Assistance with my class assignment - variable-assignment

Can anyone help me with this problem?
Problem Statement
As outlined in the background story, you are in the middle of a shark-infested
ocean. The sandbank along which you may travel is very narrow (only wide
enough to walk in a straight line with a little room to make turns) and is
bordered by electric wire along the edges i.e. if you touch off the wire, you will be electrocuted and fall into the ocean – a state from which there is no return.
The years in prison have taken their toll both physically and mentally. Due to
adverse sleeping conditions, sensory deprivation and regular beatings, your
senses are poor and movements now restricted to taking 1 exact same step
at a time in a forwards direction (i.e. the direction in which you are facing).
Also, you are no longer able to turn left and turning to the right can only be
done 90 degrees at a time. 2.) the only data you are able to store in your
memory is limited to a single integer value (it may be possible to scrounge up
some space to store a boolean value, though you're unlikely to need this).
Luckily, you can still do the basic arithmetic operations of addition and
subtraction. To aid your decision-making and control of repetitive actions you
know about an IF statement and WHILE loop. You also recognise a true or
false response to a question and can test the values of integers using any of
the operators <, >, ≤ and ≥. Of course, you also know about the interger
values 0, 1, 2 etc.. Unfortunately, logical operations are beyond your current
processing power. Any further assumptions should be confirmed by the tutor.
In a rare display of compassion HAL has permitted that you be allowed ask 3
questions, to which you will receive a true or false response: “in front of
gate?”, “in front of wire?” and “in front of sand?”. You may also ask the
complement of these questions i.e. “not in front of gate?”, “not in front of
wire?” and “not in front of sand?”. There is no restriction on how many times
you may ask these questions and these states cannot exist at the same time.
Basically I need a short algorithm to get from gate 1 to gate 2. I've been at it for hours and can't seem to do it and it's due for today. Please please help thank you

While (not in front of gate)
int right_count = 0
While (not in front of sand)
Turn right
If right_count == 2
Turn right
Step forward
Step forward // party time
Edit: I'd be interested in seeing some of your attempts


Implementating spell drawing/casting mechanism in Luau (Roblox)

I am coding a spell-casting system where you draw a symbol with your wand (mouse), and it can recognize said symbol.
There are two methods I believe might work; neural networking and an "invisible grid system"
The problem with the neural networking system is that It would be (likely) suboptimal in Roblox Luau, and not be able to match the performance nor speed I wish for. (Although, I may just be lacking in neural networking knowledge. Please let me know whether I should continue to try implementing it this way)
For the invisible grid system, I thought of converting the drawing into 1s and 0s (1 = drawn, 0 = blank), then seeing if it is similar to one of the symbols. I create the symbols by making a dictionary like:
local Symbol = { -- "Answer Key" shape, looks like a tilted square
The problem is that user error will likely cause it to be inaccurate, like this "spell"'s blue boxes, showing user error/inaccuracy. I'm also sure that if I have multiple Symbols, comparing every value in every symbol will surely not be quick.
Do you know an algorithm that could help me do this? Or just some alternative way of doing this I am missing? Thank you for reading my post.
I'm sorry if the format on this is incorrect, this is my first stack-overflow post. I will gladly delete this post if it doesn't abide to one of the rules. ( Let me know if there are any tags I should add )
One possible approach to solving this problem is to use a template matching algorithm. In this approach, you would create a "template" for each symbol that you want to recognize, which would be a grid of 1s and 0s similar to what you described in your question. Then, when the user draws a symbol, you would convert their drawing into a grid of 1s and 0s in the same way.
Next, you would compare the user's drawing to each of the templates using a similarity metric, such as the sum of absolute differences (SAD) or normalized cross-correlation (NCC). The template with the lowest SAD or highest NCC value would be considered the "best match" for the user's drawing, and therefore the recognized symbol.
There are a few advantages to using this approach:
It is relatively simple to implement, compared to a neural network.
It is fast, since you only need to compare the user's drawing to a small number of templates.
It can tolerate some user error, since the templates can be designed to be tolerant of slight variations in the user's drawing.
There are also some potential disadvantages to consider:
It may not be as accurate as a neural network, especially for complex or highly variable symbols.
The templates must be carefully designed to be representative of the expected variations in the user's drawings, which can be time-consuming.
Overall, whether this approach is suitable for your use case will depend on the specific requirements of your spell-casting system, including the number and complexity of the symbols you want to recognize, the accuracy and speed you need, and the resources (e.g. time, compute power) that are available to you.

Circular System, how to get numbers back into stock 1

I am creating a system dynamic and agent-based model for my dissertation.
Numbers generated through the different flows must be added back to the start to continue through the process.
For example, numbers flow from a parameter to stock 1, which goes through a flow process at a specific rate to stock 2. From stock 2, there is another flow process based on a particular rate to stock 3. The numbers from stock 3 need to go back into stock 1 to repeat the process.
Methods I have tried have been adding flows, links, and changing the initial value of stock 1.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Added screenshots.
I think it is because of the difference between the two flows, e.g. a -9 based on the difference between flow and flow3 as shown in the screenshot.
Graph of Stock 1
Model as a whole
In system dynamics, if you want to have a circular system (feedback loop) it needs to contain as a minimum 1 stock inside the loop, which means that there is at least 1 delay in the feedback loop
I will explain your model
stock has an outflow of 20 (flow), and an inflow of 11 (flow3)... this produces a net outflow of 9/timeUnit
This is what you see in the graph... and it doesn't even matter if your system is circular or not, that stock will lose 9/timeUnit forever.
Your wording is very strange when you say "numbers are generated and numbers are flowing"... it's not numbers that flow through your system... you can't really say "i have 3 numbers per minute flowing into a pool of numbers"
In your model, the "numbers" are definitely going back to the initial stock, but system dynamics is like water flowing, it is not a discrete paradigm, so you will not see the same "numbers" going back because system dynamics doesn't differentiate what individual "numbers" are flowing.
It's so weird already to have to use the word numbers to be consistent with your question.
So in order to have a better answer, you will need to specify:
what is the behavior you see in here
what is the behavior you expect, and how it differs from what you see
what would you need to see in the system in order to say "yes, my system in working exactly as expected"
It would help if you let us know what your system represents, and if you use names that represents what is flowing through the system (instead of using numbers, stock and flow, because any explanation becomes confusing)

AlphaGo Zero board evaluation function uses multiple time steps as an input... Why?

According to AlphaGo Cheat Sheet, AlphaGo Zero uses a sequence of consecutive board configurations to encode its game state.
In theory, all the necessary information is contained in the latest state, and yet they include the previous 7 configurations.
Why did they choose to inject so much complexity ?
What are they listening for ??
The sole reason is because in all games - Go, Chess, and Shogi - there is a repetition rule. What this means is that the game is not fully observable from the current board position. In other words, there may be two identical positions with two very different evaluations. For example in one Go position there may be a winning move, but in an identical Go position that move is either illegal or one of the next few moves in the would-be-winning continuation creates an illegal position.
You could try feeding in only the current board position and handling repetitions in the tree only. But I think this would be weaker because the evaluation function would be wrong in some cases, leading to a horizon effect if that branch of the tree had not been explored deeply enough to correct the problem.

How to make simulated electric components behave nicely?

I'm making a simple electric circuit simulator. It will (at least initially) only feature batteries, wires and resistors in series and parallel. However, I'm at a loss how best to simulate said circuit in a good way.
Specifically, I will have batteries and resistors with two contact points each, and wires that go between two contact points. I assume that each component will have a field for its resistance, the current through it and the voltage across it (current and voltage will, of course, be signed). Each component is given a resistance, and the batteries are given a voltage. The goal of the simulation is to assign correct values to all the other fields in real time as the player connects and disconnects components and wires.
These are the requirements:
It must be correct, including Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws (I'm modeling real world circuits, and there is little point if the model does something completely different)
It must be numerically stable (we can't have uncontrolled oscillations or something just because two neighbouring resistors can't make up their minds together)
It should stabilize relatively quickly for, let's say, fewer than 30 components (having to wait a few seconds before the values are correct doesn't really satisfy "real time", but I really don't plan on using it for more than 10 or maybe 20 components)
The optimal formulation for me (how I envision this in my head) would be if I could assign a script to each component that took care of that component only, possibly by communicating field values with neighbouring components, and each component script works in parallel and adjusts as is needed
I only see problems here and no solutions. The biggest problem, I think, is Kirchhoff's voltage law (going around any sub-circuit, the voltage across all components, including signs, add up to 0), because that's a global law (it says somehting about a whole circuit and not just a single component / connection point). There is a mathematical reformulation saying that there exists a potential function on the points in the circuit (for instance, the voltage measured against the + pole of the battery), which is a bit more local, but I still don't see how to let a component know how much the voltage / potential drops across it.
Kirchhoff's current law (the net current flow into an intersection is 0) might also be trouble. It seems to force me to make intersections into separate objects to enforce it. I originally thought that I could just let each component have two lists (a left list and a right list) containing every other component that is connected to it at that point, but that might not make KCL easily enforcable.
I know there are circuit simulators out there, and they must have solved this exact problem somehow. I just can't find an explanation because if I try googling it, I only find the already made simulators and no explanations anywhere.

Whate are the basic concepts for implementing anti-shock and anti-shake algorithms?

I have some animations happening upon fine acceleration detections. But when the user sits in a car or is walking it may get annoying.
Basically, all that stuff has to be disabled automatically as soon as there is too much vibration or shaking. Conceptually, I think that it's very hard to filter those vibrations out , since the "vibration phase" changes permanently. I woul define "unwanted vibration or shocks" as acceleration values that change very fast by an large interval of values, or, an permanently changing accumulated value that does not exceed an specified treshold range in an specified minimum period of time.
I am looking for "proven" concepts, before I start reinventing the wheel for a couple of days.
I don't have any concrete answers for you, but you might want to Google band-pass filters or anti-aliasing filters for some ideas on how to approach this. Basically, if you can identify the frequency range of accelerations that you want to consider real, you can filter out frequencies that fall outside this range.
Before you start doing too much pre-optimization, I think you should implement a low pass filter and see if that does the job. Most iPhone apps effectively use a variation of an LPF to get rid of unwanted accelerometer noise.
You could also go the other way and use a high pass filter. Once you get a certain power level passing through the HPF, stop processing data.