Order By on specific column - entity-framework

I am trying to get the distinct records
var records = (from entry in db.Table1
select new
RowID = entry.RowID,
FirstName = entry.First,
LastName = entry.Last,
Restricted = (entry.Prohibited == null || entry.Prohibited == "False") ? "Restricted" : "Not Restricted"
Here RowID is an primary key. I want to get the distinct First and Last Name.
For example:
RowID First Last Prohibited ...
1 A B False
2 A B False
3 A B False
4 Z Y True
5 Z Y True
What I am trying to get here is:
RowID First Last Prohibited
1 A B False
4 Z Y True
How can I get it?

var records = (from entry in db.Table1
group entry by new {entry.First, entry.Last} into g
let entry = g.FirstOrDefault()
select new
RowID = entry.RowID,
FirstName = entry.First,
LastName = entry.Last,
Restricted = (entry.Prohibited == null || entry.Prohibited == "False") ? "Restricted" : "Not Restricted"
By grouping the items by the combined first and last name, and then only taking the first item in each group, you effectively ensure that you're getting distinct items based on those values.

Simply you can do in this way:
var records =
(from entry in db.Table1
select new {
FirstName = entry.First,
LastName = entry.Last,
Restricted = (entry.Prohibited == null || entry.Prohibited == "False") ? "Restricted" : "Not Restricted"
If you want the rowID also, you can read select-distinct-using-linq.


Is there an equivalent in Entity Framework for CASE WHEN SomeCol IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

The T-SQL statement is below, essentially I want to return a boolean computed field xmlHasValue
, etc= "etc..."
, xmlHasValue = CASE WHEN hdr.someVeryLongXml IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
FROM MyLeftTable hdr
inner JOIN MyRightTable lines ON hdr.pkID = lines.fkID
WHERE hdr.SomeField == 123
How can I write this in EntityFramework (Full Fx, not dotnet-core), such that EF produces the Case statement as above?
My attempt:
var query = from hdr in dbCtx.MyLeftTable
join lines in dbCtx.MyRightTable on hdr.pkID equals lines.fkID
where hdr.SomeField == 123
orderby hdr.pkID descending
select new //select into anon C# obj
pkID = hdr.pkID,
etc = "etc...",
xmlHasValue = hdr.someVeryLongXml //<== ??? stuck here ???
var anonObjList = query.AsNoTracking()
.ToList(); //exec qry on the SERVER, and fill the anon object.

How to select from subquery if column contains a specific value in postgre

I would like to ask if it is possible to select again from a result set if a column contains a specific value?
For example, from the below query I want to select it as subquery and check if that subquery's first column contains both 2 and 3 result. Otherwise, no values should be return.
select e.evaluator_id, ROUND(avg(cast(e.rating_score as int))::numeric,1)::varchar, c.q_category_name
from tms.t_evaluation e
inner join tms.m_q_category c
on e.nendo=c.nendo
and e.q_category_id = c.q_category_id
and c.delete_flg = '0'
inner join tms.m_q_subcategory qs
on e.q_category_id = qs.q_category_id
and e.q_subcategory_id = qs.q_subcategory_id
and c.nendo = qs.nendo
and qs.delete_flg = '0'
where e.nendo = '2018'
and e.empl_id = 'empl05'
and e.delete_flg = '0'
and e.evaluator_id in ('2' , '3')
group by e.empl_id, e.nendo, e.q_category_id,
c.q_category_name, e.evaluator_id, e.history_no
Result contains both 2 and 3 in first column. Is this possible?
select e.evaluator_id, ROUND(avg(cast(e.rating_score as int))::numeric,1)::varchar, c.q_category_name
from tms.t_evaluation e
inner join tms.m_q_category c
on e.nendo=c.nendo
and e.q_category_id = c.q_category_id
and c.delete_flg = '0'
inner join tms.m_q_subcategory qs
on e.q_category_id = qs.q_category_id
and e.q_subcategory_id = qs.q_subcategory_id
and c.nendo = qs.nendo
and qs.delete_flg = '0'
where e.nendo = '2018'
and e.empl_id = 'empl05'
and e.delete_flg = '0'
and e.evaluator_id in (select case when evaluator_id=2 or evaluator_id=3 then evaluator_id else null from t_evaluation order by evaluator_id asc)
group by e.empl_id, e.nendo, e.q_category_id,
c.q_category_name, e.evaluator_id, e.history_no

INSERT INTO not working in IF block - T-SQL

im working on procedure which should transfer number of items (value #p_count) from old store to new store
SET #countOnOldStore = (SELECT "count" FROM ProductStore WHERE StoreId = #p_oldStoreId AND ProductId = #p_productID)
SET #countOnNewStore = (SELECT "count" FROM ProductStore WHERE StoreId = #p_newStoreID AND ProductId = #p_productID)
SET #ShiftedCount = #countOnOldStore - #p_count
SET #newStoreAfterShift = #countOnNewStore + #p_count
IF #ShiftedCount > 0
DELETE FROM ProductStore WHERE storeId = #p_oldStoreId and productID = #p_productID
INSERT INTO ProductStore (storeId,productId,"count") VALUES (#p_oldStoreId,#p_productID,#ShiftedCount)
DELETE FROM ProductStore WHERE storeId = #p_newStoreID and productID = #p_productID
INSERT INTO ProductStore (storeId,productId,"count") VALUES (#p_newStoreID,#p_productID,#newStoreAfterShift)
well ... second insert is not working. I cant figure it out. It says
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'count', table 'dbo.ProductStore'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
Can anyone see problem and explain it to me ? Its school project
It looks like your entire query should just be:
UPDATE ProductStore
SET [count] = [count] + CASE
WHEN storeId = #p_NewStoreID THEN #p_Count
ELSE -#p_Count END
productID = #p_ProductID and
storeID in (#p_NewStoreID,#p_OldStoreID)
If either value in the following is NULL, the total will be NULL:
SET #newStoreAfterShift = #countOnNewStore + #p_count
Check both values (#countOnNewStore, #p_count) for NULL.
Looks like you are not assigning any value to #p_count, so it is NULL and so are #ShiftedCount and #newStoreAfterShift.

Linq - Limit number of results by same value of a field

I have a problem with a creation of a Linq to Entities (Oracle 11g) request. Here is the
I have a table TREATMENT with three column (simplified version) : ID, STATE and APPLICATION. Here is a sample :
Now, my objectives are to retrieve the data with theses rules:
State must be A (added)
Number of rows per application below a max value
The max value is minored b the number of row with State = R (per application)
Exemple : If the max value is 1, I must retrieve row 1 and 2. (Can't retrieve row 5 since there is already a REF with state R (the row 4))
I manage to retrieve all the row when the number of R is equal or greater than the max value, but I don't see how to limit my number of result in order to respect the max value.
Here is the request :
using (Entities bdd = new Entities())
var treatments = from trt in bdd.TREATMENT
let app = from t in bdd.TREATMENT
where t.STATE == "R"
group t by t.APPLICATION into grouped
where grouped.Count() >= maxPerApplication
select grouped.Key
where trt.STATE == "A" && !app.Contains(trt.APPLICATION)
orderby trt.ID
select new TreatmentDto()
Id = trt.ID
result = treatments.ToList();
In SQL, I would use an inner request and a ROWNUM to limit the number of result, but I don't see how to do it. The only solution I see is to do the request in two parts, but I want to avoid this to maintain the consistency of the information.
I found a solution, not sure if it's the best, but it works :
using (Entities bdd = new Entities())
from trt in bdd.TREATMENT
where trt.STATE == "A" &&
(from trt2 in bdd.TREATMENT
where trt2.STATE == "A" && trt2.APPLICATION == trt.APPLICATION && trt2.ID <= trt.ID
select trt2).Count() <= maxPerApplication - (from appp in bdd.TREATMENT
where appp.STATE == "R"
select appp).Count()
select new TreatmentDto()
Id = trt.ID
result = treatments.ToList();

How to join the tables in linq to sql?

Table1 :
userid name address
1 venkat srinagr
2 venkatesh sainagar
id userid lat lon
1 1 14.000 15.000
2 2 14.3526 15.3698
by passing "venkat" as parameter then need to pull all matching records and his userid,name,lat,lon.
in above table1 "venkat" contains in both rows then need to pull 2 records.how to get userid,name,lat,lon for all matching rows..
for sigle record i am able to get.but there are multiple rows how to get please tell me....
var result = from p in cxt.Table2
where p.Table1.Name.Contains(name)
select new
Im sure someone will say this is not the most effective way but this is how i would do it.
string InputString = "venkat";
var tab =(from a in db.tablea
from b in db.tableb
where a.userid == b.userid && a.name == InputString
select new
UserID = a.userid,
Username = a.name,
Latitude = b.lat,
Longditude = b.lon
FirstOrDefault() is only if you want to force only one output or null,
if you want a collection of some sort, then just remove it.