how to deploy a play 2.4.x framework web application in tomcat? - playframework-2.4

Appreciate if anyone can point to any resources that describes the steps to build a war for play 2.4.x framework and can be deployed to tomcat 7 or 8. I saw play2war plugin. I am not sure if this will work. Are there any other way to build a war and deploy to tomcat 7/8? Ultimately, I need to deploy it to aws elasticbeanstalk.
Thanks all for your help.


Is it possible to deploy akka-http to JBoss?

We are developing an akka-http application. Our infrastructure team requires us to deploy it to JBoss. Is it possible, if yes, how?
I found a plugin called xsbt-web-plugin, it converts a sbt application to a war file. That's all I have so far.

Eclipse Kepler + maven + websphere 8.5 + JAX-WS

I have an ear maven project which contain an ejb moudle which has 4 stateless session beans annotated as web services. I was doing all my testing in Glassfish and have never complained when i deployed the ear file. Glassfish published the ejb's as web services and generated the WSDL and life was pink.
However, when i tried to deploy the same ear in WAS 8.5 nothing is published, and i can see the status of the service has x icon and when i hover it, it says that the service endpoints are not listening but the deployed asset is running.
I have spent a 3 day trying to solve this but no progress.
Have anyone faced such a problem? how you solved that and managed to publish the ejb as a web service?
For anyone later who may face the same issue. there is a utility in websphere/appserver/bin called endptEnabler. You must run it on your ear before installment in the app server.. Good luck for all
while deployment of webservices you have to enable the check box "Webservice" available in deployment settings in websphere

framework play 2.2.1 Jboss

I can't deploy a play application framework 2.2.1 in JBoss.
I must do an application that communicates with EJBs and deploy into the same application server JBOSS.
the only way I have found is to use the start command.
You have to use the play war plugin, that will allow you to package your play app as a regular java web archive.
You can find the project here:

Deploying an Eclipse Spring MVC Project to Tomcat without stopping and starting

I have inherited a Spring project that consists of 3 different distinct projects. There is a series of ANT files that build the project and deploy it to a Tomcat. There is an ANT target called 'build' that does this.
The trouble is that when the tomcat server is running, I can't deploy - instead I have to stop the server, deploy and then start the server again.
I noticed that the 'VMware vFabric' server seems to support what I want when I create a spring project via a MVC template in STS.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this for an existing Spring MVC project that uses an ANT build?
What is the error you getting?
Also is your ANT script like as suggested by Tomcat docs? This has worked for me without any problems.

difficulty in deploying struts 2 application

I am a beginner with struts2 and I have few struts2 projects downloaded from a website, but they all are created as simple java projects and not as web-projects, so I am unable to deploy them on my Tomcat or JBoss AS server through Eclipse.
How can simple java projects be deployed on a Java EE server?
Your best bet is download sample applications from Struts2 official sites and deploy them on any of the server of your choice.
Those sample application comes with all required dependencies as well will give you idea about structuring of S2 application as well flow and configurations
I created a structure similar to the one shown on website and manually added all the files required and it worked.