Where to get Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll - enterprise-library

I was given A Visual Studio project written that has a reference to the dll in the Windows GAC
which I don't have installed on my machine
The same dll is not anywhere in the project directory.
I downloaded Enterprise Library V6 but the dll is version 3.0.1304.0
I was able to locate other dll versions
I change the references in the projects from to a later version but the code isn't backward compatible so I need the exact dll version.
Where do I get this dll?
I googled for it but one I got is a virus, the other was 2.0.505.0

You can find it in the Unity Application Block 1.2:
Once installed, the file is located under Microsoft Unity Application Block 1.2\Bin.

I decided to install all the Enterprise Library Installers to find which one contained that version.
The version it was in was Enterprise Library 4.1. I downloaded it and extracted it to a folder and was able to obtain the dll.


Qt 5.10.1 MinGW .. how to link a dll

I have a project that complies while linking to lib quazip.a. But the project crashes in the Qt IDE when trying to run it. In VS 2017 with Qt VS Tools I built the dll quazip.dll because the deployed project needs it. But the dll doesn't load with the error "Procedure entry point not found". Is there a way to link the dll in my project so an entry point can be found? Or is there a way to get the project to run in the IDE as well as deploy with the quazip.a lib? Or is there a way to build the quazip.dll in Qt MinGW?
I got the quazip.dll from a Qt MinGW build of quazip. All is fine now.

Adding Prism reference in Xamarin PCL project breaks build on Windows Phone 8.1 and UWP

I'm using some of core Prism classes in PCL Project for Multi-platform app. Everything Is fine (I chcecked only on Android as I don't have a Mac) until I add Windows Phone 8.1 or Universal Windows 10 Project and configure them like Xamarin website tells. What I receive is:
Cannot resolve Assembly or Windows Metadata file 'Prism.dll'
Type universe cannot resolve assembly: Prism, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=91a96d2a154366d8.
When I remove all Prism related thing from PCL the projects build, so I'm considering copying prism project into my solution. Or maybe should I reference Prism as a dll instead of nuget or what?
I always thought that nuget takes the job of picking the dll with proper target.
Edit: Xamarin.Froms ver: (in all projects now) VS 2015.
You can't use the current NuGet packages if using UWP because NuGet will add the wrong assemblies to your Xamarin.Forms project. NuGet doesn't know you are using a Xamarin.Forms app and adds the wrong assemblies. You need to add the references manually.
See this issue: https://github.com/PrismLibrary/Prism/issues/376

Strange Nuget behavior dependency resolution

I develop a library and need to share it with my collegues.
I think to share it via nuget.
I create a local package source.
The library have dependency from log4net (2.0.4)
On my machine, goes all right.
On the machine of one collegue of mine, nuget download have a strange behaviour.
When download the library from local storage, the version of log4net installed is always (2.0.0). But in the .nuspec file i explicity declared the dependency from log4net version.
If i install via nuget the log4net, and then my library, nuget skip the dependency from log4net and terminate the process correctly.
On my collegue machine there are not any version of log4net installed, nor the log4net dll is present in GAC.
Can someone point me in the right direction ?
Thanks in advance,

How can I add libraries to Xamarin Mono for Android project in VS2010?

I am working on a mono for Android application (my very first) that consumes a web api. In the documentation at xamarin.com there are examples on using different libraries such as RestSharp and Json.Net.
However, when I try to install these libraries via Nuget in my VS2010 project it failes with the following message:
Install failed. Rolling back... Could not install package
'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.9'. You are trying to install this package into a
project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v2.2', but the package does
not contain any assembly references that are compatible with that
framework. For more information, contact the package author.
How can I include such libraries in my project?
Thanks in advance.
This error message indicates those libraries are not compatible with Mono for Android. You should ask the manufacturer of the libraries if they have a MfA compatible version. If you have the source code of the libraries you could also try to make a MfA library, using linked source files, yourself.
Not sure if you've tried this but if you're using xamarin studio and right click the component folder in your Android app project choosing add component should be able to solve your problem. This will add a reference to the component that is added. Components seem like they are mono compatible packages and what's good for your case is that there are components for both RestSharp and Json.Net:

Referencing a .net 3.5 version of a nuget package from a .net 4 project

I want to make my .net 4 project load the .net 3.5 version of a nuget package so that other .net 3.5 references don't get the nuget dll overwritten in the output directory.
Yikes! If the package has a .NET 3.5 and a .NET 4 version of the DLL, there's no real way to do that other than changing your project to target 3.5 itself.
I can think of a couple of workarounds though. They're not ideal, but they'd probably work.
After you install the nuget package, go into the "packages" directory (it'll be next to your solution (.sln) file. Find the package. Delete the "\lib\net40" folder. This way, NuGet will reference the next version down. You'll have to manually change the assembly reference. Note if you even upgrade this package, you'll have to do this again.
You could create a custom version of this package that only contains your 3.5 version of the DLL. Perhaps put this up in a custom feed at http://myget.org/ and install it from there.
One of those ought to work.