My progress bar is vertical , I want it to be horizontal - swift

The progress bar is horizontal in my Xcode view, however when I run my app it shows as vertical.
I want it to be horizontal... how can I fix this?

I found out my problem was auto layout, (which was suggested earlier here) however at first I didnt think it could be auto layout, but it was because I had not changed the view in Xcode to the view of iPhone apps.


NSTableView Horizontal Scroll Cuts off last column

I created a brand new Swift Cocoa Macos project, and placed a NSTableView. I auto layouted it, and then ran the app, and got this result:
If I shrink the window down just a tiny bit more, then the horizontal scroll bar will appear.
Steps to reproduce using XCode 12:
Create a new Macos App using storyboards
Add a NSTableView, and in interface builder place it on the top left corner. Proceed to make it the same size of the window.
Add 4 constraints on all sides of the NSTableView so that it is the same size as your window, even if you resize the window.
Add 3 more columns and name your columns whatever you want.
Proceed to run the app, shrink the right border of the window, and you can see, you can shrink your window past the point of last column, so it's possible that the last column is obstructed and the H-Scrollbar is still not visible. It only shows when you shrink the window even more.
Desired Behavior:
As soon as I resize the window so it can now no longer fit all the columns, the horizontal scroll bar appears.
Is there anyway to solve this, like a hidden setting?
I've tried reproducing this 4 times, and I was successful.
The fix is to set Column Sizing of your table view to your desired settings.

How to auto Layout Labels

I want to layout my labels like this using auto layout. It works fine in iPad 10.5. But when I move to any other versions of iPad with a larger screen, this design brokes. Anyone, please help me to solve this problem.
Swift 4
Use stack view
Step 1. insert labels inside of stack view
like that
Step 2. add constraints on stack view
from top, bottom, left and right alignment according to your requirement
like that ->
Step 3.
Use Stackview properties
a.) set axis of Stack view Horizontally as well as vertically.
b.) set alignment according to requirements.
c.) set Distribution according to requirements (here i used fill equally).
b.) set Spacing between labels .
See here ->
Now run. it will work, it will show same in all Device like iPhone and iPad and also (horizontal and vertical).
it will show like this(iPhone6splus)
Thank you
It seems like you create/checked constrations only for iPad or iPhone. Change a type of device scoping on Storyboard editor and you can find errors. Take care about UI for all of device types.
You can add constraints by "Add missing Constraints". your labels
2.And click the "Add missing Constraints"

Tinyscrollbar not working with drag

I use the tinyscrollbar plugin on a site in a couple of sections.
So far, it was working great. But now for some reason, the scroll is avaible with the mousewheel but not with the drag/drop slider..
The resolution i'm using is 1360x768, but I test it in a 1920x1080 and the drag WORKS!
I check with firebug if the problem is an overlapping element over the slider but I can't see anything..
I didn't post any code, because I didn't make any changes on tinyscrollbar.js..
If you upgraded to windows 8 there is a bug where it only registers screen touch instead of both the screen and mouse... so you will need to address that
Check the z-index of the scroll bar element places it ontop of everything else (an arbitarily high z-index is fine for this purpose) as this can sometimes end up behind the custom scroll viewport meaning that when you go to drag the scroll bar you click on the wrong element.

UIButton not showing the text in iOS6

I am working with iOS6 and Xcode 4.5, I am getting an UI issue with some UIButton, some of the buttons title are not getting shown in my view.
In an older version of iOS everything works as expected.
Please see the following image. It's not showing the text "Button" while executing it on simulator
I had a similar case which I just resolved. I think I know what triggers the issue with auto-layout.
I assume that you have created one button, then copied across the row and then copied the rows down. When you do that, one of the auto-layout constraints that's set is "Baseline alignment" between the buttons.
The problem is if this constraints (it does not have to be user-level) remains between buttons which are not on the same horizontal position, meaning between buttons in different rows. So select the problematic button and check to see if you have this constraint. This was my case:
If you do, select it, upgrade to user-defined and delete it. All magically works afterwards.
1Finally i solved my issue , actually iOS6 makes a default auto layout for view controller , through that it will align each component in the view .while i dont need the auto layout .
so i just uncheck the auto layout in property which solved my issue .
clean your project and build again, if not work then restart the xcode and remove the old app from the simulator.
one thing more, if nothing work for you then remove the button and add new buttons.
Try changing the "line break" property of the button to anything other than truncate middle. It looks like it's being truncated to just an ellipsis.

Disable Constraints in Xcode Storyboard

I'm trying to layout a very simple view. I've placed 4 custom buttons in the view in a grid like spacing. But when I run the app I get two of the buttons with different sizes. I've included the storyboard and simulator images here.
I would LOVE to disable constraints but cant find where to do it! I really don't want them. This is just for a simple prototype app and in the end I won't even have these buttons, I'll lay everything out in code.
I've tried dragging in 4 individual buttons AND tried just dragging in one and duplicating it to where I want. I just want them to stay where I put them! Any help would be appreciated.
You turn it off in the File Inspector (first tab on left) -- there's a checkbox called "Use Autolayout" (it's checked by default).