Having permission for read_stream, manage_notifications, publish_actions - facebook

Okay, this is a rather specific question but I'll ask it here since I don't find any form on FB's website, this looks like it's the official place for FB support so here I am !
I am a part of a company which produces a unique web application for visually impaired people. Long story short, we take content from a bunch of websites and webservices and centralize everything in a single application, which is accessible, vocalized and controllable using the keyboard.
We would like to add a Facebook client to the application, using the Graph API. To make an acceptable client we would need "risky" permissions such as read_stream and manage_notifications, but I read that they are only granted for Facebook Clients written for a platform on which a FB client does not already exist.
So here is my question : do I have any chance to have any of these permissions granted, or am I wasting my time developing an app which will never be approved ? In order to submit the app for reviewing I must start to write it, and I wonder if it will be worth of my time.
Thanks :)

As WizKid stated, read_stream and manage_notifications are not granted to anyone but are kept in the documentation for legacy purposes.


Facebook publish_actions usage

Im pretty confused with how i need to approach this issue.
I have a website using a 3rd party app which allowed the admin user to login, type in some content which then appeared on his site aswell as publishing to his FB page. All was working until FB changed their procedures last year (believe it was using the Graph API). Unfortunately the 3rd party no longer support this app so i am trying to see if i can resolve.
The application as far as i can tell uses 3 permissions,
manage_pages, publish_actions, publish_pages
Some threads indicate, i need to complete an App Review which once authorised would get everything working as it should. This is in process to save me some time.
Other threads indicate, public_actions is deprecated and cant be used any futher. If i go to FB help pages (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/#reference-publish_actions) it doesnt list it. In which case i feel this app would therefore no longer work until i fix this AFTER having the app reviewed and accepted?
Can anyone advise which is true and if #2, what do i need to do to get publish_actions to working in this scenario?
Is it possible to have this working in a test enviroment as theres too many variables for me to tackle here i.e. FB state unless the site is https it wont work, app review etc
publish_actions does not exist any more, it has been removed.
Posting to user profiles via API is therefor not possible any more.
To post to a page you are an admin of you don’t need that one to begin with though, the appropriate permission for that is publish_pages, and that still exists.

Can a Facebook app post the same message at the same time on 100K users connected to it?

I am developing a web App for users who want to post the exact same thing on a given time on their own Facebook wall to make a message viral. Of course, considering they granted my app the permission to do so and signed up specifically for that matter. Also, the frequency of such a blast message would be rare, no more than once or twice a week.
I would like to know if anyone has any experience in doing this and what the limitations are since I can't find them on Facebook's developer support.
This type of behavior is discouraged by the Facebook ToS. Further, in order to publish to a user's feed you need to have a current access token for that user. If they are currently connected and using your app, you have access to those tokens and publishing should be possible but very well might get your app banned for ToS violation.

iPhone App to read Facebook wall

I want to create an iPhone app that displays (among other things) a specific Facebook wall. For a good user experience I didn't want an app that required the user to have a Facebook account and I didn't want to force the user to have to log in to Facebook to see the latest "news" in the app. I started out by getting the wall RSS feed and tried parsing it ... I can "see" all the data I need ... but that is getting complicated quickly and has too many variables that are making the final results less than stellar. I have read through the Facebook iOS programming tutorials and it seems to me like the SDK forces the user log in, which I don't like.
My question ... Is there a way to use the Facebook SDK with hard coded profile credentials to access a specific wall without forcing the user to login? If possible, is that a recommended approach? Any other ways to skin this cat?
I have read through the Facebook tutorial and searched through many postings on this site but haven't found an answer to this ... sorry if this a newbie question and has already been answered.
Item I.2. of the Facebook API policy list says
You must not include functionality that proxies, requests or collects
Facebook usernames or passwords.
It sounds to me like that's what you're proposing to do; i.e., the user will be able to see a certain wall, but using hard coded credentials (not their own). In other words, your credentials are proxying for the user.
I do not know if it is technically possible to do this (I imagine it is) but I don't think it's a good idea, and I do think it's a violation of the Facebook API terms of service.
First you need to get the a access_token by parsing your app id and secret.
Then send following request to get the data you want. Note that only public data will be accessible.

Anyone know of a good tutorial for Facebook authentication?

I'm linking my app to Facebook, and would like people to log in with their Facebook account, but I can't figure out how to do this. I had read up on Facebook Connect, but it seems that that's not used any more - but every tutorial I can find seems to refer to it. When I try to follow them, it doesn't work, because the interface has changed.
So, can anyone direct me to a tutorial or guide to doing this the new way?
Basically, what I want to do is this:
A user who is signed into Facebook and comes to my webpage is automatically logged in to my app (with the usual Facebook 'granting permission' windows etc), or can sign in with their Facebook account if they're not already logged in.
I then want to use Facebook to link users with their friends who are also registered on my site, so they can share things.
I would also like to have access to Facebook comments made on wall posts from my site - so the comment stream for a particular post can be seen on my site as well as on Facebook, and comments can be made on either.
If anyone can point me in the right direction (or even tell me what I should be typing in to Google!) I'd be very grateful.
Some sample apps that do many of the things you speak of are shown here. The Graph API is probably your best bet right now for delivering the content and access you need and there are numerous tutorials online for how to use it, including the Facebook Developers site itself.
You will find good Tuts on ThinkDiff, e.g.
I know this is an older question, but the current method for authentication is OAuth 2.0.
Facebook provides a pretty good outline of what steps are necessary in this Reference:
This example allows the authentication to occur entirely in Javascript on the client side so that you can request a potential user to authenticate via Facebook and then confirm access to your application.
If the user is already logged in, only the access confirmation for your application is performed.
If the user is already logged in and access has already been granted, the user is not required to login, or reconfirm access.

Facebook application - extended permissions

I been reading about Facebook applications for a couple of days now. I created an application and got an ID and SECRET.
The documentation recommends to use "Graph" for gaining extended permissions.
My question is, is it optional to have a popup, just like the rest of Facebook's popups? (a layer on-top the current screen, without an actual 'Window')?
My application is inside facebook, accessible using http://apps.facebook.com//
My goal is to ask friends of mine to grant this application: publish_stream and offline_access. Then I'm supposed to store their UIDs while granting, and I'm entitled to automatically share items on their "stream"? even a week after they've logged off?
Doori Bar
Yes, that's the idea. You request the permissions when they log in to the application and then iterate over the response to see if they actually granted them. If they did you can then use the information to publish to the stream.