How to get all jobs status through spark REST API? - rest

I am using spark 1.5.1 and I'd like to retrieve all jobs status through REST API.
I am getting correct result using /api/v1/applications/{appId}. But while accessing jobs /api/v1/applications/{appId}/jobs getting "no such app:{appID}" response.
How should I pass app ID here to retrieve jobs status of application using spark REST API?

Spark provides 4 hidden RESTFUL API
1) Submit the job - curl -X POST http://SPARK_MASTER_IP:6066/v1/submissions/create
2) To kill the job - curl -X POST http://SPARK_MASTER_IP:6066/v1/submissions/kill/driver-id
3) To check status if the job - curl http://SPARK_MASTER_IP:6066/v1/submissions/status/driver-id
4) Status of the Spark Cluster - http://SPARK_MASTER_IP:8080/json/
If you want to use another APIs you can try Livy , lucidworks
url -

This is supposed to work when accessing a live driver's API endpoints, but since you're using Spark 1.5.x I think you're running into SPARK-10531, a bug where the Spark Driver UI incorrectly mixes up application names and application ids. As a result, you have to use the application name in the REST API url, e.g.
According to the JIRA ticket, this only affects the Spark Driver UI; application IDs should work as expected with the Spark History Server's API endpoints.
This is fixed in Spark 1.6.0, which should be released soon. If you want a workaround which should work on all Spark versions, though, then the following approach should work:
The api/v1/applications endpoint misreports job names as job ids, so you should be able to hit that endpoint, extract the id field (which is actually an application name), then use that to construct the URL for the current application's job list (note that the /applications endpoint will only ever return a single job in the Spark Driver UI, which is why this approach should be safe; due to this property, we don't have to worry about the non-uniqueness of application names). For example, in Spark 1.5.2 the /applications endpoint can return a response which contains a record like
id: "Spark shell",
name: "Spark shell",
attempts: [
startTime: "2015-09-10T06:38:21.528GMT",
endTime: "1969-12-31T23:59:59.999GMT",
sparkUser: "",
completed: false
If you use the contents of this id field to construct the applications/<id>/jobs URL then your code should be future-proofed against upgrades to Spark 1.6.0, since the id field will begin reporting the proper IDs in Spark 1.6.0+.

For those who have this problem and are running on YARN:
According to the docs,
when running in YARN cluster mode, [app-id] will actually be [base-app-id]/[attempt-id], where [base-app-id] is the YARN application ID
So if your call to https://HOST:PORT/api/v1/applications/application_12345678_0123 returns something like
"id" : "application_12345678_0123",
"name" : "some_name",
"attempts" : [ {
"attemptId" : "1",
} ]
you can get eg. jobs by calling
(note the "1" before "/jobs").

If you want to use the REST API to control Spark, you're probably best adding the Spark Jobserver to your installation which then gives you a much more comprehensive REST API than the private REST APIs you're currently querying.
Poking around, I've managed to get the job status for a single application by running
which returned
[ {
"jobId" : 0,
"name" : "parquet at <console>:19",
"submissionTime" : "2015-12-21T10:46:02.682GMT",
"stageIds" : [ 0 ],
"status" : "RUNNING",
"numTasks" : 2,
"numActiveTasks" : 2,
"numCompletedTasks" : 0,
"numSkippedTasks" : 0,
"numFailedTasks" : 0,
"numActiveStages" : 1,
"numCompletedStages" : 0,
"numSkippedStages" : 0,
"numFailedStages" : 0 }]

Spark has some hidden RESTFUL API that you can try.
Note that i have not tried yet, but i will.
For example: to get status of submit application you can do:
curl http://spark-cluster-ip:6066/v1/submissions/status/driver-20151008145126-0000
Note: "driver-20151008145126-0000" is submitsionId.
You can take a deep look in this link with this post from arturmkrtchyan on GitHub


Print editions using metaboss on Solana

I'm trying to create prints from a master edition (aka original edition) using from the console. The number of prints should be limited to a fixed number.
I followed this procedure :
Upload the image to Arweave : arloader upload image.jpg --with-sol --sol-keypair-path ~/.config/solana/id.json --ar-default-keypair --no-bundle.
Create the json file with NFT metadata :
"name": "name_of__the_collection",
"symbol": "token_of_the_collection",
"uri": "[arweave_img_tx_id]",
"seller_fee_basis_points": 0,
"creators": [
"address": "address_of_the_creator_of_the_collection",
"verified": false,
"share": 100
Mint the NFT :
metaboss mint one --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json --nft-data-file ./metadata.json --max-editions='10'
Create the all the prints :
metaboss mint missing-editions --account address_of_the_creator_of_the_collection
I have two issues :
On solana explorer, I have an error : error loading image
The 4. command returns an error : Error: failed to get account data
What's wrong ?
[edit] Error 1 : I used uri key instead of the image in the metadata. That's why solana explorer couldn't find the image.
Generally the process is good. There are some details that have to be aligned though:
Regarding the missing image:
You have to upload the metadata JSON file, too. This is what you reference in the mint command.
Your metadata is not 100% valid. E.g. you are missing the properties field. Have a look into the Token Metadata docs for more details.
Regarding metaboss mint missing-editions:
The Account you specify with --account should not be the address of the creator of the collection but instead the Master Edition Address. (Master Edition is the NFT you minted in step 3)
Since the command runs a GPA call you should add --timeout 120 and use not use the default RPC. Otherwise you will not get results.
If it still does not work you can also run
metaboss mint editions --next-editions 9
Please let me know in case of any uncertainties.

Is it possible to enable X-Ray tracing on an EventBridge Eventbus via CDK?

The ability for EventBridge to trace events via X-ray was added earlier this year, see: and
However, this functionality does not yet seem available via the AWS CDK and it seems it might not even be available via the EventBus Cloudformation template. This is the code from CDK that creates the bus
const eventBus = new CfnEventBus(this, 'Resource', {
name: eventBusName,
which I assume is directly mapping to the CFN template (
"Type" : "AWS::Events::EventBus",
"Properties" : {
"EventSourceName" : String,
"Name" : String
Does anyone know different? If not where would we start to implement this?

PutMongoRecord cannot access filename

I have a simple flow setup in Nifi:
GetFile picks up CSV files from a directory
PutMongoRecord stores them in a MongoDB collection (using a CSVReader)
I want to put the records into a collection whose name is derived from the filename: ${filename:substringBefore('.csv')}. My problem is that I can't seem to get the PutMongoRecord processor to read the filename. Every time, I get the same error:
com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 73: 'Invalid namespace specified 'xxx.'' on server localhost:27017. The full response is { "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "Invalid namespace specified 'xxx.'", "code" : 73, "codeName" : "InvalidNamespace" }
If I try hard-coding a collection name, it works. It also works with ${hostname()}. Since the processor is connected to the "success" output of GetFile, why isn't it reading the filename?
NOTE: I have tested this with a LogAttribute processor: a filenameattribute is indeed present. I have tried various other attributes, but none seem to produce anything.
It is a bug till NiFi 1.6.0 and it is recently fixed. Take a look at NIFI-5197. It will be released in NiFi 1.7.0 which, I believe, will be available in a couple of weeks.
If it is an urgent need, write to the and it is possible to get the patch for this.

Spark REST API difficulties in understanding, goal sending RESTful messages from webpage

For a project I would like to run Spark via a webpage. Here the goal is to submit dynamically submission requests and status updates. As inspiration I used the following weblink: When asking for
I am sending a REST request for checking spark submission after submitting the below Spark request:
The Request code for a Spark job submission is the following:
curl -X POST http://sparkmasterIP:6066/v1/submissions/create --header "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8" --data '{
"action" : "CreateSubmissionRequest",
"appArgs" : [ "/home/opc/TestApp.jar"],
"appResource" : "file:/home/opc/TestApp.jar",
"clientSparkVersion" : "1.6.0",
"environmentVariables" : {
"mainClass" : "com.Test",
"sparkProperties" : {
"spark.driver.supervise" : "false",
"" : "TestJob",
"spark.eventLog.enabled": "true",
"spark.submit.deployMode" : "cluster",
"spark.master" : "spark://sparkmasterIP:6066"
"action" : "CreateSubmissionResponse",
"message" : "Driver successfully submitted as driver-20170302152313-0044",
"serverSparkVersion" : "1.6.0",
"submissionId" : "driver-20170302152313-0044",
"success" : true
When asking for the submission status there were some difficulties. To request the submission status I used the submissionId displayed in the response code above. So the following command was used:
curl http://masterIP:6066/v1/submissions/status/driver-20170302152313-0044
The Response for Submission Status contained the following error:
"message" : "Exception from the cluster:\ /home/opc/TestApp.jar denied)\n\ Method)\n\\n\<init>(\n\$FileByteSource.openStream(\n\$FileByteSource.openStream(\n\\n\\n\torg.apache.spark.util.Utils$.org$apache$spark$util$Utils$$copyRecursive(Utils.scala:540)\n\torg.apache.spark.util.Utils$.copyFile(Utils.scala:511)\n\torg.apache.spark.util.Utils$.doFetchFile(Utils.scala:596)\n\torg.apache.spark.util.Utils$.fetchFile(Utils.scala:395)\n\$apache$spark$deploy$worker$DriverRunner$$downloadUserJar(DriverRunner.scala:150)\n\torg.apache.spark.deploy.worker.DriverRunner$$anon$",
My question is how to use such an API, in such a way that the submission status can be obtained. If there is another API where the correct status can be obtained, then I would like a short description of how this API works in a RESTful way.
As noted down in the comments of the blog , some more commenter's are experiencing this problem as well. Here below I will try to explain some of the possible reasons.
It looks like your file:/home/opc/TestApp.jar is not found/denied. This might be because of the directory cannot be found (access denied,cannot find). This is likely because it is not there on all nodes and the Spark submit is in cluster mode.
As noted in the Spark documentation for application jar Spark documentation. Application-jar: Path to a bundled jar including your application and all dependencies. The URL must be globally visible inside of your cluster, for instance, an hdfs:// path or a file:// path that is present on all nodes.
To solve this one of the recommendations I can do is to execute the command using spark-submit. More information about spark-submit can be found at Spark submit and a book by Jacek Laskowski
spark-submit --status [submission ID] --master [spark://...]

OrientDB - HTTP API with JSON Param for content 'merge'

I am using the http API (v2.2.9 CE) to try and insert / update using JSON payloads
commandJSON["command"] = " update Worker merge :workerJSON where userName = :userName"
commandJSON["parameters"] = {"workerJSON": worker, "userName": userName}
an example 'worker' payload I am using to update the city location only is:
"#class": "Worker",
"city": "Cornwell"
(note: username passed is fine)
"Error parsing query:\\u000a update Worker merge :workerJSON where
userName = :userName\\
I can run this using straight SQL in the studio but not via the REST api. There is some issue it would seem with the JSON payload.
I am using python, and the requests package FYI to POST.
Any ideas? Any suggestions on debugging serverside?