I am running an iterative algorithm in which during each iteration, a list of values are each assigned a set of keys (1 to N). Over time, the distribution of files over keys become skewed. I noticed that after a few iterations, coalesce phase, things seem to start running really slow on the last few partitions of my RDD.
My transformation is as follows:
dataRDD_of_20000_partitions.aggregateByKey(zeroOp)(seqOp, mergeOp)
.coalesce(1000, true)
Here, aggregatebykey aggregates upon the keys I assigned earlier (1 to N). I can coalescing partitions because I know the number of partitions I need, and set coalesce shuffle to true in order to balance out the partitions.
Could anyone point to some reasons that these transformations may cause the last few partitions of the RDD to process slow? I am wondering if part of this has to do with data skewness.
I have some observations.
You should have right number of partitions to avoid data skewness. I suspect that you have fewer partitions than required number of partitions. Have a look at this blog.
collect() call, fetches entire RDD into single driver node.It may cause OutOfMemory some times.
Transformers like aggregateByKey() may cause performance issues due to shuffling.
Have a look this SE question for more details: Spark : Tackle performance intensive commands like collect(), groupByKey(), reduceByKey()
Can anyone explain how the skew data is handled in production for Apache spark?
We submitted the spark job using "spark-submit" and in spark-ui it is observed that few tasks are taking long time which indicates presence of skew.
(1) What steps shall we take(re-partitioning,coalesce,etc.)?
(2) Do we need to kill the job and then include the skew solutions in the jar and
re-submit the job?
(3) Can we solve this issue by running the commands like (coalesce) directly from
shell without killing the job?
Data skews a primarily a problem when applying non-reducing by-key (shuffling) operations. The two most common examples are:
Non-reducing groupByKey (RDD.groupByKey, Dataset.groupBy(Key).mapGroups, Dataset.groupBy.agg(collect_list)).
RDD and Dataset joins.
Rarely, the problem is related to the properties of the partitioning key and partitioning function, with no per-existent issue with data distribution.
// All keys are unique - no obvious data skew
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(0, 3, 6, 9, 12)).map((_, None))
// Drastic data skew
rdd.partitionBy(new org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner(3)).glom.map(_.size).collect
// Array[Int] = Array(5, 0, 0)
What steps shall we take(re-partitioning,coalesce,etc.)?
Repartitioning (never coalesce) can help you with the the latter case by
Changing partitioner.
Adjusting number of partitions to minimize possible impact of data (here you can use the same rules as for associative arrays - prime number and powers of two should be preferred, although might not resolve the problem fully, like 3 in the example used above).
The former cases typically won't benefit from repartitioning much, because skew is naturally induced by the operation itself. Values with the same key cannot be spread multiple partitions, and non-reducing character of the process, is minimally affected by the initial data distribution.
These cases have to be handled by adjusting the logic of your application. It could mean a number of things in practice, depending on the data or problem:
Removing operation completely.
Replacing exact result with an approximation.
Using different workarounds (typically with joins), for example frequent-infrequent split, iterative broadcast join or prefiltering with probabilistic filter (like Bloom filter).
Do we need to kill the job and then include the skew solutions in the jar and re-submit the job?
Normally you have to at least resubmit the job with adjust parameters.
In some cases (mostly RDD batch jobs) you can design your application, to monitor task execution and kill and resubmit particular job in case of possible skew, but it might hard to implement right in practice.
In general, if data skew is possible, you should design your application to be immune to data skews.
Can we solve this issue by running the commands like (coalesce) directly from shell without killing the job?
I believe this is already answered by the points above, but just to say - there is no such option in Spark. You can of course include these in your application.
We can fine tune the query to reduce the complexity .
We can Try Salting mechanism:
Salt the skewed column with random number creation better distribution of data across each partition.
Spark 3 Enables Adaptive Query Execution mechanism to avoid such scenarios in production.
Below are couple of spark properties which we can fine tune accordingly.
spark.databricks.adaptive.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold=true #changes sort merge join to broadcast join dynamically , default size = 30 mb
spark.sql.adaptive.coalescePartitions.enabled=true #dynamically coalesced
spark.sql.adaptive.advisoryPartitionSizeInBytes=64MB default
spark.sql.adaptive.coalescePartitions.minPartitionNum=true # Default 2X number of cores
spark.sql.adaptive.skewJoin.skewedPartitionFactor=Default is 5
spark.sql.adaptive.skewJoin.skewedPartitionThresholdInBytes=256 MB
I'm trying to understand how Spark partitions data. Suppose I have an execution DAG like that in the picture (orange boxes are the stages). The two groupBy and the join operations are supposed to be very heavy if the RDD's are not partitioned.
Is it wise then to use .partitonBy(new HashPartitioner(properValue)) to P1, P2, P3 and P4 to avoid shuffle? What's the cost of partitioning an existing RDD? When isn't proper to partition an existing RDD? Doesn't Spark partition my data automatically if I don't specify a partitioner?
Thank you
tl;dr The answers to your questions respectively: Better to partition at the outset if you can; Probably less than not partitioning; Your RDD is partitioned one way or another anyway; Yes.
This is a pretty broad question. It takes up a good portion of our course! But let's try to address as much about partitioning as possible without writing a novel.
As you know, the primary reason to use a tool like Spark is because you have too much data to analyze on one machine without having the fan sound like a jet engine. The data get distributed among all the cores on all the machines in your cluster, so yes, there is a default partitioning--according to the data. Remember that the data are distributed already at rest (in HDFS, HBase, etc.), so Spark just partitions according to the same strategy by default to keep the data on the machines where they already are--with the default number of partitions equal to the number of cores on the cluster. You can override this default number by configuring spark.default.parallelism, and you want this number to be 2-3 per core per machine.
However, typically you want data that belong together (for example, data with the same key, where HashPartitioner would apply) to be in the same partition, regardless of where they are to start, for the sake of your analytics and to minimize shuffle later. Spark also offers a RangePartitioner, or you can roll your own for your needs fairly easily. But you are right that there is an upfront shuffle cost to go from default partitioning to custom partitioning; it's almost always worth it.
It is generally wise to partition at the outset (rather than delay the inevitable with partitionBy) and then repartition if needed later. Later on you may choose to coalesce even, which causes an intermediate shuffle, to reduce the number of partitions and potentially leave some machines and cores idle because the gain in network IO (after that upfront cost) is greater than the loss of CPU power.
(The only situation I can think of where you don't partition at the outset--because you can't--is when your data source is a compressed file.)
Note also that you can preserve partitions during a map transformation with mapPartitions and mapPartitionsWithIndex.
Finally, keep in mind that as you experiment with your analytics while you work your way up to scale, there are diagnostic capabilities you can use:
toDebugString to see the lineage of RDDs
getNumPartitions to, shockingly, get the number of partitions
glom to see clearly how your data are partitioned
And if you pardon the shameless plug, these are the kinds of things we discuss in Analytics with Apache Spark. We hope to have an online version soon.
By applying partitionBy preemptively you don't avoid the shuffle. You just push it in another place. This can be a good idea if partitioned RDD is reused multiple times, but you gain nothing for a one-off join.
Doesn't Spark partition my data automatically if I don't specify a partitioner?
It will partition (a.k.a. shuffle) your data a part of the join) and subsequent groupBy (unless you keep the same key and use transformation which preserves partitioning).
Basically my use case is such that in the firt stage, I can only have a few partitions, since each task runs a C program which takes as much as 10 GB of memory. However, I use a RangePartitioner later on. But with few partitions in the previous stage, the RangePartitioner throws out of memory errors while performing the suffle. This is a known fact that when you have too few partitions, Spark can throw out of memory errors during a shuffle.
Now, what I want is to simply divide the already existing partitions into more partitions. Basically, the opposite of what coalesces does in Spark. If I use a partitioner, such as the HashPartitioner, it would obviously cause a shuffle, which I want to avoid. So, how can I achieve this?
Not at this time. You can track related JIRA ticket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-5997
I have code like following:
// make a rd according to an id
def makeRDD(id:Int, data:RDD[(VertexId, Double)]):RDD[(Long, Double)] = { ... }
val data:RDD[(VertexId, Double)] = ... // loading from hdfs
val idList = (1 to 100)
val rst1 = idList.map(id => makeRDD(id, data)).reduce(_ union _).reduceByKey(_+_)
val rst2 = idList.map(id => makeRDD(id, data)).reduce((l,r) => (l union r).reduceByKey(_+_))
rst1 and rst2 get the sample result. I thought rst1 require more memory (100 times) but only one reduceByKey tranform; however, rst2 require less memory but more reduceByKey tranforms (99 times). So, is it a game of time and space tradeoff?
My question is: whether my analysis above is right, or Spark treat translate the actions in the same way internally?
P.S.: rst1 union all sub rdd then reduceByKey,which reduceByKey is outside reduce. rst2 reduceByKey one by one, which reduceByKey is inside reduce.
Long story short both solutions are relatively inefficient but the second one is worst than the first.
Let's start by answering the last question. For low level RDD API there are only two types of global automatic optimizations (instead):
using explicitly or implicitly cached tasks results instead recomputing complete lineage
combining multiple transformations which don't require a shuffle into a single ShuffleMapStage
Everything else is pretty much a sequential transformations which defines DAG. This stays in contrast to more restrictive, high level Dataset (DataFrame) API, which makes specific assumptions about transformations and perform global optimizations of the execution plan.
Regarding your code. The biggest problem with the first solution is a growing lineage when you apply iterative union. It makes some things, like failure recovery expensive, and since RDDs are defined recursively, can fail with StackOverflow exception. A less serious side effect is a growing number of partitions which is doesn't seem to be compensated in the subsequent reduction*. You'll find a more detailed explanation in my answer to Stackoverflow due to long RDD Lineage but what you really need here is a single union like this:
sc.union(idList.map(id => makeRDD(id, data))).reduceByKey(_+_)
This is actually an optimal solution assuming you apply truly reducing function.
The second solution obviously suffers from the same problem, nevertheless it gets worse. While the first approach requires only two stages with a single shuffle, this requires a shuffle for each RDD. Since number of partitions is growing and you use default HashPartitioner each piece of data has to be written to disk multiple times and most likely shuffled over the network multiple times. Ignoring low level calculations each record is shuffled O(N) times where N is a number of RDDs you merge.
Regarding memory usage it is not obvious without knowing more about data distribution but in the worst case scenario the second method can express significantly worse behavior.
If + works with constant space the only requirement for reduction is a hashmap to store the results of map side combine. Since partitions are processed as a stream of data without reading complete content into memory, this means that total memory size for each task will be proportional to the number of unique keys and not the amount of data. Since the second method requires more tasks overall memory usage will be higher than the first case. On average it can be slightly better due to data being partially organized but it is rather unlikely to compensate additional costs.
* If you want to learn how it can affect overall performance you can see Spark iteration time increasing exponentially when using join This is slightly different problem but should give you some idea why controlling number of partitions matters.
Imagine I have a RDD with 100 records and I partitioned it with 10, so each partition is now having 10 records I am just converting to rdd to key value pair rdd and saving it to a file now my output data is divided into 10 partitions which is ok to me, but is it best practise to use coalesce function before saving output data to file ? for example rdd.coalesce(1) this gives just one file as output does it not shuffles data insides nodes ? want to know where coalesce should be used.
Avoid coalesce if you don't need it. Only use it to reduce the amount of files generated.
As with anything, depends on your use case; coalesce() can be used to either increase or decrease the number of partitions but there is a cost associated with it.
If you are attempting to increase the number of partitions (in which the shuffle parameter must be set to true), you will incur the cost of redistributing data through a HashPartitioner. If you are attempting to decrease the number of partitions, the shuffle parameter can be set to false but the number of nodes actively grabbing from the current set of partitions will be the number of partitions you are coalescing to. For example, if you are coalescing to 1 partition, only 1 node will be active in pulling data from the parent partitions (this can be dangerous if you are coalescing a large amount of data).
Coalescing can be useful though as sometimes you can make your job run more efficiently by decreasing your partition set size (e.g. after a filter or a sparse inner join).
you can simply use it like this
It doesn't shuffle data if you decease partitions but its shuffle data if you increase partitions. Its according to use cases.But we careful to use it because if you decrease partition less than or not equal to number of cores in your cluster then its cant use full resources of your cluster. And Sometimes less shuffle data or network IO like you decrease rdd partition but equal to number of partition so its increase performance of your system.