OSB WLST importError: no module named security in 12c - weblogic12c

in SOA suite 12c, I am running a sample OSB WLST script which has from com.bea.wli.sb.security.management.configuration import ALSBConfigurationMBean
but getting an import error as no module named security, have added all the jars from %OSB_HOME%/lib/modules/.jar and %OSB_HOME%/lib/.jar, but still getting the same import error, any idea how to resolve this, also could you please help on this query, is it possible to select/attach the OWSM policy to a proxy service using the wlst script, if so please advice how it can be achieved?
Thanks for the help.

As far as classpath goes, the classpath I use to call WSLT is:
(replace with windows-style ; path separators if required)
is it possible to select/attach the OWSM policy to a proxy service using the wlst script, if so please advice how it can be achieved?
Personally, I'd extend Configurator so I could add it to the sb-jar, preferably before it goes into a Maven repository. I believe I've mentioned something similar in a question you asked previously.


Jmeter (JMX) running on GIThub) encounters an error

I tried to run my JMX file on Github however I'm encountering an error. can someone help me fix this. Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you.
PerfAction for Jmeter
Your test plan is using Dummy Sampler and your JMeter installation doesn't have this Dummy Sampler plugin installed.
Make sure to add it using JMeter Plugins Manager (it can also be done in command-line mode) and this error will go away.
If your script uses other JMeter Plugins - do the same for all the plugins used.

How to redirect log statements of 3rd party api to installer log file?

Is it possible to redirect log statements created by 3rd-party-api to the installation log file? Let's say I have integrated a library which logs the statements to the commons-logging api and now I need to get these statetments to the installation file. How could I do this?
Thanks to Ingo's hint I got all the 3rd-party commons-logging log statements into the logfile of install4j. How I have done this? I added the following artifacts to my installer project:
That's it. Sometimes things are too easy to see the solution. Thank you, Ingo.
The install4j slf4j bridge by sonatype will help you to do this:

mobicents jain slee hello world serivce for beginner

I am trying to build a simple jain slee project by following the steps given here
but when i try to create a service i get an error message error message scr shot
can anyone help me
This question is quite old, but I will answer nevertheless for future visitors' sake.
The issue is with the Eclipslee service creation plugin. Can you install one from here and try to create the service again.
If not find the plugin jar file named;
This is the one I use. But I think the 2.0.0.FINAL should do the job. I can't upload the exact file because I don't remember where I got it from. Probably a forum somewhere or an issue tracker thread. But can't quote the source properly. :(
P.S.(in case you didn't know) Installation == Copying the jar file to the plugins directory in Eclipse.
This is another workaround. v2.0.0 apparently does not work too.

Can I use Eclipse XQDT to debug Marklogic modules/xquery?

Hi Markloggers out there,
I am working now a coupe of months with Marklogic, developping xquery, modules, applications on the ML app server etc etc. I use eclipse a lot, I have XQDT up and running for several marklogic servers. We use the console also.
What I miss is a debug functionality... in Eclispe with XQDT I cannot get the debug function working?
What I need is a nice and clean way to quickly test and develop modelules and functions...
This is my basic lib from the ML example documentation:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace lib = 'http://www.example.com/lib';
declare function lib:user()
I have this is my XQDT project in eclipse, I have setup a marklogic XDBC server locally and it works ok.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module to the db etc etc...:
(: XQuery main module :)
import module namespace lib = 'http://www.example.com/lib' at 'lib.xq';
XDMP-MODNOTFOUND: (err:XQST0059) Module /lib.xq not found
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root? In the docs it says from a XQDT project I could source a module but I cannot get it to work...
Question 2: I can execute arbitrary xquery to the local Marklogic server but if I set a debug flag anywhere in a xgy file in the XQDT project and press the debug button I get a popup saying "The Debug Engine is not properly configured". Can anyone explain to me if it is possible to use the debug option in eclipse XQDT with Marklogic 7 ?
It's best to limit yourself to one question per SO post. After all you can only accept one answer.
Now I want to use the above module from a file again in the XQDT
project in eclipse. But without going to steps of uploading the module
to the db etc
That's a problem. You can evaluate an ad-hoc query directly. But if it references a library module, that library module needs to be available to the server. You're going to have to copy it to the server sooner or later anyhow, so do it sooner. I don't use an IDE myself, but can't you set it up to do that for you?
Question 1: Is there a way to find the module without putting it in a module root?
Not in the broadest sense of "module root", no. The docs at https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/app-dev/import_modules talk about how this works. Somehow or other, you need to make the library module available to MarkLogic.
I can't address your last question. I don't use an IDE, and even if I did I probably wouldn't use a debugger. Instead I xdmp:log messages to ErrorLog.txt, and occasionally I'll plant an breakpoint-like error() call in my code.

Strange GWT Error with external jar on server side

I want to use a external jar (Apache Mahout) on the server side of my GWT Applicatopn.
As far as i know using external jars on the server side shouldn't cause an error. Only on the client side but when i try to run the code i get the following error:
"no source code is available for de.unimannheim.paniscus.server..."
Whats wrong here ?
Please help me i need to solve this for my thesis
Hi guys i created now an collbaorative.gwt.xml where i inherited all classes from apache mahout that are used within de.unimannheim.paniscus.server.collaborative but it's still not working. Sorry i'm helpless whats wrong here ?
I agree with Dusty Campbell, you should not inherit the jar in the *.gwt.xml. The <inherits> tag in the *.gwt.xml specifies gwt-modules which should be inherited. So only client-side-compatible code can be inherited.
Citation from the gwt docs: "<inherits name="logical-module-name" /> : Inherits all the settings from the specified module as if the contents of the inherited module's XML were copied verbatim. Any number of modules can be inherited in this manner"
see also: http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/1.6/DevGuideOrganizingProjects.html#DevGuideInheritingModules
My guess is that you (by mistake) use a class from the "de.unimannheim.paniscus.server" package in client-side or shared code. Even just an import statement (import de.unimannheim.paniscus.server.*) will cause this exception.