Difference between steal and force in database - recovery

It is said that no steal means that transaction s updated buffer is not written to disk before that transaction commits and no force has a similar definition then what's the difference between them?

Suppose a transaction T1 wants to read a data object X, but the working memory is full with all the other transactions' work. So T1 needs to clear some memory, which it does by kicking some other page in working memory to stable storage. This can be dangerous, because we can't be sure that what T1 is pushing to stable storage has been committed yet. This is known as stealing.
Forcing means that every time a transaction commits, all the affected pages will be pushed to stable storage. This is inefficient, because each page may be written by many transactions and will slow the system down.
Most crash recovery uses a steal/no-force approach, accepting the risks of writing possibly uncommitted data to memory to gain the speed of not forcing all commit effects to memory.



I have a script that performs a bunch of updates on a moderately large (approximately 6 million rows) table, based on data read from a file.
It currently begins and then commits a transaction for each row it updates and I wanted to improve its performance somehow. I wonder if starting a single transaction at the beginning of the script's run and then rollbacking to individual savepoints in case any validation error occurs would actually result in a performance increase.
I looked online but haven't had much luck finding any documentation or benchmarks.
COMMIT is mostly an I/O problem, because the transaction log (WAL) has to be synchronized to disk.
So using subtransactions (savepoints) will verylikely boost performance. But beware that using more than 64 subtransactions per transaction will again hurt performance if you have concurrent transactions.
If you can live with losing some committed transactions in the event of a database server crash (which is rare), you could simply set synchronous_commit to off and stick with many small transactions.
Another, more complicated method is to process the rows in batches without using subtransactions and repeating the whole batch in case of a problem.
Having a single transaction with only 1 COMMIT should be faster than having multiple single row update transactions because each COMMIT must synchronize WAL writing to disk. But how really faster it is in a given environment depends a lot of the environment (number of transactions, table structure, index structure, UPDATE statement, PostgreSQL configuration, system configuration etc.): only you can benchmark in your environment.

What are the consequences of not ending a database transaction?

I have found a bug in my application code where I have started a transaction, but never commit or do a rollback. The connection is used periodically, just reading some data every 10s or so. In the pg_stat_activity table, its state is reported as "idle in transaction", and its backend_start time is over a week ago.
What is the impact on the database of this? Does it cause additional CPU and RAM usage? Will it impact other connections? How long can it persist in this state?
I'm using postgresql 9.1 and 9.4.
Since you only SELECT, the impact is limited. It is more severe for any write operations, where the changes are not visible to any other transaction until committed - and lost if never committed.
It does cost some RAM and permanently occupies one of your allowed connections (which may or may not matter).
One of the more severe consequences of very long running transactions: It blocks VACUUM from doing it's job, since there is still an old transaction that can see old rows. The system will start bloating.
In particular, SELECT acquires an ACCESS SHARE lock (the least blocking of all) on all referenced tables. This does not interfere with other DML commands like INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, but it will block DDL commands as well as TRUNCATE or VACUUM (including autovacuum jobs). See "Table-level Locks" in the manual.
It can also interfere with various replication solutions and lead to transaction ID wraparound in the long run if it stays open long enough / you burn enough XIDs fast enough. More about that in the manual on "Routine Vacuuming".
Blocking effects can mushroom if other transactions are blocked from committing and those have acquired locks of their own. Etc.
You can keep transactions open (almost) indefinitely - until the connection is closed (which also happens when the server is restarted, obviously.)
But never leave transactions open longer than needed.
There are two major impacts to the system.
The tables that have been used in those transactions:
are not vacuumed which means they are not "cleaned up" and their statistics aren't updated which might lead to bad (=slow) execution plans
cannot be changed using ALTER TABLE

What resources do subtransaction IDs consume?

The PostgreSQL wiki advises an approach to implementing UPSERT that uses a retry-loop. Implicit in this solution is the use of "subtransaction IDs". On the wiki article there is the following warning:
The correct solution is slow and clumsy to use, and is unsuitable for significant amounts of data. It also potentially burns through a lot of subtransaction IDs - avoiding burning XIDs is an explicit goal of the current "native UPSERT in PostgreSQL" effort.
What is the consequence of using "a lot of subtransaction IDs"? I don't really know what a subtransaction ID is - is this just a way of numbering nested transactions, and is the implication that these numbers might run out?
The resource is the 32 bits XID transaction counter itself, which is used by the engine to know if the version of a row in a table is associated to an "old" transaction (committed or rolled back) or a not-yet-committed transaction, and if it's visible or not from any given transaction.
Increasing XIDs at a super-high rate creates or increases the risk of getting a transaction ID wraparound issue. The worst case being that this issue escalates into a database self-shutdown to avoid data inconsistencies.
What avoids the transaction ID wraparound is routine vacuuming. This is detailed in the doc under Preventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures.
But autovacuum is a background task which is meant to not get in the way of the foreground activity. Among other things, it cancels itself instead of locking out other queries. At times, it can lag a lot behind.
We can imagine a worst case where the foreground database activity increases XID values so fast that autovacuum just doesn't have the time to freeze the rows with the "old XIDs" before these XIDs values are claimed by a new transaction or subtransaction, a situation which PostgreSQL couldn't deal with.
It might also be that those foreground transactions stay uncommitted when this is going on, so even an aggressive vaccum couldn't do anything about it.
That's why programmers should be cautious about techniques that make this event more likely, like opening/closing subtransactions in huge loops.
The range is about 2 billion transactions, but this is the kind of limit that was unreachable when the system was designed, but which will become problematic as our hardware capabilities and what we're asking from our databases are ever-increasing.

Mongodb update guarantee using w=0

I have a large collection with more that half a million of docs, which I need to updated continuously. To achieve this, my first approach was to use w=1 to ensure write result, which causes a lot of delay.
{'_id': _id},
{'$set': data},
So I decided to use w=0 in my update method, now the performance got significantly faster.
Since my past bitter experience with mongodb, I'm not sure if all the update are guaranteed when w=0. My question is, is it guaranteed to update using w=0?
Edit: Also, I would like to know how does it work? Does it create an internal queue and perform update asynchronously one by one? I saw using mongostat, that some update is being processed even after the python script quits. Or the update is instant?
Edit 2: According to the answer of Sammaye, link, any error can cause silent failure. But what happens if a heavy load of updates are given? Does some updates fail then?
No, w=0 can fail, it is only:
Unacknowledged is similar to errors ignored; however, drivers will attempt to receive and handle network errors when possible.
Which means that the write can fail silently within MongoDB itself.
It is not reliable if you wish to specifically guarantee. At the end of the day if you wish to touch the database and get an acknowledgment from it then you must wait, laws of physics.
Does w:0 guarantee an update?
As Sammaye has written: No, since there might be a time where the data is only applied to the in memory data and is not written to the journal yet. So if there is an outage during this time, which, depending on the configuration, is somewhere between 10 (with j:1 and the journal and the datafiles living on separate block devices) and 100ms by default, your update may be lost.
Please keep in mind that illegal updates (such as changing the _id of a document) will silently fail.
How does the update work with w:0?
Assuming there are no network errors, the driver will return as soon it has send the operation to the mongod/mongos instance with w:0. But let's look a bit further to give you an idea on what happens under the hood.
Next, the update will be processed by the query optimizer and applied to the in memory data set. After sucessful application of the operation a write with write concern w:1 would return now. The operations applied will be synced to the journal every commitIntervalMs, which is divided by 3 with write concern j:1. If you have a write concern of {j:1}, the driver will return after the operations are stored in the journal successfully. Note that there are still edge cases in which data which made it to the journal won't be applied to replica set members in case a very "well" timed outage occurs now.
By default, every syncPeriodSecs, the data from the journal is applied to the actual data files.
Regarding what you saw in mongostat: It's granularity isn't very high, you might well we operations which took place in the past. As discussed, the update to the in memory data isn't instant, as the update first has to pass the query optimizer.
Will heavy load make updates silently fail with w:0?
In general, it is safe to say "No." And here is why:
For each connection, there is a certain amount of RAM allocated. If the load is so high that mongo can't allocate any further RAM, there would be a connection error – which is dealt with, regardless of the write concern, except for unacknowledged writes.
Furthermore, the application of updates to the in memory data is extremely fast - most likely still faster than they come in in case we are talking of load peaks. If mongod is totally overloaded (e.g. 150k updates a second on a standalone mongod with spinning disks), problems might occur, of course, though even that usually is leveraged from a durability point of view by the underlying OS.
However, updates still may silently disappear in case of an outage when the write concern is w:0,j:0 and the outage happens in the time the update is not synced to the journal.
The optimal balance between maximum performance and minimal guaranteed durability is a write concern of j:1. With a proper setup, you can reduce the latency to slightly over 10ms.
To further reduce the latency/update, it might be worth having a look at bulk write operations, if those apply to your use case. In my experience, they do more often than not. Please read and try before dismissing the idea.
Doing write operations with w:0,j:0 is highly discouraged in case you expect any guarantee on data durability. Use a t your own risk. This write concern is only meant for "cheap" data, which is easy to reobtain or where speed concern exceeds the need for durability. Collecting real time weather data in a large scale would be an example – the system still works, even if one or two data points are missing here and there. For most applications, durability is a concern. Conclusion: use w:1,j:1 at least for durable writes.

MongoDB Write and lock processes

I've been read a lot about MongoDB recently, but one topic I can't find any clear material on, is how data is written to the journal and oplog.
So this is what I understand of the process so far, please correct me where I'm wrong
A client connect to mongod and performs a write. The write is stored in the socket buffer
When Mongo is available (not sure what available means at this point), data is written to the journal?
The mongoDB docs then say that writes every 60 seconds are flushed from the journal onto disk. By this I can only assume this mean written to the primary and the oplog. If this is the case, how to writes appear earlier than the 60 seconds sync interval?
Some time later, secondaries suck data from the primary or their sync source and update their oplog and databases. It seems very vague about when exactly this happens and what delays it.
I'm also wondering if journaling was disabled (I understand that's a really bad idea), at what point does the oplog and database get updated?
Lastly I'm a bit stumpted at which points in this process, the write locks get created. Is this just when the database and oplog are updated or at other times too?
Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this or point me to some reading material.
Here is what happens as far as I understand it. I simplified a bit, but it should make clear how it works.
A client connects to mongo. No writes done so far, and no connection torn down, because it really depends on the write concern what happens now.Let's assume that we go with the (by the time of this writing) default "acknowledged".
The client sends it's write operation. Here is where I am really not sure. Either after this step or the next one the acknowledgement is sent to the driver.
The write operation is run through the query optimizer. It is here where the acknowledgment is sent because with in an acknowledged write concern, you may be returned a duplicate key error. It is possible that this was checked in the last step. If I should bet, I'd say it is after this one.
The output of the query optimizer is then applied to the data in memory Actually to the data of the memory mapped datafiles, to the memory mapped oplog and to the journal's memory mapped files. Queries are answered from this memory mapped parts or the according data is mapped to memory for answering the query. The oplog is read from memory if present, too.
Every 100ms in general the journal is synced to disk. The precise value is determined by a number of factors, one of them being the journalCommitInterval configuration parameter. If you have a write concern of journaled, the driver will be notified now.
Every syncDelay seconds, the current state of the memory mapped files is synced to disk I think the journal is truncated to the entries which weren't applied to the data yet, but I am not too sure of that since that it should basically never happen that data in the journal isn't yet applied to the current data.
If you have read carefully, you noticed that the data is ready for the oplog as early as it has been run through the query optimizer and was applied to the files mapped into memory. When the oplog entry is pulled by one of the secondaries, it is immediately applied to it's data of the memory mapped files and synced in the disk the same way as on the primary.
Some things to note: As soon as the relatively small data is written to the journal, it is quite safe. If a node goes down between two syncs to the datafiles, both the datafiles and the oplog can be restored from their last state in the datafiles and the journal. In general, the maximum data loss you can have is the operations recorded into the log after the last commit, 50ms in median.
As for the locks. If you have written carefully, there aren't locks imposed on a database level when the data is synced to disk. Write locks may be created in order to assure that only one thread at any given point in time modifies a given document. There are other write locks possible , but in general, they should be rather rare.
Write locks on the filesystem layer are created once, though only implicitly, iirc. During application startup, a lock file is created in the root directory of the dbpath. Any other mongod instance will refuse to do any operation on those datafiles while a valid lock exists. And you shouldn't either ;)
Hope this helps.