connect as another user to oracle 12 c - oracle12c

I have to connect as "dba1" to my pluggable database.I issued the following:
con dba1/oracle#FIRST as sysdba;
(FIRST is my pluggable db)
But it gives a warning "Database not connected to Oracle"
Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong?


Why must I use an odbc-connection type to connect to a postgres database in Power BI?

Whenever I attempt to connect to my PostgreSQL database as a data source, I get the error message below.
Other users have recommended using an odbc connection? Why does an odbc connection work rather than a PostgreSQL connection for a PostgreSQL database in Power BI?
Had attempted to connect to my PostgreSQL database with all the correct credentials, failed with the error message mentioned. I had connected to the same database with an odbc connection perfectly.

"ORA-06413 Connection not open" ERROR and "ORA-12154 TNS could not identify the connect identifier specified" ERROR

I am having a hard time for connecting powerbuilder ide(12.6) to oracle database(10g xe). Can anyone provide me the step by step process to connect to oracle 10g xe database through powerbuilder database profile(O10 oracle 10g). When I tried to connect it would give connection not found error.
1)When i give (server name = host:port/apex) in the database profile, It would give connection not found error
2)When i give (server name = XE) in the database profile, It would give ORA-12154 TNS could not identify the connect identifier specified.
Please help me with this issue

AWS RDS Postgres 11 database Connected to pgAdmin 4

What extra do I get if I fix this and get access to the admin database? (MyDataBaseName normal database works perfectly well)
Do I even need to fix this to use this postgres database for a Django 3.0 project?
Done -> ERROR
I have created a free tear AWS RDS Postgres 11 database.
I allowed external connections at creation and have successfully configured the inbound rules.
Than I have connected to pgAdmin (right click on server groups/create/server)
Than I got 3 database:
MyDataBaseName how I have named my database
postgesql that is auto generated
rdsadmin this is also auto generated,
I have problem with this one that it doesn't opens,
it has a rex x at the database icon
if i click on it it gives the following ERROR message
FATAL: SomeConfigFileName.conf rejects connection for host "host.ip.adders.actully.with.numbers", user "myPersonalUsername", database "rdsadmin", SSL on
FATAL: SomeConfigFileName.conf rejects connection for host "host.ip.adders.actully.with.numbers", user "myPersonalUsername", database "rdsadmin", SSL off
"rdsadmin" is used for internal purposes by AWS. There should be no need to "fix" this.
The only things you are missing is things you aren't allowed to do anyway, and indeed not needing to deal with them yourself is what you are paying Amazon for.
Django shouldn't care. If it demands access to this database, that would be a bug in Django (or a configuration error)

How to connect an oracle form to oracle database?

I'm having trouble connecting form builder to oracle database. Every time i try to connect to database an error occurs saying ORA-12154: TNS: Could not resolve the identifier specified. I know about password and database but I'm not sure about username. How will I know my username?
The error message you saw usually comes when the Oracle Client isn't installed on your workstation. The Oracle Client will have the TNSNAMES entry that will point the Forms Builder to the right database.
As to what your username is, like Holodoc says, you'd have to ultimately talk to your DBA.

DB2 Can't connect to db with new user

I have created a DB2 database, and I'm trying to create a new user.
Here the steps I made :
- Creating an OS (Linux) user with root account (useradd myuser)
- Giving a password to the new user (passwd myuser)
- On IBM Data Studio, I added a new user and grant him connect to the database
But on Linux, with the user which owns the instance, I tried to connect to the database with the new user (db2 connect to MYDB user myuser), I've the following :
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR
Am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks in advance for your help
The answer might depend on the DB2 version. Until DB2 9.7 fix pack 1 you could not have the password longer than 8 characters. And how long is the actual user name? I would limit that to 8 characters as well. The error is quite clear: the user authentication fails, and DB2 relies on the OS for authentication.