How to delete a "space" in IBM Bluemix? - ibm-cloud

I have created an extra "space" on my Bluemix account.
I double checked my Bluemix dashboard, but I am not able to delete that space. Now, how I can delete it?

You can use the cloud foundry CLI (cf) to delete a space. Please note that you need to have the 'Organization Manager' role in order to be able to delete a space.
Use the following command:
# cf delete-space <space-name>
If you don't have cf command line installed in your environment, you can install it from here:
Alternatively via Bluemix dashboard:
Select the "Account and Settings" button (top right button, looks like an empty face)
Click on "Manage Organizations". The UI changes to Manage Organization
Select the space you want to delete on the left panel
You will see the space name on the middle panel and a delete button
When you delete a space all applications and services on that space will also be deleted, so use this command with caution.


How can I move an app from one space to another?

I have created a new space in the organisation and I have to move several apps from one space to the newly created one. How can I do this? (I don't want to rename the old space since only a subset of its apps need to be moved.
I'm afraid there is no such function to move apps from one space to another. There are two possibilities to achieve it, though:
Compile & Push
If you have access to the source-code of the app and use a common CI/CD setup, simply adjust your scripts, have them point to the new space and trigger a complete CI/CD cycle.
Download & Push
If you don't have access to the source-code, the binary-repository where you store your binaries or have to ensure it is 100% the same droplet in the new space, you can download that droplet from Cloud Foundry and push it to the new space:
cf app source-app --guid to get your source app guid
cf curl /v2/apps/:source-guid/droplet/download --output /tmp/droplet.tgz to download the source app's droplet to your local machine (note that if your Cloud Controller is configured to use a remote blobstore this command will return a redirect to the actual location of the droplet)
cf target -s destination-space to target the space you want to push the copied droplet to
cf push --droplet /tmp/droplet.tgz destination-app-name
Credits: Github
This will work for buildpack-based apps but not for Docker-based apps, as you can't simply download docker-binaries.
Pitfall: If you want to use the same route again, don't forget to delete (not just unbind) it from your old space.

api connect local cloud 'apic edit' error: it appears the Docker for Windows has not been installed

I have installed the apic editor in Windows 10. I often get a 'Building v5 Gateway' error pop-up, when starting the the local server on the Assemble tab. The message says: "Error: It appears that Docker for Windows has not been installed..."
That's true - I'm not using it and don't want to use it! I did find a suggested fix (which I can't find now), which said: "set NO_PROXY=".
This has appeared to work sometimes, but now it doesn't. It has worked when I set that variable in one command and followed it by 'apic edit'. I have since realised that you can chain 'set' cmds using && before 'apic edit'. I hoped that chaining NO_PROXY and 'apic'edit' would do the trick... but it didn't.
What kind of works, is to issue 'apic start' in a separate window. I end up with a running 'node.exe' window, and a failed 'Node.js' window... because it can't find an 'env.yaml' file (I've tracked down that this is because I started it outside the Designer). Which means I can test the api call.
I expect to be helping a customer to get started with APIC and this behaviour is not going to impress them. How can I get 'normal' service to be resumed?
Regards, John
Try to install docker for windows. Here is the link : Install Docker and restart your computer.
Make sure any gateway instances are stopped
apic stop
Start the API Designer
apic edit
Within the API Designer, select your API and go to Assemble
Make sure the policy palette panel in the left isn't collapsed. If it is, click the right arrow button ()
At the top of the policy palette panel, click the filter policies button ()
Make sure you select Micro Gateway policies
Click save ()
Now click the play button () in the lower left to start the micro gateway
Alternatively, edit the Swagger yaml file for the API and make sure the micro gateway is configured:
gateway: micro-gateway
Note that if you've added any DataPower Gateway policies to your API, they will be disabled when running the micro gateway.
API Connect requires a gateway to work. There are two different gateways:
The micro gateway, which is open-source but is much more limited. When running this in conjunction with the API Designer, the micro gateway will run as a Node.js app directly on your local machine.
The DataPower Gateway, which is a commercial product but can be used for free for development purposes. When running this with the API Designer, it will run as a container in Docker based on this image.
What kind of works, is to issue 'apic start' in a separate window.
By running apic start, you've manually started the micro gateway:
$ apic start
Service apic-gw started on port 4001.
$ apic services
Service apic-gw running on port 4001.
$ ps -eo command | grep gateway
/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v6.14.4/bin/node /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v6.14.4/lib/node_modules/apiconnect/node_modules/microgateway/datastore/server/server.js
The better way to start the gateway is from within the API Desginer by clicking the start button in the lower left. This will start the appropriate gateway for your API. If you see the "Building v5 Gateway" message, you've started the DataPower Gateway.

How to delete this SIA - Can not remove

Hi I can't delete the below server. the middle row, how can I delete it? Obviously I already tried to use the delete 'X' on the top of the CCM box that you are suspposed to use
When I try to delete it, I see this. Is there some place in the registry I can delete it? Is there a place in the CMS? I realize I can blow up everything and do it again but thats not an option right now, so please do not give that as my option.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help.
*steps for deleting SIA from CCM*
Launch Central Configuration manager (CCM).
Stop the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) to be deleted.
Go to Windows Start > Run and type in "services. MSc" without the quotes and press Enter key.
In the Services applet, find the SIA service to be deleted say Server Intelligent Agent (BI40).
Go to Properties of Server Intelligent Agent (BI40).
Under the General tab, copy the Service name BOEXI40SIABI40 to the clipboard.
Open command prompt and run following command:sc delete BOEXI40SIABI40
Navigate to "Install Directory\Program Files (x86)\SAP Business Objects\SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64" directory and delete the following files for Server Intelligent Agent (BI40).
(NOTE- make sure that you are having more then 1 SIA else the server gets shutdown. And be sure which SIA files you are deleteing when you are going to path to win 64 directory.)
Just deleted it form Windows services

Adding user to com security group using commandline or Powershell

I would like to do the follwoing
"Start | Run | dcomcnfg. This bring up the Component Services application. On the left pane navigate to Component Services | Computer | MyComputer. Right click on MyComputer and select properties. Select the COM Security tab and select the Edit Default button under Access Permissions. Use the Add... button to add the "Network Service" account to the permission list. Verify that ONLY the Local Access box is checked and click OK. Close out of Component Services. A reboot is then required to make the requested changes to COM Security.
Is there a way to do this via Powershell or through command line ?
I have done this for launch activation permissions and it isn't exactly straight forward. I wrote up what I did in this blog post. I think it could get you pointed in the right direction.

How to set Group Policy "Turn Off Automatic Root Certificates Update" vie Registry/Powershell?

I need to disable the following group policy in Windows 7 programatically, for example by modifying a registry key using Powershell:
"Turn Off Automatic Root Certificates Update"
Does anybody know which registry key needs to be set or unset in order to make this work?
I had a similar issue when i was creating an application that communicated with a server over HTTPS using two-way SSL.
This was causing a delay of a full minute when the initial request was made
It ran in WinPE where hand clicking through the local group policy editor was not an option.
There also is no way I am aware of to register a root authority in this environment and it is running in an incredibly restricted environment so it can not access windows update (not that it would find our corporate CA there anyway).
The registry value you are looking for is
DWORD DisableRootAutoUpdate = 1
To turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update via Local Group Policy Editor:
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type gpedit.msc, and then click OK.
If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.
Under computer configuration, Double-click Administrative Templates, double-click System, double-click Internet Communication Management, and then click Internet Communication settings.
Double-click Turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update, click Enabled, and then click OK.
Close the Local Group Policy Editor.
Domain policies override local settings. That's how they're supposed to work (they'd be rather useless otherwise). If you want the policy disabled, disable or remove the policy in Group Policy Management or remove the computer from the domain.