mongodb- How to display a year from a date in find method - mongodb

Im trying to display the years of date properties in a mongodb collection.
I have collection of vehicles that contains objects with a date property:
manufacturingDate - Date (ISODate).
To display only the years there is one way to this with aggregate:
{ $project: { year: { $year: "$manufacturingDate" } } }
But I am not allowed to use aggregate so i need a way to take the year out of the ISODate in another way.
I have tried many things like:
db.vehicles.find({}, { manufacturingDate: { $year: 1 } } )
db.vehicles.find({}, { year: { function() { return this.manufacturingDate.getFullYear() } } } )
But these are all syntax errors.
So i hope you have a correct way to do this without aggregate. I prefer the find method but any other method will be good.

Here are two ways to do it. Of course; it would be nicer if we could just execute getFullYear within a forEach applied to the find() but this is what works for me so far.
I found this on [link] and tweaked the example. Obviously there is more here than you need bu I left the extra bits for clarity.
//first create a function to handle the execution of the getFullYear function on the ISODate field.
function parse_date(obj) {
year = obj['manufacturingDate'].getFullYear();
month = obj['manufacturingDate'].getMonth() + 1;
day = obj['manufacturingDate'].getUTCDate();
hour = obj['manufacturingDate'].getUTCHours();
minute = obj['manufacturingDate'].getUTCMinutes();
obj['manufacturingDate'] = year + '/' + month + '/' + day + ' ' + hour +
':' + minute
//then execute your query and apply the parse_date function above within
the forEach of the find method.
You can also iterate over the resultset as a cursor and applying the getFullYear function against the ISODate field.
//iterate over cursor
var mdate = myDocument.manufacturingDate;
print (mdate.getFullYear());


meteorhacks:aggregate to group mongo documents

This Meteor server code tries to count all the records which are 4 months and newer with property size:'4', color:'white' but account all entires from any one user as one count, so no mater how many documents have been entered by the same user, the are all counted as one. but I am getting nothing in return. any ideas? thx
let date = new Date();
date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 4);
let doc = UsageCol.aggregate([{
$match: {
createdAt: {
$gte: date,
$lte: new Date()
action: 'failBroadcast',
plate: plate
}, {
$group: {
_id: {
userId: "$userId"
count: {
$sum: 1
for (var i = 0; i < doc.length; i++) {
var obj = doc[i];
Alright I just wanted to clear some things up from this morning.
The only reason I recommended moment js was thinking we are storing the date in date type and there is no easy way to dynamically create date in UTC using java script date function
So now that we know you used to save the dates, you don't need any moment js.
The correct syntax is
let dateToMillis =; //The current millis from epoch.
let dateFrom = new Date(dateToMillis); // Use the current millis from epoch.
let dateFromMillis = dateFrom.setMonth(dateFrom.getMonth() - 4); // The millis 4 months ago from epoch.
Pass dateToMillis and dateFromMillis to aggregation query.

Date Range Mongo Query using Meteor Js

I have an attribute in my collection called dateacquired and the date is formatted like: 2014-03-28 06:08:00.
I am needing to pull back all documents in my collection that are less than or equal to a month ago from the current date. I am just not sure how to write this query.
Anyone know how to start one something like this?
I assume those dates are stored as strings? You can compare strings with the mongoDB comparison operators $gt or $lt and they work as you’d expect. I’m going to also use Sugar to make my life easier (highly recommended; add via mrt add sugarjs) which gives me the Date.create and Date.format methods which reduce this into a one-liner:
var cursorOfDocumentsSinceOneMonthAgo = yourCollection.find({
{ $gt: Date.create("1 month ago").format("{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd} {hh}:{mm}:{ss}")
My meteor method for how many people have signed up in the last nDays:
userCountPreviousDays: function (nDays) {
check(nDays, Number);
var arr = [];
var now = new Date().getTime();
var msInDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
for (var i = 0; i < nDays; i++) {
arr[i] = Meteor.users.find({
createdAt: {
$lt: new Date(now - (msInDay * i)),
$gt: new Date(now - (msInDay * (i+1)))
return arr;
arr[i] is how many people signed up i days ago.

Doing range queries in Mongoose for Hour / Day / Month/ Year

Trying to figure out how to do this. Basically I want to sort by Hour / Day / Month / Year of my submissions.
Each submission has a created field which contains a Mongoose Date object in the form of "created" : ISODate("2013-03-11T01:49:09.421Z"). Do I need to compare against this in the find() conditions?
Here is my current query (I'm wrapping it in a count for pagination purposes FWIW so just ignore that part):
getSubmissionCount({}, function(count) {
// Sort by the range
switch (range) {
case 'today':
range = now.getTime();
case 'week':
range = now.getTime() - 7;
case 'month':
range = now.getTime() - 31; // TODO: make this find the current month and # of days in it
case 'year':
range = now.getTime() - 365;
case 'default':
range = now.getTime();
.sort('score', 'descending')
.sort('created', 'descending')
.execFind(function(err, submissions) {
if (err) {
if (submissions) {
callback(null, submissions, count);
Can someone help me figure this out? With that current code it just gives me all submissions regardless of a time range, so I'm obviously not doing something properly
I think, you are looking $lt(Less than) and $gt(Greater Than) operators in MongoDB.
By using above operators the result can be queried according to time.
I am adding possible solution below.
var d = new Date(),
hour = d.getHours(),
min = d.getMinutes(),
month = d.getMonth(),
year = d.getFullYear(),
sec = d.getSeconds(),
day = d.getDate();
/* First Case: Hour */
created: { $lt: new Date(), $gt: new Date(year+','+month+','+day+','+hour+','+min+','+sec) } // Get results from start of current hour to current time.
/* Second Case: Day */
created: { $lt: new Date(), $gt: new Date(year+','+month+','+day) } // Get results from start of current day to current time.
/* Third Case: Month */
created: { $lt: new Date(), $gt: new Date(year+','+month) } // Get results from start of current month to current time.
/* Fourth Case: Year */
created: { $lt: new Date(), $gt: new Date(year) } // Get results from start of current year to current time.

mongodb query with group()?

this is my collection structure :
text: "ciao",
text: "hello",
i want to extract all fieldA2 in my collection but if the fieldA2 is in two or more times i want show only one.
i try this
but nothing. this return all filedA1 in the collection.
so i try {
key: { 'fieldA.fieldA2.text': 1 },
cond: { } },
reduce: function ( curr, result ) { },
initial: { }
} )
but this return an empty array...
How i can do this and see the execution time?? thank u very match...
Since you are running 2.0.4 (I recommend upgrading), you must run this through MR (I think, maybe there is a better way). Something like:
map = function(){
for(i in this.fieldA.fieldA2){
emit(this.fieldA.fieldA2[i].text, 1);
// emit per text value so that this will group unique text values
reduce = function(values){
// Now lets just do a simple count of how many times that text value was seen
var count = 0;
for (index in values) {
count += values[index];
return count;
Will then give you a collection of documents whereby _id is the unique text value from fieldA2 and the value field is of the amount of times is appeared i the collection.
Again this is a draft and is not tested.
I think the answer is simpler than a Map/Reduce .. if you just want distinct values plus execution time, the following should work:
var startTime = new Date()
var values = db.coll.distinct('fieldA.fieldA2.text');
var endTime = new Date();
print("Took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms");
That would result in a values array with a list of distinct fieldA.fieldA2.text values:
[ "ciao", "hello", "yo", "sayonara" ]
And a reported execution time:
Took 2 ms

uses for mongodb ObjectId creation time

The ObjectId used as the default key in mongodb documents has embedded timestamp (calling objectid.generation_time returns a datetime object). So it is possible to use this generation time instead of keeping a separate creation timestamp? How will you be able to sort by creation time or query for the last N items efficiently using this embedded timestamp?
I suppose since MongoDB ObjectId contain a timestamp, you can sort by 'created date' if you will sort by objectId:
items.find.sort( [['_id', -1]] ) // get all items desc by created date.
And if you want last 30 created items you can use following query:
items.find.sort( [['_id', -1]] ).limit(30) // get last 30 createad items
I am actualy not sure,i just suppose that ordering by _id should work as described above. I'll create some tests later.
Yes it is so. If you order by _id you will automatically order by _id created date.
I've done small test in c#, mb someone interest in it:
public class Item
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
public int Index { get; set; }
public void IdSortingTest()
var server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://localhost:27020");
var database = server.GetDatabase("tesdb");
var collection = database.GetCollection("idSortTest");
for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++)
collection.Insert(new Item() {
Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(),
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
Index = i });
var cursor = collection.FindAllAs<Item>();
var itemsOrderedById = cursor.ToList();
var cursor2 = collection.FindAllAs<Item>();
var itemsOrderedCreatedDate = cursor.ToList();
for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++)
Assert.AreEqual(itemsOrderedById[i].Index, itemsOrderedCreatedDate[i].Index);
Yes, you can use the generation_time of BSON ObjectId for the purposes you want. So,
db.collection.find().sort({ _id : -1 }).limit(10)
will return the last 10 created items. However, since the embedded timestamps have a one second precision, multiple items within any second are stored in the order of their creation.
The code to convert a DateTime to its corresponding timestamp with the c# driver is as follows:
public static ObjectId ToObjectId(this DateTime dateTime)
var timestamp = (int)(dateTime - BsonConstants.UnixEpoch).TotalSeconds;
return new ObjectId(timestamp, 0, 0, 0);
More info here:
"sorting on an _id field that stores ObjectId values is roughly equivalent to sorting by creation time, although this relationship is not strict with ObjectId values generated on multiple systems within a single second."
Likely doable however I would always prefer having a dedicated timestamp instead of relying on some such internals like timestamp somehow embedded in some object id.
To query projects created within 7 days, I use below snippet:
$where: function() {
// last 7 days
return - this._id.getTimestamp() < (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
'_id': -1
and if you want to get items with specified fields:
$where: function() {
// last 7 days
return - this._id.getTimestamp() < (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
'_id': -1
}).toArray().map(function(item) {
var res = {};
res['Project Name'] = item.config.label;
res['Author'] =;
res['Created At'] = item._id.getTimestamp().toLocaleDateString();
res['Last Modified Date'] = item.config.lastModifDate.toLocaleString();
return res;
it will return something like this:
"Project Name": "Newsletter",
"Author": "larry.chen",
"Created At": "Thursday, January 19, 2017",
"Last Modified Date": "Thursday, January 19, 2017 17:05:40"
PS: the software I use to connect to MongoDB is Robo 3T
Hope this will help you.
For those wanting to truly use ObjectId for datetime, and not just rely on the fact that ObjectId's are always increasing over time and can therefore be used to order documents by creation time indirection, then here's how:
One can create their filter criteria to return documents whose IDs were made in some datetime range (in Python) by making a dummy ObjectID.from_datetime() like so:
# gets docs which were created in last 5 minutes
resp = await collection.update_one({'_id': {'$gte': ObjectId.from_datetime(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=5))}},