How to retrieve only part of a document back in a call - mongodb

I need to retrieve only part of a document and call it via a helper so that I can render a subtemplate multiple times as the part I require to pull from the db is an array of object itself. I have the following as the fields. What I need to do with my helper is only retrieve the ordersDispatch array of one particular document which would be uniquely called by the tripNumber field.
I have tried several things but nothing has come close to only having an array of the objects in the orderDisptach field be returned in a fashion that it can be used by the helper to render my subtemplate for each object in the array.
tripNumber: companyRecord.lastTripNum + 1,
custID: $('input:hidden[name=orderCustomerId]').val(),
custContact: $('input:text[name=customerContact]').val(),
custEmail: $('input:text[name=customerEmail]').val(),
trailerSealNum: $('input:text[name=trailerSealNum]').val(),
orderBroker: $('input:text[name=orderBroker]').val(),
orderEquipment: $('input:text[name=orderEquipment]').val(),
orderLoadNum: $('input:text[name=orderLoadNum]').val(),
orderPlacedDate: $('input:text[name=orderPlacedDate]').val(),
orderPrivateNotes: $('textarea[name=orderPrivateNotes]').val(),
orderPublicNotes: $('textarea[name=orderPublicNotes]').val(),
orderCurrency: $("input[name=orderCurrency]:checked").val(),
orderCharges: $('input:text[name=orderCharges]').val(),
orderFUELCheck: $('input:checkbox[name=orderFUELCheck]').is(':checked'),
orderFUELPerc: $('input:text[name=orderFUELPerc]').val(),
orderFUELTotal: $('input:text[name=orderFUELTotal]').val(),
orderGSTCheck: $('input:checkbox[name=orderGSTCheck]').is(':checked'),
orderGSTPerc: $('input:text[name=orderGSTPerc]').val(),
orderGSTTotal: $('input:text[name=orderGSTTotal]').val(),
orderPSTCheck: $('input:checkbox[name=orderPSTCheck]').is(':checked'),
orderPSTPerc: $('input:text[name=orderPSTPerc]').val(),
orderPSTTotal: $('input:text[name=orderPSTTotal]').val(),
orderTAXCheck: $('input:checkbox[name=orderTAXCheck]').is(':checked'),
orderTAXPerc: $('input:text[name=orderTAXPerc]').val(),
orderTAXTotal: $('input:text[name=orderTAXTotal]').val(),
orderTotalCharges: $('input:text[name=orderTotalCharges]').val(),
ordeBlockInvoicing: $('input:checkbox[name=ordeBlockInvoicing]').is(':checked'),
orderExtraCharges: orderExtraCharges,
orderPickups: puLocations,
orderDeliveries: delLocations,
orderDispatch: dispatchLocations,
createdDate: new Date(),
createdUser: currentUser.username
Any help in building a helper that will accomplish this would be greatly appreciated as I am new to meteor and mongo.

The following helper should give you what you need:
orderDispatch: function(tn){
return Trips.findOne({ tripNumber: tn }).orderDispatch;
Trips.findOne({ tripNumber: tn }) gets you an individual document and .orderDispatch returns the value of the orderDispatch key which in your case will be an array.
<template name="oneTrip">
{{#each orderDispatch this._id}} <!-- assuming you've already set the data context to an individual order -->
{{this}} <!-- now the data context is an element of the orderDispatch array -->


Get an array with DomainObjects in a single Extbase ControllerAction argument

I'm creating an extbase extension to handle very simple product orders.
The model is:
Order --1:n--> OrderItem --1:1--> Product
To order a selection of products, the customer goes to checkout page and uses a Fluid based Order form. All selected products are available in the fluid template as {products}.
The OrderController->createAction processes new Orders by creating OrderItems from the given Products.
Writing the code I'd like to have would look like this:
class OrderController
public function create(Order $order, array $products)
foreach ($products as $product) {
$orderItem = new OrderItem()
How to assign products to a Fluid form fields, in order to receive them as ControllerAction array argument?
How to trigger extbase to automagically provide an array of product objects to the ControllerAction?
I wonder if it is even possible to simplify the Controller createAction like shown below and assemble objects elsewhere:
public function create(Order $order) {
My suggestion for the fluid template would be:
// basic form with the order as main object
<f:form action="create" object="{order}">
// each order item with a product, using index to have no array with an empty index (Extbase does not like that)
<f:for each="{products}" key="index" as="product">
// Here you can set the product
<f:form.hidden prpoerty="orderItems.{index}.product" value="{product} />
This should be enough to use your single-line create action.
You can change the field type from select to whatever you want, but the __identity is mandatory to say Extbase which record it has to link.
When you want the orderItems to be new created, you need to remove the __identity field.

Live Update the Number of Items

I have a requirement where I need to live update the number of list items to Page's sub-header. I want use sap.ui.base.EventProvider, aggregation binding, or expression binding. Please walk me through as I have never used it before.
If I delete a list item, the number of list item should live update.
Client-side Models
If a client-side model such as JSONModel is used (i.e. assuming all the data are already available on the client) and if the target collection is an array, a simple expression binding is sufficient:
title="{= ${myJSONModel>/myProducts}.length}"
Sample 1 (ClientModel): Updating count after deleting items from sap.m.Table
Sample 2 (ClientModel): Updating count after filtering sap.ui.table.Table
As you can see in the above samples, when the number of items changes, the framework notifies the Expression Binding which eventually updates the property value automatically.
Server-side Models (e.g. OData)
OData V2
Using updateFinished event from sap.m.ListBaseapi
Especially if the growing feature is enabled, this event comes in handy to get always the new count value which the framework assigns to the event parameter total.
[The parameter total] can be used if the growing property is set to true.
Sample 3 (v2.ODataModel): Updating count after filtering sap.m.ListBase
onUpdateFinished: function(event) {
const reason = event.getParameter("reason"); // "Filter", "Sort", "Refresh", "Growing", ..
const count = event.getParameter("total"); // Do something with this $count value
// ...
The updateFinished event is fired after items binding is updated and processed by the control. The event parameter "total" provides the value of $count that has been requested according to the operation such as filtering, sorting, etc..
Using change event from sap.ui.model.Bindingapi
This event can be applied to any bindings which comes in handy especially if the control doesn't support the updateFinished event.
path: '/Products',
events: {
change: '.onChange'
onChange: function(event) {
const reason = event.getParameter("reason"); // See: sap.ui.model.ChangeReason
const count = event.getSource().getLength();
// ...
event.getSource() returns the corresponding (List)Binding object which has the result of $count (or $inlinecount) stored internally. We can get that count result by calling the public API getLength().
One downside is that there is no "growing" reason included in sap.ui.model.ChangeReason. But if the control can grow, it's probably derived from the ListBase anyway which supports the updateFinished event.
Manual trigger (Only in V2)
If there is no list binding at all but the count value is still required, we can always send a request manually to get the count value. For this, append the system query $count to the path in the read method:"/Products/$count", {
filters: [/*...*/],
success: function(data) {
const count = +data; // "+" parses the string to number.
// ...
OData V4
Please, take a look at the documentation topic Binding Collection Inline Count.
I will guess that "MyListModel" is your model name and inside it you have something like this:
{objectName: "object1"},
{objectName: "object2"},
{objectName: "object3"}
Then try:
<Page title="{= ${myListModel>/}.length}">

Meteor: return subset of attributes from Mongo

Im querying Mongo to get the user item, but I only want to pass through a subset of the info to the template. My current solution is this:
var returnUsers = [];
var users = Meteor.users.find().fetch();
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
return returnUsers;
But I'm losing the iterator. Ideally I want to just return the profile object of each user. How do you do that?
There is little point in doing this on the client. Returning a cursor with fields you don't end up using from minimongo is normally just as fast or faster than filtering fields out in javascript.
Especially for the Users collection you want to filter out the extra fields in your publication from the server. For example:
return Meteor.users.find({},{ fields: { profile: 1 }});
This will publish the profile data and the _id for each user. Then when you do
on the client you will only get the profile data and _id without any need to do extra filtering.
Note that the fields option only allows you to define a set of fields to include or exclude together. You cannot mix include and exclude:
{ fields: { key1: 0, key2: 1 }}
will fail.
There is no security benefit to filtering fields on the client either. The user has full access to the published collection from the console.
Seeing as you want to keep cursor as per comment in previous answer remove the fetch as this turns it into an array not a cursor and add fields like below
return Meteor.users.find({},{fields:{profile:1}});
This won't give you only profile but will also return the id as this is always sent regardless of the fields specified to return.
use `map`
var profiles=Meteor.users.find().map(function(a){return a.profile})

How to generate input select in laravel blade form and customize its options value?

I'm trying to create a laravel form that have an input select generating from array of strings coming from controller.
How can I set values of options manually?
In controller :
public function create()
$eventTypes = EventType::all()->lists('title');
return View::make('events.create')->with(compact('eventTypes'));
In view (blade) :
{{ Form::label('eventType', 'Type') }}
{{ Form::select('eventType', $eventTypes, null, array('class'=> 'form-control')) }}
And select created as :
<select class="form-control" id="eventType" name="eventType">
<option value="0">Sport Competition</option>
<option value="1">Movie</option>
<option value="2">Concert</option>
I just want to set values manually.
The value in the options is just the key of the array. The second parameter to the lists() method will let you choose a field to use as the key:
// use the 'id' field values for the array keys
$eventTypes = EventType::lists('title', 'id');
If you want to do something more custom than that, you'll need to manually build your array with the key/value pairs you want.
As mentioned by #lukasgeiter in the comments, there is no need to call all() first.
EventType::all()->lists() will first generate a Collection of all the EventType objects. It will then call lists() on the Collection object, meaning it will loop through that Collection to build an array with your requested fields.
EventType::lists() will call lists() on the query builder object, which will just select the two requested fields and return those as the array. It will not build any EventType objects (unless you select a field built by a Model accessor).

ASP.NET MVC Multiple File Uploads

I'm working on a strongly-typed edit form for a MVC model that contains a collection of child models (Document contains many LocalizedDocuments). Each document can contain 0, 1, or many localized documents, and every localized document has an input type="file" to allow the user to upload a new version of the file.
To render the edit fields for each LocalizedDocument I have a strongly-typed partial view that contains the fields for the LocalizedDocument, and then in my edit view use Html.EditorFor(model => model.Document.LocalizedDocuments).
When the form is posted, each of my LocalizedDocument fields are prefixed with LocalizedDocument[i], as expected. However, how can I get it so the file input is also prefixed with LocalizedDocument[i], so I can relate the file upload to the appropriate LocalizedDocument?
Tell me if I'm interpreting this question wrong. You have documents that you need to upload that belongs to a parent table or you need to assign these documents a specific id after uploading multiple of them?
I'll be using Uploadify.
You will have to know the Id of the LocalizedDocument. You will also only be able to upload 1 at a time. (each file is a separate server call)
First you have to assign the Id of the LocalizedDocument to the data that will be sent to the server.
<script type="text/javascript">
var auth = "<%: Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName]==null ? string.Empty : Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName].Value %>";
var ASPSESSID = "<%: Session.SessionID %>";
$(document).ready(function () {
'uploader': '/Content/uploadify.swf',
'script': '<%: Url.Action("Upload", "Documents") %>',
'cancelImg': '/Content/Images/cancel.png',
'folder': '/uploads',
'scriptData': { ASPSESSID: ASPSESSID, AUTHID: auth, DocumentId: <%: Model.LocalizedDocumentId %>},
'multi': true
public ActionResult InsertImages(HttpPostedFileBase FileData, int DocId){ }