Select/delete word inside brackets which inside quotes - ideavim

Small question about vim mode in PhpStorm. I have this strings
if ($newGroupName) {
echo "<h3>{ $t->groupName }</h3>";
echo '<div>';
I want to replace $t->groupName with newGroupName, what would be the correct shortcut? All shortcuts I've tried selects both lines between if brackets.

Use ci{ which means: change what inside the curly brackets

To change all inside next bracket you can add this on your .ideavimrc file:
nmap <leader>p f)ci(
the f) is to go on next )
then change all inside with ci(
note: if nothing is on the bracket you can just type i to Insert.


How can I turn VSCode's sub word navigation off?

In a snake_cased language, I would want to navigate variablewise and not word_wise and also exclude sigils like #, % or / from these stops.
|$here_she_goes_again; #the pipe marks my cursor position
With one Ctrl+Right, I want to land on the space before the semicolon,
$here_she_goes_again|; #the pipe marks my cursor position
then, with a Ctrl+Left, I want to return to the beginning of the line.
|$here_she_goes_again; #the pipe marks my cursor position
Somebody got this to work?
Put this into your settings.json:
"[javascript]": {
"editor.wordSeparators": "`~!##%^&*()-=+[{]}\|;:'",.<>/?"
Use whatever your language identifier is. I deleted the $ from the default separators to get your example to work for javascript. You can remove the other characters you indicated. The underscore was already not in the default for me. Just make sure those characters are not in the language-specific setting shown above.
You can use the extension Select By and the command moveby.regex
You are able to define a regex to search and bind this to Ctrl+Left and another to Ctrl+Right
In the key binding you can limit this to a particular languageID.

VSCode: Create two whitespaces between curly braces in CSS with cursor in the middle

Sublime had that default behaviour that in the context of a CSS file when writing { it is autocompleted to {|} (the pipe only indicates the position of the cursor and is not an actual pipe-charakter).
Upon hitting the spacebar {|} was further autocompleted to { | } (the pipe again being the cursor).
How do I get this exact behaviour in VSCode? ....and only for the context of CSS files?
I don't want snippets or any other workaround. I want, with my cursor inside of two empty curly braces, to hit the spacebar and get two spaces between the braces and the cursor to end up right in the middle.

Specify anything in brackets - vscode

I have a file that contains texts and inside each text there is a number in parentheses
Is there a way in vscode to select all the numbers in parentheses and delete or replace them in an easy way, I can't do it manually because the scripts exceed 5000
You can use the search function in VS Code.
Click on the magnifying glass, in the sidebar.
toggle search details by clicking on the 3 dots in the search pane
name your file in the files to include
enable regular expression
use a regular expression that fits your case, i.e \(\d+\)
enter a replace text (or leave it empty to remove), in the second input and click replace all
You could also use sed to do that.
sed -E 's/\([0-9]+\)/(something else)/g' file.txt > newfile.txt

How to auto insert spaces between double brackets (double mustache) in VS Code

Currently when I add { to a .html file, VS Code will automatically close that bracket while leaving the cursor between the brackets, same with double curly brackets. Since I am working with Angular I would like to know if it is possible to have VS Code do this:
If I add 2 open curly brackets then add 2 blank spaces between them, close the brackets and set cursor between the blank spaces.
So instead of this: {{|}} I would get {{ | }} where | represents the cursor.
"Spaces Inside Braces" seems to be the best bet currently.

How to edit all lines in Visual Studio Code

I have a list of data to which I need to put a ' symbol at the start of the line and at the end of the line. So the original data looks like this:
And I want all of the lines to look like this:
In my real data, I would have 10,000 of lines. So if I can do something like Ctrl+Shift+A to select the entire document and then have some magic shortcut to change from selecting all lines to editing all lines that would be perfect!
You could edit and replace with a regex:
Find (Ctrl+F):
This regex finds any content on a line and wraps it inside quotes. The $1 refers to whatever is matched inside the parentheses in the regex. In this case, it's "one or more characters" i.e. everything on the line. Be sure to tick the regex icon.
If every line may or may not have a space before the content, and you want every line to have a space, try this:
^ ?(.+)$
Replace (notice the space before the first quote):
Here is an easy way to do this:
Ctrl+A to select all or select your desired text.
Shift+Alt+I to put a cursor at the end of each line.
Type your ' (or whatever you want at the end).
Home will move all your cursors to the beginning of the lines.
Type your ' (or whatever you want at the beginning of all the lines).
You can use the Alt + Shift shortcut.
First press Alt + Shift then click the mouse button on the first line.
Go to the last line, and then do the same.
This will mark all the parts of one side. Whatever you type will be reflected in the marked spaces.
Do the same on the other side too.
Use Toggle Multi curosr Modified from action pane.
Select the cursor points with ctrl + <Mouse click> , you can modify everything simultaneously.
This will require lots of manual efforts if lines are more
You can use Find and Replace.
Besides, paste to Excel and using a function to add character '.
The first thing that came to my mind - replace abcde with 'abcde' line by using option Find and Replace option. I'm pretty sure Visual Studio Code has something similar to that.
You can use the Shift +Alt shortcut for windows and for Mac use Shift + Option
First press Alt + Shift/Shift + Option then click the mouse button on the first line.
This will mark all the parts of one side. Whatever you type will be reflected in the marked spaces.
Place Cursor where you want to insert/delete text.
Goto Selection Menu and choose Column Selection Mode
Scroll to the bottom of the data and shift + click in the last line where you placed the first cursor.
Perform action (add/delete whatevs)
Repeat for whatever other areas you want to change.
v: 1.74.3
1- You can use the Ctrl + H shortcut (menu Edit → Replace)
Enter abcde in Find Control.
Enter 'abcde' in Replace Control.
Then press Ctrl + Alt + Enter.