Wicket select2Choice component truncates selection - wicket

I need to slightly modify the behavior of a wicket select2Choice dropdown component.
When you've selected a choice if the choice is longer than the window, you see your choice truncated with elipses.
I'm wondering if its possible to do one of the following:
1) Make the choice scrollable
2) Add a title (e.g. tooltip) to the field with the value of the full choice.
Please note that I've attempted to do this through the developer tools in IE and have been mostly unsuccesful as far as scrolling goes. When a manually add a title attribute on the div with the class "select2-drop-mask" in the markup, I'm able to get a title. When I attempt to add that same title in wicket it does not show up. I believe this is because the select2choice is made up of more than one piece of mark up and through wicket there is no way to isolate that one piece of markup.
Any advice would be greatly apprecated.
Here is my Java wicket code for this component.
final FormComponent dictionaryEntryField = form.newSelect2Choice(form, "dictionaryEntry", SimpleAjaxEventHandler.get(),
new PropertyModel<String>(dictModelBean, "dictionaryEntry"),
new DictTextChoiceProvider(dictModelBeans), 300,
new ResourceModel("dictionary.mapping.dictentry.label"), LabeledFormField.LABEL.LEFT);
dictionaryEntryField.add(new AttributeModifier("title", new Model("Test Title")));
I'm never able to see the mouseover.
The following is a section of the markup that is created by wicket.
title="Test Title" was added manually through IE developer tools and
I'm able to see the title on mouseover.


Is it possible to create your own drag and drop Mailchimp template?

I'd like to create a custom drag and drop template so I can increase the design possibilities without losing the functionality. I can't find anything in their documentation.
I was hoping to create something like this, not sure if I'm missing something obvious but I can't find a drag and drop that allows for the different coloured background with columns too.
I could use a block of code but I can't edit the css styles so it wouldn't be responsive for mobile and also not very friendly for those who don't know html.
Rather old question, but to who it might be helpfull:
If you code your own template and upload it to Mailchimp you lose the 'drag & drop' system/UX interface with the different blocks. You are able to create repeatable blocks but then it works with a dropdown list. This is (in my humble opinion) not that user friendly and takes a while before you fully understand how to use the dropdown. I had to explain it to a client earlier today and took a while before they understood it, so I decided to write them a manual for it.
But the design you want to create should be possible to make with a standard MC template. In the 'design' tab you will find settings to control background colors etc.
Still not possible, answer from the Mailchimp support: "At the moment, it's not currently possible to code a drag and drop template completely--one of our drag and drop template layouts will need to be selected, but you can drop in Code blocks to get a little more control over the styling of certain sections."
Though, if it's any help, it is possible to fully custom code your own template, and then add in mailchimps special Template language to the template to open up sections as editable within the campaign builder--or even duplicate certain sections of content. It's not quite the same as the drag drop templates, but adds similar functionality. More info on working with template language can be found here: https://mailchimp.com/help/getting-started-with-mailchimps-template-language/
I know this is an old question, but while searching for this myself I stumbled upon a solution posted here.
Basically it is possible to code your own drag n' drop template, but the solution has not been documented.
Find one of the Mailchimp templates (either one of the basic templates or a custom template from the 'Themes' menu.
Use 'Inspect element' and copy the source code of the iFramed html-email.
Paste in your preferred HTML-editor and modify as intended
Create your own template from the 'Paste in code' mode
If you want custom modules to be added by default, edit using the menu 'Edit design' in the bottom of the screen.
Save and exit :)
I found part of the answer on another topic: [Is it possible to code drag&drop templates for mailchimp?
If you add the following code into your main content div or td it will enable the drag and drop block editor:
mc:container="body_container" mccontainer="body_container"
<div mc:container="body_container" mccontainer="body_container"></div>
This code will add a block editor region to the preheader section:
mc:container="preheader_container" mccontainer="preheader_container"
For the header:
mc:container="header_container" mccontainer="header_container"
For the footer:
mc:container="footer_container" mccontainer="footer_container"
Note: It doesn't seem to matter what you call the mc:container. Creating a new container with a different name worked. Although using just mc:container tag seems to work at first by itself, the mccontainer (no colon) tag is required for it to save properly.
You can create your own drag and drop template you need to add the following into your html coded template where you want the 'drag and drop' feature to exist.
<div id="templateBody" mc:container="container_name" mccontainer="container_name" class="tpl-container">
<div mc:block="3502204" mc:blocktype="text" mcblock="3502204" mcblocktype="text" class="tpl-block"></div>
This can be repeated in your code multiple times for multiple insertions. I could not find documentation to indicate if the container name or block number needs to be unique, I did make it unique in my template.

jQuery Show/Hide divs using same class not working because of html.push?

The object is to Show-Hide text located under their respective Titles, so a User reads the title and shows or hides text belonging to that title if the User wants to read more.
I tried whatever I could find so far on here, we're talking dynamically setting text coming from a spreadsheet, can't use IDs, must work with .class, must be missing something, I have this piece of code:
... html.push('<div class="comments">' + comment + '</div></div></div>');
but when I try this Show-Hide code nothing happens, even if the error console shows nothing. Basically I want to Show-Hide the .comments class divs with a show-hide toggle link located under each of them. I say them because the .comments divs are reproduced dynamically while extracting text coming from Google spreadsheet cells/row (one .comments div per spreadsheet row). I tried .next, child and parent but they all divorced me so I dunno looks like a dynamic issue. So far I only managed to globally toggle all divs to a visible or hidden state but I need to toggle independantly individual divs.
I prefer a jQuery solution but whatever worked so far was achieved with native javascript.
Note: If a cross-browser truncate function which would append a more-less link after a number of words (var) in each .comments divs would be easier to implement then I would gladly take that option. Thx for any help, remember I am still learning lol!
I have been working on an entirely JS UI project and have brought myself to using $('', { properties }).appendTo(BaseElement) to work best for adding HTML elements because it appropriately manipulates the DOM every time.
If you are having good luck with push elsewhere, however, breakpointing on the line where you do your $('.class').hide() and see what $('.class').length is. Alternately, you can just add alert($('.class').length) to your code if you are unable to breakpoint the code. If it is 0, then your elements have not been properly added to the DOM. Changing to append will ensure they are part of the DOM and therefore targetable via JQuery.

Nvigation within a GWT application

I intend to build a web application where users can enter their time every week and have been struggling to get my head around the concept of a single page in GWT that gets repainted with data depending on the user actions. After researching a lot on this site and google, I found one link that I would like to emulate but dont know how to go about doing it in GWT. Although their source code is available, I dont think it is full and complete. I got some idea from this link - Multiple pages tutorial in Google Web Toolkit (GWT) but again dont know how to implement it into a working version. One small working sample would be great to help me understand and get started.
Could anyone please guide me as to how to achieve the look and feel of the screen with the link below and how the content can be repainted with data from the server ? Would I need to put all the logic in one EntryPoint class ? I would like to have the hyperlinks in the left navigation panel and show the content in the right panel. I seem to be completely lost after a few hours of research.
Thanks a lot for your help.
A single page application layout is actually quite easy to achieve.
The first thing you do is define the general layout, using GWTs layout panels. For your layout, I'd suggest using a DockLayoutPanel.
Content content = new Content();
Button switchContent = new Button(content);
Navigation navigation = new Navigation();
DockLayoutPanel pageLayout = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.EM);
p.addWest(new HTML(navigation), 7.5);
p.add(new HTML(content));
Here, the width of the navigation panel will be fixed, whereas the content will take the remaining space. You have to pass a reference of the button (or some other widget) which does the switch of the content area, add the button to the navigation area, and so on.
Put this into a class, e.g. called MasterPageFactory:
public class MasterPageFactory {
private MasterPageFactory() {}
public static MasterPage newInstance() {
Content content = new Content();
Button switchContent = new Button(content);
Navigation navigation = new Navigation();
DockLayoutPanel masterPage = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.EM);
masterPage.addWest(new HTML(navigation), 7.5);
masterPage.add(new HTML(content));
return masterPage;
Now, in your EntryPoint class, call the factory:
This example should get you an idea. Other options would be using a DI framework like Guice or the Command pattern.
Your question is mixing up a couple of concepts. If you want the user to click something that looks like a link, and in reponse the application sends a request to the server and shows a page that looks different than the page they're on, and that page has fresh data that just came from the server, then you want a perfectly normal anchor or form submit button. You don't need anything special or weird from GWT.
The showcase example you referenced lets the user click something that looks like a link, and looks like it loads a new page, even to the point of letting the back button work as expected, but does not actually hit the server to get a new page or new data.

Add Tooltips to helper html.dropdownlist in asp.net mvc

I have a dropdownlist that displays just products codes 101,102,103
If the user hovers over a product code I would like the title to appear as a tooltip.
So it's not your normal DataValue & DataText scenerio, because "101" would be both the display text & the value.
I believe I will need to use jQuery to achive this effect.
And I also believe I would need to set the Title attribute of each list item as the Product Title.
My question is, using helper html.dropdownlist how can I set the title attribute?
Thanks, this is my first day using MVC
We used tipsy once for something very similar. http://plugins.jquery.com/project/tipsy
We actually took it a step further and "created" an attribute like this
<span class="tipsyItem" tipsy="This is my tooltip text!">This is my regular text!</span>
The reason was that tipsy would still show the regular tooltip on occasion. We used some of the advanced settings like this.
$('.tipsyItem').tipsy({title: 'tipsy'});
Plus you can theme it. Also were even able to get it to support html embedded in the tooltips for links and such.
$('.tipsyItem').tipsy({html: true });
Twitter used to use tipsy. I'm not sure if they still do.

How to prevent GWT onload flicker in the Web Application Starter Project?

I'm new to GWT, and I'm sure this is answered in SO somewhere but I've yet to find
I downloaded the GWT 2.0 eclipse plugin, and was pleased to see it comes with a starter project.
However, I was surprised that when running it, there is an unpleasent flickering...
The text loads without the CSS first
It takes a while untill the select box apears
(If you don't see the flicker, try and press F5 to refresh)
All mature GWT apps seem to have a loader before that but I didn't find an easy, standard way to add it.
It seems this app loads in this order: (correct me please if I mixed it up, its only my guess)
Basic layout HTML,
All JavaScript, and CSS
Runs the logic on the "onload" event (soonest time your compiled javaScript can start - ?)
So I can't programmatically add a loading spinner before GWT was loaded, a bit of a catch 22 for me
Am I missing something basic? is there a best practice way to add that initial spinner?
I was thinking simply adding a div with an animated gif, and in the onload event - hide it.
But I'm sure there is something better.
Let me know if this is a duplicate question
Update: found this related question, not answering mine though...
I've handled this problem before by not using the GWT module to load CSS, but loading it directly in the tag itself. If you do this, the browser will always load the CSS first, even before the GWT JS is loaded.
This means you'll lose a bit of flexibility and speed, but its the only workaround I've used so far.
EDIT: Extra info cause I want the bounty :D
If you do not remove the
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard'/> from your module.gwt.xml file, then the GWT standard theme is loaded in the JS file that GWT creates. This JS file loads after the HTML page renders, and injects the CSS after load. Hence the flicker.
To avoid the flicker, you can comment out that line and insert your own stylesheet into the <head> of your HTML file. This ensures your CSS loads before the HTML renders, avoiding any flicker. If you really want the GWT theme, you get it out of the source code.
To use a spinner with GWT is quite easy. One simple way would be to keep it in a div with an id in the HTML file itself. Then, in the onModuleLoad(), simply hide that div by calling RootPanel.get("spinner").setVisible(false);
That should show the spinner till GWT loads itself.
Here's what we do to implement a spinner.
You put something like the following HTML just below the script line that loads your application (ie. the one with nocache.js). e.g.:
<div id="loading">
<div id="loading-msg">
<img src="icons/loading-page.gif" lt="loading">
<span>Loading the application, please wait...</span>
Then in your application EntryPoint you reach into the page using the DOM and remove that div. e.g.
final RootPanel loading = RootPanel.get("loading");
if (loading != null) {
Ehrann: I'm afraid the practice mentioned in the above answers is the only way for now. GWT doesn't provide similar features to show/hide a "loading" frame "on the fly". I guess one of the reason is that this requirement is not so "common" for all GWT users, one person might want a very different style of the "loading" than others. So you have to do that by yourself.
You can have a look at the GXT showcase page (based on GWT too): http://www.extjs.com/explorer/ for how they do that. For the source of it, download Ext GWT 2.1.0 SDK here: http://www.extjs.com/products/gxt/download.php and check the samples/explorer folder after extracting it. For details see the edit below:
Check the source code for http://www.extjs.com/examples/explorer.html and you can see a div with id "loading". For each samples (extending Viewport), GXT.hideLoadingPanel(loadingPanelId) is called in onAttach() (the initialization), which hides the loading frame.
Check source code of Viewport here
Check source code of GXT.hideLoadingPanel here
You can do it in a similar way.
You could put an HTML loading message in the host page (use style attributes or embed the style tag in the header to make sure that it's styled), and remove the message once your modules has loaded, e. g. Document.get().getBody() with .setInnerHTML("") or .removeChild(), and then present your application programmatically however you want.