Points of interest for zip code - bing-maps

I"m looking for way to get list of points of interests like airports, parks, etc. per zip code using Bing maps. Believe me, I search google but it looks like my google is broken since I can't find anything useful. I just need a way to get that info. If there is like a list that would be even better. Any help is appreciated fellows. Is there a simple URL where I can pass in my bing map key, a category and longitude/latitude and get a list of point of interests?

You could use the NAVTEQ point of interest data sources that are in the Bing spatial Data Services here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh478189.aspx
You can use the Query API to filter on the PostalCode property: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg585126.aspx
Here is an example that gets points of interests that are in zip code 98004 and returns the results as XML:
That said, make sure that your use case does not go against this restriction in the Bing Maps terms of use:
(h)Use Content that consists of points of interest data to generate
sales leads information in the form of ASCII or other text-formatted
lists of category-specific business listings which (i) include
complete mailing address for each business; and (ii) contain a
substantial portion of such listings for a particular country, city,
state or zip code region.


Filtering certain coins based upon name with CoinMarketCap

I'm currently attempting to use the CoinMarketCap API but finding it frustrating.
I'm wanting to use this URL to query their API:
However, rather than finding all, or just simply filtering based upon the number, I want to find a certain few coins.
So for example, I want to only find Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano.
Looking at their docs, it suggests you can sort by name, but it appears this is only listing them alphabetically, which I don't want to do.
So can anyone suggest how to query their API successfully and find just Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano using that GET URL above?
Here's the URL to the specific URL for the API request: https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyListingsLatest
For this purpose, you can use the endpoint Quotes Latest:
It allows you to pass a list of identifiers in a string as a parameter, like this:
or a list of slugs:
or a list of symbols
If you trying to scrape information about new listings at crypto exchanges, you can be interested in this API:
It includes an endpoint with New Listings, New Pairs from the biggest exchanges and a very useful endpoint with information about exchanges where you can buy specific coins and prices for this coin at that exchange. It's a bit paid, but it's worth it!

Google nearby search with multiple keywords

Im trying to fetch both restaurants and cafes from googles Places API using the nearby search query.
Excerpt from my query string:
Using the plus '+' seems to bias towards one keyword type and returns a very limited quantity of places (limited versus using i.e. the restaurant and the cafe keywords on separate queries).
I've also tried using single pipe, %20, double pipe to name a few but nothing seems to work.
I've looked at this SO thread, the solution here (its 7 years old now) uses a workaround making two separate calls which I was hoping has now been resolved within the query string?
Is it possible to query nearby search for two keywords i.e. cafe and restaurant using a single query string?
No, it is not possible. You need to make multiple requests to the API for this, one with keyword=cafe or type=cafe, and the other with keyword=restaurant or type=restaurant.
You may also want to file a feature request for this in Google's Issue Tracker.
Hope this helps!

need a list for all countries with their states and cities including latitude and longitude

I am creating an App which needs data for countries, states and cities which is available at lots of places but here for some reason I need to know the latitude and longitude of each country including its state and city. From which one source can I find all these? I need to store this data in mongoDb.
I tried downloading allCountries.zip file from here GeoNames but I found that data is not in proper tsv format and it's very complicated to get the expected output data from here.
Is there anything else from which I can get the desired result?
Please help if anyone knows
Thanks a lot in advance :)
There is a webservice provided by geoNames which gives all the information about countries, states and cities.
this is an API which gives children i.e if you provide countries geonameId then it will give its states. If you provide states geonameId it will give its cities.
So in that way we can have all the information about countries states and cities. To get all geonameId of countries for that they have provided another API
There is just one thing we should keep in mind that for username we have to create an account and whose credit limit is approx 2000 per day. So if we want to hit the API more than 2000 a day we have to create another account :)
Pretty good thing and very useful thing provided by geoNames

How to get all place name translations in Nominatim?

OpenStreetMap supports different name translations for places. For example "Moscow" in English and "Москва" in Russian for the same node. But there are also French, German, Bahasa translations and so on. Is there a way to get all these translations in a single request? I know I can use "accept_language" property on a "reverse" request, but in will only return a single translation, and I'd like to get all available translations in one request. Fast googling didn't return any results. Thank you.
Use the osm_type and osm_id fields to retrieve the original OSM element.
Example: The Nominatim query for Moscow will return osm_type: relation and osm_id: 2555133 for the first result. Based on this information we can look at the original OSM element or perform an OSM API query for this element. This will include all name:<lang> tags.
Note: Make sure to look both at the Nominatim usage policy and OSM API usage policy before running automated queries!

Feed JSON to Nominatim with import.io

Greetings fellow SO users,
I am extracting data with import.io from a site which contains city names. What I want to accomplish is to get the coordinates to each city from Nominatim and finally create/get a JSON response which contains the city name and the corresponding coordinates for each.
So I basically need to use the result from one API as the input for another (Nominatim).
Or in other words: feed a JSON list of city names to OSM's Nominatim and get back the coordinates to each city.
I wonder if this is even possible or what other options I have. Finally this would be used with leaflet to put some markers at a map.
There are tutorials for Nominatim, how to query etc. but only one query at a time. Is it even possible to query a whole list of places?
What you want to achieve in here is what we call Chained APIs. So you will need two APIs, where the input of the second one is the output of the first one.
In this case you will need some custom processing between the two APIs. From the first API you are getting the city name and from here you need to generate a list of URLs in the format http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=CITY&format=xml one per each CITY.
After that you can use the Bulk Extract feature in import.io and pass the whole list of URLs to be queried against the API.