Scala higher order function issue - scala

My aim: To minimize lines of code.
Have a few function like f1, f2 ...
f1(A: String)
f2(A: String, B: Long, C: User)
Want to process it with high order function approach.
def processf1(request: Request[AnyContent], f: (String) => String)
def processf2(request: Request[AnyContent], f: (String, Long, User) => String) = {...}
Can I create ONE common process function for f1, f2 ?
Any ideas ?

You could parametrize processf types:
def processf[S,T](request: Request[S], f: T => String) = ...
Examples of use:
processf(new Request[Int], (x: String) => x)
processf(new Request[Int], (x: (String, Long, User)) => x._1)

Thanks for the answer, but not so clear for me, could please clarify
for example 3 function which have duplicate like RequestUtil.getRequestParams
private def regUser(request: Request[AnyContent], f: (String) => String): String = {
RequestUtil.getRequestParams(request, APPConst.USER) match {
case Some(map) => f(map(APPConst.USER))
case None => JsonUtil.toJson(APPConst.ERROR -> APPConst.POST_PARAMS_EMPTY_MISMATCH)
private def regDog(request: Request[AnyContent], f: (Dog, Enum, String, String) => String): String = {
RequestUtil.getRequestParams(request, APPConst.Dog) match {
case Some(m) => process(m, f)
case None => JsonUtil.toJson(APPConst.ERROR -> APPConst.POST_PARAMS_EMPTY_MISMATCH)
private def regCat[T](request: Request[AnyContent], f: (Cat, Enum) => String): String = {
RequestUtil.getRequestParams(request, APPConst.CAT) match {
case Some(map) => process(map, f)
case None => JsonUtil.toJson(APPConst.ERROR -> APPConst.POST_PARAMS_EMPTY_MISMATCH)
and executions
def regUser = Action { request => Ok(views.html.index(regUserProcess(request, UserService.regUser)))}
def regDog = Action { request => Ok(views.html.index(regCurrProcess(request, UserService.regDog)))}
def regCat = Action { request => Ok(views.html.index(mainProcess(request, UserService.regCat)))}
As you can see 3 different functions with different count parameters UserService.regUser, UserService.regDog, UserService.regCat functions


Instance match throws Constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type error

I'm building a parse library that has functions with differing parameter requirements and am modeling as follows. The compiler throws the "constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type" error on the match.
Not sure why
class InstructionType[+A](name: String, params: Int) {
def paramCount = params
def executeInstruction[A](params: String*) = {
this match {
case OneParam(_, fn) => fn(Register(params(0)))
case TwoParamRegRef(_, fn) => fn(Register(params(0)), isValue(params(0)))
case TwoParamRefRef(_, fn) => fn(isValue(params(0)), isValue(params(0)))
case class OneParam(name: String, fn: Register => Unit) extends InstructionType[Register => Unit](name,1) {
def getInstruction = fn
case class TwoParamRegRef(name: String, fn: (Register, Either[Register, Int]) => Unit) extends InstructionType[(Register, Either[Register, Int]) => Unit](name,2) {
def getInstruction = fn
case class TwoParamRefRef(name: String, fn: (Either[Register, Int], Either[Register, Int]) => Unit) extends InstructionType[(Either[Register, Int], Either[Register, Int]) => Unit](name,2) {
def getInstruction = fn

Generic function to Spary JSON data types, throws type mismatch error

I'm using spray-json and I need to parse the given request body (PATCH, POST), request body attributes can have following possibilities represented by Either[Unit.type, Option[A]]
value Not given Left[Unit.type]
value=null Null Right[None]
value=XXX Some value is provided Right[Some(value)]
Using the above possibilities I need to create a entity from the request body. While parsing I need to validate each field with some business logic (String length, integer range ...).
I have a following function for the business logic validation.
def validateValue[T](fieldName: String,
maybeValue: Try[T],
businessValidation: T => Boolean): Option[T] = {
maybeValue match {
case Success(value) if businessValidation(value) => Some(value)
case _ => None
Similarly another function readFieldWithValidation, here I will be parsing each attribute based on the input type and apply the business validation.
def readFieldWithValidation[S, T](fields: Map[String, JsValue], fieldName: String, businessValidation: T => Boolean)(
parse: S => T
): Option[T] = {
fields.get(fieldName) match {
case None => None
case Some(jsValue) =>
jsValue match {
case jsString: JsString =>
validateValue(fieldName, Try(parse(jsString.value)), businessValidation)
case JsNumber(jsNumber) =>
validateValue(fieldName, Try(parse(jsNumber.intValue)), businessValidation)
case _ => None
I have S ( Source ) and T ( Target ) which is used for given a JsValue returns T type. Here I only care about JsString and JsNumber.
The above lines of code is giving type mismatch error,
<console>:112: error: type mismatch;
found : jsString.value.type (with underlying type String)
required: S
validateValue(fieldName, Try(parse(jsString.value)), businessValidation)
<console>:114: error: type mismatch;
found : Int
required: S
validateValue(fieldName, Try(parse(jsNumber.intValue)), businessValidation)
Can someone help me how to overcome this error?
This is how I can use above function
val attributes = Map("String" -> JsString("ThisIsString"), "Int" -> JsNumber(23))
def stringLengthConstraint(min: Int, max: Int)(value: String) = value.length > min && value.length < max
readFieldWithValidation[JsString, String](attributes, "String", stringLengthConstraint(1, 10))(_.toString)
Your example is still not quite clear because it does not show the role of parse and actually looks contradictory to the other code: particularly you specify the generic parameter S as JsString in readFieldWithValidation[JsString, String] but given current (borken) readFieldWithValidation implementation your parse argument is probably expected to be of type String => String because jsString.value is String.
Anyway here is a piece of code that seem to implement something that is hopefully sufficiently close to what you want:
trait JsValueExtractor[T] {
def getValue(jsValue: JsValue): Option[T]
object JsValueExtractor {
implicit val decimalExtractor = new JsValueExtractor[BigDecimal] {
override def getValue(jsValue: JsValue) = jsValue match {
case JsNumber(jsNumber) => Some(jsNumber)
case _ => None
implicit val intExtractor = new JsValueExtractor[Int] {
override def getValue(jsValue: JsValue) = jsValue match {
case JsNumber(jsNumber) => Some(jsNumber.intValue)
case _ => None
implicit val doubleExtractor = new JsValueExtractor[Double] {
override def getValue(jsValue: JsValue) = jsValue match {
case JsNumber(jsNumber) => Some(jsNumber.doubleValue)
case _ => None
implicit val stringExtractor = new JsValueExtractor[String] {
override def getValue(jsValue: JsValue) = jsValue match {
case JsString(string) => Some(string)
case _ => None
def readFieldWithValidation[S, T](fields: Map[String, JsValue], fieldName: String, businessValidation: T => Boolean)(parse: S => T)(implicit valueExtractor: JsValueExtractor[S]) = {
.flatMap(jsValue => valueExtractor.getValue(jsValue))
.flatMap(rawValue => Try(parse(rawValue)).toOption)
and usage example:
def test(): Unit = {
val attributes = Map("String" -> JsString("ThisIsString"), "Int" -> JsNumber(23))
def stringLengthConstraint(min: Int, max: Int)(value: String) = value.length > min && value.length < max
val value = readFieldWithValidation[String, String](attributes, "String", stringLengthConstraint(1, 10))(identity)
Your current code uses Option[T] as your return type. If I were using a code like this I'd probably added some error logging and/or handling for a case where the code contains a bug and attributes do contain a value for key fieldName but of some different, unexpected type (like JsNumber instead of JsString).
It is not clear from your comment whether you are satisfied with my original answer or want to add some error handling. If you want to report the type mismatch errors, and since you are using cats, something like ValidatedNel is an obvious choice:
type ValidationResult[A] = ValidatedNel[String, A]
trait JsValueExtractor[T] {
def getValue(jsValue: JsValue, fieldName: String): ValidationResult[T]
object JsValueExtractor {
implicit val decimalExtractor = new JsValueExtractor[BigDecimal] {
override def getValue(jsValue: JsValue, fieldName: String): ValidationResult[BigDecimal] = jsValue match {
case JsNumber(jsNumber) => jsNumber.validNel
case _ => s"Field '$fieldName' is expected to be decimal".invalidNel
implicit val intExtractor = new JsValueExtractor[Int] {
override def getValue(jsValue: JsValue, fieldName: String): ValidationResult[Int] = jsValue match {
case JsNumber(jsNumber) => Try(jsNumber.toIntExact) match {
case scala.util.Success(intValue) => intValue.validNel
case scala.util.Failure(e) => s"Field $fieldName is expected to be int".invalidNel
case _ => s"Field '$fieldName' is expected to be int".invalidNel
implicit val doubleExtractor = new JsValueExtractor[Double] {
override def getValue(jsValue: JsValue, fieldName: String): ValidationResult[Double] = jsValue match {
case JsNumber(jsNumber) => jsNumber.doubleValue.validNel
case _ => s"Field '$fieldName' is expected to be double".invalidNel
implicit val stringExtractor = new JsValueExtractor[String] {
override def getValue(jsValue: JsValue, fieldName: String): ValidationResult[String] = jsValue match {
case JsString(string) => string.validNel
case _ => s"Field '$fieldName' is expected to be string".invalidNel
def readFieldWithValidation[S, T](fields: Map[String, JsValue], fieldName: String, businessValidation: T => Boolean)
(parse: S => T)(implicit valueExtractor: JsValueExtractor[S]): ValidationResult[T] = {
fields.get(fieldName) match {
case None => s"Field '$fieldName' is required".invalidNel
case Some(jsValue) => valueExtractor.getValue(jsValue, fieldName)
.andThen(rawValue => Try(parse(rawValue).validNel).getOrElse("".invalidNel))
.andThen(parsedValue => if (businessValidation(parsedValue)) parsedValue.validNel else s"Business validation for field '$fieldName' has failed".invalidNel)
And the test example remains the same. Probably in your real code you want to use something more specific than just String for errors but that's up to you.

Conditional Behavior With Free Monads

I'm following the tutorial here: and trying to modify it to work with a cache in front of the key value store. This is what I've come up with so far but I'm getting a compiler error with valueGetOperation. I understand why I get the compile error, I just don't understand how to work around it. What's the best practice for conditional behavior when using a free monad?
import{Free, Inject}
object KvStore {
sealed trait KvOp[A]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends KvOp[Option[T]]
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends KvOp[Unit]
case class Delete[T](key: String) extends KvOp[Unit]
object CacheStore {
sealed trait CacheOp[A]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends CacheOp[Option[T]]
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends CacheOp[Unit]
case class Delete[T](key: String) extends CacheOp[Unit]
type WriteThruCache[A] = Coproduct[KvStore.KvOp, CacheStore.CacheOp, A]
class KvOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[KvStore.KvOp, F]) {
import KvStore._
def get[T](key: String): Free[F, Option[T]] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Get(key))
def put[T](key: String, value: T): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Put(key, value))
def delete[T](key: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Delete(key))
object KvOps {
implicit def kvOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[KvStore.KvOp, F]): KvOps[F] = new KvOps[F]
class CacheOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[CacheStore.CacheOp, F]) {
import CacheStore._
def get[T](key: String): Free[F, Option[T]] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Get(key))
def put[T](key: String, value: T): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Put(key, value))
def delete[T](key: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Delete(key))
object CacheOps {
implicit def cacheOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[CacheStore.CacheOp, F]): CacheOps[F] = new CacheOps[F]
def valueWriteOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String, T) => Free[WriteThruCache, Unit]) = {
(key: String, value: T) =>
for {
_ <- Kv.put(key, value)
_ <- Cache.put(key, value)
} yield ()
// This is where I'm stuck
// desired behavior: If the value isn't in the cache, load it from the kv store and put it in the cache
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cacheOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
kvOption <- Kv.get[T](key) if cacheOption.isEmpty // value withFilter is not a member of[A$A39.this.WriteThruCache,Option[T]]
} yield cacheOption.orElse(kvOption)
As you know in for comprehension, when you use if it is desugared by compiler to calling withFilter method, and if it's not accessible it falls back to filter method. If they are not implemented you will receive compiler error.
However you can simply use if else!
for {
booleanValue <- myfreeAlbebra.checkCondidtion(arg1, arg2)
valueToReturn <- if (booleanValue) {
} else {
} yield valueToReturn
alternatively you can do something like:
for {
booleanValue <- myfreeAlbebra.checkCondidtion(arg1, arg2)
valueToReturnOpt <- myfreeAlbebra.someValue
fallbackValue <- myfreeAlbebra.someOtherValue
} yield valueToReturnOpt.getOrElse(fallbackValue)
The formar one will assign value to valueToReturn depending on booleanValue. As such only one branch will be interpreted. The later will evaluate both values and return one of them depending on whether or not valueToReturnOpt will be empty.
Personally I would try something like:
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cacheOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
returnedValue <- if (cacheOption.isEmpty) Cache.get[T](key) else Kv.get[T](key)
} yield returnedValue
Following Mateusz' suggestions, this is what I came up with:
def withFallback[A[_], T](loadedValue: Option[T], fallback: => Free[A, Option[T]]): Free[A, Option[T]] = {
if(loadedValue.isDefined) {
Free.pure[A, Option[T]](loadedValue)
} else {
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cachedOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
actualValue <- withFallback[WriteThruCache, T](cachedOption, fallback = Kv.get[T](key))
} yield actualValue
If there's a standard construct to implement withFallback I'd be glad to know about it.
You could also use OptionT#orElse.
type KV[A] = Free[WriteThruCache, A]
def valueGetOperation[T](
Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache],
Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]
): String => KV[Option[T]] =
key => OptionT[KV, T](Cache.get[T](key)).orElse(OptionT[KV, T](Kv.get[T](key))).value
Or OptionT#orElseF :
def valueGetOperation[T](
Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache],
Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]
): String => KV[Option[T]] =
key => OptionT[KV, T](Cache.get[T](key)).orElseF(Kv.get[T](key)).value
Note that with the -Ypartial-unification flag in Scala 2.12 you don't need the KV type alias and you can write OptionT(...) instead of OptionT[KV, T](...).

How to apply a function on each field of a case class

Let's consider a classification problem :
object Classify extends App {
type Tag = String
type Classifier[A] = A => Set[Tag]
case class Model(a: Int, b: String, c: String, d: String)
def aClassifier : Classifier[Int] = _ => Set("A", "a")
def bClassifier : Classifier[String] = _ => Set("B")
def cClassifier : Classifier[String] = _ => Set("C")
def modelClassifier : Classifier[Model] = {
m => aClassifier(m.a) ++ bClassifier(m.b) ++ cClassifier(m.c)
println(modelClassifier(Model(1,"b", "c", "d")))
Is there a smarter way to implement modelClassifier using scalaz ?
As an idea, consider this code:
for (i <- 0 until model.productArity) yield {
val fieldValue = model.productElement(i)
fieldValue match {
case x: Int => //use integer classifier
case s: String => //use string classifier
case _ =>
scalaz library hasn't any macro case class introspection by design, but shapeless has
Consider such definitions:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.tag._
import shapeless.labelled._
trait Omit
val omit = tag[Omit]
case class Model(a: Int, b: String, c: String, d: String ## Omit)
Let define following polymorphic function
object classifiers extends Poly1 {
implicit def stringClassifier[K <: Symbol](implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K]) =
at[FieldType[K, String]](value => Set(
implicit def intClassifier[K <: Symbol](implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K]) =
at[FieldType[K, Int]](value => {
val name =
Set(name.toUpperCase, name.toLowerCase)
implicit def omitClassifier[K, T] =
at[FieldType[K, T ## Omit]](_ => Set.empty[String])
Now your modelClassifier could be done as:
def modelClassifier: Classifier[Model] =
m => LabelledGeneric[Model].to(m).map(classifiers).toList.reduce(_ union _)
you can check it via
println(modelClassifier(Model(1, "b", "c", omit("d"))))
Note that Type ## Tag is subtype of Type so model.d still could be used as String everywhere
How do you intend to distinguish between bClassifier and cClassifier? By name? By order of declaration? That does not sound very "smart" or reliable. Consider encoding your intent explicitly instead. Something like this, perhaps:
case class Classifiable[T](data: T, classifier: Classifier[T])
object Classifiable {
def Null[T](data: T) = Classifiable(data, _ => Nil)
case class Model(a: Classifiable[Int], b: Classifiable[String], c: Classifiable[String], d: Classifiable[String])
object Model {
def apply(a: Int, b: String, c: String, d: String) =
Classifiable(a, aClassifier),
Classifiable(b, bClassifier),
Classifiable(c, cClassifier),
def modelClassifier(m: Model) = m
.collect { case x: Classifiable[_] =>
.reduce(_ ++ _)
println(modelClassifier(Model(1,"b", "c", "d")))

Can function parameter be set before it's invoked?

Here I create a List of objects where each element is of type (String , () => Unit)
case class FunctionDesc(label: String, fun: () => Unit)
def f() = {
println("in f")
val functionList = List[FunctionDesc](FunctionDesc("a1", f), FunctionDesc("a2", f))
functionList.foreach(f =>
This works fine but if I want to modify the function List to contain a parameter then have to decide what the parameter value
should be when the function is being implemented :
case class FunctionDesc2(label: String, fun: (String) => Unit)
def f2(str: String) = {
println("in f2")
def f3(str: String) = {
println("in f3")
val functionList2 = List[FunctionDesc2](FunctionDesc2("a3", f2), FunctionDesc2("a4", f3))
functionList2.foreach(f =>"param value"))
Can decide what the function parameter type should before it's invoked ?
So instead of
val functionList2 = List[FunctionDesc2](FunctionDesc2("a3", f2), FunctionDesc2("a4", f3))
use something like :
val functionList2 = List[FunctionDesc2](FunctionDesc2("a3", f2("f5")), FunctionDesc2("a4", f2("f6"))
You can achieve this by making f2 and f3 return a function. Here's a simplified version:
case class FunctionDesc2(label: String, fun: (String) => Unit)
// `f` closes over `str` and returns a function from `String` to `Unit`
def f(str: String) = (s: String) => println(s"$str: $s")
val functionList = List(FunctionDesc2("a", f("foo")), FunctionDesc2("b", f("bar")))
// foo: value
// bar: value
You can use currying:
scala> case class FunctionDesc2(label: String, fun: () => Unit)
defined class FunctionDesc2
scala> def f2(str: String)(): Unit = {
| println("in f2")
| }
f2: (str: String)()Unit
scala> def f3(str: String)(): Unit = {
| println("in f3")
| }
f3: (str: String)()Unit
scala> val functionList2 = List[FunctionDesc2](FunctionDesc2("a3", f2("f5")), FunctionDesc2("a4", f3("f6")))
functionList2: List[FunctionDesc2] = List(FunctionDesc2(a3,<function0>), FunctionDesc2(a4,<function0>))
scala> functionList2.foreach(desc =>
in f2
in f3