I can write something like the following and it works just as it should (it yields 10):
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global
val zz: fs2.Stream[IO, Int] = fs2.Stream.iterate[IO, Int](1)(_+1).map(_*2)
val qq: IO[Int] = zz.dropWhile(_ < 10).take(1).compile.toList.map(_.head)
However, supposing that, instead of a predicate like _ < 10 which returns Boolean, I have a predicate that returns an IO[Boolean]. Is there an alternative form of dropWhile which could handle this situation? I don't want to have to do something like unsafeRunSync() inside the predicate just so that it can yield a Boolean.
Clearly, this is a toy case, not the actual problem that I'm working on.
You can easily define that combinator yourself:
def dropWhileEval[A](sa: Stream[IO, A])(p: A = IO[Boolean]): Stream[IO, A] =
sa.evalMap(a => p(a).map(b => (b, a))).dropWhile(_._1).map(_._2)
This answer is based on the accepted answer by #Luis Miguel Mejia Suárez. But there is a tiny typo in that answer and, essentially, I changed the question after posting the original. So here's the final (toy) code:
import cats.effect.IO
import fs2.{Pure, Stream}
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global
val fLessThan10: Int => Boolean = _ < 10
val fLessThan10_lifted: IO[Int] => IO[Boolean] = _ map fLessThan10
def dropWhileEval[A](sa: Stream[IO, IO[A]])(p: IO[A] => IO[Boolean]): fStream[IO, IO[A]] =
sa.evalMap(a => p(a).map(b => (b, a))).dropWhile(_._1).map(_._2)
val zz: Stream[IO, IO[Int]] = Stream.iterate[IO, Int](1)(_+1).map(x => IO(x*2))
val yy: Stream[IO, IO[Int]] = dropWhileEval[Int](zz)(fLessThan10_lifted).take(1)
val result: IO[List[Int]] = yy.evalMap(identity).compile.toList
What is the most concise way to get 10 out of Some(Some(Some(Some(10))))?
without resorting to some external library like Scalaz.
import scala.language.higherKinds
case class Flattener[W[_], WW, T](fn : WW => W[T])
implicit def optionRecFlattenFn[WW, T](
implicit f : Flattener[Option, WW, T] = Flattener((ww: WW) => Option(ww))
) = Flattener((ww : Option[WW]) => ww.flatMap(f.fn))
def optionRecursiveFlatten[WW, T](www : Option[WW])(
implicit f : Flattener[Option, Option[WW], T]
) = f.fn(www)
val nestedOption = Option(Option(Option(Option(10))))
// Some(Some(Some(Some(10))))
val flatOption = optionRecursiveFlatten(nestedOption)
// Some(10)
val evenMoreNestedOption = Option(Option(Option(Option(Option(Option(10))))))
// Some(Some(Some(Some(Some(Some(10))))))
val flatOption2 = optionRecursiveFlatten(evenMoreNestedOption)
// Some(10)
In case you don't know the nesting level in advance, this will work for any level:
def unwrapRec(o: Option[Any]) : Any = o match {
case Some(inner # Some(_)) => unwrapRec(inner)
case Some(x) => x
case _ => ???
However, please note that an Any is returned. You can change it to whatever type you like and adapt the pattern match accordingly but I think you will have to pass in an Option[Any]. So it's not typesafe at this point.
You can use flatten on nested Option[Option[A]] repeatedly:
scala> val a = Some(Some(Some(Some(10))))
a: Some[Some[Some[Some[Int]]]] = Some(Some(Some(Some(10))))
scala> a.flatten.flatten.flatten.get
res0: Int = 10
I do not think there is any generic and type-safe way to extract A from T[A] := Option[T[A]] | A.
Edit: This method can dynamically get the contents, returns either the innermost value, or None:
def unwrap(x: Any): Any = x match {
case Some(v) => unwrap(v)
case v => v
scala> unwrap(Some(Some(Some(Some(10)))))
res1: Any = 10
scala> unwrap(Some(None))
res2: Any = None
It has unfortunately too broad type: Any => Any.
Slightly simplifying, my problem comes from a list of strings input that I want to parse with a function parse returning Either[String,Int].
Then list.map(parse) returns a list of Eithers. The next step in the program is to format an error message summing up all the errors or passing on the list of parsed integers.
Lets call the solution I'm looking for partitionEithers.
partitionEithers(List(Left("foo"), Right(1), Left("bar")))
Would give
(List("foo", "bar"),List(1))
Finding something like this in the standard library would be best. Failing that some kind of clean, idiomatic and efficient solution would be best. Also some kind of efficient utility function I could just paste into my projects would be ok.
I was very confused between these 3 earlier questions. As far as I can tell, neither of those questions matches my case, but some answers there seem to contain valid answers to this question.
Scala collections offer a partition function:
val eithers: List[Either[String, Int]] = List(Left("foo"), Right(1), Left("bar"))
eithers.partition(_.isLeft) match {
case (leftList, rightList) =>
(leftList.map(_.left.get), rightList.map(_.right.get))
=> res0: (List[String], List[Int]) = (List(foo, bar),List(1))
If you want to wrap it in a (maybe even somewhat type safer) generic function:
def partitionEither[Left : ClassTag, Right : ClassTag](in: List[Either[Left, Right]]): (List[Left], List[Right]) =
in.partition(_.isLeft) match {
case (leftList, rightList) =>
(leftList.collect { case Left(l: Left) => l }, rightList.collect { case Right(r: Right) => r })
You could use separate from MonadPlus (scalaz) or MonadCombine (cats) :
import scala.util.{Either, Left, Right}
import scalaz.std.list._
import scalaz.std.either._
import scalaz.syntax.monadPlus._
val l: List[Either[String, Int]] = List(Right(1), Left("error"), Right(2))
// (List[String], List[Int]) = (List(error),List(1, 2))
I don't really get the amount of contortions of the other answers. So here is a one liner:
scala> val es:List[Either[Int,String]] =
es: List[Either[Int,String]] = List(Left(1), Left(2), Right(A), Right(B), Left(3), Right(C))
scala> es.foldRight( (List[Int](), List[String]()) ) {
case ( e, (ls, rs) ) => e.fold( l => ( l :: ls, rs), r => ( ls, r :: rs ) )
res5: (List[Int], List[String]) = (List(1, 2, 3),List(A, B, C))
Here is an imperative implementation mimicking the style of Scala collection internals.
I wonder if there should something like this in there, since at least I run into this from time to time.
import collection._
import generic._
def partitionEithers[L, R, E, I, CL, CR]
(lrs: I)
(implicit evI: I <:< GenTraversableOnce[E],
evE: E <:< Either[L, R],
cbfl: CanBuildFrom[I, L, CL],
cbfr: CanBuildFrom[I, R, CR])
: (CL, CR) = {
val ls = cbfl()
val rs = cbfr()
lrs.foreach { e => evE(e) match {
case Left(l) => ls += l
case Right(r) => rs += r
} }
(ls.result(), rs.result())
partitionEithers(List(Left("foo"), Right(1), Left("bar"))) == (List("foo", "bar"), List(1))
partitionEithers(Set(Left("foo"), Right(1), Left("bar"), Right(1))) == (Set("foo", "bar"), Set(1))
You can use foldLeft.
def f(s: Seq[Either[String, Int]]): (Seq[String], Seq[Int]) = {
s.foldRight((Seq[String](), Seq[Int]())) { case (c, r) =>
c match {
case Left(le) => (le +: r._1, r._2)
case Right(ri) => (r._1 , ri +: r._2)
val eithers: List[Either[String, Int]] = List(Left("foo"), Right(1), Left("bar"))
scala> f(eithers)
res0: (Seq[String], Seq[Int]) = (List(foo, bar),List(1))
I am using scalaz validation, and have some code to validate products.
def validateProduct(product: Option[Product]): ValidationNel[String, Product] = ???
Given a list of products, I want to get a single validation containing the whole list as a successful value or a list of validation errors. It seems like some kind of fold should do it, but I am not sure what the combination function should be.
def validateProducts(products: Seq[Option[Product]]): ValidationNel[String, Seq[Product]] = {
val listOfValidations: Seq[ValidationNel[String, Product]] = products.map(validateProduct _)
val validatedList:ValidationNel[Seq[String], Seq[Product]] = ??? // what to do here?
Any help is appreciated
If instead of a ValidationNel[List[String], List[Product]] you want a ValidationNel[String, List[Product]] (i.e., all the failures in the same list), you can just use traverse:
val result: ValidationNel[String, List[Product]] =
Note that I've converted the Seq to a List as there are no type class instances for raw Seq, and I'm using traverseU rather than traverse as Scala's type inference doesn't quite work for non-trivial type constructors like ValidationNel
You can use fold with applicative
import scalaz.syntax.validation._
import scalaz.syntax.applicative._
case class Product(name: String)
val allGood = Seq(
val aggregated: ValidationNel[String, Seq[Product]] =
allGood.foldLeft(Seq.empty[Product].successNel[String]) {
case (acc , v) => (acc |#| v)(_ :+ _)
Is it possible to transform a List[F[G[A]]] into F[G[List[A]]] nicely?
I can do this in Scalaz the following way:
val x: List[Future[Option[Int]]] = ???
val transformed: Future[Option[List[Int]]] = x.sequenceU.map(_.sequenceU)
I'm just wondering if there's a nicer way to do this rather than .sequenceU.map(_.sequenceU) Perhaps using a monad transformer? I did attempt this, without much luck.
Monad transformers are the way to go if you want to avoid the nested sequencing. In this case you want an OptionT[Future, A] (which is equivalent to Future[Option[A]]):
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
val xs = List(OptionT(Future(some(1))), OptionT(Future(some(2))))
val ys = OptionT(Future(none[Int])) :: xs
val sequencedXs: Future[Option[List[Int]]] = xs.sequenceU.run
val sequencedYs: Future[Option[List[Int]]] = ys.sequenceU.run
And then:
scala> sequencedXs.foreach(println)
Some(List(1, 2))
scala> sequencedYs.foreach(println)
As expected.
I've realised that while a monad transformer is great here, I can take advantage that applicatives compose:
def transform[F[_], G[_], A](list: List[F[G[A]]])(implicit af: Applicative[F], ao: Applicative[G]): F[G[List[A]]] = {
type λ[α] = F[G[α]]
implicit val applicative: Applicative[λ] = af compose ao
list.sequence[λ, A]
val lfo: List[Future[Option[Int]]] = List(Future(1.some), Future(2.some))
val future: Future[Option[List[Int]]] = transform(lfo)
And then:
scala> future.foreach(println)
Some(List(1, 2))