Facebook graph API access for academic projects - facebook

I hope someone from facebook developer team can read this and resolve this in time for the event.
Basically we are students at Carnegie Mellon University participating in Emirates hackathon
For our proof of concept prototype that we are planning to build requires access to User_likes ,user_books ,user_events permissions for which aren't provided by default.
The problem is we don't have a website set up in place and facebook will not grant our app permission to access these user details.
Useful side note-Facebook is an official partner for the event.
Our facebook App ID is 764055100384482
Is there any clause to provide sandboxed access to all user permissions for academic projects?
Thank you

If you don´t get the permissions approved (which seems to be the case), there is only one more way: You have to add everyone who will use the App at least as Tester in the roles section. Although, without a website/server, there is no way at all. i mean, how do you even want to create a login for the user without any server?


Having permission for read_stream, manage_notifications, publish_actions

Okay, this is a rather specific question but I'll ask it here since I don't find any form on FB's website, this looks like it's the official place for FB support so here I am !
I am a part of a company which produces a unique web application for visually impaired people. Long story short, we take content from a bunch of websites and webservices and centralize everything in a single application, which is accessible, vocalized and controllable using the keyboard.
We would like to add a Facebook client to the application, using the Graph API. To make an acceptable client we would need "risky" permissions such as read_stream and manage_notifications, but I read that they are only granted for Facebook Clients written for a platform on which a FB client does not already exist.
So here is my question : do I have any chance to have any of these permissions granted, or am I wasting my time developing an app which will never be approved ? In order to submit the app for reviewing I must start to write it, and I wonder if it will be worth of my time.
Thanks :)
As WizKid stated, read_stream and manage_notifications are not granted to anyone but are kept in the documentation for legacy purposes.

Permanently associating a website's account to facebook account

I have the task to integrate some commercial sharing stuff into a website.
The idea is that the user a) logs in/registers in the website, b) the user connects his user account with his facebook account - by adding and accepting the website application.
Here comes the interesting part - is there a way of linking the facebook account with my website's account so that I can send them updates and promotions directly to their walls programatically?
In the application dialog, it's clearly noted that the user allows the application to write to the user wall so they accept and agree this. Then, for example, if I want to send them a promotion or update directly on their wall using the fb application api, how can I achieve this? All the tutorials I've read consider the user using the Facebook Login
The concrete idea is something like weekly promotion feed that my clients want to allow customers to allow being posted directly on their walls. As I don't have any experience with facebook development, I'd appreciate knowing how, if at all possible, this can be achieved?
Most of what you're suggesting is against policy, and isnt' technically possible either as users need to come back to the app once every 60 days for you to have a valid access_token for them.
The Authentication docs explain how to get access to a user's information with their permission, and the Permission documentation explains which permissions grant access to which functions or fields.

Obtaining an app ID on behalf of my employer

I am a programmer employed by a company to develop a web app owned by that company. We allow users to log in with Twitter. We would like to allow users to log in with Facebook. For this we require tokens to plug in to OAuth 2.
The snag is that so far as I can determine, Facebook require that apps are owned by a Facebook user, and a that Facebook user uniquely identify a natural person. I don’t want to register using my existing Facebook ID; my work identity is not relevant to friends and family, and besides, I will not be an employee of the company indefinitely. I have not found any information yet to indicate I can hand the ownership of the app to another developer, though I assume such a process must logically be required. I could violate the Facebook terms and create a new ID to register the app with, or I could attempt to coach the CEO of the company (who is not a programmer) through the process of registering for an app. This will be complicated by the fact that I can’t even get past step 1 so I can’t rehearse the process.
So my programming question is, is there a way I have not yet discovered that Facebook allows companies to delegate the chore of registering an app? Failing that, has anyone published a route through Facebook’s developer’s maze to get the OAuth keys in the minimum of steps?
You can create the app using your facebook account, initially, then you can create a Facebook Group called something like "My App Admins" - then get anybody who is important in the company to join that Facebook Group (including yourself) Then in the app settings, set that group as an admin of the app. (you can also create seperate groups for insights users, developers and testers)
Anybody in that group will now be an administrator. That way the company can control access to the app by adding or removing people from that group.
It is not an ideal solution. Facebook want to be able to link application developer accounts to real people - this is a way of preventing spamming etc.
Hope this is helpful.

Must a Personal Profile be Used to Access the Facebook Graph API?

I'm trying to access Facebook data using the Graph API from an external commercial application. I've created a login for my company and gather that I need to register a Facebook App in order to use the Graph API.
However, I am confused about the Facebook requirement to associate a Personal Profile (a real person) with the Facebook App. Why must a person become connected to my organization's application?
What if I leave the organization? Will the company I worked for need to pick another employee in order to access the Graph API?
Surely I am missing something.
Your question here seems to be about the Facebook API in general and registering an app for it, rather than the Graph API per se. The answer to the general question is that, as with the Twitter API and certain Google APIs, the personal account is used as part of the process of validating that the app is tied to a real person. Luckily, there's a good solution in place for handling when app developers no longer work for a company: another app developer can remove them from the app. You can list someone else on your team as a developer of the app and they will have the same rights to edit it as you do.

Facebook application - extended permissions

I been reading about Facebook applications for a couple of days now. I created an application and got an ID and SECRET.
The documentation recommends to use "Graph" for gaining extended permissions.
My question is, is it optional to have a popup, just like the rest of Facebook's popups? (a layer on-top the current screen, without an actual 'Window')?
My application is inside facebook, accessible using http://apps.facebook.com//
My goal is to ask friends of mine to grant this application: publish_stream and offline_access. Then I'm supposed to store their UIDs while granting, and I'm entitled to automatically share items on their "stream"? even a week after they've logged off?
Doori Bar
Yes, that's the idea. You request the permissions when they log in to the application and then iterate over the response to see if they actually granted them. If they did you can then use the information to publish to the stream.