Macro to find a value in one column and a value in another column to return the values in different columns when both the previous values are TRUE - macros

I have a worksheet that I need to pull in data from another file. I need a Macro to take the values in Column A and Column D respectively in each row of the active worksheet and compare the those values with values in the other file, Columns A and F respectively. If a match is found somewhere within the rows of this worksheet, then I want it to take the values within Column B and C and place them into Column B and C of the first worksheet. I am new to building macros and this one just has me stumped on how to get what I need. Can anyone help?
Example of Worksheets:
First Worksheet
Second Worksheet

I figured out a solution. I combined the top assembly and the comp item and did a VLOOKUP for both of the columns. It's sloppy for it works...
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Sheets("Potential Issues").Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Unique Top Assembly Comp Item Number"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "NHA Item"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "NHA User Item Type"
With ActiveSheet.Range("A2").CurrentRegion
If .Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count > 1 Then
With .Columns(2)
.Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]&RC[3]"
End With
End If
End With
Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
With ActiveSheet.Range("A2").CurrentRegion
If .Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count > 1 Then
With .Columns(3)
.Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).FormulaR1C1 = _
"=VLOOKUP(C[-1],'B2.0 Buys Exploded BOM'!C2:C4,2,0)"
End With
End If
End With
With ActiveSheet.Range("A2").CurrentRegion
If .Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count > 1 Then
With .Columns(4)
.Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).FormulaR1C1 = _
"=VLOOKUP(C[-2],'B2.0 Buys Exploded BOM'!C2:C4,3,0)"
End With
End If
End With
Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.ColumnWidth = 21
Selection.ColumnWidth = 24
Selection.ColumnWidth = 15
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True


Test for either of multiple string inside if statement conditions

I want to give the user the option of selecting a file (I know I've currently set it to choose a folder) or inputting numbers manually.
prompt = input('Do you want to manually input values or select file? :','s');
s2 = {'file','folder'; 'f','choose'};
tf = strcmp(prompt,s2);
if tf >= 1
folder_name = uigetdir
folder_name = uigetdir(start_path)
folder_name = uigetdir(start_path,dialog_title)
prompt = {'Enter matrix size:','Enter colormap name:'};
dlg_title = 'Input';
num_lines = 1;
defaultans = {'20','hsv'};
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,defaultans);
I want to allow the user to enter the words file, folder, f or choose and that to use the folder dialog box in the first part of the if statement and if either of these four strings haven't been inputted go to the else statement.
Since I'm saving them as strings I'm using strcmp. If I run the code and input the word 'folder' I'll get a matrix like:
0 1
0 0
My question is how do I use strcmp to say "if any element of the matrix is 1" that the logical output is now 1 and not 0.
Thanks for your help!
Just replace
if tf >= 1
if any(tf(:))
tf(:) returns a column vector of all elements in tf, and any() checks if there are any values greater than 1.
In addition to what Ian Riley had suggested, one can also use the following alternatives which rely on the "truthiness" of positive numbers:
if nnz(tf)
if nnz(tf(:))
Both methods count nonzero elements in the array.

Excel creating autofilling form

I'm trying to create a form which contains two entries:
-folder number
-list of toms which are in folders
This is for archiving purpose. Form is divided on 4 section which will be printed on labels for archive boxes.
Folders are numbered from 1 to 1500, some of them contain 1 tom of documents, some of them up to 10. For now I'm doing this manualy by just copying from the table which looks like this:
Only thing I need in form is TOM NUMBER from this table
I was trying to use VLOOKUP but it only returns first row which has searched folder number.
So bascially I want a function which will take folder number from label form and find all toms which are assigned to and write it below. first 3 digits in folder number aren't important, only last 4 digits are considered most important variable
Unfortunately vlookup will not work, you are going to have to use an array folder. I am making an assumption that you will have a table that is called [Folders]
and I am going to create a form form with some vba on how to do this.
1. Create a Table by selecting the folder dataset and push ctl+T.
Alt + F11 to enter Visual basic editor
At the top choose insert ==> UserForm
Push F4 and in the properties window name your form FileFinder
Your toolbox maynot appear if it doesn't choose view => toolbox to open
drag 2 labels, 2 listboxes, and 2 buttons, you can format it however you like.
7.Create a new Module same as adding userform only choose module
Copy paste this code
Public Function CreateWorksheet(Optional name As String = "") As Worksheet
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
If name <> "" Then = name
Set Create = ws
End Function
Public Function LastRow() As Integer 'gets last row from column A
LastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
End Function
Public Function DistintFolders() As String()
Dim list() As String
Dim counter As Integer
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("E2:E" & LastRow)
If Not IsInList(list, cell.Value, counter) Then
counter = counter + 1
ReDim Preserve list(1 To counter)
list(counter) = cell.Value
End If
Next cell
DistintFolders = list
End Function
Public Function TomNumberByFolder(folderName As Variant) As String()
Dim list() As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim rowNumber As Integer
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("B2:B" & LastRow)
rowNumber = rowNumber + 1
If IsCorrectFolder(folderName, rowNumber) Then
counter = counter + 1
ReDim Preserve list(1 To counter)
list(counter) = cell.Value
End If
Next cell
TomNumberByFolder = list
End Function
Public Function IsInList(ByRef list() As String, compare As String, count As Integer) As Boolean
Dim l As Variant
If compare = "" Then
IsInList = True
Exit Function
End If
If count = 0 Then
IsInList = False
Exit Function
End If
For Each l In list
If l = compare Then
IsInList = True
Exit Function
End If
Next l
IsInList = False
End Function
Public Function IsCorrectFolder(folderName As Variant, rowNumber As Integer) As Boolean
IsCorrectFolder = (ActiveSheet.Range("E" & rowNumber).Value = folderName)
End Function
double click your form and paste this code
Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub btnCreate_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet
If lstTom.ListCount = 0 Then
MessageBox "Please select a folder"
End If
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
ws.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Tom Number"
ws.Cells(2, 1).Resize(Me.lstTom.ListCount, 1) = Me.lstTom.list
End Sub
Private Sub lstFolder_Click()
Dim folder As String
If <> "Data" Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Activate 'please name this whatever your datasheet is called
For i = 0 To lstFolder.ListCount - 1
If lstFolder.Selected(i) Then
For Each s In TomNumberByFolder(lstFolder.list(i))
With lstTom
.AddItem s
End With
Next s
End If
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
For Each s In DistintFolders
With lstFolder
.AddItem s
End With
Next s
End Sub
please note that you may have to change sheet names if you would like I will send you this.
Download Here

Struggling to vertically append a string ( csv file) to an existing matrix in Scilab/matlab

for x=1:1:size(M,1)
Grd=M(x,2) // Grd is grade column in gradesheets hence x,2 (column 2 of Grd )
if find(StudNum==StudentNumbers)>0 then disp("Exists")
H = [StudNum]
StudentNumbers = [StudentNumbers;StudNum]
This is where i get error:
Undefined operation for the given operands.
check or define function %s_f_c for overloading.
at line 38 of exec file called by :
I assume that StudentNumbers is the vector containing all your existing students right? If so, try the code below and let me know what you get.
storing = [];
for i=1:size(M,1)
if find(StudNum==StudentNumbers(i)) == 1
storing = [storing;StudNum];

fortran, read command

I have a .dat file that I want to read with a program in Fortran 90. The data file contains only one very long column of complex numbers. My problem is that I want to read only one part of the column, e.g., only from the nth up to the mth element including, and create an one-dimensional array from it. However, if I write something like
open(unit = 100, file = 'datafile.dat', status = 'old', action = 'read')
do j = n,m
read(100,*) vec(j-n+1)
end do
the program reads the first m-n+1 elements from my file and not the ones from n to m including. Is there any way to do what I want?
Well, there is an obvious solution - you can simply execute n-1 dummy reads before reading actual data:
open(unit = 100, file = 'datafile.dat', status = 'old', action = 'read')
do j = 1,n-1
end do
do j = n,m
read(100,*) vec(j-n+1)
end do
You can also use the / edit descriptor and condense the first loop into a single read statement:
nm2 = n-2
do j = n,m
read(100,*) vec(j-n+1)
end do
(this is n-2 records are being skipped because of the <nm2>/ edit descriptor and one record is skipped by the dummy read)
With compilers that do not support the <x> format extension, you can construct the format descriptor in an internal file:
character(len=20) :: fmt
write(fmt, "('(',I0,'/)')") n-2
do j = n,m
read(100,*) vec(j-n+1)
end do

Excel - Combine multiple columns into one column

I have multiple lists that are in separate columns in excel. What I need to do is combine these columns of data into one big column. I do not care if there are duplicate entries, however I want it to skip row 1 of each column.
Also what about if ROW1 has headers from January to December, and the length of the columns are different and needs to be combine into one big column?
ROW1| 1 2 3
should combine into
The first row of each column needs to be skipped.
Try this. Click anywhere in your range of data and then use this macro:
Sub CombineColumns()
Dim rng As Range
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim lastCell As Integer
Set rng = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
lastCell = rng.Columns(1).Rows.Count + 1
For iCol = 2 To rng.Columns.Count
Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(rng.Columns(iCol).Rows.Count, iCol)).Cut
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Cells(lastCell, 1)
lastCell = lastCell + rng.Columns(iCol).Rows.Count
Next iCol
End Sub
You can combine the columns without using macros. Type the following function in the formula bar:
The statement uses 3 IF functions, because it needs to combine 3 columns:
For column A, the function compares the row number of a cell with the total number of cells in A column that are not empty. If the result is true, the function returns the value of the cell from column A that is at row(). If the result is false, the function moves on to the next IF statement.
For column B, the function compares the row number of a cell with the total number of cells in A:B range that are not empty. If the result is true, the function returns the value of the first cell that is not empty in column B. If false, the function moves on to the next IF statement.
For column C, the function compares the row number of a cell with the total number of cells in A:C range that are not empty. If the result is true, the function returns a blank cell and doesn't do any more calculation. If false, the function returns the value of the first cell that is not empty in column C.
I created an example spreadsheet here of how to do this with simple Excel formulae, and without use of macros (you will need to make your own adjustments for getting rid of the first row, but this should be easy once you figure out how my example spreadsheet works):
Not sure if this completely helps, but I had an issue where I needed a "smart" merge. I had two columns, A & B. I wanted to move B over only if A was blank. See below. It is based on a selection Range, which you could use to offset the first row, perhaps.
Private Sub MergeProjectNameColumns()
Dim rngRowCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
'Loop through column C and simply copy the text over to B if it is not blank
rngRowCount = Range(dataRange).Rows.Count
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
For i = 1 To rngRowCount
If (Len(RTrim(ActiveCell.Value)) > 0) Then
Dim currentValue As String
currentValue = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) = currentValue
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next i
'Now delete the unused column
selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End Sub
Function Concat(myRange As Range, Optional myDelimiter As String) As String
Dim r As Range
For Each r In myRange
If Len(r.Text) Then
Concat = Concat & IIf(Concat <> "", myDelimiter, "") & r.Text
End If
End Function