How do I display particular images and links based on the logic in a form? - forms

I searched for this but I couldn't find anything.
I want to display a particular image and link based on the answers in a form.
For example if someone answers "Yes" for a question, after clicking on the submit button. He/She should be seeing image1 and link1 and if someone answers "No" then they should be seeing image2 and link2.
Similarly, the logic of showing images and link can be based on combination of answers. Like first answer "Yes" + second answer "No" = image3 and link3
Note: The images and links must be displayed after final form submission.

Depending on the language you use to implement, you could have a map from N answers to the index of image and link to display.
When the user clicks submit you would iterate your map looking for a key equal to the user's form responses on all N answers. With the index value found you would then get the image and link on another collection, perhaps an array.
This solution is simple but, on the other side, you'll need to have on the map every possible combination. With 10 questions in a form that would be 2 to the power of 10 = 1024 map entries.
To deal with this handicap you could use a third value, besides true and false, on your map to denote either answer. So when iterating the map, you would stop when the answers had the same value or the value on the map were the third value (e.g. null). That way you can possibily have fewer map entries, depending on your specific need.


Set backend title for Mask-Elements in Typo3

I have a Typo3 server. On that I created some different content elements with mask.
In this elements there are often repeating content, like texts or other stuff.
So the editors make a new element in the backend, there they can add a headline and as much text parts as they want.
Often it looks like this:
Thats good, the editor can see a "preview" of the textparts. In this example "Karriere,Partner...". This naming happens automatically.
My Problem is, some times there arent any titles. Its always "No title". As an editor its quite hard to find the right dropdown to edit some stuff, you mostly have to open all dropdowns and search for the right one.
Its look then like this:
In both elements there are some string inputs that are very good for the title.
So my question is, how is mask gonna choose the title? Its not the first string input.
And secondly, can I tell Mask that they have to choose input field XYZ as title?
Yes, you can tell Mask which field to use as a title for inline elements (like repeating contents). When you're setting up a new Mask element, right below the "Label" field of the repeated inline element, there is a field "Field that should be used as label for inline element (starting with tx_mask_)". This will be used as the title that is displayed in the backend. In the placeholder of that field, it explicitly says that "If empty, first field is used".
So, if your inline element has a field "my_awesome_header" which you would like to use as the title in the backend, set the above to "tx_mask_my_awesome_header".
I am not certain as to why it does not display anything in your second example. It might be that either the first input field is not a string, or the first input field is a string but it is empty.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you need further clarification.
Edit: Since that question came up, it should be possible to set a static default title to the containing Mask element using mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.mask.elements.[name of the mask element].tt_content_defValues.header = My awesome static title. As I said in the comments, though: I always give my Mask elements a header field and let editors fill that in.

How do you display boolean values in a cell of React-Data-Grid?

Pretty simple issue, I'd like to display boolean values in my react-data-grid. I honestly don't care how it's displayed: Checkbox, Radio, text... I just want it to appear so I can edit it.
I'd rather not convert my data to all strings, then have to reconvert them back but that may be the only way.
This is a related issue that was just simply closed:
There's also a similar question: Using CheckboxEditor with react-data-grid asked yesterday and completely silent.
Does anyone have any way to show and edit boolean values in React-Data-Grid, or should I be looking elsewhere.
Since it's Boolean you can have a dropddown. I don't have a demo to show, but you can get the idea of what to do by looking at the following example.
There see the logic behind "Issue Type" Column.

Is it possible to capture checkbox selection(crossmark like X) on flatten pdf

I had an editable pdf with checkbox, after selection i flatten that pdf. from that flatten pdf i need to read the checkbox selection which is looks like crossmark(X), is there any possibility to read that checkbox selection.
When you flatten a PDF, you take away all interactivity. If you have a check box field in an interactive form, and you flatten that form, the check box field is gone. That is the concept of flattening.
What happens in practice?
A check box field has two appearances. One appearance is Off. This appearance can be a path such as a simple square defined as a rectangle. Another appearance can have any name On, Yes, 1 or whatever is defined in the original form. The corresponding appearance can be the same square as the Off appearance with two extra lines that look like a cross, or the square with a character that looks like a check mark, or whatever was defined in the original form.
When you flatten the form, you throw away the name of the check box field, you throw away the widget annotation that corresponds with the field, and you throw away one appearance state (depending on the value of the check box field). The only thing that is left, is one of the two appearances.
If you no longer have the original form, you have no clue as to what this appearance could look like, hence you have no idea what to look for, nor where to look for a specific appearance.
You say that the appearance looks like a cross mark in your case, but whoever reads this question has no idea if this cross mark is a path that was constructed in graphics state, or a glyph that was added in text state.
Long story short: if you flatten first and then expect to be able to read a field value, your design is seriously flawed.
You have to ask yourself: why do I need to flatten the form? Maybe it's sufficient to make the fields read-only. If that's not sufficient, why don't you add an attachment to the PDF that contains the original field values? There are many different ways to work around your problem.

Updating the selected dropbox item in a GUI

Currently I have a GUI in which once a 'Submit' button is pressed the drop menu which is left blank is then populated by a calculated value determined by the three other values.
I have successfully figured out how to grab all of the values using this logic:
if (strcmp(fstop,'Select'))
fstop = 0;
fstop = str2num(fstop);
I just have two questions about this that I can not seem to find an answer for.
How would I go about updating the 'empty' drop menu to the calculated variable (the calculated variable will already be one of the possible values in the predetermined list)?
How would I go about presenting an error, say if I have an if statement checking that the amount of zeros in the array? Would a pop up box be sufficient?
As for your first question matlab's set command is what you're looking for. The documentation is here. You would probably need:
MyValueIndex = find(DropDownValues==NewValue);
switch handleToChange
case handles.handle1
case handles.handle2
error('Uh oh!');
Note that MyValueIndex is the index of dropdown box values that you want. Which is found with a find command on the actual value.
Question two is more of an opinion question but I think that a pop-up box describing the problem is sufficient. Maybe add in a system beep for good measure!
For a popupmenu uicontrol the Value property determines which element of the String property is currently being displayed. Get the String; compare its contents to the calculated variable to get the index; then set that index as the Value property. If the calculated variable is not currently in the String then add it to the String and then set the Value. (Note when comparing you need to compare numbers to numbers or string to strings, so you may need to do an appropriate data type conversion first).
Use an errordlg.

GXT 3 spinnerField validation

I want to validate that user cannot change spinner value manually by typing in text box of spinner.
For example a field sales multiple = x which I fetched from server not fix.
and displays a spinner field with limitation of like bellow
spinner.setMinValue = x
spinner.setIncrement = x
spinner.setValue = x
so user forcefully select a value which is multiple with x. e.g. if x=3 the user have to enter 3,6,9... and so on.
So here my issue is if I type a 2 in spinner field text box. GXT widget accept that value.
Posible solutions:
Is there any predefined properties of spinnerfield that i forget to set it?
Is there any predefined validator for this?
Can I set text box of spinner field read only by css so user cannot focus on text box but still change a value.
If none of above how to achieve manually?
i've searched a bit in the different classes and I don't see either a precise method which would set what you want.
Don't know about one, and even with one, a validator doesn't change the value in the input field, but maybe it's enough for your needs.
You can disable the text input by calling setEditable(boolean) on the spinnerfield (testSpinner.setEditable(false);)
Maybe you could search around the IntegerPropertyEditor, I haven't tried but as long as a new Spinner is like this:
SpinnerField<Integer> testSpinner = new SpinnerField<Integer>(new NumberPropertyEditor.IntegerPropertyEditor());
you can seen that there is another Constructor for IntegerPropertyEditor, which takes a "NumberFormat" param, but there is no NumberFormart() constructor, so I'm not sure about how you create your own one, but that could be an idea (to format numbers in the input to be a multiple of the increment).
The last option would be that Sencha forgot this possibility and that you should report this as a "bug" on the forum ?
Hope to have helped a bit, good luck :).