do I need to use coalesce before saving my RDD data to file - scala

Imagine I have a RDD with 100 records and I partitioned it with 10, so each partition is now having 10 records I am just converting to rdd to key value pair rdd and saving it to a file now my output data is divided into 10 partitions which is ok to me, but is it best practise to use coalesce function before saving output data to file ? for example rdd.coalesce(1) this gives just one file as output does it not shuffles data insides nodes ? want to know where coalesce should be used.

Avoid coalesce if you don't need it. Only use it to reduce the amount of files generated.

As with anything, depends on your use case; coalesce() can be used to either increase or decrease the number of partitions but there is a cost associated with it.
If you are attempting to increase the number of partitions (in which the shuffle parameter must be set to true), you will incur the cost of redistributing data through a HashPartitioner. If you are attempting to decrease the number of partitions, the shuffle parameter can be set to false but the number of nodes actively grabbing from the current set of partitions will be the number of partitions you are coalescing to. For example, if you are coalescing to 1 partition, only 1 node will be active in pulling data from the parent partitions (this can be dangerous if you are coalescing a large amount of data).
Coalescing can be useful though as sometimes you can make your job run more efficiently by decreasing your partition set size (e.g. after a filter or a sparse inner join).

you can simply use it like this
It doesn't shuffle data if you decease partitions but its shuffle data if you increase partitions. Its according to use cases.But we careful to use it because if you decrease partition less than or not equal to number of cores in your cluster then its cant use full resources of your cluster. And Sometimes less shuffle data or network IO like you decrease rdd partition but equal to number of partition so its increase performance of your system.


How spark shuffle partitions and partition by tag along with each other

I am reading a set of 10,000 parquet files of 10 TB cumulative size from HDFS and writing it back to HDFS in partitioned manner using following code"HDFS_LOC").repartition(col("x")).write.partitionBy("x").orc("HDFS_LOC_1")
I am using
I see that spark had written 5000 different partitions of "x" to HDFS(HDFS_LOC_1) . How is shuffle partitions of "8000" is being used in this entire process. I see that there are only 15,000 files got written across all partitions of "x". Does it mean that spark tried to create 8000 files at every partition of "X" and found during write time that there were not enough data to write 8000 files at each partition and ended up writing fewer files ? Can you please help me understand this?
The setting spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=8000 will set the default shuffling partition number of your Spark programs. If you try to execute a join or aggregations just after setting this option, you will see this number taking effect (you can confirm that with df.rdd.getNumPartitions()). Please refer here for more information.
In your case though, you are using this setting with repartition(col("x") and partitionBy("x"). Therefore your program will not be affected by this setting without using a join or an aggregation transformation first. The difference between repartition and partitionBy is that, the first will partition the data in memory, creating cardinality("x") number of partitions, when the second one will write approximately the same number of partitions to HDFS. Why approximately? Well because there are more factors that determine the exact number of output files. Please check the following resources to get a better understanding over this topic:
Difference between df.repartition and DataFrameWriter partitionBy?
pyspark: Efficiently have partitionBy write to same number of total partitions as original table
So the first thing to consider when using repartitioning by column repartition(*cols) or partitionBy(*cols), is the number of unique values (cardinality) that the column (or the combination of columns) has.
That being said, if you want to ensure that you will create 8000 partitions i.e output files, use repartition(partitionsNum, col("x")) where partitionsNum == 8000 in your case then call write.orc("HDFS_LOC_1"). Otherwise, if you want to keep the number of partitions close to the cardinality of x, just call partitionBy("x") to your original df and then write.orc("HDFS_LOC_1") for storing the data to HDFS. This will create cardinality(x) folders with your partitioned data.

How can I control number of rows and/or output file size in Spark streaming when writing to HDFS - hive?

Using spark streaming to read and process messages from Kafka and write to HDFS - Hive.
Since I wish to avoid creating many small files which spams the filesystem, I would like to know if there's a way to ensure a minimal file size, and/or ability to force a minimal number of output rows in a file, with the exception of a timeout.
As far as I know, there is no way to control the number of lines in your output files. But you can control the number of output files.
Controlling that and considering your dataset size may help you with your needs, since you can calculate the size of each file in your output. You can do that with the coalesce and repartition commands:
Both of them are used to create the number of partitions given as parameter. So if you set 2, you should have 2 files in your output.
The difference are that with repartition you can both increase and decrease your partitions, while with coalesce you can only decrease.
Also,keep in mind that repartition performs a full shuffle to equally distribute the data among the partitions, which may be resource and time expensive. On the other hand, coalesce does not perform a full shuffle, it combines existing partitions instead.
You can find an awesome explanation in this other answer here

How large can a single RDD record be?

I have a RDD like this:
val graphInfo: RDD[(Long, Int, Long, Long, Iterable[Long])]
The node is represented by a Long type integer and will be stored in the Iterable[Long] of graphInfo. How many elements can be contained in that Iterable? What are the limits, if any, for the size of an individual RDD record?
As already suggested, there's no limit to the number of elements.
There might be, however, limits to the amount of memory used by a single RDD record: Spark limits the maximum partition size to 2GB (see SPARK-6235). Each partition is a collection of records, so theoretically the upper limit for a record is 2GB (reaching this limit when each partition contains a single record).
In practice, records exceeding a few megabytes are discouraged, because the limit mentioned above will probably force you to artificially increase the number of partitions beyond what would otherwise be the optimum. All of Spark's optimization considerations aim for handling as many records as you wish (given sufficient resources), not for handling records as large as you wish.
How many elements can be contained in that Iterable
An iterable can contain possibly infinite elements. If the iterable is coming from a streaming source, for example, as long as that streaming source is available, you'll be receiving elements.
I just not sure whether too many elements in a Iterable of a RDD will
make spark crash
That depends, again, on how you populate the iterable. If your spark job has sufficient memory, you should be fine. The best way for you to find out is a simply by trail and error, and also by understanding sparks limitations for RDD's memory size

Spark transformation on last partitions extremely slow

I am running an iterative algorithm in which during each iteration, a list of values are each assigned a set of keys (1 to N). Over time, the distribution of files over keys become skewed. I noticed that after a few iterations, coalesce phase, things seem to start running really slow on the last few partitions of my RDD.
My transformation is as follows:
dataRDD_of_20000_partitions.aggregateByKey(zeroOp)(seqOp, mergeOp)
.coalesce(1000, true)
Here, aggregatebykey aggregates upon the keys I assigned earlier (1 to N). I can coalescing partitions because I know the number of partitions I need, and set coalesce shuffle to true in order to balance out the partitions.
Could anyone point to some reasons that these transformations may cause the last few partitions of the RDD to process slow? I am wondering if part of this has to do with data skewness.
I have some observations.
You should have right number of partitions to avoid data skewness. I suspect that you have fewer partitions than required number of partitions. Have a look at this blog.
collect() call, fetches entire RDD into single driver node.It may cause OutOfMemory some times.
Transformers like aggregateByKey() may cause performance issues due to shuffling.
Have a look this SE question for more details: Spark : Tackle performance intensive commands like collect(), groupByKey(), reduceByKey()

Why Apache Spark take function not parallel?

Reading Apache Spark guide at it states :
Why is take function not run in parallel? What are the difficulties in implementing this type of function in parallel ? Is it something to do with fact that in order to take first n elements of RDD it is required to traverse entire RDD ?
Actually, while take is not entirely parallel, it's not entirely sequential either.
For example let's say you take(200), and each partition has 10 elements. take will first fetch partition 0 and see that it has 10 elements. It assumes that it would need 20 such partitions to get 200 elements. But it's better to ask for a bit more in a parallel request. So it wants 30 partitions, and it already has 1. So it fetches partitions 1 to 29 next, in parallel. This will likely be the last step. If it's very unlucky, and does not find a total of 200 elements, it will again make an estimate and request another batch in parallel.
Check out the code, it's well documented:
I think the documentation is wrong. Local calculation only happens when a single partition is required. This is the case in the first pass (fetching partition 0), but typically not the case in later passes.
How would you implement it in parallel? Let's say you have 4 partitions and want to take first 5 elements. If you knew in advance the size of each partition, it would be easy: for example, if each partition has 3 elements driver asks partition 0 for all elements and it asks partition 1 for 2 elements. So the problem is that it isn't known how many elements each partition has.
Now, you could first calculate partition sizes, but this requires limiting the set of RDD transformations supported, calculating elements more than once, or some other tradeoff, and will generally need more communication overhead.