SQL parameter table - tsql

I suspect this question is already well-answered but perhaps due to limited SQL vocabulary I have not managed to find what I need. I have a database with many code:description mappings in a single 'parameter' table. I would like to define a query or procedure to return the descriptions for all (or an arbitrary list of) coded values in a given 'content' table with their descriptions from the parameter table. I don't want to alter the original data, I just want to display friendly results.
Is there a standard way to do this?
Can it be accomplished with SELECT or are other statements required?
Here is a sample query for a single coded field:
newid() as id,
I want to produce 'decoded' results like:
|--------------------------------------|------------ |
| BABCEC1E-5FE2-46FA-9763-000131F2F688 | Active |
| 758F5201-4742-43C6-8550-000571875265 | Active |
| 5E51634C-4DD9-4B0A-BBF5-00087DF71C8B | Active |
| 0A4EA521-DE70-4D04-93B8-000CD12B7F55 | Inactive |
| 815C6C66-8995-4893-9A1B-000F00F839A4 | Proposed |
Rather than original, coded data like:
| F50214D7-F726-4996-9C0C-00021BD681A4 | 3 |
| 4F173E40-54DC-495E-9B84-000B446F09C3 | 3 |
| F9C216CD-0453-434B-AFA0-000C39EFA0FB | 3 |
| 5D09554E-201D-4208-A786-000C537759A1 | 1 |
| F0BDB9A4-E796-4786-8781-000FC60E200C | 4 |
but for an arbitrary number of columns.


Insert a record for evey row from one table into another using one field in postesql

I'm trying to fill a table with data to test a system.
I have two tables
| id | name |
| 1 | Majikaja |
| 2 | User 2 |
| 3 | Markus |
| id | goal | user_id |
I want to insert into goal one record for every user only using their IDs (they have to exists) and some fixed or random value.
I was thinking in something like this:
INSERT INTO Goal (goal, user_id) values ('Fixed value', select u.id from user u)
So it will generate:
| id | goal | user_id |
| 1 | Fixed value | 1 |
| 2 | Fixed value | 2 |
| 3 | Fixed value | 3 |
I could just write a simple PHP script to achieve it but I wonder if is it possible to do using raw SQL only.

Tableau - Show multiple discrete string (dropdown) dimensions side-by-side in a single table

I have a list of survey results that looks similar to the following:
| Email | Question 1 | Question 2 |
| ----------------- | ---------- | ---------- |
| test#example.com | Always | Sometimes |
| test2#example.com | Always | Always |
| test3#example.com | Sometimes | Never |
Question 1 and Question 2 (and a few others) have the same discrete set of values (from a dropdown list on the survey).
I want to show the data in the following format in Tableau (a table is fine, but a heatmap or highlight table would be best):
| | Always | Sometimes | Never |
| ---------- | ------ | --------- | ----- |
| Question 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| Question 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
How can I achieve this? I've tried various combinations of rows and columns and I just can't seem to get close to this layout. Do I need to use a calculated value?
As far as I know - it is not natively possible with Tableau, because what you have is kind of a pivot table.
What you can do is unpivot the whole table as explained here https://stackoverflow.com/a/20543651/5130012, then you can load the data into Tableau and create the table you want.
I did some dummy data and tried it.
That's my "unpivoted" table:
And that's how it looks in Tableau:

Tableau to create single chart from multiple parameters

I have tableau workbook online
Before, I had filter for single Principal, and applied to all CUSIPs, and I was able to plot all the inflation-adjusted principals based on Index ratios for a particular date, (refer tab Inflation-Adjusted Trend) i.e.
Now, I have multiple filters based on multiple Principals, i.e. buy one CUSIP for $1500, buy another for $900, etc (refer tab Infl-Adjusted Trend 2)
These were the columns and rows
But I do not like the format of this graph.
I wish to have all the lines together in one graph, just like the single-principal tab below ..... how to fix this? How to bring all the values into one chart?
You currently have six calculated fields calculating your inflation-adjusted principals, one for each CUSIP. Here's what that table might end up looking like:
| CUSIP | 912828H45 P | 912828NM8 P | 912828PP9 P | 912828QV5 P | ... |
| 912828H45 | $100 | NULL | NULL | NULL | ... |
| 912828NM8 | NULL | $455 | NULL | NULL | ... |
| 912828PP9 | NULL | NULL | $132 | NULL | ... |
| 912828QV5 | NULL | NULL | NULL | $553 | ... |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
There's definitely a better way. Your fields are set up like this:
IF [Cusip] = "912828H45"
[912828H45 Principal] * [Index Ratio]
Instead of setting up one field per CUSIP, make a single field that calculates that value for each CUSIP.
IF [Cusip] = "912828H45"
[912828H45 Principal] * [Index Ratio]
ELSEIF [Cusip] = "912828NM8"
[912828NM8 Principal] * [Index Ratio]
Now your table looks like this.
| CUSIP | Inflation-Adjusted Principal | ... |
| 912828H45 | $100 | ... |
| 912828NM8 | $455 | ... |
| 912828PP9 | $132 | ... |
| 912828QV5 | $553 | ... |
| ... | ... | ... |
That's a LOT easier to work with. Drag that single field into Rows and color by [Cusip].

insert uid into column based

I have two tables in postgresql looks something like below. please help me with the query to insert into table 1uid column based on column name2.
table 1 table 2
|uid|name1| |uid|name2|table 1uid|
| 1 | a | | 1 | b | |
| 2 | b | | 2 | C | |
| 3 | c | | 3 | a | |
The keyword you need to look for is Update (which changes existing rows). Insert is for creating brand new rows.
But for your particular case, something along the lines of:
update table2 set table1uid = (select uid from table1 where table1.name1 = table2.name2)

How do I get a single result, from two tables, where the 2nd table contains an updated version of a record from the 1st?

I have two tables, CompanyAddresses & MyCompanyAddresses. (Names changed to protect the guilty).
CompanyAddresses holds a list of default addresses for companies. These records are immutable. The user can change the details of a company address, but those changes are stored MyCompanyAddresses.
How can I produce a single list of addresses from both tables, excluding records from CompanyAddresses where a corresponding record exists in MyCompanyAddresses?
Sample Data
DatabaseId | Id | Code | Name | Street | City | Zip | Maint Date
1 | Guid1 | APL | Apple | 1 Infinite Loop | Cupertino | 95014 | 11/1/2012
2 | Guid2 | MS | Microsoft | One Microsoft Way | Redmond | 98052 | 11/1/2012
DatabaseId | Id | Code | Name | Street | City | Zip | Maint Date
5 | Guid3 | APL | Apple | Updated Address | Cupertino | 95014 | 11/6/2012
Desired Results
DatabaseId | Id | Code | Name | Street | City | Zip | Maint Date
2 | Guid2 | MS | Microsoft | One Microsoft Way | Redmond | 98052 | 11/1/2012
5 | Guid3 | APL | Apple | Updated Address | Cupertino | 95014 | 11/6/2012
I've tried various permutations of MS SQL's UNION, EXCEPT & INTERSECT to no avail. Also, I don't believe JOIN's are the answer either, but I'll be happily proven wrong.
The database design can be changed, but it would be preferable if it stayed the same.
Use a LEFT JOIN in combination with COALESCE. If the JOIN finds a match, the COALESCE will select values from the overridden row. If no match is found, the original values are returned.
SELECT ca.DatabaseId,
COALESCE(mca.Id, ca.Id) AS Id,
COALESCE(mca.Name, ca.Name) AS Name,
COALESCE(mca.Street, ca.Street) AS Street,
COALESCE(mca.City, ca.City) AS City,
COALESCE(mca.Zip, ca.Zip) AS Zip,
COALESCE(mca.MaintDate, ca.MaintDate) AS MaintDate,
FROM CompanyAddresses ca
LEFT JOIN MyCompanyAddresses mca
ON ca.Code = mca.Code;