A user is experiencing very slow performance. I can see duration of a fetch statement that aligns to the performance time. There is no blocking or deadlocks and no waits that are unreasonable.
After I do a clear cache on the database the user immediately sees response time improve from a minute to several seconds. I see that a fetch statement no longer is at a high level but appears after a time at several seconds.
Does this recompilation change something about how the fetch is done or is it something about what is being done within the loop within the fetch processing.
Since I cannot see the cursor definition I have to assume that it is not a STATIC cursor otherwise the clearing of the cache would have had no impact on response time since the recompile of the cursor would have had no impact because all of the fetched data would already have been in the temp table.
If the cursor were any of the others KEYSET, DYNAMIC (default) or FAST-FORWARD (unless it chose STATIC), the recompile of the fetch could possibly have had an impact on the execution plan.
That would explain the difference between the response time.
I'm trying to understand SELECT xact_commit FROM pg_stat_database; According to docs, it is "Number of transactions in this database that have been committed". But I turned on logging all queries (log_min_duration = 0) and it seems there are other things besides that can affect xact_commit than just a query. For example, connecting a psql client or typing BEGIN; will increase it by various values. There is a step in my application that runs a single query (as confirmed by the log), but consistently increases the counter by 15-20. Does anyone know anything more specific about what is counted in xact_commit, or if there is a way to count only actual queries?
pg_stat_database.xact_commit really is the number of commits in the database (remember that every statement that is not run in a transaction block actually runs in its own little transaction, so it will cause a commit).
The mystery that remains to be solved is why you see more commits than statements, which seems quite impossible (For example, BEGIN starts a transaction, so by definition it cannot increase xact_commit).
The solution is probably that database activity statistics are collected asynchronously: they are sent to the statistics collector process via an UDP socket, and the statistics collector eventually updates the statistics.
So my guess is that the increased transaction count you see is actually from earlier activities.
Try keeping the database absolutely idle for a while and then try again, then you should see a slower increase.
I want to know how long my queries take to execute, so that I can see whether my changes improve the runtime or not.
Simply timing the executing of the whole query is unsuitable, since this also takes into account the (highly variable) time spent waiting in an execution queue.
Redshift provides the STL_WLM_QUERY table that contains separate columns for queue wait time and execution time. However, my queries do not reliably show up in this table. For example if I execute the same query multiple times the number of corresponding rows in STL_WLM_QUERY is often much smaller than the number of repetitions. Sometimes, but not always, only one row is generated no matter how often I run the query. I suspect some caching is going on.
Is there a better way to find the actual execution time of a Redshift query, or can someone at least explain under what circumstances exactly a row in STL_WLM_QUERY is generated?
My tips
If possible, ensure that your query has not waited at all, if it has
there should be a row on stl_wlm_query. If it did wait - then rerun
Run the query once to compile it, then a second time to benchmark
it. compile time can be significant
Disable the new query result caching feature (if you have it yet -
you probably don't)
I have a table called deposits
When a deposit is made, the table is locked, so the query looks something like:
I assume FOR UPDATE is locking the table so that we can manipulate it without another thread stomping on the data.
The problem occurs though, when other deposits are trying to get the lock for the table. What happens is, somewhere in between locking the table and calling psql_commit() something is failing and keeping the lock for a stupidly long amount of time. There are a couple of things I need help addressing:
Subsequent queries trying to get the lock should fail, I have tried achieving this with NOWAIT but would prefer a timeout method (because it may be ok to wait, just not wait for a 'stupid amount of time')
Ideally I would head this off at the pass, and have my initial query only hold the lock for a certain amount of time, is this possible with postgresql?
Is there some other magic function I can tack onto the query (similar to NOWAIT) which will only wait for the lock for 4 seconds before failing?
Due to the painfully monolithic spaghetti code nature of the code base, its not simply a matter of changing global configs, it kinda needs to be a per-query based solution
Thanks for your help guys, I will keep poking around but I haven't had much luck. Is this a non-existing function of psql, because I found this: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/40286F1F.8050703#optusnet.com.au
I assume FOR UPDATE is locking the table so that we can manipulate it without another thread stomping on the data.
Nope. FOR UPDATE locks only those rows, so that another transaction that attempts to lock them (with FOR SHARE, FOR UPDATE, UPDATE or DELETE) blocks until your transaction commits or rolls back.
If you want a whole table lock that blocks inserts/updates/deletes you probably want LOCK TABLE ... IN EXCLUSIVE MODE.
Subsequent queries trying to get the lock should fail, I have tried achieving this with NOWAIT but would prefer a timeout method (because it may be ok to wait, just not wait for a 'stupid amount of time')
See the lock_timeout setting. This was added in 9.3 and is not available in older versions.
Crude approximations for older versions can be achieved with statement_timeout, but that can lead to statements being cancelled unnecessarily. If statement_timeout is 1s and a statement waits 950ms on a lock, it might then get the lock and proceed, only to be immediately cancelled by a timeout. Not what you want.
There's no query-level way to set lock_timeout, but you can and should just:
SET LOCAL lock_timeout = '1s';
after you BEGIN a transaction.
Ideally I would head this off at the pass, and have my initial query only hold the lock for a certain amount of time, is this possible with postgresql?
There is a statement timeout, but locks are held at transaction level. There's no transaction timeout feature.
If you're running single-statement transactions you can just set a statement_timeout before running the statement to limit how long it can run for. This isn't quite the same thing as limiting how long it can hold a lock, though, because it might wait 900ms of an allowed 1s for the lock, only actually hold the lock for 100ms, then get cancelled by the timeout.
Is there some other magic function I can tack onto the query (similar to NOWAIT) which will only wait for the lock for 4 seconds before failing?
No. You must:
SET LOCAL lock_timeout = '4s';
SELECT ....;
Due to the painfully monolithic spaghetti code nature of the code base, its not simply a matter of changing global configs, it kinda needs to be a per-query based solution
SET LOCAL is suitable, and preferred, for this.
There's no way to do it in the text of the query, it must be a separate statement.
The mailing list post you linked to is a proposal for an imaginary syntax that was never implemented (at least in a public PostgreSQL release) and does not exist.
In a situation like this you may want to consider "optimistic concurrency control", often called "optimistic locking". It gives you greater control over locking behaviour at the cost of increased rates of query repetition and the need for more application logic.
We are trying to update memcached objects when we write to the database to avoid having to read them from database after inserts/updates.
For our forum post object we have a ViewCount field containing the number of times a post is viewed.
We are afraid that we are introducing a race condition by updating the memcached object, as the same post could be viewed at the same time on another server in the farm.
Any idea how to deal with these kind of issues - it would seem that some sort of locking is needed but how to do it reliably across servers in a farm?
If you're dealing with data that doesn't necessarily need to be updated realtime, and to me the view count is one of them, then you could add an expires field to the objects that are stored in memcache.
Once that expiration happens, it'll go back to the database and read the new value, but until then it will leave it alone.
Of course for new posts you may want this updated more often, but you can code for this.
Memcache only stores one copy of your object in one of its instances, not in many of them, so I wouldn't worry about object locking or anything. That is for the database to handle, not your cache.
Memcache offers no guarantee that when you're getting and setting from varied servers that your data won't get clobbered.
From memcache docs:
A series of commands is not atomic. If you issue a 'get' against an item, operate on the data, then wish to 'set' it back into memcached, you are not guaranteed to be the only process working on that value. In parallel, you could end up overwriting a value set by something else.
Race conditions and stale data
One thing to keep in mind as you design your application to cache data, is how to deal with race conditions and occasional stale data.
Say you cache the latest five comments for display on a sidebar in your application. You decide that the data only needs to be refreshed once per minute. However, you neglect to remember that this sidebar display is renderred 50 times per second! Thus, once 60 seconds rolls around and the cache expires, suddenly 10+ processes are running the same SQL query to repopulate that cache. Every time the cache expires, a sudden burst of SQL traffic will result.
Worse yet, you have multiple processes updating the same data, and the wrong one ends up dating the cache. Then you have stale, outdated data floating about.
One should be mindful about possible issues in populating or repopulating our cache. Remember that the process of checking memcached, fetching SQL, and storing into memcached, is not atomic at all!
I'm thinking - could a solution be to store viewcount seperately from the Post object, and then do an INCR on it. Of course this would require reading 2 seperate values from memcached when displaying the information.
memcached operations are atomic. the server process will queue the requests and serve each one completely before going to the next, so there's no need for locking.
edit: memcached has an increment command, which is atomic. You just have to store the counter as a separate value in the cache.
We encountered this in our system. We modified get so
If the value is unset, it sets it with a flag ('g') and [8] second TTL, and returns false so the calling function generates it.
If the value is not flagged (!== 'g') then unserialize and return it.
If the value is flagged (==='g') then wait 1 second and try again until it's not flagged. It will eventually be set by the other process, or expired by the TTL.
Our database load dropped by a factor of 100 when we implemented this.
function get($key) {
if ($value===false) $m->set($key, 'g', $ttl=8);
else while ($value==='g') {
return $value;
I've got a really long running SQL query (data import, etc). It's crap - it uses cursors and it running slowly. It's doing it, so I'm not too worried about performance.
Anyways, can I pause it for a while (instead of canceling the query)?
It chews up a a bit of CPU so i was hoping to pause it, do some other stuff ... then resume it.
I'm assuming the answer is 'NO' because of how rows and data gets locked, etc.
I'm using Sql Server 2008, btw.
The best approximation I know for what you're looking for is
Not only can you not pause it, doing so would be bad. SQL queries hold locks (for transactional integrity), and if you paused the query, it would have to hold any locks while it was paused. This could really slow down other queries running on the server.
Rather than pause it, I would write the query so that it can be terminated, and pick up from where it left off when it is restarted. This requires work on your part as a query author, but it's the only feasible approach if you want to interrupt and resume the query. It's a good idea for other reasons as well: long running queries are often interrupted anyway.
Click the debug button instead of execute. SQL 2008 introduced the ability to debug queries on the fly. Put a breakpoint at convenient locations
When working on similar situations, where I was trying to go through an entire list of data, which could be huge, and could tell which ones I have visited already, I would run the processing in chunks.
update or whatever
where (still not done)
limit 1000
And then I would just keep running the query until there are no rows being modified. This breaks the locks up into reasonable time chunks and can allow you to do thinks like move tens of millions of rows between tables while a system is in production.
Instead of pausing the script, perhaps you could use resource governor. That way you could allow the script to run in the background without severely impacting performance of other tasks.
MSDN-Resource Governor