Facebook SDK for tvOS: logout - facebook

I'm looking for a way to logout user but can't find it.
doesn't have corresponding method and there is no smth like "FBSDKDeviceSession" also

There's no helper method but you can manually clear the current token:
[FBSDKAccessToken setCurrentAccessToken:nil];
I've updated the docs at with this example.


How to redirect after login in iOS app

I am working on an app and would like to know how to automatically redirect someone to their profile page or a home page after they login into my app?
If relevant I am using the Parse UI to log in and sign up and coding in swift and using Xcode7
Any advice welcomed
PFLoginViewController has a delegate with calls that you can use to indicate when a user has successfully logged in. I believe it gets called when a user signs up as well, but I could be mistaken.
You can use those calls to signal a successful login/signup and then redirect to the appropriate view controller from there. If you want any more advice, you will need to be more specific with your question.
As far as I understand you want to redirect your user to specific view controller if user already logged in ? You can use below code in your app delegate file.
var currentUser = Parse.User.currentUser()
if currentUser != nil {
// Your redirect code

Forge (Trigger.io) facebook module getLoginStatus

At Forge.Facebook module doc I can only see authorize, logout, api and ui function avaible from FB SDK. But it's et posible to get login status, like SDK's getLoginStatus, some how?
Just call forge.facebook.authorize and if the user has already logged in it won't open up the modal dialog again.
Since v1.4.6 we also return the access_token.
Is there anything else that getLoginStatus gives you that you'd need through us?
Update: you can now also check whether a user is logged in without showing any prompt using our forge.facebook.hasAuthorized method.

Facebook Logout in iPhone Application

I have integrated the facebook in to my application, From the FB i will be getting the userid and the name of the user and passing it to my own service that will do the validation and allows the respective user to get in to the system. I have got the userid and username from the FB and passed it my service that will do the validation,it allows the user to enter in to app, but my problem is once i logged in , how can i log out from the FB ?
Please let me know your ideas.
If you are using the new facebook sdk, then us
[facebook logout:delegate]
Being facebook your Facebook object,and delegate an FBSessionDelegate.
If all goes well your delegate will be called on -(void)fbDidLogout;
That depends on which library you use to connect to facebook.
But I guess that you have a FBSession class that has a logout method...
That logout method also calls deleteFacebookCookies that you could also directly call depending on your needs...
Hope that helps.
If you are using old facebook sdk,then use this code for logout.make FBSession class object and code like this. [FBSessionclassobject logout];
it will delete all FacebookCookies.

Logout using MGTwitterEngine?

How to logout using MGTwitterEngine API programmatically in iphone ?
You mean how do you log out from the current account in MGTwitterEngine?
Well, that's easy, simply send the -endUserSession-selector to the engine like this:
MGTwitterEngine *engine = [MGTwitterEngine twitterEngineWithDelegate:self];
// Login...
// Do stuff...
[engine endUserSession]; // <-- Logs out
To Logout of the Twitter from MGTwitterEngine you need to call its methods with some change. In the MGTwitterEngine.m, search for _clearCookies. This is currently set to NO, change it to YES. In your action method for logging out the current user, call [ _engine clearAccessToken].
Now run it, and voila, it works!

Facebook Oauth Logout

I have an application that integrates with Facebook using Oauth 2.
I can authorize with FB and query their REST and Graph APIs perfectly well, but when I authorize an active browser session is created with FB. I can then log-out of my application just fine, but the session with FB persists, so if anyone else uses the browser they will see the previous users FB account (unless the previous user manually logs out of FB also).
The steps I take to authorize are:
Call [LINK: graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id...]
This step opens a Facebook login/connect window if the user's browser doesn't already have an active FB session. Once they log-in to facebook they redirect to my site with a code I can exchange for an oauth token.
Call [LINK: graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id..] with the code from (1)
Now I have an Oauth Token, and the user's browser is logged into my site, and into FB.
I call a bunch of APIs to do stuff: i.e. [LINK: graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=..]
Lets say my user wants to log out of my site. The FB terms and conditions demand that I perform Single Sign Off, so when the user logs out of my site, they also are logged out of Facebook. There are arguments that this is a bit daft, but I'm happy to comply if there is any way of actually achieving that.
I have seen suggestions that:
A. I use the Javascript API to logout: FB.Connect.logout(). Well I tried using that, but it didn't work, and I'm not sure exactly how it could, as I don't use the Javascript API in any way on my site. The session isn't maintained or created by the Javascript API so I'm not sure how it's supposed to expire it either.
B. Use [LINK: facebook.com/logout.php]. This was suggested by an admin in the Facebook forums some time ago. The example given related to the old way of getting FB sessions (non-oauth) so I don't think I can apply it in my case.
C. Use the old REST api expireSession or revokeAuthorization. I tried both of these and while they do expire the Oauth token they don't invalidate the session that the browser is currently using so it has no effect, the user is not logged out of Facebook.
I'm really at a bit of a loose end, the Facebook documentation is patchy, ambiguous and pretty poor. The support on the forums is non-existant, at the moment I can't even log in to the facebook forum, and aside from that, their own FB Connect integration doesn't even work on the forum itself. Doesn't inspire much confidence.
Ta for any help you can offer.
ps. Had to change HTTPS to LINK, not enough karma to post links which is probably fair enough.
I was having the same problem. I also login using oauth (I am using RubyOnRails), but for logout, I do it with JavaScript using a link like this:
This first calls the onclick function and performs a logout on facebook, and then the normal /logout function of my site is called.
Though I would prefer a serverside solution as well, but at least it does what I want, it logs me out on both sites.
I am also quite new to the Facebook integration stuff and played around the first time with it, but my general feeling is that the documentation is pretty spread all over the place with lots of outdated stuff.
This works as of now - and is documented on facebook's site # http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/. Not sure how recently it was added to the documentation, pretty sure it wasn't there when I checked Feb-2012
You can programmatically log the user our of Facebook by redirecting
the user to
This solution no longer works with FaceBook's current API (seems it was unintended to begin with)
Try to give this link on you signout link or button where "yoursitename.com"
is where u want to redirect back after signout may be ur home page.
It works..
I can programmatically log user out Facebook by redirecting user to
The URL supplied in the next parameter must be a URL with the same base domain as your application as defined in your app's settings.
More details: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication
You can do this with the access_token:
$access_array = split("\|", $access_token);
$session_key = $access_array[1];
You can use that $session key in the PHP SDK to generate a functional logout URL.
$logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl(array('next' => $logoutUrl, 'session_key' => $session_key));
This ends the browser's facebook session.
With PHP I'm doing:
if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'logout'){
Works and is nice and easy am just trying to find a logout button graphic now!
Here's an alternative to the accepted answer that works in the current (2.12) version of the API.
appId: '{your-app-id}',
cookie: true,
xfbml: true,
version: 'v2.12'
function logoutFromFacebookAndRedirect(redirectUrl) {
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
if (response.status == 'connected')
FB.logout(function (response) {
window.location.href = redirectUrl;
window.location.href = redirectUrl;
the mobile solution suggested by Sumit works perfectly for AS3 Air:
html.location = "http://m.facebook.com/logout.php?confirm=1&next=http://yoursitename.com"
For Python developers that want to log user out straight from the backend
At the moment I'm writing this, the trick with m.facebook.com no longer works (at least for me) and user is redirected to the mobile FB login page which obviously is not good for UX.
Fortunately, FB PHP SDK has a semi-documented solution (in case the link doesn't lead to getLogoutUrl() function, just search look for it on that page). This is also mentioned in at least one other on StackOverflow: Facebook php SDK getLogoutUrl() problem.
BTW I've just noticed that Zach Greenberg got it right in this question, but I'm adding my answer as a summary for Python developers.
A note for Christoph's answer:
Facebook Oauth Logout
The logout function requires a callback function to be specified and will fail without
it, at least on Firefox. Chrome works without the callback.
FB.logout(function(response) {});
#Christoph: just adding someting . i dont think so this is a correct way.to logout at both places at the same time.(Logout).
Just add id to the anchor tag . <a id='fbLogOut' href="/logout" onclick="FB.logout();">Logout</a>
FB.logout(function(response) {
// user is now logged out
var url = $(this).attr('href');
window.location= url;
Update: This solution works and just a call to 'FB.logout()' doesn't work because browser wants a user interaction to actually call this function, so that it knows - it is a user not a script.
it's simple just type : $facebook->setSession(null); for logout