I am new to the field on ELK ,while using Kibana for visualization i only get the count on the Y axis
I have the below data
{"command":"write","inputmethod":"aufs","bw":"2000.0", "iops":"512000", "runt":"3msec", "slatAvg":"1.98", "clatAvg":"0.27"}
{"command":"read","inputmethod":"vfs", "bw":"2000.0", "iops":"512000", "runt":"3msec", "slatAvg":"1.91", "clatAvg":"0.29"}
{"command":"readwrite","inputmethod":"devicemapper", "runtRead":"22msec", "runtWrite":"22msec", "iopsRead":"39272", "iopsWrite":"30545", "bwRead":"157091", "bwWrite":"122182", "slatAvgRead":"122.06", "slatAvgWrite":"16.82", "clatAvgRead":"0.32", "clatAvgWrite":"0.31" }
I have the three types of inuput method "aufs","vfs" and "devicemapper",I want to say visualize the iops of three methods .Say my x axis will be aufs ,vfs,devicemapper and my y axis is iops
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aufs vds devicemapper
Can some one please advice.
In Discover left panel, click on your "inputmethod" field (not on "add" button).
Then you will see a new block called "Quick count", click on "Visualize" button.
On Visualize dashboard, you will have a configured vertical bar chart.
Simply click on the small arrow at the left of "Y-Axis". Change "Count" by "Average". A new "Field" will appear, choose finally : "iops". Preview and it's done.
Of course, you can use "Sum", "Median", "Min"...etc instead of "Average".
I'm creating a dashboard on Tableau and I want to have a set of navigation buttons that correspond with the sheets I've created. When a button is clicked I want the corresponding sheet to be displayed on my dashboard instead of navigating to the sheet itself. I want all of the sheets to be displayed in the same place on my dashboard. For example, If button 1 is clicked I want sheet 1 to be displayed on my dashboard. If button 2 is clicked I want sheet 2 to be displayed on the dashboard in the same place. I'm new to Tableau and would appreciate any help with this!
The easiest way to achieve this is using parameters.
As a first step you need to creat a parameter with a list of values matching the number of worksheet, like: Worksheet 1, Worksheet 2, etc...
Then you have to create N calculated fields in order to check if the "actual" worksheet is the one "selected in the parameter", using "ok" and "ko" as results for your filters, keeping just "ok".
The formula could be something like this (assuming you're doing the CF for the 1st worksheet, and the other ones differ just for the value):
if parameter = 'Worksheet 1' then 'ok' else 'ko' end
Doing so, all you're worksheets will present data just one at a time because all of them but the one matching the valus in parameter will be blank.
Then you can create your dashboard putting a vertical (horizontal as well if you like) container in it which will be the the "place" where you'll drag all your worksheets.
Be sure to NOT modify the spacing and height of them; just le tableau handle that for you, otherwise the trick won't work.
Once you're finished you will end up having a container with N worsheets in it, with just one of them dysplayed at once.
Once you'll become familiar with parametr actions, you will no longer need to have the parameter displayed on the dashboard (show parameter) because using a worksheet connected to the parameter values you will be able to decide the value of the parameter via click on your additional worksheet acting like a series of button (woeksheet 1, worksheet 2, etc...)
I have a pie chart in Data Studio as below:
As you can see from the donut, there is "others" slice which I don't want to see it there, and I want to customize the label to show "python (88%)".
Can anyone share your expertise and enlighten me on how to do it?
Thank you very much.
Following #Jaishree's suggestion, I have selected only the top 10, so there is no "others" now.
however, I still don't get it on how to show the label as "python (88%)"
As you can see, I have two fields in my data source (the table on the left): Category and TagsTotal. There is NO percentage_field.
To show "percentage", all I need to do is switch to "percentage" in the STYLE option:
What I ended up of creating this customized labeling is detailed below for future readers:
Back to the data source, create another field pctg:
round((TagsTotal * 100 / (Select Sum(TagsTotal) From cte)),2) as pctg
for the donut chart, create a new field named my_label
CONCAT(category," (",pctg ,"% )")
add the new field my_label as the Dimension field
change in STYLE to show "label"
Very cumbersome but finally kind of working with the rest to be sorted out:
1. The newly created field is not showing up in the right-side panel as an available field and how to modify it?
2. The legend needs to be customized to display two lines instead of showing a pagina
In Pie chart and donuts chart you can only show 20 slices. The chart shows the results in a sorted way. If you do not want to see others, then you have select only 20 data points.
"python (88%)" If you want to show the labels as "python (88%)" you can add a new field and customize the labels as you want.
You can do that by click on "create new field " then "add new field" and then give a name to the new field in formula type the below code:
CONCAT(category," (",percentage_field,"% )")
To use the above formula you have to create a percentage_field also before, in the same way with percentage formula.
I used a VizFrame to display data in my project.
The normal behaviour of the VizFrame when you select data in the graph you see a popover with the data of the selected point. When you select more than one point the content of the popover is something like in the screenshot: popover content.
I tried using attaching myself to the SelectedData Event. The oControlEvent.mParameters contain the data nodes being currently selected for THAT event.
For example: I click node A => the node A is in the oControlEvent.mParameters. => OK
Then I click additionally on node B (so node A and B are selected) => only the node B is contained in the oControlEvent.mParameters. => not OK.
What I need is the set of all nodes that are currently selected in the graph, not just the one that triggered the event.
This information must be contained somewhere, as the Tooltip correctly shows "2 data nodes selected" after the user clicked B.
Thanks for your help.
the oControlEvent.mParameters.data, or oControlEvent.getParameter('data') will (correctly) only contain the elements that actually triggered the event. (may be more than one data point if you select several data points in one go by dragging a rectangular area over the data points)
if you need all currently selected data points, use oControlEvent.getSource().vizSelection() (here, getSource() will return the vizFrame)
Cheers, iPirat
I'm new to FusionCharts.
I have generated a pie chart with slice, my question is:
When I click on the slice in the pie chart, I need the label name of the slice.
How can I write the on click event and get the name of label?
I don't much about charts and such, I'm fine using Word for this. But in 2D Graphics I've learned you can use
To see if shapes are inside eachother (to contain) or if they overlap eachother (to intersect).
When adding a mouseListener, you can use
e.getX() and e.getY()
to get the current X and Y position of mouse on screen.
So something like
for (pieChartPieces p: piece)
if (pieChartShape.contains(e.getX, e.getY))
//* Some kind of notifier for user pops up here.
Check out this fiddle here
It uses "dataplotClick" event to retrieve the label of the pie slice.
You have to use link attribute, as seen here.
"link": "JavaScript:populate('411');",
See the jsFiddle.
Don't forget to implement the populate() with the whatever you need to do.
Link to a similar question (with answer).
Is there a way to force a Bar Chart legend in Crystal Report 11.5 to display its objects in a particular order?
For Example, say I am reporting on the consumption of "Bananas" and "Apples" by State. The Bar Chart should display the percentage of people who eat these fruits by county (Percent Bar Chart). The "Apples" percentage always displays on top of the bar chart and the "Bananas" on the bottom. The legend for this graph also displays the "Apple" color first, then the "Banana" color. However, if the "Banana" percentage is 0% the legend displays the "Banana" color first on the legend. This creates a inconsistent report (with plenty of complaints).
I would like the "Banana" color to always display second in the legend. Hope I didn't confuse anyone and any ideas would be helpful.
Try this instead:
1. Right-click to go into the Chart Expert. Go into the Data tab.
2. If it isn't already set to it, set the grouping method thingy on the top right to On Change of
3. Click Order, then Specified Order
4. There are 2 new tabs: Specified Order and Others. Use the first to decide which groups go first and the second to decide what to do with the rest.
Since you're specifying the order of your groups in the chart, Crystal won't try to auto-decide which ones go first. Step 2 may be an issue for your chart depending on how you set it up. In that case, I suggest making a new chart from scratch.
I can't call myself an expert. I hope this helps.
I think I was able to replicate your issue. It is a little strange, but I was able to bypass the issue by changing the chart to one of the other 2 bar chart types ("Stacked Bar Chart" or a "Side-By-Side Bar Chart"). I'd recommend using one of those, or perhaps even a pie chart.