Facebook show friends posts - facebook

One of our feature is to display the posts of our facebook friend. And that is made possible by Facebook Query Langauge FQL. Unfortunately FQL has been deprecated by FB in favor of Graph API which has stricter permissions. A possible replacement is the Graphs API user_posts permission where we can query user posts via user feed.
However the docs says:
"Your app needs user_posts permission from the person who created the post or the person tagged in the post."
Are there still alternative to get get user posts even without users permissions?

You only should be able to access friend's posts if your friends gave at least user_friends and user_posts permission to the same app.
If so, you'll only have access to those friend's posts, not to all your friends. An no, there's no workyround. Facebook did this on purpose with the introduction of the Graph API v2.0.


Facebook Graph API: Getting all posts a user is tagged in even if the privacy setting is set to friends only

I am using the Facebook Graph API to get every post that appears on a user's wall. To do this we have our user log in with Facebook and we ask for the user_posts permission from the user when he/she signs up. To get the posts we have been calling
me/feed?fields=created_time,id,message,from{name,picture.height(48).width(48),id}&date_format=U&access_token={The User's Token}
This returns all posts that appear on the user's wall except posts in which the user is tagged and the privacy setting is not public. How can I fetch these posts in which the user is tagged in but the privacy setting is set to friends or friends of friends?
Is it possible that this could be a bug?
The Facebook docs say:
Your app needs user_posts permission from the person who created the
post or the person tagged in the post. Then your app can read:
Timeline posts from the person who gave you the permission.
The posts that other people made on that person Timeline.
The posts that other people have tagged that person in.
I am having a hard time articulating the problem well so I will use my own Facebook account as an example. 1 out of the 3 most recent posts on my wall is a Post that I was tagged in. The post that I am tagged has a privacy setting of friends. The post I am tagged does not appear in the Graph API explorer output.
Here are the 3 most recent Facebook posts on my wall:
Here is the Graph API Explorer output:
Here are the permission on the token:
Privacy settings for the post not included in the Graph API Explorer output:
Just to restate the main problem: the graph API only returns posts that a user is tagged in if it has a privacy setting of public.
Thanks for taking the time to help.
This seems to be a bug. I reported it to Facebook. Here is the link to the bug report: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/284611378567364 as of 8-3-16 at 10:20pm pacific it says bug confirmed.
You can fetch all post's information if your app status show live on developers dashboard ( https://developers.facebook.com/).
you can fetch tagged post information also .To get all posts info we have been calling
me/feed?fields=created_time,id,message,from{name,picture.height(48).width(48),id}&date_format=U&access_token={The User's Token}

Retrieve FaceBook user's friends profile pictures with Graph API v2.3

I am in the prototype and research stage of an app that would create a quiz about a FaceBook user's friends. The gist is that each question would ask the user to match the profile picture of her Facebook friend with the name of the Facebook user that picture belongs to.
As I read the v2.3 Facebook API documentation, specifically the section about the user_friends permission, it appears that any app I make will only be able to get the user's friends' info if the friend has also installed and authorized my app.
If this is indeed the case, I won't even attempt the app as it's unlikely to be any fun if the content is limited to the set of friends who have installed the app.
Is there any other way to get the user's friends info while staying within the bounds of the Facebook Developers Terms of Service AND without requiring that the user's friend has installed and authorized my app?
Yes, that is indeed the case, you can only get access to friends who authorized your App with user_friends too. There is no other way since you don´t want to "invite friends to a canvas game" or "tag friends".
Check out the answer in this thread for more information: Facebook Graph Api v2.0+ - /me/friends returns empty, or only friends who also use my app

Reading news feeds from Facebook fails after upgrading graph API 2.0

Hi There is a requirement in my application, where we need to show the user news feeds. For this we were using Facebook permission "read-stream" before Facebook has changed their list of permissions.
Now after they have shifted to the new API v2.0 there are comments saying that
"read_stream permission is granted to apps building a Facebook-branded client on platforms where Facebook is not already available. For example, Android and iOS apps will not be approved for this permission. In addition, Web, Desktop, in-car and TV apps will not be granted this permission."
If this is so what is the alternative to make my app fetch news feeds as earlier.
There is a another permission called "User_Posts" which says "Provides access to the posts on a person's Timeline. Includes their own posts, posts they are tagged in, and posts other people make on their Timeline"
But i am not able to see any posts or news feeds in my application when i have replaced "read_stream" with "user_posts".
The alternative is the user_posts permission and the /me/posts endpoint. Of course this does not return posts of friends for privacy reasons. You can read more about that in the changelog.
If you don´t get any results, make sure the Access Token includes the user_posts permission and debug it in the Debugger.

fetching list of friends using facebook 2.0

is there any way to fetch list of friends using facebook 2.0 API?
I was reading this upgrade from the API and it seems it is quite difficult to fetch the friends now,
but I have seen 2 permissions
Is their any way to fetch list of friends? and what about the widgets that get friends from facebook, will they go down?
In v2.0 of the Graph API /me/friends returns the user's friends who also use the app. You need to be granted the user_friends permission in order to get even app-using friends.
There is no way in v2.0 to get the full user's friends.
However, you may use the https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.0/user/invitable_friends API or the https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.0/user/taggable_friends APIs to get all the user's friends with tokens than can be used for tagging and inviting.
the read_friendlist perm doesn't get you a list of the user's friends, it gets you the list of a user's friendlists which may be used to build a custom privacy selector when publishing stories to Facebook.
As of 4/30/2014, you can only retrieve the friends who also use the app.
There are, however, specific methods for apps in the 'Game' category for inviting friends.

Facebook privilages for getting messages from wall

I created simple facebook app which asks user for user_about_me, user_activites and user_status privilages. Now I want to get all my wall posts, so I make a request and receive only some of my profile data, but without wall posts. I noticed that my access_token is different from the one I can get in documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/.
What should I change?
You need read_stream permission.
read_stream Provides access to all the posts in the user's News Feed and
enables your application to perform searches against the user's
News Feed