Red Hat 5 cdrom issue - redhat

In Red Hat 5 I fail to mount CDROM using: mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
What should I do?

The solution is simple:
you should to mount to an existing folder.
For example:
mount /dev/cdrom /opt
This mount will work because folder /opt already exists.


VMWare Workstation VM not starting because of locked portion of file

I am receiving the message:
The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file
Cannot open the disk 'C:\Users\t825665\VM's\VPC\Windows 10 x64.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
Module 'Disk' power on failed.
Failed to start the virtual machine.
So the virtual machine is not starting anymore, how to fix that?
I just found the solution for this issue. I created a backup and moved the 'lck' files from my VM's directory (*.lck), removing them from the VM's directory. Then just restarted the virtual machine.
To solve this error, please go to virtual O's directory and delete every thing with an ".lck" extension.
removing folders with an extension of lck solved the issue for me
I run the batch file below to delete all temporary files , locks, directories and memory files in the VMWare Working Directory (i.e. Settings/Options/Working Directory). It's got me out of many a jam. You will lose any unsaved work that was in VMWare suspended memory so backup before using if you're not sure. It will reboot the image as if it was shutdown.
--------------------------Clean.bat ----------------
#echo off
REM - Delete all directories in Working Directory
set dr=%cd%
set ex=\*
set "dr=%dr%%ex%"
for /d %%a in ("%dr%") do rd "%%a" /q /s
REM - Delete files in Working Directory
del *.log
del *.vmem
del *.vmss
del *.nvram
del *.vmx~
Workstation shut down, delete any *.lck files and folders in the VM folder. Then reopen the Workstation, load the VM, and power on.

flashing yocto image to raspberrypi cm3 eMMC

I have build a yocto image for raspberrypi cm3 and i want to flash it to the eMMC.
In the deploy/images/raspberrypi-cm3 directory a don't have a .img file that would be flashed and also how can i knew if my image will boot directly when starting.
actually this is the first time i work with yocto and the first time i flash an image to a board.
THis is my deploy/image directory content.
I will be greatful if someone explains it to me.
thank you.
enter image description here
Thank youf or the answer.
As i understanded, the mount command line is to create a disk image and makes it readable by the system. So after copying all image directory to it and unmounted it, what would i have in the 'if' option when i will flash my image with 'dd if=/home/user/deploy/images/raspberry-cm3 of=/dev/mmcblk1 '.
Also when a tried to mount the disk image 'sudo mount -o loop raspberry-cm3.img /media/raspberry-cm3/'.
error:mount: mount point /media/raspberry-cm3/ does not exist.
Could you please help me with that ?
This question should be on Super User.
You can flash a image using Linux's dd command-line tool.
For example:
dd if=/home/user/deploy/images/raspberry-cm3 of=/dev/mmcblk1
Make sure you're using the correct device in the output (ie, make sure /dev/mmcblk1 is your eMMC card)
Edit: in order to flash, you'll need to generate an image. You can do it by creating an empty image, then mounting it as loop, then copying all the directory tree into the disk, and unmount it:
dd bs=512 count=2880 if=/dev/zero of=raspberry-cm3.img
mkfs.msdos raspberry-cm3.img
sudo mount -o loop raspberry-cm3.img /media/raspberry-cm3/
cp -r /deploy/images/raspberry-cm3/* /media/raspberry-cm3/
sudo umount /media/raspberry-cm3/
As i understanded, the mount command line is to create a disk image and makes it readable by the system. So after copying all image directory to it and unmounted it, what would i have in the 'if' option when i will flash my image with 'dd if=/home/user/deploy/images/raspberry-cm3 of=/dev/mmcblk1 '. would it be 'dd if=/media/raspberry-cm3/ of=/dev/mmcblk1 ' ?

Error: no space left on device Ubuntu 16.04

I am getting an error on ubunto while openning the terminal saying the following:
Bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left ok device
Although there exists space already..
This error has encountered suddenly when i was working on sublime text
you may want to check your inode usage as well:
df -i
it's possible to get "no space left on device" when you have space available, but you're out of inodes.
I faced a similar problem. In my case after login in, the screen would not show icons and only the cursor. Even auto completion in bash-terminal threw an error of out-of-memory.
I tried unmounting /tmp, apt-get autoclean, apt-get clean nothing worked.
In my case deleting large files in ~/.cache worked.
cd ~/.cache
du -sh *
rm -fr <large files/folders>
Generally, deleting files in .cache is not harmful but still be careful.
In my case thumbnails and pip folders were the culprit taking 1G and 3.6G respectively.
Run df -h and see if there are any folders that are 100% full. Looks like /tmp may be full.

How to create dmg file in Centos through command line

I want to create a dmg file of three files in centos . i am using hfsutils commands, but it is showing errors like "No known volumes; use `hmount' to introduce new volumes". I googled a lot to get clear steps for creating dmg. some one who knows these steps please post here
Say if you want to create dmg of three files named file1,file2,file3.keep these three in one directory
Should run this command in the directory where we kept our three files
dd if=/dev/zero of="example.dmg" bs=1M count=10
hformat -l "example" ./"example.dmg"
A dmg file will be formed in our directory. next go to /usr/sbin from there run and then
1)hmount /directorypath/example.dmg
2)hcopy /directorypath/file1 example:
3)hcopy /directorypath/file2 example:
4)hcopy /directorypath/file3 example:
5)humount and then copy this file in to your mac system and open the dmg file,you will find all your three files in it.
You can use this command:
genisoimage -D -V "Volume Label" -no-pad -r -apple -o <dest.dmg> <src>
Here is more.

Why are file mounts outside of fileadmin not visible for users?

I tried to create a file mount to set access rights for a user.
I have set the file mount as absolute with an absolute path to that directory. With an without trailing an leading slashes.
Then I set the file mount for that user.
The file mount is not visible for the user. Another file mount created the same way, but in the fileadmin folder works.
Why do the file mounts outside of fileadmin not work?
I have searched for hours to get this one solved:
For file mounts to work outside of the fileadmin folder, you have to set a config variable in the install tool of Typo3.
Display the full configuration and search for:
Then enter an absolute path to the directory that you want to lock the user in. Most of the cases you will want to take the root of your Typo3 installation.