I have a table in a variable in a specific format (similar to csv)
| ID | Status | Notes |
| 1 | OK | A |
| 2 | OK | B |
any suggestions on how to convert it into an array of objects? I've tried select-object but doesn't really do it.
Try this:
$objects = Import-csv "myfile.dat" -delimiter "|"
variable will contain an array of Custom objects.
I have 50 lines text file ($file1) like and i need to remove the characters starting from an specific character "/" until,the end of the line.
Sample text file:
| Area | vserver | file-id |connection-id | session-id | open-mode | path |
| manphsan01 | manphs101 | 9980 | 4278018043 | 5065142205921760710 | rw | Share01\Mandaue\Data01 |
| manphsan01 | manphs101 | 1790 | 4278020659 | 5065142205921763223 | rwd | FinanceDept\ARCHIVING |
| manphsan01 | manphs101 | 1824 | 4278020659 | 5065142205921763223 | rwd | Share01\Cebu\Year2022 |
| manphsan01 | manphs101 | 1976 | 4278020659 | 5065142205921763223 | rwd | SGSDept\General\Document |
My desired output sh0uld be like:
| Area | vserver | file-id |connection-id | session-id | open-mode | path |
| manphsan01 | manphs101 | 9980 | 4278018043 | 5065142205921760710 | rw | Share01 |
| manphsan01 | manphs101 | 1790 | 4278020659 | 5065142205921763223 | rwd | Finance |
| manphsan01 | manphs101 | 1824 | 4278020659 | 5065142205921763223 | rwd | Share01 |
| manphsan01 | manphs101 | 1976 | 4278020659 | 5065142205921763223 | rwd | SGSDept |
the command i used is like this:
$var = Get-content $file1
$var.Substring(0, $var.IndexOf('\')) | FT -AutoSize or
$var.Substring(0, $var.IndexOf('backslash')) | FT -AutoSize
My command will work if my data is only 1 line but multiple lines it wont work. I am not sure why the 'backslash' is not showing on the command when i posted it.
ny ideas how to make this work?
You can get away with plain-text processing if you can assume that only one field on each line of your structured text file contains \ and that it and everything after it - up until the next field delimiter, | - should be removed:
# Transforms all matching lines and outputs them.
# Pipe to Set-Content to save back to a file; use -Encoding as needed.
(Get-Content $file) -replace '\\.+?(?= \|)'
The above uses a -replace operation with a regex to remove the unwanted part of matching lines (lines that don't match are passed through as-is).
For an explanation of the regex and the ability to experiment with it, see this regex101.com page.
As for what you tried:
$var = Get-content $file1 stores the individual lines of file $file1 as an array in variable $var1.
To process the resulting lines one by one, you need a loop construct, such as a foreach statement or the ForEach-Object cmdlet; e.g. foreach ($line in $var) { ... }
While $line.Substring(0, $line.IndexOf('\')) works in principle, it will cause a statement-terminating error (exception) for every $line value that contains no \ character, as Theo notes, notably with your file's header line.
While this could easily be fixed with try { $line.Substring(0, $line.IndexOf('\')) } catch { $line }, the bigger problem is that it would remove everything through the end of the line, which contradicts your desired output, which shows that the next field seprator, | should be retained.
The above -replace operation fixes both these problems; note that it implicitly loops over the array of input lines and performs the replacement operation on each, returning an array of (potentially) transformed lines.
Also note that a formatting cmdlet such as Format-Table (-FT) should only be used for for-display output; it doesn't produce usable data - see this answer for more information; also, it has no formatting effect on strings.
I'm trying to export SPSS metadata to a custom format using SPSS syntax. The dataset with value labels contains one or more labels for the variables.
However, now I want to concatenate the value labels into one string per variable. For example for the variable SEX combine or group the rows F/Female and M/Male into one variable F=Female;M=Male;. I already concatenated the code and labels into a new variable using Compute CodeValueLabel = concat(Code,'=',ValueLabel).
so the starting point for the source dataset is like this:
| VarName | Code | ValueLabel | CodeValueLabel |
| SEX | F | Female | F=Female |
| SEX | M | Male | M=Male |
| ICFORM | 1 | Yes | 1=Yes |
| LIMIT_DETECT | 0 | Too low | 0=Too low |
| LIMIT_DETECT | 1 | Normal | 1=Normal |
| LIMIT_DETECT | 2 | Too high | 2=Too high |
| LIMIT_DETECT | 9 | Not applicable | 9=Not applicable |
The goal is to get a dataset something like this:
| VarName | group_and_concatenate |
| SEX | F=Female;M=Male; |
| ICFORM | 1=Yes; |
| LIMIT_DETECT | 0=Too low;1=Normal;2=Too high;9=Not applicable; |
I tried using CASESTOVARS but that creates separate variables, so several variables not just one single string variable. I'm starting to suspect that I'm running up against the limits of what SPSS can do. Although maybe it's possible using some AGGREGATE or OMS trickery, any ideas on how to do this?
First I recreate your example here to demonstrate on:
data list list/varName CodeValueLabel (2a30).
begin data
"SEX" "F=Female"
"SEX" "M=Male"
"ICFORM" "1=Yes"
"LIMIT_DETECT" "0=Too low"
"LIMIT_DETECT" "1=Normal"
"LIMIT_DETECT" "2=Too high"
"LIMIT_DETECT" "9=Not applicable"
end data.
Now to work:
* sorting to make sure all labels are bunched together.
sort cases by varName CodeValueLabel.
string combineall (a300).
* adding ";" .
compute combineall=concat(rtrim(CodeValueLabel), ";").
* if this is the same varname as last row, attach the two together.
if $casenum>1 and varName=lag(varName)
combineall=concat(rtrim(lag(combineall)), " ", rtrim(combineall)).
*now to select only relevant lines - first I identify them.
match files /file=* /last=selectthis /by varName.
*now we can delete the rest.
select if selectthis=1.
NOTE: make combineall wide enough to contain all the values of your most populated variable.
I suspect this question is already well-answered but perhaps due to limited SQL vocabulary I have not managed to find what I need. I have a database with many code:description mappings in a single 'parameter' table. I would like to define a query or procedure to return the descriptions for all (or an arbitrary list of) coded values in a given 'content' table with their descriptions from the parameter table. I don't want to alter the original data, I just want to display friendly results.
Is there a standard way to do this?
Can it be accomplished with SELECT or are other statements required?
Here is a sample query for a single coded field:
newid() as id,
I want to produce 'decoded' results like:
|--------------------------------------|------------ |
| BABCEC1E-5FE2-46FA-9763-000131F2F688 | Active |
| 758F5201-4742-43C6-8550-000571875265 | Active |
| 5E51634C-4DD9-4B0A-BBF5-00087DF71C8B | Active |
| 0A4EA521-DE70-4D04-93B8-000CD12B7F55 | Inactive |
| 815C6C66-8995-4893-9A1B-000F00F839A4 | Proposed |
Rather than original, coded data like:
| F50214D7-F726-4996-9C0C-00021BD681A4 | 3 |
| 4F173E40-54DC-495E-9B84-000B446F09C3 | 3 |
| F9C216CD-0453-434B-AFA0-000C39EFA0FB | 3 |
| 5D09554E-201D-4208-A786-000C537759A1 | 1 |
| F0BDB9A4-E796-4786-8781-000FC60E200C | 4 |
but for an arbitrary number of columns.
I have this custom object:
**Id | Name | User**
1 | A | {Joe, Joe, Chloe, Cindy}
2 | B | {Joe, Andy, Andy, Cindy, Cindy}
3 | C | {Joe, Joe, Chloe, Chloe, Andy, Andy}
I need to sort unique users for each individual object like below:
**Id | Name | User**
1 | A | {Joe, Chloe, Cindy}
2 | B | {Joe, Andy, Cindy}
3 | C | {Joe, Chloe, Andy}
I need to output the ID or Name after sorting.
The closest I could get was to run a | sort-object -unique, but it doesn't work as I was not able to pull the individual IDs/Names.
You can use "Select-Object" with a hashtable (also known as a calculated property):
$objects | Select-Object Id,Name,#{ Name = "User"; Expression = { $_.User | Select-Object -Unique } }
I have been trying to simplify a semi-complex table that I have by adding named fields, without a problem, until I get to the vsum operator. I had the formula set to $M=vsum($3..#-4) which works, however I am continuously having to add and remove items from those fields, which changes the column numbering. This results in me having to change the field specifications of the vsum range after every update/change. I thus tried naming the top field and bottom fields with the thought of supplying the named variables to vsum, giving me a table similar to the following:
| / | <> | <> |
| | Title1 | Title 2 |
| _ | | START |
| | name | 1000 |
| | name | 3456 |
| | name | 123 |
| ^ | | END |
| _ | | MT |
| # | Total | #ERROR |
| # | | |
#+TBLFM: $MT=vsum($START..$END)
This is the debug formula output from the above table:
Substitution history of formula
Orig: vsum($START..$END)
$xyz-> vsum((1000)..(123))
#r$c-> vsum((1000)..(123))
$1-> vsum((1000)..(123))
Error: Expected `)'
I have tried embrasing the named field variables in parenthesis, and several other ways but have thus far not been able to get this to work. I am hoping I am just missing something and being blind, but perhaps this is not possible to do?
I have also tried the sum-up function with no success as well. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
The following solution works by using #II and #III to refer to all entries between the second and third hline.
| / | <> | <> |
| | Title1 | Title 2 |
| | name | 1000 |
| | name | 3456 |
| | name | 123 |
| _ | | MT |
| # | Total | 4579 |
| # | | |
#+TBLFM: $MT=vsum(#II..#III)
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