Updating the selected dropbox item in a GUI - matlab

Currently I have a GUI in which once a 'Submit' button is pressed the drop menu which is left blank is then populated by a calculated value determined by the three other values.
I have successfully figured out how to grab all of the values using this logic:
if (strcmp(fstop,'Select'))
fstop = 0;
fstop = str2num(fstop);
I just have two questions about this that I can not seem to find an answer for.
How would I go about updating the 'empty' drop menu to the calculated variable (the calculated variable will already be one of the possible values in the predetermined list)?
How would I go about presenting an error, say if I have an if statement checking that the amount of zeros in the array? Would a pop up box be sufficient?

As for your first question matlab's set command is what you're looking for. The documentation is here. You would probably need:
MyValueIndex = find(DropDownValues==NewValue);
switch handleToChange
case handles.handle1
case handles.handle2
error('Uh oh!');
Note that MyValueIndex is the index of dropdown box values that you want. Which is found with a find command on the actual value.
Question two is more of an opinion question but I think that a pop-up box describing the problem is sufficient. Maybe add in a system beep for good measure!

For a popupmenu uicontrol the Value property determines which element of the String property is currently being displayed. Get the String; compare its contents to the calculated variable to get the index; then set that index as the Value property. If the calculated variable is not currently in the String then add it to the String and then set the Value. (Note when comparing you need to compare numbers to numbers or string to strings, so you may need to do an appropriate data type conversion first).
Use an errordlg.


Unity Input field not setting value on change

I simply want to set a room name using input fields and the fact that it can pass the input through as an argument, but this does not seem to work for some reason.
here is the function that is called
here is the output in the console when typing in the field
why does it send in a blank string?
I followed this tutorial: Youtube
When you add a listener (HostGame.SetRoomName) you have two sections from which you can choose your functions: Dynamic string and Static Parameters. Your function should be in both sections:
Dynaic string - SetRoomName
Static Parameters - SetRoomName(string)
You have to choose the first one if you want to receive as parameter the input field text. The parameter in the second option is whatever you put in the field below HostGame.SetRoomName in your first image (in your case blank).
I worked around this by creating a reference to the text in "SetRoomName" it's not ideal but works
It hasn't been explained well but you want to select the top method under dynamic value. If you look at this image, you will see two methods, selecting the bottom (static) one will show the input field as you see but the top (dynamic) one (which is what you want) will show no input field.

Best approach getting answer from multiplay text boxes

I've created multiple text fields where each text field accepts only 1 character and then moves to the next box. I would like to check users answer when all the text fields are filled but I'm a bit confused as to how to do so.
My first approach was to create an answer String and every time textFieldDidChange is called I add to the String the textfield.text but how can I know when all the boxes been filled and call the checkAnswer function another issue is that if the user decides to fill the boxes in a different order then when I compare the user answer to the correct answer it obviously comes incorrect as the order is different.
[here's a pic of the boxes every game round it generates a different number of boxes depending on the answer
If you know how many number of textFields you have then, you can add a property observer to yourAnswerString and as soon as the value of yourAnswerString becomes equal to numberOfTextFields, it will call the check Answer function automatically.
var yourAnswerString = "" {
didSet {
if yourAnswerString.count == numberOfTextFields {

UIPickerView custom title

I have an array that I use to populate my pickerView, a simple string array. The issue is that I need the first item to be something like "Choose team".
The only way I have achieved that is the add the first item in the array to be "Choose team", but this messes up the array structure for me and I wonder if there is another way of doing this.
So, can I add a default value to a UIPickerValue, if no: how would you have solved this issue?
There is no easy way to add a default value. You can duplicate the array and add the string to the duplicated version for display but then you have to be careful about indexing issues. If the array's value changes programmatically, it can be a disaster. This duplication thing is not a good design anyway.
Alternatively, you can add a fixed label on right side of each picker values. Here is the example
Fixed labels in the selection bar of a UIPickerView

How to get `length` of Matlab GUI popup menu strings

I want to get how many strings exist in the popup menu, how can this be done? This code that I have written does not seem to work.
Value is the index of the currently selected item in the menu so it will only ever be a scalar. You instead want to check the length of the String property which contains a cell array of strings (one for each item).
nOptions = numel(get(handles.popupMenu, 'String'));

How to design textbox visibility expression in SSRS?

I have an RDL with a table/textbox visibility set to:
=iif(Fields!question_caption.Value = "OBJECTIVE 1",false,true)
I am trying to make this textbox display the value named "narrative" only if the question_caption record = "OBJECTIVE 1". How can I do this? Currently this textbox displays nothing with the above logic. I have the narrative field stored in a Placeholder if that makes any difference.
Here is some sample data for you:
create table #dummy_data
question_caption varchar(max),
narrative varchar(max)
insert #dummy_data values('1st week dates','week 1'),('2nd week dates','week 2'),('3rd week dates','week 3'),('OBJECTIVE 1','obj 1'),
('5th week dates','week 5')
select * from #dummy_data
I don't see anything wrong with your visibility expression. However, in your question, you're discussing two separate things as one (i.e., visibility & displaying a value in a placeholder).
The hidden property will show an object (tablix, textbox, image, chart, container, etc) if the expression returns false and will hide an object when the expression returns true. When I say hide, I mean that it will remove the object from the grid and, if all is setup properly, the surrounding objects will be shifted to fill the now empty space of the hidden object.
To display (or not) a value is an entirely different thing. To show or hide a value, you would put the following expression in the value property of the placeholder:
=IIF(Fields!question_caption.Value = "OBJECTIVE 1",Fields!narrative.Value,"")
Notice that I've set it up such that if the desired value of the question_caption field is present, it will display the value of the narrative field. Otherwise, it will return an empty string. This will maintain the layout of the report but simply display the desired value or an empty string, based on some criteria.
As for the issues you're current experiencing, I'm not sure why that would be happening. I would first check that you don't have a typo in the Objective 1 hardcoded value in your expression.
If this doesn't help, please comment and let me know some more information about your problem and I'll do my best to help.