the table. What is the proper way to do this?
Here's an example, say I have a table with columns Name, Address, Telephone. I have a web page where I run Show Columns and populate a select drop-down with them as options.
Next, I have a textbox called Search. This textbox is used as the parameter.
Currently my code looks something like this:
result = pquery('SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE `' + escape(column) + '`=?', search);
I get an icky feeling from it though. The reason I'm using parameterized queries is to avoid using escape. Also, escape is likely not designed for escaping column names.
How can I make sure this works the way I intend?
The reason I require dynamic queries is that the schema is user-configurable, and I will not be around to fix anything hard-coded.
Instead of passing the column names, just pass an identifier that you code will translate to a column name using a hardcoded table. This means you don't need to worry about malicious data being passed, since all the data is either translated legally, or is known to be invalid. Psudoish code:
#columns = qw/Name Address Telephone/;
if ($columns[$param]) {
$query = "select * from contacts where $columns[$param] = ?";
} else {
die "Invalid column!";
run_sql($query, $search);
The trick is to be confident in your escaping and validating routines. I use my own SQL escape function that is overloaded for literals of different types. Nowhere do I insert expressions (as opposed to quoted literal values) directly from user input.
Still, it can be done, I recommend a separate — and strict — function for validating the column name. Allow it to accept only a single identifier, something like
You'll have to rely on assumptions you can make about your own column names.
I use ADO.NET and the use of SQL Commands and SQLParameters to those commands which take care of the Escape problem. So if you are in a Microsoft-tool environment as well, I can say that I use this very sucesfully to build dynamic SQL and yet protect my parameters
best of luck
Make the column based on the results of another query to a table that enumerates the possible schema values. In that second query you can hardcode the select to the column name that is used to define the schema. if no rows are returned then the entered column is invalid.
In standard SQL, you enclose delimited identifiers in double quotes. This means that:
SELECT * FROM "SomeTable" WHERE "SomeColumn" = ?
will select from a table called SomeTable with the shown capitalization (not a case-converted version of the name), and will apply a condition to a column called SomeColumn with the shown capitalization.
Of itself, that's not very helpful, but...if you can apply the escape() technique with double quotes to the names entered via your web form, then you can build up your query reasonably confidently.
Of course, you said you wanted to avoid using escape - and indeed you don't have to use it on the parameters where you provide the ? place-holders. But where you are putting user-provided data into the query, you need to protect yourself from malicious people.
Different DBMS have different ways of providing delimited identifiers. MS SQL Server, for instance, seems to use square brackets [SomeTable] instead of double quotes.
Column names in some databases can contain spaces, which mean you'd have to quote the column name, but if your database contains no such columns, just run the column name through a regular expression or some sort of check before splicing into the SQL:
if ( $column !~ /^\w+$/ ) {
die "Bad column name [$column]";