Print editions using metaboss on Solana - metaplex

I'm trying to create prints from a master edition (aka original edition) using from the console. The number of prints should be limited to a fixed number.
I followed this procedure :
Upload the image to Arweave : arloader upload image.jpg --with-sol --sol-keypair-path ~/.config/solana/id.json --ar-default-keypair --no-bundle.
Create the json file with NFT metadata :
"name": "name_of__the_collection",
"symbol": "token_of_the_collection",
"uri": "[arweave_img_tx_id]",
"seller_fee_basis_points": 0,
"creators": [
"address": "address_of_the_creator_of_the_collection",
"verified": false,
"share": 100
Mint the NFT :
metaboss mint one --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json --nft-data-file ./metadata.json --max-editions='10'
Create the all the prints :
metaboss mint missing-editions --account address_of_the_creator_of_the_collection
I have two issues :
On solana explorer, I have an error : error loading image
The 4. command returns an error : Error: failed to get account data
What's wrong ?
[edit] Error 1 : I used uri key instead of the image in the metadata. That's why solana explorer couldn't find the image.

Generally the process is good. There are some details that have to be aligned though:
Regarding the missing image:
You have to upload the metadata JSON file, too. This is what you reference in the mint command.
Your metadata is not 100% valid. E.g. you are missing the properties field. Have a look into the Token Metadata docs for more details.
Regarding metaboss mint missing-editions:
The Account you specify with --account should not be the address of the creator of the collection but instead the Master Edition Address. (Master Edition is the NFT you minted in step 3)
Since the command runs a GPA call you should add --timeout 120 and use not use the default RPC. Otherwise you will not get results.
If it still does not work you can also run
metaboss mint editions --next-editions 9
Please let me know in case of any uncertainties.


Product images issue in vue storefornt

I integrated vue store front with magento 2, frontend works fine but product images not display in frontend. It throws error Unable to compile TypeScript:\nsrc/image/action/local/index.ts(27,18): error TS2339: Property 'query' does not exist on type 'Request<any, any, any, any>'. imagemagick is also installed and imgurl in local.json is also defined.
Anyone please know about this why error display.
It is about this.req which is typeof Request from express - it has query property. Please make sure you have yarn.lock from the original repo and reinstall dependencies.
If you are using docker, you might need to add:
- './yarn.lock/var/www/yarn.lock'
To volumes section in the docker-compose.nodejs.yml
i have found a simple solution you can try that
copy all your magento 2 pub/media data in vue-storefront-api/var/magento-folder/pub/media
create a symlink if you are working on localhost
"magento2": {
"imgUrl": "http://magento-domain/pub/media/catalog/product",
"assetPath": "/../var/magento-folder/pub/media",
"images": {
"useExactUrlsNoProxy": false,
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:8080/img/",
"useSpecificImagePaths": false,
"paths": {
"product": "/catalog/product"
"productPlaceholder": "/assets/placeholder.jpg"
run command in vue-storefront and vue-storefront-api

Installing Google Assistant on Raspberry pi Zero W

I am just trying the installation of google assistant on raspberry pi w on current date, just followed Google's Assistant SDK procedure from start till testing, but on final command i.e. googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk --project-id my-dev-project --device-model-id my-model
I am getting output :
INFO:root:Connecting to
WARNING:root:Device config not found: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/pi/.config/googlesamples-assistant/device_config.json'
INFO:root:Registering device
ERROR:root:Failed to register device: {
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Could not create the device instance. Project_id from side channel and project_id from url do not match.",
What's that issue? please help!
Error Screenshot here
Based on the error message, it appears that the --project-id you're providing in the command line is not the same id as the project that you logged in with.
When you setup the project, you need to create a device model and then download a client_secrets file. You will then use the google-oauthlib-tool to exchange the client secret for user credentials.
The project ID that you used to create the device model needs to be the same as the project ID that you're providing in the argument.

PutMongoRecord cannot access filename

I have a simple flow setup in Nifi:
GetFile picks up CSV files from a directory
PutMongoRecord stores them in a MongoDB collection (using a CSVReader)
I want to put the records into a collection whose name is derived from the filename: ${filename:substringBefore('.csv')}. My problem is that I can't seem to get the PutMongoRecord processor to read the filename. Every time, I get the same error:
com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 73: 'Invalid namespace specified 'xxx.'' on server localhost:27017. The full response is { "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "Invalid namespace specified 'xxx.'", "code" : 73, "codeName" : "InvalidNamespace" }
If I try hard-coding a collection name, it works. It also works with ${hostname()}. Since the processor is connected to the "success" output of GetFile, why isn't it reading the filename?
NOTE: I have tested this with a LogAttribute processor: a filenameattribute is indeed present. I have tried various other attributes, but none seem to produce anything.
It is a bug till NiFi 1.6.0 and it is recently fixed. Take a look at NIFI-5197. It will be released in NiFi 1.7.0 which, I believe, will be available in a couple of weeks.
If it is an urgent need, write to the and it is possible to get the patch for this.

Data Bag Items must contain a Hash or Mash error

I am getting the following error when provisioning a chef node:
[2015-02-04T06:46:11-08:00] ERROR: Failed to load data bag item: "site1" "config"
==> default: Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed
==> default: ----------------------------------
==> default: Data Bag Items must contain a Hash or Mash!
I have verified that the data bag name config.json exists and there is an id within the data bag with the same name. Also the data bag path is set correctly in the Vagrant file.
"id": "config",
"username": "user",
"password": "pwd"
The JSON is valid.
Issue on Chef client 12.0.1 and 12.0.3. Does not occur when downgrading to 11.18.0.
This is a known but unconfirmed bug. There is a github issue open for the problem.
For what it's worth, the problem only seems to show up with Vagrant. As you discovered, the workaround is to use an 11.x release.
edit: I guess it doesn't only happen on vagrant!

node.js - can't get mongodb to work, may have installed wrong?

I guess this is a shot in the dark since there's not a lot of specific code I can show you...
but I'm using node and trying to use mongodb, however I can't get mongodb to connect. I've tried a couple of tutorials that should pretty much work out of the box. in several cases pages that don't seem to have any immediate reference to the database will load ok. For example, a 'posts/new' page will load. but '/' which likely makes reference to showing posts, will just hang silently (the browser shows page loading).
If for example I got so submit a new post the browser hangs and in the terminal i get:
Express app started on port 3000
Error: Invalid ObjectId
at Function.fromString (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/mongoose/lib/drivers/node-mongodb-native/objectid.js:27:11)
at ObjectId.cast (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schema/objectid.js:99:16)
at ObjectId.castForQuery (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schema/objectid.js:133:17)
at Query.cast (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:249:32)
at Query.findOne (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:851:10)
at Function.findOne (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:714:16)
at /Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/routes/articles.js:13:13
at paramCallback (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:259:7)
at param (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:241:11)
at pass (/Users/xxx/Node_projects/noobjs/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:253:5)
GET /article/new 500
GET /articles/new 200
if it helps at all, here's the package.json for the tutorial app used above:
"name": "noobjs"
, "description": "A demo app in nodejs illustrating use of express, jade and mongoose"
, "version": "2.0.0"
, "private": true
, "author": "Madhusudhan M S ("
, "engines": {
"node": ">= 0.4.10"
, "dependencies": {
"express" : ">= 2.3.12"
, "jade" : ">= 0.12.4"
, "mongoose": ">= 1.4.0"
, "stylus" : ">= 0.13.7"
, "express-csrf" : ">= 0.3.3"
, "gzippo" : ">= 0.0.4"
, "express-messages" : ">= 0.0.2"
Also when I do ./mongod from the command line i get -bash: ./mongod: No such file or directory. Anything else I try from the terminal or browser doesnt seem to communicate with mongodb at all.
Let me know if there's anything I can do to diagnose/change my installation.
Step 0: ensure that MongoDB is running ps -ef | grep mongod. If it's not started, check the log file for the reason it failed.
Step 1: ensure that you can connect to MongoDB from the command line.
Step 2: check your connection method, there are several ways to do this, but ensure the you have the correct servername:post/dbname
Here's a blog post I wrote. That walks through a simple setup with Node.JS + MongoDB + Cloudfoundry. The simple setup works locally and on Cloudfoundry, so you should be able to ignore the Cloudfoundry steps and still get something working.