How can i change the app icon while building in Rhomobile - iphone

I followed the docs for creating the ios application using Rhomobile.
I have all the icon images placed inside icon folder.
But after opening the application in xcode, it shows the rhomobile default icon.
How and where can i change the icon ?

click on your project name go to TARGETS>>summary>>App icon.
Now drag your icon.

When you runs the command to create the xcode project, in your rhodes folder, one icon.png image is generated. You need to replace that image with yours.
Path : <rhodes_path>/platform/iphone/icon.png
Then you can open the xcode and start building the app.


Change the Icon in Phonegap

Hi there I'm really having troubles changing the Icon in my Phonegap-App (Cordova 2.5.0)
I put my icons into the folder Projectname/Ressources/Icons.
Then I removed the icons there
But where in the Project do I change the name of the Icon.
I'm getting an error, that the icon-72.png isn't found - but I have no idea where to change the name of the icon from icon-72.png to myicon.png
First, you need to remove old icon references. To do that :
In your Xcode project settings to go Build Phases and find in Copy Bundle Resources these old icon references. Delete them. Then, in your nav bar, go to Product>Clean.
Now build your project. It should work.

Xcode puts Default.png in my plist as an Icon file when I assign a Launch Image

When I set a Launch Image, Xcode creates a copy as Default.png and creates an entry in my plist in Icon Files (iOS 5) / Primary Icon / Icon Items --> Item 1 : Default.png
Item 0 : MyIcon.png is the app icon which I have already placed through the Target.
The reason this is a problem is that the launch image then takes precedence over the actual icon and as a result, it shows as the primary icon instead of my actual icon image.
Why is Xcode doing this?
Can I safely delete the Default.png entry from my .plist? (this seems to fix the problem)
Do I need to copy Default.png somewhere else?
There is also an alternate way. Follow this simple step:
Just delete the Default.png file. Select it again in the summary section project's target settings. you can also drag drop it the on the icon of launch image in the summary section.
The answer is that if you are developing and app for iOS 5, there are two different sections for declaring your icons. The Info editor in the Project editor doesn't show the iOS 5 section. You have to load the file in the Property List editor.
Basically for pre-iOS 5 there is 'CFBundleIconFiles', for iOS 5+ it's 'CFBundleIcons'
Make sure that these have the same icon files names in them.

Icon not appearing in Xcode archive?

My app icon isn't appearing in Xcode archives. I have them set in the plist and they are showing on the simulator, on the device and in the project settings. See the picture below:
How can i fix this? Im using the 4.3.1 by the way.
Try this:
Delete all versions of your app from your device.
In Xcode, do "Command+Option+Shift+K" and say yes.
Try to archive again?
Btw, I don't think Default.png and Default#2x.png should be in your icon list.
Don't forget to add small icons and an App Store icon to the project.
Don't forget on correct icon naming. And the Default.png shouldn't be in the .plist.
Also check the target of the icon files.
In Xcode press
Command+Shift+K and press Yes.
Command+Shift+Alt+K and press Yes.
The try building, running and Archiving.
You are missing your iTunesArtwork as Item 6 in Icon Files in your plist. Apparently, this is where the Archive window get its image from.

launch screen ghost?

create a new window based app in xcode4 named 'TestLaunchScreen'
right click on launch image in the project settings and select 'select file' and choose a launch image
runs fine and shows launch screen
delete project folder
create the same project with the same name in the same location
in project settings launch image it says 'no image specified' but when i launch it shows the launch screen from the last app i made?
where outside the project folder is this setting being saved and transfered to new apps with the same name in the same location? if i was on windows i would guess the registry...
thanks a lot!
just try to CLEAN your project, and try Uninstalling your app from the simulator with the X that appears when you keep pressing on the icon in the springboard.
If you have a file in the folder named Default.png, then even if you do not set the default image in the Info.plist file, this will appear as the launch image.
If that isn't the problem, then try deleting the app from the simulator, select Build/Clean All Targets, and launch the app again.

When you are using Xcode to make an iPhone app, how do you change the app's icon?

When you are using Xcode to make an iPhone app, how do you change the app's icon? Right now my icon for my app is just plain white.
Create a 57x57 PNG file and import it into your project bundle. Then open the .plist file that is included in your project and edit the value for the key "Icon File" to match the name of the icon you provided (CFBundleIconFile is the actual key, but the Xcode editor will display the nicer name for you).
In Xcode 4, you can go to your app's Summary page and there is a section called App Icons. Then just drag and drop an image into one of the "drop zones". It just works! :D
If you don't specify the icon in the Info.plist file, then Xcode assumes that a file named "icon.png" in your resources folder is the icon for the application.
In Xcode4 go to your applications summary section by selecting target project there you see section with name app your icon image of size 57x57.just do it it will work
In Xcode 5 you can do it very simply:
1) go to images.xcassets
2) click on AppIcon
3) select Show Overview instead of Slicing
4) drag and drop the appropriate icon sizes onto the icon slots
5) rebuild - and you are good to go.