Changing my blocking play / scala /slick algorithm not to block - scala

Here is a relatively simple problem, I'm sure I'm missing something basic.
I'm using Slick to query a DB.
I know that it gives me back a sequence which is going to have missing values...
so I want to add them in ... but I don't know the values in advance.
Then ultimately generate a csv file for someone else to consume...
def annualAtomTesting(peril: String , region: String) = Action {
val theResult: Future[Seq[SingleEventYear]] =, region).result)
val years = { list => => s.year).toSet}
val allYear = (1 to 10000) toSet
val dbYears = Await.result( years , Duration.Inf )
val theDifference = allYear.diff( dbYears )
val whatsMissing = => new SingleEventYear(region, peril, 0 ,0 , s, 0))
val intermediate: String = Await.result( => header + result.mkString("\n") + "\n"
+ whatsMissing.mkString("\r\n") ), Duration.Inf )
So from a potential series of 1,2,3,4,5 , i might get 2, 4, 5 from the DB query. This code adds in 1 and 3... but my understanding is it will block everything, which is kind of naughty.
For all that I tried, I could not future out how to get the .diff method (which looks like the cleanest strategy) to operate in a 'Future', non-blocking context.
Am I missing something?

Here you have only one Future and you don't need to make several Await.result.
You can get rid of all your Await.result(...) calls by switching to Action.async:
Action.async {
val allYear = (1 to 10000).toSet
val intermediate:Future[String] = for (
res <-, region).result)
) yield (
header + res.mkString("\n") + "\n" +
allYear.diff( (s => s.year).toSet).map(s => new SingleEventYear(region, peril, 0 ,0 , s, 0)).mkString("\r\n")
) => Ok(item))

Here is another example of how to do this:
def annualAtomTesting(peril: String, region: String) = Action.async {
for {
results <-, region).result)
years =
allYears = (1 to 10000).toSet
differences = allYears diff years
missing = SingleEventYear(region, peril, 0, 0, _, 0))
intermediate = header + results.mkString("\n") + "\n" + missing.mkString("\r\n")
} yield Ok(intermediate)
You should not use Await in production code. Play allows you to use async actions that require you to return Future[Result] instead of Result.
If you really want to think about your code with await you can use scala async like this:
import scala.async.Async._
def annualAtomTesting(peril: String, region: String) = Action.async {
async {
val results: Seq[SingleEventYear] = await(, region).result))
val years =
val allYears = (1 to 10000).toSet
val differences = allYears diff years
val missing = SingleEventYear(region, peril, 0, 0, _, 0))
val intermediate = header + results.mkString("\n") + "\n" + missing.mkString("\r\n")
You can call await on any Future in async block and it will return the result, maybe that approach might seem easier, but it has limitations. It will be changed using macros to flatMaps. The async { Ok("res") } is an expression of type Future[Result]. This allows you to put it inside Action.async {} and keep your code asynchronous.


Is it faster to create a new Map or clear it and use again?

I need to use many Maps in my project so I wonder which way is more efficient:
val map = mutable.Map[Int, Int] = mutable.Map.empty
for (_ <- 0 until big_number)
// do something with map
for (_ <- 0 until big_number)
val map = mutable.Map[Int, Int] = mutable.Map.empty
// do something with map
to use in terms of time and memory?
Well, my formal answer would always be depends. As you need to benchmark your own scenario, and see what fits better for your scenario. I'll provide an example how you can try benchmarking your own code. Let's start with writing a measuring method:
def measure(name: String, f: () => Unit): Unit = {
val l = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(name + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - l))
println(name + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - l))
Let's assume that in each iteration we need to insert into the map one key-value pair, and then to print it:
Await.result(Future.sequence(Seq(Future {
measure("inner", () => {
for (i <- 0 until 10) {
val map2 = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int]
map2(i) = i
Future {
measure("outer", () => {
val map1 = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int]
for (i <- 0 until 10) {
map1(i) = i
})), 10.seconds)
The output in this case, is almost always equal between the inner and the outer. Please note that in this case I run the two options in parallel, as if I wouldn't the first one always takes significantly more time, no matter which one of then is first.
Therefore, we can conclude, that in this case they are almost the same.
But, if for example I add an immutable option:
Future {
measure("immutable", () => {
for (i <- 0 until 10) {
val map1 = Map[Int, Int](i -> i)
it always ends up first. This makes sense because immutable collections are much more performant than the mutables.
For better performance tests you probably need to use some third parties, such as scalameter, or others that exists.

Chaining operations on values without naming intermediate values

Sometimes I perform a sequence of computations gradually transforming some value, like:
def complexComputation(input: String): String = {
val first = input.reverse
val second = first + first
val third = second * 3
Naming variables is sometimes cumbersome and I would like to avoid it. One pattern I am using for this is chaining the values using
def complexComputation(input: String): String = {
.map(s => s + s)
.map(_ * 3)
Using Option / get however does not feel quite natural to me. Is there some other way this is commonly done?
Actually, it will be possible with Scala 2.13. It will introduce pipe:
import scala.util.chaining._
input //"str"
.pipe(s => s.reverse) //"rts"
.pipe(s => s + s) //"rtsrts"
.pipe(s => s * 3) //"rtsrtsrtsrtsrtsrts"
Version 2.13.0-M1 is already released. If you don't want to use the milestone version, maybe consider using backport?
As you mentioned, it's doable to implement pipe on your own, e.g.:
implicit class Piper[A](a: A) {
def pipe[B](f: A => B) = {
val res = 2.pipe(i => i + 1).pipe(_ + 3)
println(res) // 6
val resStr = "Hello".pipe(s => s + " you!")
println(resStr) // Hello you!
Or take a look at

Java CompletableFuture is more concise and faster then Scala Future

I am Java developer and learning Scala at the moment. It is generally admitted, that Java is more verbose then Scala. I just need to call 2 or more methods concurrently and then combine the result. Official Scala documentation at suggests to use for-comprehention for that. So I used that out-of-the-box solution straightforwardly. Then I thought how I would do it with CompletableFuture and was surprised that it produced more concise and faster code, then Scala's Future
Let's consider a basic concurrent case: summing up values in array. For simplicity, let's split array in 2 parts(hence it will be 2 worker threads). Java's sumConcurrently takes only 4 LOC, while Scala's version requires 12 LOC. Also Java's version is 15% faster on my computer.
Complete code, not benchmark optimised.
Java impl.:
public class CombiningCompletableFuture {
static int sumConcurrently(List<Integer> numbers) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
int mid = numbers.size() / 2;
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> sumSequentially(numbers.subList(0, mid)))
.thenCombine(CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> sumSequentially(numbers.subList(mid, numbers.size())))
, (left, right) -> left + right).get();
static int sumSequentially(List<Integer> numbers) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) { }
public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
List<Integer> from1toTen = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).boxed().collect(toList());
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long sum = sumConcurrently(from1toTen);
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.printf("sum is %d in %d ms.", sum, duration);
Scala's impl.:
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object CombiningFutures extends App {
def sumConcurrently(numbers: Seq[Int]) = {
val splitted = numbers.splitAt(5)
val leftFuture = Future {
val rightFuture = Future {
val totalFuture = for {
left <- leftFuture
right <- rightFuture
} yield left + right
Await.result(totalFuture, Duration.Inf)
def sumSequentally(numbers: Seq[Int]) = {
val from1toTen = 1 to 10
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val sum = sumConcurrently(from1toTen)
val duration = System.currentTimeMillis - start
println(s"sum is $sum in $duration ms.")
Any explanations and suggestions how to improve Scala code without impacting readability too much?
A verbose scala version of your sumConcurrently,
def sumConcurrently(numbers: List[Int]): Future[Int] = {
val (v1, v2) = numbers.splitAt(numbers.length / 2)
for {
sum1 <- Future(v1.sum)
sum2 <- Future(v2.sum)
} yield sum1 + sum2
A more concise version
def sumConcurrently2(numbers: List[Int]): Future[Int] = numbers.splitAt(numbers.length / 2) match {
case (l1, l2) => Future.sequence(List(Future(l1.sum), Future(l2.sum))).map(_.sum)
And all this is because we have to partition the list. Lets say we had to write a function which takes a few lists and returns the sum of their sum's using multiple concurrent computations,
def sumConcurrently3(lists: List[Int]*): Future[Int] =
Future.sequence( => Future(l.sum))).map(_.sum)
If the above looks cryptic... then let me de-crypt it,
def sumConcurrently3(lists: List[Int]*): Future[Int] = {
val listOfFuturesOfSums = { l => Future(l.sum) }
val futureOfListOfSums = Future.sequence(listOfFuturesOfSums) { l => l.sum }
Now, whenever you use the result of a Future (lets say the future completes at time t1) in a computation, it means that this computation is bound to happen after time t1. You can do it with blocking like this in Scala,
val sumFuture = sumConcurrently(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
val sum = Await.result(sumFuture, Duration.Inf)
val anotherSum = sum + 100
println("another sum = " + anotherSum)
But what is the point of all that, you are blocking the current thread while for the computation on those threads to finish. Why not move the whole computation into the future itself.
val sumFuture = sumConcurrently(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
val anotherSumFuture = => s + 100)
anotherSumFuture.foreach(s => println("another sum = " + s))
Now, you are not blocking anywhere and the threads can be used anywhere required.
Future implementation and api in Scala is designed to enable you to write your program avoiding blocking as far as possible.
For the task at hand, the following is probably not the tersest option either:
def sumConcurrently(numbers: Vector[Int]): Future[Int] = {
val (v1, v2) = numbers.splitAt(numbers.length / 2)
Future(v1.sum).zipWith(Future(v2.sum))(_ + _)
As I mentioned in my comment there are several issues with your example.

Use of Scala Loan pattern in Success Case

I'm following the tutorial from Alvin Alexander to use Loan Pattern
Here is the code what I use -
val year = 2016
val nationalData = {
val source = io.Source.fromFile(s"resources/Babynames/names/yob$year.txt")
// names is iterator of String, split() gives the array
//.toArray & toSeq is a slow process compare to .toSet // .toSeq gives Stream Closed error
val names = source.getLines().filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.split(",")(0)).toSet
// println(names.mkString(","))
println("Names " + nationalData)
val info = for (stateFile <- new"resources/Babynames/namesbystate").list(); if stateFile.endsWith(".TXT")) yield {
val source = io.Source.fromFile("resources/Babynames/namesbystate/" + stateFile)
val names = source.getLines().filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.split(",")).
filter(a => a(2).toInt == year).map(a => a(3)).toArray // .toSet
(stateFile.take(2), names)
println(info(0)._2.size + " names from state "+ info(0)._1)
println(info(1)._2.size + " names from state "+ info(1)._1)
for ((state, sname) <- info) {
println("State: " +state + " Coverage of name in "+ year+" "+ sname.count(n => nationalData.contains(n)).toDouble / nationalData.size) // Set doesn't have length method
This is how I applied readTextFile, readTextFileWithTry on the above code to learn/experiment Loan Pattern in the above code
def using[A <: { def close(): Unit }, B](resource: A)(f: A => B): B =
try {
} finally {
def readTextFile(filename: String): Option[List[String]] = {
try {
val lines = using(fromFile(filename)) { source =>
(for (line <- source.getLines) yield line).toList
} catch {
case e: Exception => None
def readTextFileWithTry(filename: String): Try[List[String]] = {
Try {
val lines = using(fromFile(filename)) { source =>
(for (line <- source.getLines) yield line).toList
val year = 2016
val data = readTextFile(s"resources/Babynames/names/yob$year.txt") match {
case Some(lines) =>
val n = lines.filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.split(",")(0)).toSet
case None => println("couldn't read file")
val data1 = readTextFileWithTry("resources/Babynames/namesbystate")
data1 match {
case Success(lines) => {
val info = for (stateFile <- data1; if stateFile.endsWith(".TXT")) yield {
val source = fromFile("resources/Babynames/namesbystate/" + stateFile)
val names = source.getLines().filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.split(",")).
filter(a => a(2).toInt == year).map(a => a(3)).toArray // .toSet
(stateFile.take(2), names)
But in the second case, readTextFileWithTry, I am getting the following error -
Failed, message is: resources\Babynames\namesbystate (Access is denied)
I guess the reason for the failure is from SO what I understand -
I am trying to open the same file on each iteration of the for loop
Apart from that, I have few concerns regarding how I use -
Is it the good way to use? Can some help me how can I use the TRY on multiple occasions?
I tried to change the return type of readTextFileWithTry like Option[A] or Set/Map or Scala Collection to apply higher-order functions later on that. but not able to succeed. Not sure that is a good practice or not.
How can I use higher-order functions in Success case, as there are multiple operations and in Success case the code blocks get bigger? I can't use any field outside of Success case.
Can someone help me to understand?
I think that you problem has nothing to do with "I am trying to open the same file on each iteration of the for loop" and it is actually the same as in the accepted answer
Unfortunately you didn't provide stack trace so it is not clear on which line this happens. I would guess that the falling call is
val data1 = readTextFileWithTry("resources/Babynames/namesbystate")
And looking at your first code sample:
val info = for (stateFile <- new"resources/Babynames/namesbystate").list(); if stateFile.endsWith(".TXT")) yield {
it looks like the path "resources/Babynames/namesbystate" points to a directory. But in your second example you are trying to read it as a file and this is the reason for the error. It comes from the fact that your readTextFileWithTry is not a valid substitute for call. And File.list doesn't need a wrapper because it doesn't use any intermediate closeable/disposable entity.
P.S. it might make more sense to use File.list(FilenameFilter filter) instead of if stateFile.endsWith(".TXT"))

Apache Spark: dealing with Option/Some/None in RDDs

I'm mapping over an HBase table, generating one RDD element per HBase row. However, sometimes the row has bad data (throwing a NullPointerException in the parsing code), in which case I just want to skip it.
I have my initial mapper return an Option to indicate that it returns 0 or 1 elements, then filter for Some, then get the contained value:
// myRDD is RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result)]
val output = myRDD.
map( tuple => getData(tuple._2) ).
filter( {case Some(y) => true; case None => false} ).
map( _.get ).
// ... more RDD operations with the good data
def getData(r: Result) = {
val key = r.getRow
var id = "(unk)"
var x = -1L
try {
id = Bytes.toString(key, 0, 11)
x = Long.MaxValue - Bytes.toLong(key, 11)
// ... more code that might throw exceptions
Some( ( id, ( List(x),
// more stuff ...
) ) )
} catch {
case e: NullPointerException => {
logWarning("Skipping id=" + id + ", x=" + x + "; \n" + e)
Is there a more idiomatic way to do this that's shorter? I feel like this looks pretty messy, both in getData() and in the dance I'm doing.
Perhaps a flatMap could work (generate 0 or 1 items in a Seq), but I don't want it to flatten the tuples I'm creating in the map function, just eliminate empties.
An alternative, and often overlooked way, would be using collect(PartialFunction pf), which is meant to 'select' or 'collect' specific elements in the RDD that are defined at the partial function.
The code would look like this:
val output = myRDD.collect{case Success(tuple) => tuple }
def getData(r: Result):Try[(String, List[X])] = Try {
val id = Bytes.toString(key, 0, 11)
val x = Long.MaxValue - Bytes.toLong(key, 11)
(id, List(x))
If you change your getData to return a scala.util.Try then you can simplify your transformations considerably. Something like this could work:
def getData(r: Result) = {
val key = r.getRow
var id = "(unk)"
var x = -1L
val tr = util.Try{
id = Bytes.toString(key, 0, 11)
x = Long.MaxValue - Bytes.toLong(key, 11)
// ... more code that might throw exceptions
( id, ( List(x)
// more stuff ...
) )
tr.failed.foreach(e => logWarning("Skipping id=" + id + ", x=" + x + "; \n" + e))
Then your transform could start like so:
flatMap(tuple => getData(tuple._2).toOption)
If your Try is a Failure it will be turned into a None via toOption and then removed as part of the flatMap logic. At that point, your next step in the transform will only be working with the successful cases being whatever the underlying type is that is returned from getData without the wrapping (i.e. No Option)
If you are ok with dropping the data then you can just use mapPartitions. Here is a sample:
import scala.util._
val mixedData = sc.parallelize(List(1,2,3,4,0))
val foo = for(y <- x)
yield {
for{goodVals <- foo.partition(_.isSuccess)._1}
yield goodVals.get
If you want to see the bad values, then you can use an accumulator or just log as you have been.
Your code would look something like this:
val output = myRDD.
mapPartitions( tupleIter => getCleanData(tupleIter) )
// ... more RDD operations with the good data
def getCleanData(iter: Iter[???]) = {
val triedData = getDataInTry(iter)
for{goodVals <- triedData.partition(_.isSuccess)._1}
yield goodVals.get
def getDataInTry(iter: Iter[???]) = {
for(r <- iter) yield {
val key = r._2.getRow
var id = "(unk)"
var x = -1L
id = Bytes.toString(key, 0, 11)
x = Long.MaxValue - Bytes.toLong(key, 11)
// ... more code that might throw exceptions