How to apply a function on each field of a case class - scala

Let's consider a classification problem :
object Classify extends App {
type Tag = String
type Classifier[A] = A => Set[Tag]
case class Model(a: Int, b: String, c: String, d: String)
def aClassifier : Classifier[Int] = _ => Set("A", "a")
def bClassifier : Classifier[String] = _ => Set("B")
def cClassifier : Classifier[String] = _ => Set("C")
def modelClassifier : Classifier[Model] = {
m => aClassifier(m.a) ++ bClassifier(m.b) ++ cClassifier(m.c)
println(modelClassifier(Model(1,"b", "c", "d")))
Is there a smarter way to implement modelClassifier using scalaz ?

As an idea, consider this code:
for (i <- 0 until model.productArity) yield {
val fieldValue = model.productElement(i)
fieldValue match {
case x: Int => //use integer classifier
case s: String => //use string classifier
case _ =>

scalaz library hasn't any macro case class introspection by design, but shapeless has
Consider such definitions:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.tag._
import shapeless.labelled._
trait Omit
val omit = tag[Omit]
case class Model(a: Int, b: String, c: String, d: String ## Omit)
Let define following polymorphic function
object classifiers extends Poly1 {
implicit def stringClassifier[K <: Symbol](implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K]) =
at[FieldType[K, String]](value => Set(
implicit def intClassifier[K <: Symbol](implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K]) =
at[FieldType[K, Int]](value => {
val name =
Set(name.toUpperCase, name.toLowerCase)
implicit def omitClassifier[K, T] =
at[FieldType[K, T ## Omit]](_ => Set.empty[String])
Now your modelClassifier could be done as:
def modelClassifier: Classifier[Model] =
m => LabelledGeneric[Model].to(m).map(classifiers).toList.reduce(_ union _)
you can check it via
println(modelClassifier(Model(1, "b", "c", omit("d"))))
Note that Type ## Tag is subtype of Type so model.d still could be used as String everywhere

How do you intend to distinguish between bClassifier and cClassifier? By name? By order of declaration? That does not sound very "smart" or reliable. Consider encoding your intent explicitly instead. Something like this, perhaps:
case class Classifiable[T](data: T, classifier: Classifier[T])
object Classifiable {
def Null[T](data: T) = Classifiable(data, _ => Nil)
case class Model(a: Classifiable[Int], b: Classifiable[String], c: Classifiable[String], d: Classifiable[String])
object Model {
def apply(a: Int, b: String, c: String, d: String) =
Classifiable(a, aClassifier),
Classifiable(b, bClassifier),
Classifiable(c, cClassifier),
def modelClassifier(m: Model) = m
.collect { case x: Classifiable[_] =>
.reduce(_ ++ _)
println(modelClassifier(Model(1,"b", "c", "d")))


Scala error when providing subclass instance in place of superclass?

I am just trying things out in scala and I wrote this code
object Main:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
val dInt: Data[Int] = IntData(1)
val dString: Data[String] = StringData("hello")
val Data(deconstructedInt) = dInt // unapply
val Data(deconstructedString) = dString // unapply
sealed trait Data[+T]:
def get: T
case class IntData(get: Int) extends Data[Int]
case class StringData(get: String) extends Data[String]
object Data:
def apply[T](input: T): Data[T] = input match {
case i: Int => IntData(i) //compile error here
case s: String => StringData(s) //compile error here
def unapply[T](d: Data[T]): Option[String] = d match {
case IntData(get) => Some(s"int data => get = $get")
case StringData(get) => Some(s"string data => get = $get")
I get at the location commented in the code this error
Found: IntData
Required: Data[T]
case i: Int => IntData(i)
why I am getting this error, isn't IntData (or StringData) a subclass of Data ?
IntData is a subtype of Data[Int]. So if T is not Int, IntData is not a subtype of Data[T]. Now, you might say, if input matches the first case, then clearly T is Int. But the compiler is not smart to realise this!
You could try using Scala 3's new match types:
type DataOf[T] = T match {
case Int => IntData
case String => StringData
def apply[T](input: T): DataOf[T] = input match {
case i: Int => IntData(i)
case s: String => StringData(s)
Another alternative is union types:
def apply(input: Int | String): Data[Int | String] = input match {
case i: Int => IntData(i)
case s: String => StringData(s)
However, you will lose type information in doing this. Using the match types solution, apply(42) is inferred to have type IntData. Using the union types solution, it is inferred to have type Data[Int | String].
This way compiler connects the dots between Ts and it works:
object Main:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
val dInt: Data[Int] = IntData(1)
val dString: Data[String] = StringData("hello")
val Data(deconstructedInt) = dInt // unapply
val Data(deconstructedString) = dString // unapply
sealed trait Data[+T]:
def get: T
case class IntData[T <: Int](get: T) extends Data[T]
case class StringData[T <: String](get: T) extends Data[T]
object Data:
def apply[T](input: T): Data[T] = input match {
case i: Int => IntData(i)
case s: String => StringData(s)
def unapply[T](d: Data[T]): Option[String] = d match {
case IntData(get) => Some(s"int data => get = $get")
case StringData(get) => Some(s"string data => get = $get")

How to choose typeclass by dynamic input in Scala

Have a slick table with columns:
def name: Rep[Option[String]] = ???
def email: Rep[String] = ???
def fraudScores: Rep[Int] = ???
also there is typeclass to calcualte rate for different fields:
trait Rater[T] {
def apply(rep: T): Result
object Rater {
def getRater[T](t: T)(implicit rater: Rater[T]): Result = rater(t)
implicit val int: Rater[Rep[Int]] = v => calculateRate(v, _)
implicit val str: Rater[Rep[String]] = v => calculateRate(v, _)
implicit val strOpt: Rater[Rep[Option[String]]] = v => calculateRate(v, _)
and map:
val map: Map[String, Rep[_ >: Option[String] with String with Int]] = Map(
"name" -> name,
"email" -> email,
"scores" -> fraudScores
what I'd like to do is getting correct instance based on dynamic input, like:
val fname = "scores" // value getting from http request
map.get(fname).fold(default)(f => {
val rater = getRater(f)
but getting error that there is no implicit for Rep[_ >: Option[String] with String with Int], is there some workaround for this?
I think, your problem is that Map is a wrong way to represent this.
Use a case class:
case class Foo(
name: Rep[Option[String]],
email: Rep[String],
score: Rep[Int]
def applyRater[T : Rater](t: T) = implicitly[Rater[T]](t)
def rate(foo: Foo, what: String) = what match {
case "name" => applyRater(
case "email" => applyRater(
case "score" => applyRater(foo.score)
case _ => default

How to write custom circe codec for Map[String, Any]

Is it possible to write custom Decoder for Map[String, Any] using circe? i've found this, but it's only conversion to Json:
def mapToJson(map: Map[String, Any]): Json =
def anyToJson(any: Any): Json = any match {
case n: Int => n.asJson
case n: Long => n.asJson
case n: Double => n.asJson
case s: String => s.asJson
case true => true.asJson
case false => false.asJson
case null | None => None.asJson
case list: List[_] =>
case list: Vector[_] =>
case Some(any) => anyToJson(any)
case map: Map[String, Any] => mapToJson(map)
This Circe decoder will convert its Json into Map[String, Any]:
import io.circe.JavaDecoder._
implicit val objDecoder: Decoder[Any] = {
case x: HCursor if x.value.isObject =>[java.util.Map[String, Any]]
case x: HCursor if x.value.isString =>[String]
case x: HCursor if x.value.isBoolean =>[Boolean]
case x: HCursor if x.value.isArray =>[java.util.List[Any]]
case x: HCursor if x.value.isNumber =>[Double]
case x: HCursor if x.value.isNull =>[Unit]}
import io.circe.parser._
parse("""{"foo": 1, "bar": null, "baz": {"a" : "hi", "b" : true, "dogs" : [{ "name" : "Rover", "age" : 4}, { "name" : "Fido", "age" : 5 }] } }""")
.as[Map[String, _]]. // <-- this is the call to convert from Circe Json to the Java Map
It would be nicer to case match on the cursor value, but those classes are not public.
Note that I encoded null as Unit, which isn't quite right -- Scala and null don't play nicely and you may need to tailor your implementation to your use case. I actually omit that case entirely from my own implementation because I'm decoding Json that was encoded from Scala instances.
You also need to create a custom Decoder in io.circe for Java Map and List. I did the following, which uses package-private Circe code, making it concise but also vulnerable to changes in Circe and forcing you to have your own io.circe package.
package io.circe
import java.util.{List => JavaList, Map => JavaMap}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.immutable.{List => ScalaList, Map => ScalaMap}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.{MapHasAsJava, SeqHasAsJava}
object JavaDecoder {
implicit final def decodeJavaList[A](implicit decodeA: Decoder[A]): Decoder[JavaList[A]] = new SeqDecoder[A, JavaList](decodeA) {
final protected def createBuilder(): mutable.Builder[A, JavaList[A]] =
implicit final def decodeJavaMap[K, V](implicit
decodeK: KeyDecoder[K],
decodeV: Decoder[V]
): Decoder[JavaMap[K, V]] = new JavaMapDecoder[K, V, JavaMap](decodeK, decodeV) {
final protected def createBuilder(): mutable.Builder[(K, V), JavaMap[K, V]] =
ScalaMap.newBuilder[K, V].mapResult(_.asJava)
package io.circe
import scala.collection.{Map => ScalaMap}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.MapHasAsJava
abstract class JavaMapDecoder[K, V, M[K, V] <: java.util.Map[K, V]](
decodeK: KeyDecoder[K],
decodeV: Decoder[V]
) extends Decoder[M[K, V]] {
private val mapDecoder = new MapDecoder[K, V, ScalaMap](decodeK, decodeV) {
override protected def createBuilder(): mutable.Builder[(K, V), ScalaMap[K, V]] =
ScalaMap.newBuilder[K, V]
override def apply(c: io.circe.HCursor): io.circe.Decoder.Result[M[K,V]] =
mapDecoder.apply(c).map(_.asJava.asInstanceOf[M[K, V]])
Fwiw, I'm already thinking of submitting this as a PR to Circe.
import io.circe.syntax.EncoderOps
import io.circe.{Encoder, Json}
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
object Person {
implicit val decoder: io.circe.Decoder[Person] = io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder
implicit val encoder: io.circe.Encoder[Person] = io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveEncoder
case class Home(area: Int)
object Home {
implicit val decoder: io.circe.Decoder[Home] = io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder
implicit val encoder: io.circe.Encoder[Home] = io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveEncoder
def jsonPrinter[A](obj: A)(implicit encoder: Encoder[A]): Json =
jsonPrinter(Person("Eminem", 30))
This is done with generics, I hope it helps

Scala assign type a dynamic value

I'm pretty new to Scala and I'm wondering if it is possible to create a type dynamically in some way. In practice what I want to achieve is something like this:
trait BaseAB
case class A(value: String) extends BaseAB
case class B(value: String) extends BaseAB
def build(name: String, m: String): BaseAB = {
type t = name match {
case "A" => A
base "B" => B
new t(m)
You can just create new instances in you case clauses, like
case "A" => A(m)
case "B" => B(m)
or you can create partially applied function representing constructor and then provide value
def build(name: String, m: String): BaseAB = {
val construct = name match {
case "A" => A.apply _
case "B" => B.apply _
> build("A", "boo")
res25: BaseAB = A("boo")
Your code works almost as-is, but it's not because there is some sort of "type-valued runtime-defined variables". Instead, it works because there are companion objects called A and B that have methods apply(s: String): A and apply(s: String): B, and also both conform to type String => BaseAB:
trait BaseAB
case class A(value: String) extends BaseAB
case class B(value: String) extends BaseAB
def build(name: String, m: String): BaseAB = {
val t = name match {
case "A" => A
case "B" => B
In this code snippet, the type of t is inferred to be String => BaseAB (possibly with some additional marker traits like Serializable).
If you are sure that there are only "A" and "B", you can also write it as
(if (name == "A") A else B)(m)
it works for the same reason.

Conditional Behavior With Free Monads

I'm following the tutorial here: and trying to modify it to work with a cache in front of the key value store. This is what I've come up with so far but I'm getting a compiler error with valueGetOperation. I understand why I get the compile error, I just don't understand how to work around it. What's the best practice for conditional behavior when using a free monad?
import{Free, Inject}
object KvStore {
sealed trait KvOp[A]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends KvOp[Option[T]]
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends KvOp[Unit]
case class Delete[T](key: String) extends KvOp[Unit]
object CacheStore {
sealed trait CacheOp[A]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends CacheOp[Option[T]]
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends CacheOp[Unit]
case class Delete[T](key: String) extends CacheOp[Unit]
type WriteThruCache[A] = Coproduct[KvStore.KvOp, CacheStore.CacheOp, A]
class KvOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[KvStore.KvOp, F]) {
import KvStore._
def get[T](key: String): Free[F, Option[T]] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Get(key))
def put[T](key: String, value: T): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Put(key, value))
def delete[T](key: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[KvOp, F](Delete(key))
object KvOps {
implicit def kvOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[KvStore.KvOp, F]): KvOps[F] = new KvOps[F]
class CacheOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[CacheStore.CacheOp, F]) {
import CacheStore._
def get[T](key: String): Free[F, Option[T]] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Get(key))
def put[T](key: String, value: T): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Put(key, value))
def delete[T](key: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[CacheOp, F](Delete(key))
object CacheOps {
implicit def cacheOps[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[CacheStore.CacheOp, F]): CacheOps[F] = new CacheOps[F]
def valueWriteOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String, T) => Free[WriteThruCache, Unit]) = {
(key: String, value: T) =>
for {
_ <- Kv.put(key, value)
_ <- Cache.put(key, value)
} yield ()
// This is where I'm stuck
// desired behavior: If the value isn't in the cache, load it from the kv store and put it in the cache
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cacheOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
kvOption <- Kv.get[T](key) if cacheOption.isEmpty // value withFilter is not a member of[A$A39.this.WriteThruCache,Option[T]]
} yield cacheOption.orElse(kvOption)
As you know in for comprehension, when you use if it is desugared by compiler to calling withFilter method, and if it's not accessible it falls back to filter method. If they are not implemented you will receive compiler error.
However you can simply use if else!
for {
booleanValue <- myfreeAlbebra.checkCondidtion(arg1, arg2)
valueToReturn <- if (booleanValue) {
} else {
} yield valueToReturn
alternatively you can do something like:
for {
booleanValue <- myfreeAlbebra.checkCondidtion(arg1, arg2)
valueToReturnOpt <- myfreeAlbebra.someValue
fallbackValue <- myfreeAlbebra.someOtherValue
} yield valueToReturnOpt.getOrElse(fallbackValue)
The formar one will assign value to valueToReturn depending on booleanValue. As such only one branch will be interpreted. The later will evaluate both values and return one of them depending on whether or not valueToReturnOpt will be empty.
Personally I would try something like:
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cacheOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
returnedValue <- if (cacheOption.isEmpty) Cache.get[T](key) else Kv.get[T](key)
} yield returnedValue
Following Mateusz' suggestions, this is what I came up with:
def withFallback[A[_], T](loadedValue: Option[T], fallback: => Free[A, Option[T]]): Free[A, Option[T]] = {
if(loadedValue.isDefined) {
Free.pure[A, Option[T]](loadedValue)
} else {
def valueGetOperation[T](implicit Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache], Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]): ((String) => Free[WriteThruCache, Option[T]]) = {
(key: String) =>
for {
cachedOption <- Cache.get[T](key)
actualValue <- withFallback[WriteThruCache, T](cachedOption, fallback = Kv.get[T](key))
} yield actualValue
If there's a standard construct to implement withFallback I'd be glad to know about it.
You could also use OptionT#orElse.
type KV[A] = Free[WriteThruCache, A]
def valueGetOperation[T](
Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache],
Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]
): String => KV[Option[T]] =
key => OptionT[KV, T](Cache.get[T](key)).orElse(OptionT[KV, T](Kv.get[T](key))).value
Or OptionT#orElseF :
def valueGetOperation[T](
Kv: KvOps[WriteThruCache],
Cache: CacheOps[WriteThruCache]
): String => KV[Option[T]] =
key => OptionT[KV, T](Cache.get[T](key)).orElseF(Kv.get[T](key)).value
Note that with the -Ypartial-unification flag in Scala 2.12 you don't need the KV type alias and you can write OptionT(...) instead of OptionT[KV, T](...).