Implementing Interstitials using Admob Plugin in Unity 4.6 - unity3d

I am trying to implement Interstitials with Admob Plugin in Unity 4.6 and its a requirement to stick to the current scheme and achieve this target.
What is Happening
I have tried many things but unable to get the interstials work with Admob Plugin. I am using this Plugin. As the whole application is built on this plugin so I cant use another or new plugin.
Any Tutorial, Video Link or Code Snippet would be appreciated.


Flutter. Admob ads with mediation

I've integrated into my app and implemented rewarded ads. My problem now is that I'd like to use mediation via this plugin. The only thing is that I know (from developing Android apps and also it says in the Admob docs) that one needs to include the mediated networks' SDKs in the app.
Does this plugin even support mediation? I wasn't able to find anything relating to this.
Or does the mediation only come from the admob dashboard, just by setting up the add-unit with mediation and you're not really required to add the SDKs?
I couldn't find any adapters for this plugin, so ... don't really have anything to integrate in the app.
I'm very confused. Does anyone know how to use mediation or if it even works with the current firebase_admob` flutter plugin?
You can use firebase_admob and that dependency supports mediation. You you would like to add mediation there is a guide over here:
Android -
iOS -
You can select the ad network you would like to integrate and read the steps on how to do so. Sometimes the documentation can be outdated so just make sure you cross-check the steps with the ad network you want to integrate on their github repo.
If you are integrating it for Android you have to add the dependencies in your app level build.gradle file and it will automatically install that particular ad networks SDK in your Flutter app.
If you are adding the same for iOS just install the Cocoapod for the ad network at the end of your Podfile.

Why the integration of Flutter with Unity and AR Vuforia makes no object appears?

I want to integrate Flutter app with Unity and AR Vuforia. I tried to use library: flutter_unity_widget (
When integrating Flutter app with Unity without Vuforia it works very well. But when I tried to use it with Vuforia … OK, I didn't get any error and I could build app, but when I tested it, it didn't show any object.
I did all the configuration with the library tutorial.
Maybe some of you integrated something like that?
Do you have any sample project with it?
You can check out this blog about "Building with Flutter + Unity (AR Experience Toolkit)" for unity.
And for AR Vuforia, it seems that support for this is not yet materialized as of this GitHub post. You can watch out for the updates there.
The same thing happened to me when I was testing on iOS, Android was OK
I went through all the steps, only that Vuforia didn't recognize anything. According to this issue Dataset Foo could not be loaded and cannot be activated, I dragged and dropped the data folder and Vuforia into the Runner.
And everything was working fine

FIREBASE + UNITY [duplicate]

I am struggling a little bit while trying to implement firebase in unity, firebase do not yet provide a unity sdk and I was considering these options:
1) create native plugins for iOS and Android that wraps the firebase sdk and methods that I need
2) use IKVM to create a dll from the firebase .jar, I know someone has done it but I have not read yet about a 100% working method
3) build everything from scratch on top of the firebase REST api
what do you advice? have you got some experience with the topic, someone out there has made firebase work with unity?? :D
Firebase has officially Unity supported now.
Import FirebaseAnalytics.unitypackage(Download From Firebase Website Or direct link
You can look this beta tool, with this u can build for Android and IOS from Unity.
Each Plugin have firebase fun.
Google Firebase Unity Admob Plugin
Google Firebase Unity Admob Plugin provides a way to integrate firebase admob ads in Unity3D Game and u3d app. You can use it for Unity iOS and Android App with the same c# or js code.It support all native firebase admob features such as Native Express Ad
Google Firebase Unity Admob Plugin Features
Platforms supported in one plugin :
Android, Based Admob SDK v9.0 (part of Google Firebase service)
iOS, via SDK v7.8.0
Support all native events
AdRequest targeting methods,such as children target,test mode
Not need change Android package name
Very simple API
Based on FireBase SDK Version
Ad Types:
Banner(All Banner Type and Custom banner sizes)
Interstitial (text, picture, video)
Rewarded Video
Native Express Ad
Google Service Unity Plugin
Google Service Unity Plugin is a Unity Plugin For Google Service.Include Google Admob Unity,Firebase Analytic Unity,Google Game API Unity. Login,Achievement,Leaderboard,Event,Quest,Snapshot,RealTimePlayGame,TurnbasedPlayGame API are supported and easy to use with c# or js.
Currently it's very easy to add Firebase to your Unity project as long as you follow specific prerequisites. If you're building for Android or iOS then you're good to go, but the same doesn't happen if you're building for WebGL.
According to the documentation, it can be done following the next steps
Create a Firebase project
Register your app with Firebase
Add Firebase configuration files
Add Firebase Unity SDKs

Ionicframework photo editor

I am trying to add a photo editor functionality to my ionic framework application. How ever I couldn't find a decent sdk that goes with it. I'd like add
sdk but there is not an obvious way to do it. I tried angular-aviary plugin for cordova but that is not working anymore. Please help me find a good photo editor sdk that works with cordova/ionic framework. Any help would be appreciated, thanks...
I've spent about a week looking for the same thing. Beyond the Creative SDK there is also the PhotoEditor SDK which offers Android, IOS, and HTML5 as well. But as with Creative none of it is easily compatible with Ionic. I'm still looking for a solution but would be very interested if others have ideas as well!
Have a look at the PhotoEditor SDK Cordova Plugin Demo and the guide for integrating the editor under Ionic and Cordova to get an idea of how to get the editor working under Ionic. Basically, it works like this:
The idea is to create a Cordova app that allows the user to open an image from their photo library and edit this image using the PhotoEditor SDK on iOS and Android. This is done by using an existing library to access native photo pickers on both platforms and passing the path to the found image to a plugin. The plugin manages the configuration and opening of the PhotoEditor SDK’s editor and passes the edited image back to Cordova.
I was in search of this functionality and founded a proper documentation for ionic Framework from PhotoEditor SDK . Please follow the instructions given here to add Photo Editing functionality in ionic app Quickstart for ionic Framework
Hope it will help someone.

Integrating Admob into Unity 3d Game

I am developing a game in unity 3d. My problem in this game is that I am unable to integrate admob. I tried so many tutorials and followed many blogs but no result.
Please help me regarding this.
Are you using the old AdMob or the new system? If you are using the new systemm you must have Google Play Center downloaded in your Android SDK. Also make sure that you have the java jdk installed and your user path is updated. Here is a good guide on how to do it:
Update your android sdk to latest version
copy "android-sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib" this folder to your "Assets\Plugins\Android" folder
Update/Check your AndroidManifest.xml (min, max, targetsdkversion)