Comparing date modified with specific date (VBS) - date

I'm trying to compare a file's modified date with a specific date.
What I have is this:
If FormatDateTime(objFile.DateLastModified,vbShortDate) = specificDate Then
'Do something
End if
I've tried using IsDate and a variable with a value of #11/9/2015# but always returns false. I can't figure out how to set the variable "specificDate" to 11/9/2015.

If you are comparing the date only (but not the time), then you have to cut off the fractional part of the last modified value, since integer part represents days, and fractional part - hours, minutes and seconds. After any changes convert the values back to Date type with CDate(), as well as date containing string before the comparison.
Sub Test()
dtSpecificDate = CDate("11/9/2015")
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile("C:\Test\tmp.txt")
dtLastModified = CDate(Int(.DateLastModified))
End With
If dtLastModified = dtSpecificDate Then
' Do something
End If
End Sub


Converting time in SPSS from hhmm:ss to hh:mm:ss (TIME8)

After a data export I get a string variable with "2017/02/22 1320:35 +000 4".
compute #TS = char.index(Timestamp_1, " ").
string date (A10).
compute date = char.substr(Timestamp_1,1,#TS).
alter type date (A10 = SDATE10).
I manage to get the date in a separate variable.
The same:
string time (A8).
compute time = char.substr(Timestamp_2,#TS+1,7).
alter type time (A8 = TIME8).
doesn't work for the time because it is in the 'hhmm:ss' format. How do I change the string variable '1320:35' into a time variable '13:20:35'?
You can insert a ":" manually into the time string by using the concat function before you alter the type.
COMPUTE time = CONCAT(CHAR.SUBSTR(time,1,2),":",(CHAR.SUBSTR(time,3))).
Another approach would be to extract hours, minutes and seconds from Timestamp variable individually and to use these elements inside the TIME.HMS function:
COMPUTE #hh = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+1,2),F2).
COMPUTE #mm = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+3,2),F2).
COMPUTE #ss = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(Timestamp_1,TS+6,2),F2).
COMPUTE time = TIME.HMS(#hh,#mm,#ss).
Statistics has a datetime format and, new in V24, an ISO 8601 timestamp format, YMDHMS. If the string is converted to a regular date/time value, then the XDATE.DATE and XDATE.TIME functions can be used to extract the pieces. The Date and Time wizard may accommodate the format you have (not sure about that +000 4 part at the end).

How to display datetime() value up to milliseconds

I have two questions:
In the following MATLAB code x is a date time value of the format "datetime(Y,M,D,H,MI,S,MS)". The display(x) command displays '00:00:00'. However the 'if condition' displays 'Well received!' which means the real value of x is greater than 0 as opposed to '00:00:00' displayed by the display(x) command. Please suggest how I could display the full value of x up to milliseconds or microseconds.
How can I save '0000,00,00,00,00,00,200' as a date time value?
send = datetime(2016,08,31,06,01,00,00);
if (x>0)
disp('Well received!')
The solution of your first question is, that you might convert your datetime-variable to a formatted string:
This gives you the output 00:00:00:100, because F is the symbolic identifier for milliseconds.
Furthermore it seems, datetime doesn't support milliseconds. In this case you should use the MATLAB serial date number:
The variable x created in your example is a duration object. You can specify the display of milliseconds (as well as smaller decimal fractions of seconds) by setting the Format property.
>> x.Format = 'hh:mm:ss.SSS';
>> display(x);
x = 00:00:00.100
This is presumably also what you want when you ask about saving '0000,00,00,00,00,00,200' as a date time value. It's not really a date and time but a duration, and can be created using the duration constructor.
>> duration(00,00,00,200,'Format','hh:mm:ss.SSS')
ans =
Most operations acting on these duration objects will work as expected, such as comparison with the > operator:
>> x > duration(00,00,00,200)
ans =

method for converting seconds from date to datetime

Is there a method in matlab to convert seconds from a known date to a standard date time format?
For example, if I have a vector of values shown as seconds from 1901/01/01, how would I convert them to a dateTime? In this case a value of 28125 would correspond to 1981/01/01. Is there an efficient method for doing this?
The numbers in your example do not make sense so it is not clear if your time is in seconds or days but since you asked for seconds I will use this.
What you want to achieve can be done using datenum function. This function returns the number of (fractional) days from 1/1/0000. So first you need to find your offset, e.g.:
offsetInDays = datenum(1901,1,1);
Next, you convert the date from seconds to days:
dateInDays = YourRequiredDateInSec * 3600 * 24;
Finally, you date is given by
RequiredDate = datestr(offsetInDays + dateInDays);

VB Scripting - comparing time values, one coming from a text file?

I'm attempting to pull some information out of text file that is updated after I query a piece of equipment. The text file contains lines such as shown here (abbreviated):
05-Nov-13 11:11:54.3496 ( -1 7020 10244) scpeng.exe:Automation Server...
05-Nov-13 14:10:54.3496 ( -1 7020 10244) scpeng.exe:Automation Server...
05-Nov-13 14:10:54.3496 ( -1 7020 10244) scpeng.exe:Automation Server...
05-Nov-13 14:10:56.3496 ( -1 7020 10244) scpeng.exe:CServer.cpp,....
The text file can contain up to several weeks of information. I have a subroutine that will run a few seconds after I query the equipment which should allow for the reply and the applicable line to be present in the text file. In the routine, I am trying to scroll through the lines examining the date to arrive at the date of the subroutine call followed by the time (or a time ~10 seconds prior the the current time) to arrive at the lines pertinent to where the information could be found.
msg = msgstream.ReadLine
logdate = mide(msg,1,9)
logday = Cdate(logdate)
loop while logday < date
msg = msgstream.Readline
logtime = mid(msg,12,8)
'logtime = CDate(logtime) This mod is not working
loop while logtime < time
The date loop appears to work however the time is giving me problems. It does not error out but I can't get it to run beyond one line of text. Can anyone suggest a fix or better option? I have read that the built-in Date function can include the time but I do not believe this version I'm using does. Also, the text file contains times in a 24 hour format where I believe the time function returns values in a 12 hr format ie "12:43:27 PM ST".
You're making this way too complicated. Simply parse the whole date string into a datetime value:
refdate = Now
msg = msgstream.ReadLine
logdate = CDate(Mid(msg, 1, 19))
Loop While logdate < refdate
You can extract date and time portions from the value later, e.g. like this:
WScript.Echo DateValue(logdate)
WScript.Echo TimeValue(logdate)
Also, Time returns the current (unformatted) system time. Whether it's displayed in 12 hour or 24 hour format depends on your system's region settings. However, you can always get the hour (0-23) by using the Hour function.
Parse each line with a regex to get the correct date and time part. I prefer a regexp above string manipulation functions because you can separate format and code.
Reassemble the date from the two parts and see if the date is smaller than yesterday at this time.
Option Explicit
dim strTest, re, matches, myDatePart, myTimePart, logDate
' teststring
strTest = "08-Nov-13 14:10:56.3496 ( -1 7020 10244) scpeng.exe:CServer.cpp,...."
Set re = new regexp
' This pattern extracts two part, the date as (dd-www-dd) and the time as (hh:mm:ss)
re.pattern = "(\d{2}-\w{3}-\d{2}) +(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})"
Set matches = re.Execute(strTest)
' Get the first and second submatch to define the date and time
myDatePart = matches(0).submatches(0)
myTimePart = matches(0).submatches(1)
' datevalue and timevalue automatically tranforms to Date type
logDate = datevalue(myDatePart) + timevalue(myTimePart)
' See if the date is smaller than yesterday exactly this time
msgbox (logDate < (DateAdd("d", -1, now))) ' Returns True, because 08 Nov is earlier than yesterday.

Convert numerous date and time values into serial number

I need to convert date and time into a numerical value. for example:
>> num = datenum('2011-05-07 11:52:23')
num =
How would I write a script to do this for numerous values without inputting the date and time manually?
You can store your date strings first in a cell array (or a matrix, provided they are of fixed format), and feed it straight to datenum. For example:
C = {'2011-05-07 11:52:23'
'2011-03-01 20:30:01'};
vals = datenum(C)