how to assign launch icon for the intel-XDK app like facebook app as blue-F as launch icons?.
here we can insert the launcher icons in it useing these steps on the above
Open project in launch icons and splash icons. There we can edit our launch icons.
My problem is that I can't manage to specify an icon in the pushnotification for macOS.
I have already tried it with an AppIcon as well as other icons which I specify as AppIcon. It should be noted that all icons in my settings are displayed correctly, but it does not use the AppIcon for the pushnotification.
To change the app icon for the flutter app and to fillup, the entire circle with the custom icon looking for the "Image Asset" option but couldn't find it in the following menu?
Would recommend setting app icon via this package
If you want to do it via android studio open android folder separately:
I wish that tools come back to flutter again. For now:
Close your flutter project and then open the android folder of your flutter project as an android project. It takes a while to sync. After that, you can access to New Image Asset Tool.
I know it's not the best solution, but at least, you can have your customized icons.
I have created an icon file and placed it in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/apps/scalable but how do I set it as the icon for my application? I have tried set_default_icon_name and set_icon_name but nether had any effect.
Have you run gtk-update-icon-cache after installing the icon? Here's a tutorial on installing icons and desktop files which you may find useful.
I followed the docs for creating the ios application using Rhomobile.
I have all the icon images placed inside icon folder.
But after opening the application in xcode, it shows the rhomobile default icon.
How and where can i change the icon ?
click on your project name go to TARGETS>>summary>>App icon.
Now drag your icon.
When you runs the command to create the xcode project, in your rhodes folder, one icon.png image is generated. You need to replace that image with yours.
Path : <rhodes_path>/platform/iphone/icon.png
Then you can open the xcode and start building the app.
Question based on: PhoneGap 2.0 Splash always using default but that didn't solve it.
Basically my PhoneGap application (version 2.2.0) regardless of what I have done still shows the default Cordova screen. I have replaced:
/Default-568h#2x.png, /Default#2x.png, /Default.png,/www/res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait-2x.png,/www/res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait.png
I have done a "Clean", a rebuild, I've added a "Launch Image" (UILaunchImageFile) key to the info.plist, I've removed the app from the device and re-built and after all that I still am showing the default Cordova splash image.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Select Project -> Clean from the menu. Then rebuild your project. That should clear out the cached images.
I bumped into this case also. try to use the xcode file explorer in the left side to copy your new png files. sometimes its just cache it for somereason.. the same with icon's png.