Escape curly braces progress abl - progress-4gl

How do i escape curly braces progress abl from a display statement ??
Our friend google didn't find any info
DISPLAY "{"httCust":[]}"

Use tilde ~ to escape the curly braces & double quates
DISPLAY "~{~"httCust~":[]~}"


How to escape '#' in vscode regexp for syntax highlighting

I'm wanting to highlight strings for a programming language used in the Reaper DAW. The strings will look like the following #init #slider.
When I try include the '#' symbol in the regxp, the syntax highlighting fails. I've tried to escape it using '\#' as shown below, but this doesn't help.
"name": "keyword.eel2",
"match": "\\b(\#init|\#slider|\#block|\#sample|\#gfx)\\b"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I believe the issue is that \b will only match at word boundaries, and the chraracters that constitute a word for this purpose do not include #.
That means your regular expression would only match text that starts with a word—such as a#init—and not text that start with a space or new line. Try removing the leading \b or changing it to something else such as any space character (\s).

How to auto insert spaces between double brackets (double mustache) in VS Code

Currently when I add { to a .html file, VS Code will automatically close that bracket while leaving the cursor between the brackets, same with double curly brackets. Since I am working with Angular I would like to know if it is possible to have VS Code do this:
If I add 2 open curly brackets then add 2 blank spaces between them, close the brackets and set cursor between the blank spaces.
So instead of this: {{|}} I would get {{ | }} where | represents the cursor.
"Spaces Inside Braces" seems to be the best bet currently.

Select/delete word inside brackets which inside quotes

Small question about vim mode in PhpStorm. I have this strings
if ($newGroupName) {
echo "<h3>{ $t->groupName }</h3>";
echo '<div>';
I want to replace $t->groupName with newGroupName, what would be the correct shortcut? All shortcuts I've tried selects both lines between if brackets.
Use ci{ which means: change what inside the curly brackets
To change all inside next bracket you can add this on your .ideavimrc file:
nmap <leader>p f)ci(
the f) is to go on next )
then change all inside with ci(
note: if nothing is on the bracket you can just type i to Insert.

Scratch equals operator problems

I am using version 2.0 on the internet and writing a program to evaluate a postfix expression. As I iterate through the input string such as: "23+" (postfix) letter by letter using the letter..of...block, it works fine.
I then add a letter.. of.. block to identify a spacebar character so the user can insert blanks in the expression eg "2 3 +"
However, there seems no way to recognize a blank character. I tried
1) Lookahead = ""
2) Lookahead =' '
3) Lookahead =''
None of which pick up that a space has been encountered.
Here is the project:
In Scratch, the box is the string literal - no quotes, unless you're looking for literal quotes. Just put a space in the box.
Just set it to check <(Lookahead) = [ ]>: (brackets are the symbol for the box)
(That black line is me pressing ctrl+a to highlight and show that it exists.)
OK, I have found the solution. There is no character to represent a blank. You simply press space bar once!
You can see the letter nextChar of blanks is an empty space but, you must add space using the spacebar for it to work!!

Sublime Text 3 curly brace auto-completion interferes with Emmet

I'm new to Emmet and to Sublime Text 3.
In ST3, when I type the left curly brace, the right curly brace is automatically inserted, which interferes with Emmet i.e. when I type something like a{Click Me}, it expands to a{Click <Me></Me>} instead of the expected Click Me. However, if I delete the right curly brace and type the text I want, then manually insert the right curly brace, it expands correctly.
Any idea how I can fix this? Which setting do I need to change, if any? It's driving me mad. ¬ ¬
You can:
move caret after auto-closed brace and expand abbreviation, or
type }.
Sublime Text is smart enough to not insert redundant brace.