Get console messages into a message box - puredata

Is there any way to get the Pure Data Pd windows console messages into a message box within the patch? I'm trying to get error messages back into the patch so that the patch can react to them.

the only way to do this (in Pd-vanilla even) is to:
send all post/error messages to the stderr (with the -stderr startup flag)
redirect the stderr to stdout
capture the stdout with a script, reformat it and send it back to Pd via the network (preferrably UDP)
add a [netreceive] to get the messages.
something like the following:
$ pd -stderr 2>&1 | while true; do pdsend 9999 localhost udp; done
and in Pd add the following to your patch:
[netreceive 9999 1]
[route error:]
[list prepend set]
[list trim]
[ (
now whenever Pd prints a line starting with "error:" this line will appear in the msgbox.
caveats: this effectively suppresses all messages on the Pd-console.


How to configure logstash 2.3.3 websocket

I am trying to get logstash 2.3.3 websocket input working.
Websocket Input Plugin for Logstash:
Websocket server:
Websocket Client: Chrome Plugin "Simple Web Socket Client"
I am aware of a bug filed last year logstash 1.5.0 and the websocket input plugin. I have also received those same error messages, although I can't reproduce them anymore. The following is my current procedure and result. I am hoping that bug has since been fixed and I just can't find the correct config.
First I installed the plugin and confirmed it is listed as installed.
/app/bin/logstash-plugin list | grep "websocket"
Next, I checked that logstash was working with the following config
input {
stdin { }
output {
file {
path => "/app/logstash-2.3.3/logstash-log.txt"
Logstash worked.
/app/logstash-2.3.3/bin/logstash agent --config /app/logstash-2.3.3/logstash.conf
Hello World
The file logstash-log.txt contained:
{"message":"Hello World","#version":"1","#timestamp":"2016-07-05T20:04:14.850Z","host":""}
Next I opened port 9300
I wrote a simple bash script to return some numbers
case $1 in
printf 'Count to %i\n' $COUNTTO
for COUNT in $(seq 1 $COUNTTO); do
echo $COUNT
sleep 0.1
I started up websocketd pointing to my bash script
/app/websocketd --port=9300 /app/ --to 7
I opened Simple Web Socket Client in Chrome and connected
Success! It returned the following.
Count to 7
At this point I know websocketd works and logstash works. Now is when the trouble starts.
Logstash websocket input configuration file
input {
websocket {
codec => "plain"
url => "ws://"
output {
file {
path => "/app/logstash-2.3.3/logstash-log.txt"
Run configtest
/app/logstash-2.3.3/bin/logstash agent --config /app/logstash-2.3.3/logstash.conf --configtest
Receive "Configuration OK"
Start up websocketd
/app/websocketd --port=9300 /app/logstash-2.3.3/bin/logstash agent --config /app/logstash-2.3.3/logstash.conf
Back in Simple Web Socket Client, I connect to ws:// I see a message pop up that I started a session.
Tue, 05 Jul 2016 20:07:13 -0400 | ACCESS | session | url:'' id:'1467732248361139010' remote:'' command:'/app/logstash-2.3.3/bin/logstash' origin:'chrome-extension://pfdhoblngbopfeibdeiidpjgfnlcodoo' | CONNECT
I try to send "hello world". Nothing apparent happens on the server. After about 15 seconds I see a disconnect message in my console window. logstash-log.txt is never created.
Any ideas for what to try? Thank you!
I tried putting the following in a bash script called "":
exec /app/logstash-2.3.3/bin/logstash agent --config /app/logstash-2.3.3/logstash.conf
Then I started websocketd like so:
/app/websocketd --port=9300 /app/logstash-2.3.3/bin/
Same result; no success.
Upon reading the websocketd documentation more closely, it sends the data received on the socket to a program's stdin. I was trying to listen to a socket in my logstash config, but the data is actually going to that app's stdin. I changed my config to this:
input {
stdin { }
output {
file {
path => "/app/logstash-2.3.3/logstash-log.txt"
Then launched websocketd like this:
/app/websocketd --port=9300 /app/logstash-2.3.3/bin/logstash agent --config /app/logstash-2.3.3/logstash.conf
So in short, until logstash-websocket-input implements their server option, stdin{} and stdout{} are the input and output if using websocketd as the web server.

How to get AWStats Error Notification via email?

I'm trying to find a way for an email notification in awstats.
The idea is that whenever there's an error (missing log files, statistics couldn't be generated) an email with an error message should be send to a specific email address.
I already found the config-Attribute "ErrorMessages" but as far as i get it its just for displaying an error.
Is there an attribute like "ErrorMessages" for activating mail notifications or do i have to implement it myself?
You can use cron job to run awstats update proccess.
And it'll sent update process result via email to you.
* * * * * /usr/local/awstats/ | mail
I found a way to trap Errors while my code is executed. It's not an awstats feature, more a generic way:
Inside my script:
#Error Handling
set -e
function sendErrorNotification(){
echo "Awstats: An error occured during processing server logs." | mail -s "AWSTATS ERROR" "...#..."
trap sendErrorNotification EXIT
....code goes here...
set +e
trap - EXIT

perl matching syntax with mail filter

We have a part of a mail filter that denies emailing system accounts for security purposes. We recently had a user created that ends in "bin". The bin user is restricted, but the user, lets say l.parrbin, gets flagged via the syntax below:
my #sysaccounts = qw(
root bin daemon adm lp sync shutdown halt mail
news uucp operator games gopher ftp nobody nscd
vcsa rpc mailnull smmsp apache pcap ntp dbus
avahi rpcusder nfsnobody sshd haldaemon xfs defang
clamav monit mysql decode webmaster mailer-daemon
foreach $acct(#sysaccounts){
if ($recip =~ /$acct\#/i){
md_syslog('info', 'Sysaccount Discard');
return('REJECT', "We do not accept messages to system accounts ($acct)");
How would I prevent the above code from returning REJECT if a name ends or starts with a name from the sysaccounts?
Try doing this :
if ($recip =~ /^$acct\#/i){
# ^
In regex, ^ is an anchor meaning beginning of line (string here)

Want to call Progress 4GL 91.D procedure through Ajax call

I want to create web service for my Phonegap Android application which will further call progress 4GL 91.D procedure.
Does any one knowy idea how to create web service for this.
That will be a struggle. You CAN create a server that listens to a socket but you will have to handle everything yourself!
Look at this example.
However, you are likely better off writing the webservice in a language with a better support and then finding another way of getting the data out of the DB. If youre really stuck with a 10+ year old version you really should consider migrating to something else.
You don't have to upgrade everything -- you could just obtain a license for a version 10 client. V10 clients can connect to v9 databases (the rule is that the client can be up to one major release higher) so you could use that to build a SOAP service. Or you could get a v10 "webspeed" license.
Or you could write a simple enough CGI wrapper to some 4GL code if you have those sorts of skills. I occasionally toss together something like this:
# if a FIFO does not exist for the specified service then create it in /tmp
# $1 = direction -- in or out
# $2 = unique service name
pj_fifo() {
if [ ! -p /tmp/$2.$1 ]
echo `date` "Creating FIFO $2.$1" >> ${LOGFILE}
rm -f /tmp/$2.$1 >> ${LOGFILE} &2>&1
/bin/mknod -m 666 /tmp/$2.$1 p >> ${LOGFILE} &2>&1
if [ "${REQUEST_METHOD}" = "POST" ]
# header must include a blank line
# we're returning XML
echo "Content-type: text/xml" # or text/html or text/plain
# debugging echo...
# echo "<html><head><title>Sample CGI Interface</title></head><body><pre>QUERY STRING = ${QUERY_STRING}</pre></body></html>"
# ensure that the FIFOs exist
pj_fifo in $SVC
pj_fifo out $SVC
# make the request
echo "$QUERY_STRING" > /tmp/${SVC}.in
# send the response back to the requestor
cat /tmp/${SVC}.out
# all done!
echo `date` "complete" >> ${LOGFILE}
Then you just arrange for a background session to be reading /tmp/
/* sample.p
* mbpro dbname -p sample.p > /tmp/sample.log 2>&1 &
define variable request as character no-undo.
define variable result as character no-undo.
input from value( "/tmp/" ).
output to value( "/tmp/sample.out" ).
do while true:
import unformatted request.
/* parse it and do something with it... */
result = '<?xml version="1.0"?>~n<status>~n'.
result = result + "ok". /* or whatever turns your crank... */
result = result + "</status>~n".
When input arrives parse the line and do whatever. Spit the answer back out to /tmp/sample.out and loop. It's not very fancy but if your needs are modest it is easy to do. If you need more scalability, robustness or security then you might ultimately need something more sophisticated but this will at least let you get started prototyping.

VOD server performance test

I have two VOD servers (RTSP) each on a different machine in a local network at home (vlc and Darwin streaming server).
What i am trying to do is a performance test that goes as follows:
* send in 10 requests, 50, then 100.
* redo the same but request multiple files instead of emulating multiple access to a single file.
* output statistics (speed, quality...etc).
What i have right now is OpenRstp which uses "-Q" to output Qos info but it is nowhere near what i need.
What i need is a free tool that can help me with this...all the ones i found (divesifeye and IxLoad) are not free.
Could anyone please suggest something useful?
I found a method that should do. It is based on openRTSP with "-Q" for Qos statistics.
the trick is how to redirect the data to a file as the Qos info only shows up after the feed is cut off. i wrote the following script to manage N-readings of a video feed/playlist. It will create a file that will contain the Qos info.
echo -n "USER:"
read usr
for((i=1; i <= $usr;i++))
exec &> /$HOME/Desktop/results
echo -e "******************************* $i *****************************"
openRTSP -Q rtsp://<url>/<playlist-name>.sdp &
while : #Loop forever
cat <<!
1.RTSP consumers
echo -n "YOUR CHOICHE? :"
read choice
case $choice in
1|[rR]) f_rtsp ;;
2|[eE]) exit ;;
*) echo "\"$choice\"is not valid"; sleep 2 ;;